use of javax.jcr.query.qom.Constraint in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class QomTest method and.
public void and() throws RepositoryException {
Constraint c0 = f.propertyExistence("x", "c0");
Constraint c1 = f.propertyExistence("x", "c1");
And and = f.and(c0, c1);
assertEquals(and.getConstraint1(), c0);
assertEquals(and.getConstraint2(), c1);
assertEquals("([x].[c0] IS NOT NULL) AND ([x].[c1] IS NOT NULL)", and.toString());
use of javax.jcr.query.qom.Constraint in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class QomTest method or.
public void or() throws RepositoryException {
Constraint c0 = f.propertyExistence("x", "c0");
Constraint c1 = f.propertyExistence("x", "c1");
Or or = f.or(c0, c1);
assertEquals(or.getConstraint1(), c0);
assertEquals(or.getConstraint2(), c1);
assertEquals("([x].[c0] IS NOT NULL) OR ([x].[c1] IS NOT NULL)", or.toString());
use of javax.jcr.query.qom.Constraint in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class QueryEngine method execute.
protected QueryResult execute(JoinMerger merger, ConstraintSplitInfo csInfo, boolean isOuterJoin, int printIndentation) throws RepositoryException {
Comparator<Row> leftCo = new RowPathComparator(merger.getLeftSelectors());
long timeJoinLeftSide = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (csInfo.isMultiple()) {
log.debug("{} SQL2 JOIN execute: there are multiple inner splits.", genString(printIndentation));
// first branch
long bTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
QueryResult branch1 = execute(merger, csInfo.getLeftInnerConstraints(), isOuterJoin, printIndentation + printIndentStep);
Set<Row> allRows = new TreeSet<Row>(new RowPathComparator(Arrays.asList(merger.getSelectorNames())));
RowIterator ri1 = branch1.getRows();
while (ri1.hasNext()) {
Row r = ri1.nextRow();
log.debug("{} SQL2 JOIN executed first branch, took {} ms.", genString(printIndentation), System.currentTimeMillis() - bTime);
// second branch
bTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
QueryResult branch2 = execute(merger, csInfo.getRightInnerConstraints(), isOuterJoin, printIndentation + printIndentStep);
RowIterator ri2 = branch2.getRows();
while (ri2.hasNext()) {
Row r = ri2.nextRow();
log.debug("{} SQL2 JOIN executed second branch, took {} ms.", genString(printIndentation), System.currentTimeMillis() - bTime);
return new SimpleQueryResult(merger.getColumnNames(), merger.getSelectorNames(), new RowIteratorAdapter(allRows));
Set<Row> leftRows = buildLeftRowsJoin(csInfo, leftCo, printIndentation + printIndentStep);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
timeJoinLeftSide = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeJoinLeftSide;
log.debug(genString(printIndentation) + "SQL2 JOIN LEFT SIDE took " + timeJoinLeftSide + " ms. fetched " + leftRows.size() + " rows.");
// The join constraint information is split into:
// - rightConstraints selects just the 'ON' constraints
// - csInfo has the 'WHERE' constraints
// So, in the case of an OUTER JOIN we'll run 2 queries, one with
// 'ON'
// and one with 'ON' + 'WHERE' conditions
// this way, at merge time in case of an outer join we can tell if
// it's a 'null' row, or a bad row -> one that must not be returned.
// This way at the end we'll have:
// - rightRowsSet containing the 'ON' dataset
// - excludingOuterJoinRowsSet: the 'ON' + 'WHERE' condition
// dataset, or
// NULL if there is no 'WHERE' condition
long timeJoinRightSide = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<Constraint> rightConstraints = merger.getRightJoinConstraints(leftRows);
Comparator<Row> rightCo = new RowPathComparator(merger.getRightSelectors());
if (leftRows == null || leftRows.isEmpty()) {
return merger.merge(new RowIteratorAdapter((leftRows == null) ? Collections.emptySet() : leftRows), new RowIteratorAdapter(new TreeSet<Row>()), null, rightCo);
Set<Row> rightRows = buildRightRowsJoin(csInfo, rightConstraints, isOuterJoin, rightCo, printIndentation + printIndentStep);
// this has to be initialized as null
Set<Row> excludingOuterJoinRowsSet = null;
if (isOuterJoin && csInfo.getRightConstraint() != null) {
excludingOuterJoinRowsSet = buildRightRowsJoin(csInfo, rightConstraints, false, rightCo, printIndentation + printIndentStep);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
timeJoinRightSide = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeJoinRightSide;
log.debug(genString(printIndentation) + "SQL2 JOIN RIGHT SIDE took " + timeJoinRightSide + " ms. fetched " + rightRows.size() + " rows.");
// merge left with right datasets
return merger.merge(new RowIteratorAdapter(leftRows), new RowIteratorAdapter(rightRows), excludingOuterJoinRowsSet, rightCo);
use of javax.jcr.query.qom.Constraint in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class ChildNodeJoinMerger method getRightJoinConstraints.
public List<Constraint> getRightJoinConstraints(Collection<Row> leftRows) throws RepositoryException {
Set<String> paths = new HashSet<String>();
for (Row row : leftRows) {
List<Constraint> constraints = new ArrayList<Constraint>();
for (String path : paths) {
if (rightSelectors.contains(childSelector)) {
constraints.add(factory.childNode(childSelector, path));
} else {
constraints.add(factory.sameNode(parentSelector, path));
return constraints;
use of javax.jcr.query.qom.Constraint in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class ConstraintSplitter method splitNot.
private void splitNot(ConstraintSplitInfo constraintSplitInfo, Not not) throws RepositoryException {
Constraint constraint = not.getConstraint();
if (constraint instanceof Not) {
split(constraintSplitInfo, ((Not) constraint).getConstraint());
} else if (constraint instanceof And) {
And and = (And) constraint;
split(constraintSplitInfo, factory.or(factory.not(and.getConstraint1()), factory.not(and.getConstraint2())));
} else if (constraint instanceof Or) {
Or or = (Or) constraint;
split(constraintSplitInfo, factory.and(factory.not(or.getConstraint1()), factory.not(or.getConstraint2())));
} else {
splitBySelectors(constraintSplitInfo, not, getSelectorNames(constraint));