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Example 36 with AccessDeniedException

use of javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException in project jackrabbit by apache.

the class ItemManager method createItemData.

//-------------------------------------------------< item factory methods >
     * Builds the <code>ItemData</code> for the specified <code>state</code>.
     * If <code>permissionCheck</code> is <code>true</code>, the access manager
     * is used to determine if reading that item would be granted. If this is
     * not the case an <code>AccessDeniedException</code> is thrown.
     * Before returning the created <code>ItemData</code> it is put into the
     * cache. In order to benefit from the cache
     * {@link #getItemData(ItemId, Path, boolean)} should be called.
     * @param state
     * @return
     * @throws RepositoryException
private ItemData createItemData(ItemState state, Path path, boolean permissionCheck) throws RepositoryException {
    ItemData data;
    if (state.isNode()) {
        NodeState nodeState = (NodeState) state;
        data = new NodeData(nodeState, this);
    } else {
        PropertyState propertyState = (PropertyState) state;
        data = new PropertyData(propertyState, this);
    // make sure read-perm. is granted before returning the data.
    if (permissionCheck && !canRead(data, path)) {
        throw new AccessDeniedException("cannot read item " + state.getId());
    // before returning the data: put them into the cache.
    return data;
Also used : AccessDeniedException(javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException) NodeState(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NodeState) PropertyState(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.PropertyState)

Example 37 with AccessDeniedException

use of javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException in project jackrabbit by apache.

the class ItemSaveOperation method validateTransientItems.

     * the following validations/checks are performed on transient items:
     * for every transient item:
     * - if it is 'modified' or 'new' check the corresponding write permission.
     * - if it is 'removed' check the REMOVE permission
     * for every transient node:
     * - if it is 'new' check that its node type satisfies the
     *   'required node type' constraint specified in its definition
     * - check if 'mandatory' child items exist
     * for every transient property:
     * - check if the property value satisfies the value constraints
     *   specified in the property's definition
     * note that the protected flag is checked in Node.addNode/Node.remove
     * (for adding/removing child entries of a node), in
     * Node.addMixin/removeMixin/setPrimaryType (for type changes on nodes)
     * and in Property.setValue (for properties to be modified).
private void validateTransientItems(SessionContext context, Iterable<ItemState> dirty, Iterable<ItemState> removed) throws RepositoryException {
    SessionImpl session = context.getSessionImpl();
    ItemManager itemMgr = context.getItemManager();
    SessionItemStateManager stateMgr = context.getItemStateManager();
    AccessManager accessMgr = context.getAccessManager();
    NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = context.getNodeTypeManager();
    // walk through list of dirty transient items and validate each
    for (ItemState itemState : dirty) {
        ItemDefinition def;
        if (itemState.isNode()) {
            def = itemMgr.getDefinition((NodeState) itemState);
        } else {
            def = itemMgr.getDefinition((PropertyState) itemState);
        /* check permissions for non-protected items. protected items are
               only added through API methods which need to assert that
               permissions are not violated.
        if (!def.isProtected()) {
            /* detect the effective set of modification:
                   - new added node -> add_node perm on the child
                   - new property added -> set_property permission
                   - property modified -> set_property permission
                   - modified nodes can be ignored for changes only included
                     child-item addition or removal or changes of protected
                     properties such as mixin-types which are covered separately
                   note: removed items are checked later on.
                   note: reordering of child nodes has been covered upfront as
                         this information isn't available here.
            Path path = stateMgr.getHierarchyMgr().getPath(itemState.getId());
            boolean isGranted = true;
            if (itemState.isNode()) {
                if (itemState.getStatus() == ItemState.STATUS_NEW) {
                    isGranted = accessMgr.isGranted(path, Permission.ADD_NODE);
            // else: modified node (see comment above)
            } else {
                // modified or new property: set_property permission
                isGranted = accessMgr.isGranted(path, Permission.SET_PROPERTY);
            if (!isGranted) {
                String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(path) + ": not allowed to add or modify item";
                throw new AccessDeniedException(msg);
        if (itemState.isNode()) {
            // the transient item is a node
            NodeState nodeState = (NodeState) itemState;
            ItemId id = nodeState.getNodeId();
            NodeDefinition nodeDef = (NodeDefinition) def;
            // primary type
            NodeTypeImpl pnt = ntMgr.getNodeType(nodeState.getNodeTypeName());
            // effective node type (primary type incl. mixins)
            EffectiveNodeType ent = getEffectiveNodeType(context.getRepositoryContext().getNodeTypeRegistry(), nodeState);
                 * if the transient node was added (i.e. if it is 'new') or if
                 * its primary type has changed, check its node type against the
                 * required node type in its definition
            boolean primaryTypeChanged = nodeState.getStatus() == ItemState.STATUS_NEW;
            if (!primaryTypeChanged) {
                NodeState overlaid = (NodeState) nodeState.getOverlayedState();
                if (overlaid != null) {
                    Name newName = nodeState.getNodeTypeName();
                    Name oldName = overlaid.getNodeTypeName();
                    primaryTypeChanged = !newName.equals(oldName);
            if (primaryTypeChanged) {
                for (NodeType ntReq : nodeDef.getRequiredPrimaryTypes()) {
                    Name ntName = ((NodeTypeImpl) ntReq).getQName();
                    if (!(pnt.getQName().equals(ntName) || pnt.isDerivedFrom(ntName))) {
                             * the transient node's primary node type does not
                             * satisfy the 'required primary types' constraint
                        String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(id) + " must be of node type " + ntReq.getName();
                        throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
            // mandatory child properties
            for (QPropertyDefinition pd : ent.getMandatoryPropDefs()) {
                if (pd.getDeclaringNodeType().equals(NameConstants.MIX_VERSIONABLE) || pd.getDeclaringNodeType().equals(NameConstants.MIX_SIMPLE_VERSIONABLE)) {
                         * todo FIXME workaround for mix:versionable:
                         * the mandatory properties are initialized at a
                         * later stage and might not exist yet
                String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(id) + ": mandatory property " + pd.getName() + " does not exist";
                if (!nodeState.hasPropertyName(pd.getName())) {
                    throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
                } else {
                        there exists a property with the mandatory-name.
                        make sure the property really has the expected mandatory
                        property definition (and not another non-mandatory def,
                        such as e.g. multivalued residual instead of single-value
                        mandatory, named def).
                    PropertyId pi = new PropertyId(nodeState.getNodeId(), pd.getName());
                    ItemData childData = itemMgr.getItemData(pi, null, false);
                    if (!childData.getDefinition().isMandatory()) {
                        throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
            // mandatory child nodes
            for (QItemDefinition cnd : ent.getMandatoryNodeDefs()) {
                String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(id) + ": mandatory child node " + cnd.getName() + " does not exist";
                if (!nodeState.hasChildNodeEntry(cnd.getName())) {
                    throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
                } else {
                        there exists a child node with the mandatory-name.
                        make sure the node really has the expected mandatory
                        node definition.
                    boolean hasMandatoryChild = false;
                    for (ChildNodeEntry cne : nodeState.getChildNodeEntries(cnd.getName())) {
                        ItemData childData = itemMgr.getItemData(cne.getId(), null, false);
                        if (childData.getDefinition().isMandatory()) {
                            hasMandatoryChild = true;
                    if (!hasMandatoryChild) {
                        throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
        } else {
            // the transient item is a property
            PropertyState propState = (PropertyState) itemState;
            ItemId propId = propState.getPropertyId();
            org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.nodetype.PropertyDefinitionImpl propDef = (org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.nodetype.PropertyDefinitionImpl) def;
                 * check value constraints
                 * (no need to check value constraints of protected properties
                 * as those are set by the implementation only, i.e. they
                 * cannot be set by the user through the api)
            if (!def.isProtected()) {
                String[] constraints = propDef.getValueConstraints();
                if (constraints != null) {
                    InternalValue[] values = propState.getValues();
                    try {
                        EffectiveNodeType.checkSetPropertyValueConstraints(propDef.unwrap(), values);
                    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                        // repack exception for providing more verbose error message
                        String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(propId) + ": " + e.getMessage();
                        throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
                         * need to manually check REFERENCE value constraints
                         * as this requires a session (target node needs to
                         * be checked)
                    if (constraints.length > 0 && (propDef.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.REFERENCE || propDef.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE)) {
                        for (InternalValue internalV : values) {
                            boolean satisfied = false;
                            String constraintViolationMsg = null;
                            try {
                                NodeId targetId = internalV.getNodeId();
                                if (propDef.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE && !itemMgr.itemExists(targetId)) {
                                    // target of weakref doesn;t exist, skip
                                Node targetNode = session.getNodeById(targetId);
                                     * constraints are OR-ed, i.e. at least one
                                     * has to be satisfied
                                for (String constrNtName : constraints) {
                                         * a [WEAK]REFERENCE value constraint specifies
                                         * the name of the required node type of
                                         * the target node
                                    if (targetNode.isNodeType(constrNtName)) {
                                        satisfied = true;
                                if (!satisfied) {
                                    NodeType[] mixinNodeTypes = targetNode.getMixinNodeTypes();
                                    String[] targetMixins = new String[mixinNodeTypes.length];
                                    for (int j = 0; j < mixinNodeTypes.length; j++) {
                                        targetMixins[j] = mixinNodeTypes[j].getName();
                                    String targetMixinsString = Text.implode(targetMixins, ", ");
                                    String constraintsString = Text.implode(constraints, ", ");
                                    constraintViolationMsg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(propId) + ": is constraint to [" + constraintsString + "] but references [primaryType=" + targetNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName() + ", mixins=" + targetMixinsString + "]";
                            } catch (RepositoryException re) {
                                String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(propId) + ": failed to check " + ((propDef.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.REFERENCE) ? "REFERENCE" : "WEAKREFERENCE") + " value constraint";
                                throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg, re);
                            if (!satisfied) {
                                throw new ConstraintViolationException(constraintViolationMsg);
                 * no need to check the protected flag as this is checked
                 * in PropertyImpl.setValue(Value)
    // walk through list of removed transient items and check REMOVE permission
    for (ItemState itemState : removed) {
        QItemDefinition def;
        try {
            if (itemState.isNode()) {
                def = itemMgr.getDefinition((NodeState) itemState).unwrap();
            } else {
                def = itemMgr.getDefinition((PropertyState) itemState).unwrap();
        } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
            // of a mixin (see also JCR-2130 & JCR-2408)
        if (!def.isProtected()) {
            Path path = stateMgr.getAtticAwareHierarchyMgr().getPath(itemState.getId());
            // check REMOVE permission
            int permission = (itemState.isNode()) ? Permission.REMOVE_NODE : Permission.REMOVE_PROPERTY;
            if (!accessMgr.isGranted(path, permission)) {
                String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(path) + ": not allowed to remove item";
                throw new AccessDeniedException(msg);
Also used : AccessManager( AccessDeniedException(javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException) NodeState(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NodeState) NodeTypeImpl(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeTypeImpl) Node(javax.jcr.Node) QItemDefinition(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.QItemDefinition) ItemDefinition(javax.jcr.nodetype.ItemDefinition) NodeDefinition(javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeDefinition) ItemId( Name(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name) QPropertyDefinition(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.QPropertyDefinition) ConstraintViolationException(javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException) NodeTypeManagerImpl(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeTypeManagerImpl) Path(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Path) ChildNodeEntry(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ChildNodeEntry) RepositoryException(javax.jcr.RepositoryException) QItemDefinition(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.QItemDefinition) InternalValue(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value.InternalValue) PropertyState(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.PropertyState) PropertyId( EffectiveNodeType(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.EffectiveNodeType) ItemState(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemState) NodeType(javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType) EffectiveNodeType(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.EffectiveNodeType) NodeId( SessionItemStateManager(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.SessionItemStateManager)

Example 38 with AccessDeniedException

use of javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException in project jackrabbit by apache.

the class NodeImpl method getOrCreateProperty.

     * @param name
     * @param type
     * @param multiValued
     * @param exactTypeMatch
     * @param status
     * @return
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException if no applicable property definition
     *                                      could be found
     * @throws RepositoryException          if another error occurs
protected synchronized PropertyImpl getOrCreateProperty(Name name, int type, boolean multiValued, boolean exactTypeMatch, BitSet status) throws ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
    if (isNew() && !hasProperty(name)) {
        // this is a new node and the property does not exist yet
        // -> no need to check item manager
        PropertyDefinitionImpl def = getApplicablePropertyDefinition(name, type, multiValued, exactTypeMatch);
        PropertyImpl prop = createChildProperty(name, type, def);
        return prop;
         * Please note, that this implementation does not win a price for beauty
         * or speed. It's never a good idea to use exceptions for semantical
         * control flow.
         * However, compared to the previous version, this one is thread save
         * and makes the test/get block atomic in respect to transactional
         * commits. the test/set can still fail.
         * Old Version:

            NodeState thisState = (NodeState) state;
            if (thisState.hasPropertyName(name)) {
                 * the following call will throw ItemNotFoundException if the
                 * current session doesn't have read access
                return getProperty(name);
            [...create block...]

    PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(getNodeId(), name);
    try {
        return (PropertyImpl) itemMgr.getItem(propId);
    } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
        throw new ItemNotFoundException(name.toString());
    } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
        // does not exist yet or has been removed transiently:
        // find definition for the specified property and (re-)create property
        PropertyDefinitionImpl def = getApplicablePropertyDefinition(name, type, multiValued, exactTypeMatch);
        PropertyImpl prop;
        if (stateMgr.hasTransientItemStateInAttic(propId)) {
            // remove from attic
            try {
            } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
                // shouldn't happen because we checked if it is in the attic
                throw new RepositoryException(ise);
            prop = (PropertyImpl) itemMgr.getItem(propId);
            PropertyState state = (PropertyState) prop.getOrCreateTransientItemState();
        } else {
            prop = createChildProperty(name, type, def);
        return prop;
Also used : AccessDeniedException(javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException) PropertyDefinitionImpl(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.nodetype.PropertyDefinitionImpl) RepositoryException(javax.jcr.RepositoryException) PropertyId( ItemNotFoundException(javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException) InvalidItemStateException(javax.jcr.InvalidItemStateException) ItemStateException(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemStateException) PropertyState(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.PropertyState)

Example 39 with AccessDeniedException

use of javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException in project jackrabbit by apache.

the class WriteTest method testRemoveNodeWithInvisibleNonRemovableChild.

public void testRemoveNodeWithInvisibleNonRemovableChild() throws Exception {
    Privilege[] privileges = privilegesFromNames(new String[] { Privilege.JCR_READ, Privilege.JCR_WRITE });
    Node invisible = superuser.getNode(childNPath).addNode(nodeName3);;
    /* allow READ/WRITE privilege for testUser at 'path' */
    givePrivileges(path, testUser.getPrincipal(), privileges, getRestrictions(superuser, path));
    /* deny READ privilege at invisible node. (removal is still granted) */
    withdrawPrivileges(invisible.getPath(), testUser.getPrincipal(), privileges, getRestrictions(superuser, path));
    Session testSession = getTestSession();
    assertTrue(testSession.hasPermission(childNPath, Session.ACTION_REMOVE));
    Node n = testSession.getNode(childNPath);
    // be removed.
    try {
    } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
    // success
Also used : AccessDeniedException(javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException) Node(javax.jcr.Node) Privilege( Session(javax.jcr.Session)

Example 40 with AccessDeniedException

use of javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException in project jackrabbit by apache.

the class EffectivePolicyTest method testGetEffectivePoliciesByPrincipal.

public void testGetEffectivePoliciesByPrincipal() throws Exception {
    Privilege[] privileges = privilegesFromNames(new String[] { Privilege.JCR_READ_ACCESS_CONTROL });
    JackrabbitAccessControlManager jacMgr = (JackrabbitAccessControlManager) acMgr;
    Principal everyone = ((SessionImpl) superuser).getPrincipalManager().getEveryone();
    AccessControlPolicy[] acp = jacMgr.getEffectivePolicies(Collections.singleton(everyone));
    assertEquals(1, acp.length);
    assertTrue(acp[0] instanceof JackrabbitAccessControlPolicy);
    JackrabbitAccessControlPolicy jacp = (JackrabbitAccessControlPolicy) acp[0];
    assertFalse(jacMgr.hasPrivileges(jacp.getPath(), Collections.singleton(testUser.getPrincipal()), privileges));
    assertFalse(jacMgr.hasPrivileges(jacp.getPath(), Collections.singleton(everyone), privileges));
    acp = jacMgr.getApplicablePolicies(testUser.getPrincipal());
    if (acp.length == 0) {
        acp = jacMgr.getPolicies(testUser.getPrincipal());
    assertEquals(1, acp.length);
    assertTrue(acp[0] instanceof JackrabbitAccessControlList);
    // let testuser read the ACL defined for 'testUser' principal.
    JackrabbitAccessControlList acl = (JackrabbitAccessControlList) acp[0];
    acl.addEntry(testUser.getPrincipal(), privileges, true, getRestrictions(superuser, acl.getPath()));
    jacMgr.setPolicy(acl.getPath(), acl);;
    Session testSession = getTestSession();
    AccessControlManager testAcMgr = getTestACManager();
    // effective policies for testPrinicpal only on path -> must succeed.
    ((JackrabbitAccessControlManager) testAcMgr).getEffectivePolicies(Collections.singleton(testUser.getPrincipal()));
    // effective policies for a combination of principals -> must fail
    try {
        ((JackrabbitAccessControlManager) testAcMgr).getEffectivePolicies(((SessionImpl) testSession).getSubject().getPrincipals());
    } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
    // success
Also used : JackrabbitAccessControlManager( AccessControlManager( JackrabbitAccessControlManager( AccessControlPolicy( JackrabbitAccessControlPolicy( AccessDeniedException(javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException) SessionImpl(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.SessionImpl) Privilege( JackrabbitAccessControlPolicy( JackrabbitAccessControlList( Principal( Session(javax.jcr.Session)


AccessDeniedException (javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException)189 Node (javax.jcr.Node)80 Test (org.junit.Test)68 Session (javax.jcr.Session)33 RepositoryException (javax.jcr.RepositoryException)23 Privilege ( UserManager ( Workspace (javax.jcr.Workspace)18 Authorizable ( ItemNotFoundException (javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException)13 PathNotFoundException (javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException)13 Path (org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Path)13 Principal ( User ( NotExecutableException (org.apache.jackrabbit.test.NotExecutableException)10 AccessControlManager ( AccessControlPolicy ( Property (javax.jcr.Property)8 JackrabbitWorkspace (org.apache.jackrabbit.api.JackrabbitWorkspace)8 JackrabbitAccessControlList (