use of javax.json.JsonString in project sling by apache.
the class TeleporterHttpClient method verifyCorrectBundleState.
void verifyCorrectBundleState(String bundleSymbolicName, int timeoutInSeconds) throws IOException {
final String url = baseUrl + "/system/console/bundles/" + bundleSymbolicName + ".json";
final long end = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutInSeconds * 1000;
final ExponentialBackoffDelay d = new ExponentialBackoffDelay(50, 250);
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < end) {
String jsonBody = waitForStatus(url, 200, timeoutInSeconds * 1000);
// deserialize json (
try (JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(jsonBody))) {
// extract state
JsonArray jsonArray = jsonReader.readObject().getJsonArray("data");
if (jsonArray == null) {
throw new JsonException("Could not find 'data' array");
JsonObject bundleObject = jsonArray.getJsonObject(0);
String state = bundleObject.getString("state");
if ("Active".equals(state)) {
// otherwise evaluate the import section
JsonArray propsArray = bundleObject.getJsonArray("props");
if (propsArray == null) {
throw new JsonException("Could not find 'props' object");
// iterate through all of them until key="Imported Packages" is found
for (JsonValue propValue : propsArray) {
if (propValue.getValueType().equals(ValueType.OBJECT)) {
JsonObject propObject = (JsonObject) propValue;
if ("Imported Packages".equals(propObject.getString("key"))) {
JsonArray importedPackagesArray = propObject.getJsonArray("value");
String reason = null;
for (JsonValue importedPackageValue : importedPackagesArray) {
if (importedPackageValue.getValueType().equals(ValueType.STRING)) {
String importedPackage = ((JsonString) importedPackageValue).getString();
if (importedPackage.startsWith("ERROR:")) {
reason = importedPackage;
// only if ERROR is found there is no more need to wait for the bundle to become active, otherwise it might just be started in the background
if (reason != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The test bundle '" + bundleSymbolicName + "' is in state '" + state + "'. This is due to unresolved import-packages: " + reason);
} catch (JsonException | IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Test bundle '" + bundleSymbolicName + "' not correctly installed. Could not parse JSON response though to expose further information: " + jsonBody, e);
throw new IOException("Bundle '" + bundleSymbolicName + "' was not started after " + timeoutInSeconds + " seconds. The check at " + url + " was not successfull. Probably some dependent bundle was not started.");