use of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeIterator in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class CanAddChildNodeCallWithNodeTypeTest method testCanAddMixinType.
* Tests if <code>NodeType.canAddChildNode(String childNodeName, String nodeTypeName)</code>
* returns false if <code>nodeTypeName</code> represents a mixin.
public void testCanAddMixinType() throws NotExecutableException, RepositoryException {
NodeDefinition nodeDef = NodeTypeUtil.locateChildNodeDef(session, false, false, false);
if (nodeDef == null) {
throw new NotExecutableException("No testable node type found.");
NodeType nodeType = nodeDef.getDeclaringNodeType();
String childNodeName = nodeDef.getName();
String mixinName;
NodeTypeIterator it = manager.getMixinNodeTypes();
if (it.hasNext()) {
mixinName = it.nextNodeType().getName();
} else {
throw new NotExecutableException("No mixin type found.");
assertFalse("NodeType.canAddChildNode(String childNodeName, String nodeTypeName) " + "must return false if nodeTypeName represents a mixin type.", nodeType.canAddChildNode(childNodeName, mixinName));
use of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeIterator in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeTypeManagerImpl method toString.
//-------------------------------------------------------------< Object >---
* Returns the the state of this instance in a human readable format.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("NodeTypeManager (" + super.toString() + ")\n");
builder.append("All NodeTypes:\n");
try {
NodeTypeIterator iter = this.getAllNodeTypes();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
NodeType nt = iter.nextNodeType();
for (NodeType supertype : nt.getSupertypes()) {
builder.append("\n\t\t" + supertype.getName());
builder.append("\n\tMixin\t" + nt.isMixin());
builder.append("\n\tOrderableChildNodes\t" + nt.hasOrderableChildNodes());
builder.append("\n\tPrimaryItemName\t" + (nt.getPrimaryItemName() == null ? "<null>" : nt.getPrimaryItemName()));
for (PropertyDefinition aPd : nt.getPropertyDefinitions()) {
builder.append(" (declared in " + aPd.getDeclaringNodeType().getName() + ") ");
builder.append("\n\t\tName\t\t" + (aPd.getName()));
String type = aPd.getRequiredType() == 0 ? "null" : PropertyType.nameFromValue(aPd.getRequiredType());
builder.append("\n\t\tRequiredType\t" + type);
String[] vca = aPd.getValueConstraints();
StringBuffer constraints = new StringBuffer();
if (vca == null) {
} else {
for (String aVca : vca) {
if (constraints.length() > 0) {
constraints.append(", ");
builder.append("\n\t\tValueConstraints\t" + constraints.toString());
Value[] defVals = aPd.getDefaultValues();
StringBuffer defaultValues = new StringBuffer();
if (defVals == null) {
} else {
for (Value defVal : defVals) {
if (defaultValues.length() > 0) {
defaultValues.append(", ");
builder.append("\n\t\tDefaultValue\t" + defaultValues.toString());
builder.append("\n\t\tAutoCreated\t" + aPd.isAutoCreated());
builder.append("\n\t\tMandatory\t" + aPd.isMandatory());
builder.append("\n\t\tOnVersion\t" + OnParentVersionAction.nameFromValue(aPd.getOnParentVersion()));
builder.append("\n\t\tProtected\t" + aPd.isProtected());
builder.append("\n\t\tMultiple\t" + aPd.isMultiple());
for (NodeDefinition aNd : nt.getChildNodeDefinitions()) {
builder.append(" (declared in " + aNd.getDeclaringNodeType() + ") ");
builder.append("\n\t\tName\t\t" + aNd.getName());
NodeType[] reqPrimaryTypes = aNd.getRequiredPrimaryTypes();
if (reqPrimaryTypes != null && reqPrimaryTypes.length > 0) {
for (NodeType reqPrimaryType : reqPrimaryTypes) {
builder.append("\n\t\tRequiredPrimaryType\t" + reqPrimaryType.getName());
NodeType defPrimaryType = aNd.getDefaultPrimaryType();
if (defPrimaryType != null) {
builder.append("\n\t\tDefaultPrimaryType\t" + defPrimaryType.getName());
builder.append("\n\t\tAutoCreated\t" + aNd.isAutoCreated());
builder.append("\n\t\tMandatory\t" + aNd.isMandatory());
builder.append("\n\t\tOnVersion\t" + OnParentVersionAction.nameFromValue(aNd.getOnParentVersion()));
builder.append("\n\t\tProtected\t" + aNd.isProtected());
builder.append("\n\t\tAllowsSameNameSiblings\t" + aNd.allowsSameNameSiblings());
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
return builder.toString();
use of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeIterator in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeSetPrimaryTypeTest method testSetMixinAsPrimaryType.
* Tests if <code>Node.setPrimaryType(String)</code> throws a
* <code>ConstraintViolationException</code> if the
* name of a mixin type is passed
public void testSetMixinAsPrimaryType() throws RepositoryException {
Session session = testRootNode.getSession();
NodeTypeManager manager = session.getWorkspace().getNodeTypeManager();
NodeTypeIterator nts = manager.getMixinNodeTypes();
while (nts.hasNext()) {
try {
Node node = testRootNode.addNode(nodeName1, testNodeType);
fail("Node.setPrimaryType(String) must throw ConstraintViolationException if the specified node type name refers to a mixin.");
} catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
// success
} finally {
// reset the changes.
use of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeIterator in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeSetPrimaryTypeTest method testSetAbstractAsPrimaryType.
* Tests if <code>Node.setPrimaryType(String)</code> throws a
* <code>ConstraintViolationException</code> if the
* name of a mixin type is passed
public void testSetAbstractAsPrimaryType() throws RepositoryException {
Session session = testRootNode.getSession();
NodeTypeManager manager = session.getWorkspace().getNodeTypeManager();
NodeTypeIterator nts = manager.getPrimaryNodeTypes();
while (nts.hasNext()) {
NodeType nt = nts.nextNodeType();
if (nt.isAbstract()) {
try {
Node node = testRootNode.addNode(nodeName1, testNodeType);
fail("Node.setPrimaryType(String) must throw ConstraintViolationException if the specified node type name refers to an abstract node type.");
} catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
// success
} finally {
// reset the changes.
use of javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeIterator in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeSetPrimaryTypeTest method testSetPrimaryType.
// TODO: test if node definition is properly reset
// TODO: test if child items are properly reset upon changing definition
// TODO: test if conflicts are properly detected
* Tests a successful call to <code>Node.setPrimaryType(String)</code>
public void testSetPrimaryType() throws RepositoryException {
Session session = testRootNode.getSession();
Session otherSession = null;
String nonExistingMixinName = NodeMixinUtil.getNonExistingMixinName(session);
Node node = testRootNode.addNode(nodeName1, testNodeType);;
// TODO improve. retrieve settable node type name from config.
NodeTypeManager manager = session.getWorkspace().getNodeTypeManager();
NodeTypeIterator nts = manager.getPrimaryNodeTypes();
while (nts.hasNext()) {
NodeType nt = nts.nextNodeType();
String ntName = nt.getName();
if (!nt.isAbstract() && !ntFrozenNode.equals(ntName)) {
try {
// property value must be adjusted immediately
assertEquals("The value of the jcr:primaryType property must change upon setPrimaryType.", ntName, node.getProperty(jcrPrimaryType).getString());
// save changes -> reflected upon Node.getPrimaryNodeType and Property.getValue;
assertEquals("Node.getPrimaryNodeType must reflect the changes made.", ntName, node.getPrimaryNodeType().getName());
assertEquals("The value of the jcr:primaryType property must change upon setPrimaryType.", ntName, node.getProperty(jcrPrimaryType).getString());
otherSession = getHelper().getReadOnlySession();
assertEquals("Node.getPrimaryNodeType must reflect the changes made.", ntName, otherSession.getNode(node.getPath()).getPrimaryNodeType().getName());
assertEquals("The value of the jcr:primaryType property must change upon setPrimaryType.", ntName, otherSession.getNode(node.getPath()).getProperty(jcrPrimaryType).getString());
// was successful
} catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
// may happen as long as arbitrary primary types are used for testing -> ignore
} finally {
if (otherSession != null) {
// revert any unsaved changes.