use of javax.jws.WebMethod in project cxf by apache.
the class AbstractPullPoint method getMessages.
* @param getMessagesRequest
* @return returns
* @throws ResourceUnknownFault
* @throws UnableToGetMessagesFault
@WebMethod(operationName = "GetMessages")
@WebResult(name = "GetMessagesResponse", targetNamespace = "", partName = "GetMessagesResponse")
public GetMessagesResponse getMessages(@WebParam(name = "GetMessages", targetNamespace = "", partName = "GetMessagesRequest") GetMessages getMessagesRequest) throws ResourceUnknownFault, UnableToGetMessagesFault {
BigInteger max = getMessagesRequest.getMaximumNumber();
List<NotificationMessageHolderType> messages = getMessages(max != null ? max.intValue() : 0);
GetMessagesResponse response = new GetMessagesResponse();
return response;
use of javax.jws.WebMethod in project cxf by apache.
the class AbstractSubscription method renew.
* @param renewRequest
* @return returns
* @throws UnacceptableTerminationTimeFault
* @throws ResourceUnknownFault
@WebMethod(operationName = "Renew")
@WebResult(name = "RenewResponse", targetNamespace = "", partName = "RenewResponse")
public RenewResponse renew(@WebParam(name = "Renew", targetNamespace = "", partName = "RenewRequest") Renew renewRequest) throws ResourceUnknownFault, UnacceptableTerminationTimeFault {
XMLGregorianCalendar time = validateTerminationTime(renewRequest.getTerminationTime());
RenewResponse response = new RenewResponse();
return response;
use of javax.jws.WebMethod in project quickstart by wildfly.
the class SetServiceBAImpl method addValueToSet.
* Add an item to a set Enrolls a Participant if necessary and passes the call through to the business logic.
* @param value the value to add to the set.
* @throws AlreadyInSetException if value is already in the set
* @throws SetServiceException if an error occurred when attempting to add the item to the set.
public void addValueToSet(String value) throws AlreadyInSetException, SetServiceException {
System.out.println("[SERVICE] invoked addValueToSet('" + value + "')");
BAParticipantManager participantManager;
try {
// enlist the Participant for this service:
SetParticipantBA participant = new SetParticipantBA(value);
BusinessActivityManager activityManager = BusinessActivityManagerFactory.businessActivityManager();
System.out.println("[SERVICE] Enlisting a participant into the BA");
participantManager = activityManager.enlistForBusinessAgreementWithParticipantCompletion(participant, "SetServiceBAImpl:" + UUID.randomUUID());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Participant enlistment failed");
throw new SetServiceException("Error enlisting participant", e);
// invoke the back-end business logic
System.out.println("[SERVICE] Invoking the back-end business logic");
* this service employs the participant completion protocol which means it decides when it wants to commit local
* changes. If the local changes (adding the item to the set) succeeded, we notify the coordinator that we have
* completed. Otherwise, we notify the coordinator that we cannot complete. If any other participant fails or the client
* decides to cancel we can rely upon being told to compensate.
System.out.println("[SERVICE] Prepare the backend resource and if successful notify the coordinator that we have completed our work");
if (MockSetManager.prepare()) {
try {
// tell the coordinator manager we have finished our work
System.out.println("[SERVICE] Prepare successful, notifying coordinator of completion");
} catch (Exception e) {
* Failed to notify the coordinator that we have finished our work. Compensate the work and throw an Exception
* to notify the client that the add operation failed.
System.err.println("[SERVICE] 'completed' callback failed");
throw new SetServiceException("Error when notifying the coordinator that the work is completed", e);
} else {
try {
* tell the participant manager we cannot complete. this will force the activity to fail
System.out.println("[SERVICE] Prepare failed, notifying coordinator that we cannot complete");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("'cannotComplete' callback failed");
throw new SetServiceException("Error when notifying the coordinator that the work is cannot be completed", e);
throw new SetServiceException("Unable to prepare the back-end resource");