use of javax.jcr.version.VersionException in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class InternalVersionHistoryImpl method removeVersion.
* Removes the indicated version from this VersionHistory. If the specified
* vesion does not exist, if it specifies the root version or if it is
* referenced by any node e.g. as base version, a VersionException is thrown.
* <p>
* all successors of the removed version become successors of the
* predecessors of the removed version and vice versa. then, the entire
* version node and all its subnodes are removed.
* @param versionName name of the version to remove
* @throws VersionException if removal is not possible
synchronized void removeVersion(Name versionName) throws RepositoryException {
InternalVersionImpl v = (InternalVersionImpl) getVersion(versionName);
if (v.equals(rootVersion)) {
String msg = "Removal of " + versionName + " not allowed.";
throw new VersionException(msg);
// check if any references (from outside the version storage) exist on this version
if (vMgr.hasItemReferences(v.getId())) {
throw new ReferentialIntegrityException("Unable to remove version. At least once referenced.");
// unregister from labels
Name[] labels = v.internalGetLabels();
for (Name label : labels) {
// detach from the version graph
// check if referenced by an activity
InternalActivityImpl activity = v.getActivity();
if (activity != null) {
// remove from persistence state
// and remove from history
// Check if this was the last version in addition to the root version
if (!vMgr.hasItemReferences(node.getNodeId())) {
log.debug("Current version history has no references");
NodeStateEx[] childNodes = node.getChildNodes();
// Check if there is only root version and version labels nodes
if (childNodes.length == 2) {
log.debug("Removing orphan version history as it contains only two children");
NodeStateEx parentNode = node.getParent();
// Remove version history node
// store changes for this node and his children;
} else {;
} else {
log.debug("Current version history has at least one reference");
// store changes;
// now also remove from labelCache
for (Name label : labels) {
use of javax.jcr.version.VersionException in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeRemoveMixinTest method testCheckedIn.
* Tests if <code>Node.removeMixin(String mixinName)</code> throws a
* <code>VersionException</code> if <code>Node</code> is checked-in
* <p>
* The test creates a node <code>nodeName1</code> of type
* <code>testNodeType</code> under <code>testRoot</code>, adds a mixin and
* then checks it in. Then the test tries to remove the added.
public void testCheckedIn() throws ConstraintViolationException, NotExecutableException, RepositoryException {
Session session = testRootNode.getSession();
if (!isSupported(Repository.OPTION_VERSIONING_SUPPORTED)) {
throw new NotExecutableException("Versioning is not supported.");
// create a node that is versionable
Node node = testRootNode.addNode(nodeName1, testNodeType);
// or try to make it versionable if it is not
ensureMixinType(node, mixVersionable);
String mixinName = NodeMixinUtil.getAddableMixinName(session, node);
if (mixinName == null || node.isNodeType(mixinName)) {
throw new NotExecutableException("No testable mixin node type found");
try {
fail("Node.removeMixin(String mixinName) must throw a " + "VersionException if the node is checked-in.");
} catch (VersionException e) {
// success
use of javax.jcr.version.VersionException in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class SetValueVersionExceptionTest method testNode.
* Tests if setValue(Node) throws a VersionException immediately
* or on save if the parent node of this property is checked-in.
* <ul>
* <li>{@code nodetype2} name of a node type with a reference property
* <li>{@code propertyname3} name of a single value reference property
* declared in nodetype2
* </ul>
public void testNode() throws NotExecutableException, RepositoryException {
String nodeType3 = getProperty("nodetype3");
// create a referenceable node
Node referenceableNode = (nodeType3 == null) ? testRootNode.addNode(nodeName3) : testRootNode.addNode(nodeName3, nodeType3);
// try to make it referenceable if it is not
ensureMixinType(referenceableNode, mixReferenceable);
// implementation specific if mixin takes effect immediately or upon save
String refPropName = getProperty("propertyname3");
String nodeType = getProperty("nodetype2");
Node node = testRootNode.addNode(nodeName4, nodeType);
// try to make it versionable if it is not
ensureMixinType(node, mixVersionable);
// fail early when reference properties are not suppoerted
ensureCanSetProperty(node, refPropName, node.getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(referenceableNode));
Property property = node.setProperty(refPropName, referenceableNode);
try {
fail("Property.setValue(Node) must throw a VersionException " + "immediately or on save if the parent node of this property " + "is checked-in.");
} catch (VersionException e) {
// success
use of javax.jcr.version.VersionException in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class VersionManagerImplRestore method internalRestore.
* Internal method to restore a version.
* @param state the state to restore
* @param version version to restore
* @param vsel the version selector that will select the correct version for
* OPV=Version child nodes.
* @param removeExisting remove existing flag
* @return set of restored versions
* @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
* @throws ItemStateException if an error occurs
protected Set<InternalVersion> internalRestore(NodeStateEx state, InternalVersion version, VersionSelector vsel, boolean removeExisting) throws RepositoryException, ItemStateException {
// fail if root version
if (version.isRootVersion()) {
String msg = "Restore of root version not allowed.";
throw new VersionException(msg);
boolean isFull = checkVersionable(state);
// check permission
Path path = hierMgr.getPath(state.getNodeId());
session.getAccessManager().checkPermission(path, Permission.VERSION_MNGMT);
// 1. The child node and properties of N will be changed, removed or
// added to, depending on their corresponding copies in V and their
// own OnParentVersion attributes (see 7.2.8, below, for details).
Set<InternalVersion> restored = new HashSet<InternalVersion>();
internalRestoreFrozen(state, version.getFrozenNode(), vsel, restored, removeExisting, false);
if (isFull) {
// 2. N's jcr:baseVersion property will be changed to point to V.
state.setPropertyValue(NameConstants.JCR_BASEVERSION, InternalValue.create(version.getId()));
// 4. N's jcr:predecessor property is set to null
state.setPropertyValues(NameConstants.JCR_PREDECESSORS, PropertyType.REFERENCE, InternalValue.EMPTY_ARRAY);
// set version history
state.setPropertyValue(NameConstants.JCR_VERSIONHISTORY, InternalValue.create(version.getVersionHistory().getId()));
// also clear mergeFailed
} else {
// with simple versioning, the node is checked in automatically,
// thus not allowing any branches
vMgr.checkin(session, state, null);
// 3. N's jcr:isCheckedOut property is set to false.
state.setPropertyValue(NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT, InternalValue.create(false));;
// check if a baseline is restored
if (version instanceof InternalBaseline) {
// just restore all base versions
InternalBaseline baseline = (InternalBaseline) version;
internalRestore(baseline.getBaseVersions(), true);
// ensure that the restored root node has a jcr:configuration property
// since it might not have been recorded by the initial checkin of the
// configuration
NodeId configId = baseline.getConfigurationId();
NodeId rootId = baseline.getConfigurationRootId();
NodeStateEx rootNode = state.getNode(rootId);
rootNode.setPropertyValue(NameConstants.JCR_CONFIGURATION, InternalValue.create(configId));;
return restored;
use of javax.jcr.version.VersionException in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class VersionManagerImplMerge method finishMerge.
* Perform {@link Node#cancelMerge(Version)} or {@link Node#doneMerge(Version)}
* depending on the value of <code>cancel</code>.
* @param state state to finish
* @param version version
* @param cancel flag inidicates if this is a cancel operation
* @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
protected void finishMerge(NodeStateEx state, Version version, boolean cancel) throws RepositoryException {
// check versionable
if (!checkVersionable(state)) {
throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException("Node not full versionable: " + safeGetJCRPath(state));
// check if version is in mergeFailed list
Set<NodeId> failed = getMergeFailed(state);
NodeId versionId = ((VersionImpl) version).getNodeId();
if (!failed.remove(versionId)) {
String msg = "Unable to finish merge. Specified version is not in" + " jcr:mergeFailed property: " + safeGetJCRPath(state);
throw new VersionException(msg);
WriteOperation ops = startWriteOperation();
try {
// remove version from mergeFailed list
setMergeFailed(state, failed);
if (!cancel) {
// add version to jcr:predecessors list
InternalValue[] vals = state.getPropertyValues(NameConstants.JCR_PREDECESSORS);
InternalValue[] v = new InternalValue[vals.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
v[i] = InternalValue.create(vals[i].getNodeId());
v[vals.length] = InternalValue.create(versionId);
state.setPropertyValues(NameConstants.JCR_PREDECESSORS, PropertyType.REFERENCE, v, true);
} catch (ItemStateException e) {
throw new RepositoryException(e);
} finally {