use of javax.jms.BytesMessage in project qpid-broker-j by apache.
the class QpidBrokerTestCase method createMessage.
public Message createMessage(Session session, int messageSize) throws JMSException {
String payload = new String(new byte[messageSize]);
Message message;
switch(_messageType) {
case BYTES:
message = session.createBytesMessage();
((BytesMessage) message).writeUTF(payload);
case MAP:
message = session.createMapMessage();
((MapMessage) message).setString(CONTENT, payload);
// To keep the compiler happy
case TEXT:
message = session.createTextMessage();
((TextMessage) message).setText(payload);
case OBJECT:
message = session.createObjectMessage();
((ObjectMessage) message).setObject(payload);
case STREAM:
message = session.createStreamMessage();
((StreamMessage) message).writeString(payload);
return message;
use of javax.jms.BytesMessage in project qpid-broker-j by apache.
the class StressTestClient method runTest.
private void runTest(Map<String, String> options) {
String jndiProperties = options.get(JNDI_PROPERTIES_ARG);
int numConnections = Integer.parseInt(options.get(CONNECTIONS_ARG));
int numSessions = Integer.parseInt(options.get(SESSIONS_ARG));
int numProducers = Integer.parseInt(options.get(PRODUCERS_ARG));
int numConsumers = Integer.parseInt(options.get(CONSUMERS_ARG));
boolean closeConsumers = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(CLOSE_CONSUMERS_ARG));
boolean disableMessageTimestamp = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(DISABLE_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP_ARG));
boolean disableMessageID = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(DISABLE_MESSAGE_ID_ARG));
boolean consumeImmediately = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(CONSUME_IMMEDIATELY_ARG));
int numMessage = Integer.parseInt(options.get(MESSAGE_COUNT_ARG));
int messageSize = Integer.parseInt(options.get(MESSAGE_SIZE_ARG));
int repetitions = Integer.parseInt(options.get(REPETITIONS_ARG));
String destinationString = options.get(JNDI_DESTINATION_ARG);
String connectionFactoryString = options.get(JNDI_CONNECTION_FACTORY_ARG);
int deliveryMode = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(PERSISTENT_ARG)) ? DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT : DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT;
boolean random = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(RANDOM_ARG));
long recieveTimeout = Long.parseLong(options.get(TIMEOUT_ARG));
long delayClose = Long.parseLong(options.get(DELAYCLOSE_ARG));
int reportingMod = Integer.parseInt(options.get(REPORT_MOD_ARG));
boolean transacted = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(TRANSACTED_ARG));
int txBatch = Integer.parseInt(options.get(TX_BATCH_ARG));
boolean closeSession = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(CLOSE_SESSION_ARG));
boolean pauseAfterConnectionOpen = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(PAUSE_AFTER_CONNECTION_OPEN_ARG));
boolean pauseBeforeConnectionClose = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(PAUSE_BEFORE_CONNECTION_CLOSE_ARG));
boolean closeProducers = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(CLOSE_PRODUCERS_ARG));
boolean pauseAfterSessionCreate = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(PAUSE_AFTER_SESSION_CREATE_ARG));
boolean pauseBeforeSessionClose = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(PAUSE_BEFORE_SESSION_CLOSE_ARG));
int sessionIterations = Integer.parseInt(options.get(SESSION_ITERATIONS_ARG));
boolean pauseBeforeMessaging = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(PAUSE_BEFORE_MESSAGING_ARG));
boolean pauseAfterMessaging = Boolean.valueOf(options.get(PAUSE_AFTER_MESSAGING_ARG));
int messagingIterations = Integer.parseInt(options.get(MESSAGING_ITERATIONS_ARG));
String consumerSelector = options.get(CONSUMER_SELECTOR);
int consumerMessageCount = !"".equals(options.get(CONSUMER_MESSAGE_COUNT)) ? Integer.parseInt(options.get(CONSUMER_MESSAGE_COUNT)) : numMessage;
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Using options: " + options);
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Creating message payload of " + messageSize + " (bytes)");
byte[] sentBytes = generateMessage(random, messageSize);
try {
// Load JNDI properties
Context ctx = getInitialContext(jndiProperties);
final ConnectionFactory conFac = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup(connectionFactoryString);
// ensure the queue to be used exists and is bound
Destination destination = (Destination) ctx.lookup(destinationString);
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Destination: " + destination);
Connection startupConn = null;
try {
startupConn = conFac.createConnection();
Session startupSess = startupConn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageConsumer startupConsumer = startupSess.createConsumer(destination);
} finally {
if (startupConn != null) {
for (int rep = 1; rep <= repetitions; rep++) {
List<Connection> connectionList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int co = 1; co <= numConnections; co++) {
if (co % reportingMod == 0) {
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Creating connection " + co);
Connection conn = conFac.createConnection();
conn.setExceptionListener(jmse -> {
System.err.println(CLASS + ": The sample received an exception through the ExceptionListener");
if (pauseAfterConnectionOpen) {
System.out.println(String.format("Connection %d is open. Press any key to continue...", co));;
for (int se = 1; se <= numSessions; se++) {
if (se % reportingMod == 0) {
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Creating Session " + se);
try {
Session sess;
if (transacted) {
sess = conn.createSession(true, Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED);
} else {
sess = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
if (pauseAfterSessionCreate) {
System.out.println(String.format("Session %d is created on connection %d. Press any key to continue...", se, co));;
final Message message;
if (messageSize > 0) {
message = sess.createBytesMessage();
((BytesMessage) message).writeBytes(sentBytes);
} else {
message = sess.createMessage();
if (!random && numMessage == 1 && numSessions == 1 && numConnections == 1 && repetitions == 1) {
// null the array to save memory
sentBytes = null;
for (int sessionIteration = 1; sessionIteration <= sessionIterations; sessionIteration++) {
if (sessionIterations > 1 && sessionIteration % reportingMod == 0) {
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Session iteration " + sessionIteration);
MessageConsumer consumer = null;
MessageConsumer[] consumers = new MessageConsumer[numConsumers];
for (int cns = 1; cns <= numConsumers; cns++) {
if (cns % reportingMod == 0) {
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Creating Consumer " + cns);
consumer = sess.createConsumer(destination, consumerSelector);
consumers[cns - 1] = consumer;
MessageProducer[] producers = new MessageProducer[numProducers];
for (int pr = 1; pr <= numProducers; pr++) {
if (pr % reportingMod == 0) {
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Creating Producer " + pr);
producers[pr - 1] = sess.createProducer(destination);
if (disableMessageID) {
producers[pr - 1].setDisableMessageID(true);
if (disableMessageTimestamp) {
producers[pr - 1].setDisableMessageTimestamp(true);
if (pauseBeforeMessaging) {
System.out.println("Consumer(s)/Producer(s) created. Press any key to continue...");;
for (int iteration = 1; iteration <= messagingIterations; iteration++) {
if (messagingIterations > 1 && iteration % reportingMod == 0) {
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Iteration " + iteration);
for (int pr = 1; pr <= numProducers; pr++) {
MessageProducer prod = producers[pr - 1];
for (int me = 1; me <= numMessage; me++) {
int messageNumber = (iteration - 1) * numProducers * numMessage + (pr - 1) * numMessage + (me - 1);
if (messageNumber % reportingMod == 0) {
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Sending Message " + messageNumber);
message.setIntProperty("index", me - 1);
prod.send(message, deliveryMode, Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY, Message.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE);
if (sess.getTransacted() && me % txBatch == 0) {
if (numConsumers == 1 && consumeImmediately) {
for (int cs = 1; cs <= consumerMessageCount; cs++) {
if (cs % reportingMod == 0) {
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Consuming Message " + cs);
Message msg = consumer.receive(recieveTimeout);
if (sess.getTransacted() && cs % txBatch == 0) {
if (msg == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected message not received in allowed time: " + recieveTimeout);
if (messageSize > 0) {
validateReceivedMessageContent(sentBytes, (BytesMessage) msg, random, messageSize);
if (pauseAfterMessaging) {
System.out.println("Messaging operations are completed. Press any key to continue...");;
if (closeProducers) {
for (MessageProducer messageProducer : producers) {
if (closeConsumers) {
for (MessageConsumer messageConsumer : consumers) {
if (pauseBeforeSessionClose) {
System.out.println(String.format("Session %d on connection %d is about to be closed. Press any key to continue...", se, co));;
if (closeSession) {
} catch (Exception exp) {
System.err.println(CLASS + ": Caught an Exception: " + exp);
if (numConsumers == -1 && !consumeImmediately) {
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Consuming left over messages, using receive timeout:" + recieveTimeout);
Connection conn = conFac.createConnection();
Session sess = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageConsumer consumer = sess.createConsumer(destination);
int count = 0;
while (true) {
Message msg = consumer.receive(recieveTimeout);
if (msg == null) {
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Received " + count + " messages");
} else {
if (messageSize > 0) {
validateReceivedMessageContent(sentBytes, (BytesMessage) msg, random, messageSize);
if (delayClose > 0) {
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Delaying closing connections: " + delayClose);
// Close the connections to the server
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Closing connections");
for (int connection = 0; connection < connectionList.size(); connection++) {
if ((connection + 1) % reportingMod == 0) {
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Closing connection " + (connection + 1));
Connection c = connectionList.get(connection);
if (pauseBeforeConnectionClose) {
System.out.println(String.format("Connection %d is about to be closed. Press any key to continue...", connection));;
// Close the JNDI reference
System.out.println(CLASS + ": Closing JNDI context");
} catch (Exception exp) {
System.err.println(CLASS + ": Caught an Exception: " + exp);
use of javax.jms.BytesMessage in project nifi by apache.
the class JMSPublisherConsumerIT method validateJmsHeadersAndPropertiesAreTransferredFromFFAttributes.
public void validateJmsHeadersAndPropertiesAreTransferredFromFFAttributes() throws Exception {
final String destinationName = "validateJmsHeadersAndPropertiesAreTransferredFromFFAttributes";
JmsTemplate jmsTemplate = CommonTest.buildJmsTemplateForDestination(false);
try {
JMSPublisher publisher = new JMSPublisher((CachingConnectionFactory) jmsTemplate.getConnectionFactory(), jmsTemplate, mock(ComponentLog.class));
Map<String, String> flowFileAttributes = new HashMap<>();
flowFileAttributes.put("foo", "foo");
flowFileAttributes.put("illegal-property", "value");
flowFileAttributes.put("another.illegal", "value");
flowFileAttributes.put(JmsHeaders.REPLY_TO, "myTopic");
// value expected to be integer, make sure non-integer doesn't cause problems
flowFileAttributes.put(JmsHeaders.EXPIRATION, "never");
publisher.publish(destinationName, "hellomq".getBytes(), flowFileAttributes);
Message receivedMessage = jmsTemplate.receive(destinationName);
assertTrue(receivedMessage instanceof BytesMessage);
assertEquals("foo", receivedMessage.getStringProperty("foo"));
assertTrue(receivedMessage.getJMSReplyTo() instanceof Topic);
assertEquals("myTopic", ((Topic) receivedMessage.getJMSReplyTo()).getTopicName());
} finally {
((CachingConnectionFactory) jmsTemplate.getConnectionFactory()).destroy();
use of javax.jms.BytesMessage in project nifi by apache.
the class PublishJMSIT method validateSuccessfulPublishAndTransferToSuccessWithEL.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void validateSuccessfulPublishAndTransferToSuccessWithEL() throws Exception {
ActiveMQConnectionFactory cf = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("vm://localhost?broker.persistent=false");
final String destinationNameExpression = "${foo}Queue";
final String destinationName = "fooQueue";
PublishJMS pubProc = new PublishJMS();
TestRunner runner = TestRunners.newTestRunner(pubProc);
JMSConnectionFactoryProviderDefinition cs = mock(JMSConnectionFactoryProviderDefinition.class);
runner.addControllerService("cfProvider", cs);
runner.setProperty(PublishJMS.CF_SERVICE, "cfProvider");
runner.setProperty(PublishJMS.DESTINATION, destinationNameExpression);
Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<>();
attributes.put("foo", "foo");
attributes.put(JmsHeaders.REPLY_TO, "cooQueue");
runner.enqueue("Hey dude!".getBytes(), attributes);
// Run once but don't shut down because we want the Connection Factory left in tact so that we can use it., false);
final MockFlowFile successFF = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(PublishJMS.REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
JmsTemplate jmst = new JmsTemplate(cf);
BytesMessage message = (BytesMessage) jmst.receive(destinationName);
byte[] messageBytes = MessageBodyToBytesConverter.toBytes(message);
assertEquals("Hey dude!", new String(messageBytes));
assertEquals("cooQueue", ((Queue) message.getJMSReplyTo()).getQueueName());
assertEquals("foo", message.getStringProperty("foo"));
// Run once just so that we can trigger the shutdown of the Connection Factory, true, false);
use of javax.jms.BytesMessage in project nifi by apache.
the class PublishJMSIT method validateSuccessfulPublishAndTransferToSuccess.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void validateSuccessfulPublishAndTransferToSuccess() throws Exception {
ActiveMQConnectionFactory cf = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("vm://localhost?broker.persistent=false");
final String destinationName = "validateSuccessfulPublishAndTransferToSuccess";
PublishJMS pubProc = new PublishJMS();
TestRunner runner = TestRunners.newTestRunner(pubProc);
JMSConnectionFactoryProviderDefinition cs = mock(JMSConnectionFactoryProviderDefinition.class);
runner.addControllerService("cfProvider", cs);
runner.setProperty(PublishJMS.CF_SERVICE, "cfProvider");
runner.setProperty(PublishJMS.DESTINATION, destinationName);
Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<>();
attributes.put("foo", "foo");
attributes.put(JmsHeaders.REPLY_TO, "cooQueue");
runner.enqueue("Hey dude!".getBytes(), attributes);
// Run once but don't shut down because we want the Connection Factory left in tact so that we can use it., false);
final MockFlowFile successFF = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(PublishJMS.REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
JmsTemplate jmst = new JmsTemplate(cf);
BytesMessage message = (BytesMessage) jmst.receive(destinationName);
byte[] messageBytes = MessageBodyToBytesConverter.toBytes(message);
assertEquals("Hey dude!", new String(messageBytes));
assertEquals("cooQueue", ((Queue) message.getJMSReplyTo()).getQueueName());
assertEquals("foo", message.getStringProperty("foo"));
// Run once just so that we can trigger the shutdown of the Connection Factory, true, false);