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Example 81 with InstanceNotFoundException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class RelationService method checkRoleInt.

// Checks that given role conforms to given role info.
// -param chkType  type of check:
//  - 1: read, just check read access
//  - 2: write, check value and write access if writeChkFlag
// -param roleName  role name
// -param roleValue  role value
// -param roleInfo  corresponding role info
// -param writeChkFlag  boolean to specify a current write access and
//  to check it
// -return Integer with value:
//  - 0: ok
//  - RoleStatus.NO_ROLE_WITH_NAME
//  - RoleStatus.ROLE_NOT_READABLE
//  - RoleStatus.ROLE_NOT_WRITABLE
// -exception IllegalArgumentException  if null parameter
private Integer checkRoleInt(int chkType, String roleName, List<ObjectName> roleValue, RoleInfo roleInfo, boolean writeChkFlag) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (roleName == null || roleInfo == null || (chkType == 2 && roleValue == null)) {
        String excMsg = "Invalid parameter.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(excMsg);
    RELATION_LOGGER.entering(RelationService.class.getName(), "checkRoleInt", new Object[] { chkType, roleName, roleValue, roleInfo, writeChkFlag });
    // Compares names
    String expName = roleInfo.getName();
    if (!(roleName.equals(expName))) {
        RELATION_LOGGER.exiting(RelationService.class.getName(), "checkRoleInt");
        return Integer.valueOf(RoleStatus.NO_ROLE_WITH_NAME);
    // Checks read access if required
    if (chkType == 1) {
        boolean isReadable = roleInfo.isReadable();
        if (!isReadable) {
            RELATION_LOGGER.exiting(RelationService.class.getName(), "checkRoleInt");
            return Integer.valueOf(RoleStatus.ROLE_NOT_READABLE);
        } else {
            // End of check :)
            RELATION_LOGGER.exiting(RelationService.class.getName(), "checkRoleInt");
            return new Integer(0);
    // Checks write access if required
    if (writeChkFlag) {
        boolean isWritable = roleInfo.isWritable();
        if (!isWritable) {
            RELATION_LOGGER.exiting(RelationService.class.getName(), "checkRoleInt");
            return new Integer(RoleStatus.ROLE_NOT_WRITABLE);
    int refNbr = roleValue.size();
    // Checks minimum cardinality
    boolean chkMinFlag = roleInfo.checkMinDegree(refNbr);
    if (!chkMinFlag) {
        RELATION_LOGGER.exiting(RelationService.class.getName(), "checkRoleInt");
        return new Integer(RoleStatus.LESS_THAN_MIN_ROLE_DEGREE);
    // Checks maximum cardinality
    boolean chkMaxFlag = roleInfo.checkMaxDegree(refNbr);
    if (!chkMaxFlag) {
        RELATION_LOGGER.exiting(RelationService.class.getName(), "checkRoleInt");
        return new Integer(RoleStatus.MORE_THAN_MAX_ROLE_DEGREE);
    // Verifies that each referenced MBean is registered in the MBean
    // Server and that it is an instance of the class specified in the
    // role info, or of a subclass of it
    // Note that here again this is under the assumption that
    // referenced MBeans, relation MBeans and the Relation Service are
    // registered in the same MBean Server.
    String expClassName = roleInfo.getRefMBeanClassName();
    for (ObjectName currObjName : roleValue) {
        // Checks it is registered
        if (currObjName == null) {
            RELATION_LOGGER.exiting(RelationService.class.getName(), "checkRoleInt");
            return new Integer(RoleStatus.REF_MBEAN_NOT_REGISTERED);
        // Can throw an InstanceNotFoundException, if MBean not registered
        try {
            boolean classSts = myMBeanServer.isInstanceOf(currObjName, expClassName);
            if (!classSts) {
                RELATION_LOGGER.exiting(RelationService.class.getName(), "checkRoleInt");
                return new Integer(RoleStatus.REF_MBEAN_OF_INCORRECT_CLASS);
        } catch (InstanceNotFoundException exc) {
            RELATION_LOGGER.exiting(RelationService.class.getName(), "checkRoleInt");
            return new Integer(RoleStatus.REF_MBEAN_NOT_REGISTERED);
    RELATION_LOGGER.exiting(RelationService.class.getName(), "checkRoleInt");
    return new Integer(0);
Also used : InstanceNotFoundException( ObjectName(

Example 82 with InstanceNotFoundException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor method isInstanceOf.

public boolean isInstanceOf(ObjectName name, String className) throws InstanceNotFoundException {
    final DynamicMBean instance = getMBean(name);
    checkMBeanPermission(instance, null, name, "isInstanceOf");
    try {
        Object resource = getResource(instance);
        final String resourceClassName = (resource instanceof DynamicMBean) ? getClassName((DynamicMBean) resource) : resource.getClass().getName();
        if (resourceClassName.equals(className))
            return true;
        final ClassLoader cl = resource.getClass().getClassLoader();
        final Class<?> classNameClass = Class.forName(className, false, cl);
        if (classNameClass.isInstance(resource))
            return true;
        final Class<?> resourceClass = Class.forName(resourceClassName, false, cl);
        return classNameClass.isAssignableFrom(resourceClass);
    } catch (Exception x) {
        /* Could be SecurityException or ClassNotFoundException */
        if (MBEANSERVER_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            MBEANSERVER_LOGGER.logp(Level.FINEST, DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.class.getName(), "isInstanceOf", "Exception calling isInstanceOf", x);
        return false;
Also used : DynamicMBean( NamedObject(com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.NamedObject) IntrospectionException( OperationsException( InstanceAlreadyExistsException( ReflectionException( NotCompliantMBeanException( RuntimeMBeanException( RuntimeErrorException( ListenerNotFoundException( RuntimeOperationsException( AttributeNotFoundException( MBeanRegistrationException( InstanceNotFoundException( JMRuntimeException( InvalidAttributeValueException( MBeanException(

Example 83 with InstanceNotFoundException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor method getListener.

private NotificationListener getListener(ObjectName listener) throws ListenerNotFoundException {
    // ----------------
    // Get listener object
    // ----------------
    DynamicMBean instance;
    try {
        instance = getMBean(listener);
    } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) {
        throw EnvHelp.initCause(new ListenerNotFoundException(e.getMessage()), e);
    Object resource = getResource(instance);
    if (!(resource instanceof NotificationListener)) {
        final RuntimeException exc = new IllegalArgumentException(listener.getCanonicalName());
        final String msg = "MBean " + listener.getCanonicalName() + " does not " + "implement " + NotificationListener.class.getName();
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(exc, msg);
    return (NotificationListener) resource;
Also used : DynamicMBean( JMRuntimeException( InstanceNotFoundException( ListenerNotFoundException( NamedObject(com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.NamedObject) NotificationListener( RuntimeOperationsException(

Example 84 with InstanceNotFoundException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class ManagementFactory method newPlatformMXBeanProxy.

     * Returns a proxy for a platform MXBean interface of a
     * given <a href="#MXBeanNames">MXBean name</a>
     * that forwards its method calls through the given
     * <tt>MBeanServerConnection</tt>.
     * <p>This method is equivalent to:
     * <blockquote>
     * {@link java.lang.reflect.Proxy#newProxyInstance
     *        Proxy.newProxyInstance}<tt>(mxbeanInterface.getClassLoader(),
     *        new Class[] { mxbeanInterface }, handler)</tt>
     * </blockquote>
     * where <tt>handler</tt> is an {@link java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler
     * InvocationHandler} to which method invocations to the MXBean interface
     * are dispatched. This <tt>handler</tt> converts an input parameter
     * from an MXBean data type to its mapped open type before forwarding
     * to the <tt>MBeanServer</tt> and converts a return value from
     * an MXBean method call through the <tt>MBeanServer</tt>
     * from an open type to the corresponding return type declared in
     * the MXBean interface.
     * <p>
     * If the MXBean is a notification emitter (i.e.,
     * it implements
     * {@link NotificationEmitter}),
     * both the <tt>mxbeanInterface</tt> and <tt>NotificationEmitter</tt>
     * will be implemented by this proxy.
     * <p>
     * <b>Notes:</b>
     * <ol>
     * <li>Using an MXBean proxy is a convenience remote access to
     * a platform MXBean of a running virtual machine.  All method
     * calls to the MXBean proxy are forwarded to an
     * <tt>MBeanServerConnection</tt> where
     * {@link IOException} may be thrown
     * when the communication problem occurs with the connector server.
     * An application remotely accesses the platform MXBeans using
     * proxy should prepare to catch <tt>IOException</tt> as if
     * accessing with the <tt>MBeanServerConnector</tt> interface.</li>
     * <li>When a client application is designed to remotely access MXBeans
     * for a running virtual machine whose version is different than
     * the version on which the application is running,
     * it should prepare to catch
     * {@link InvalidObjectException}
     * which is thrown when an MXBean proxy receives a name of an
     * enum constant which is missing in the enum class loaded in
     * the client application. </li>
     * <li>{@link
     * MBeanServerInvocationHandler} or its
     * {@link
     * newProxyInstance} method cannot be used to create
     * a proxy for a platform MXBean. The proxy object created
     * by <tt>MBeanServerInvocationHandler</tt> does not handle
     * the properties of the platform MXBeans described in
     * the <a href="#MXBean">class specification</a>.
     * </ol>
     * @param connection the <tt>MBeanServerConnection</tt> to forward to.
     * @param mxbeanName the name of a platform MXBean within
     * <tt>connection</tt> to forward to. <tt>mxbeanName</tt> must be
     * in the format of {@link ObjectName ObjectName}.
     * @param mxbeanInterface the MXBean interface to be implemented
     * by the proxy.
     * @param <T> an {@code mxbeanInterface} type parameter
     * @return a proxy for a platform MXBean interface of a
     * given <a href="#MXBeanNames">MXBean name</a>
     * that forwards its method calls through the given
     * <tt>MBeanServerConnection</tt>, or {@code null} if not exist.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if
     * <ul>
     * <li><tt>mxbeanName</tt> is not with a valid
     *     {@link ObjectName ObjectName} format, or</li>
     * <li>the named MXBean in the <tt>connection</tt> is
     *     not a MXBean provided by the platform, or</li>
     * <li>the named MXBean is not registered in the
     *     <tt>MBeanServerConnection</tt>, or</li>
     * <li>the named MXBean is not an instance of the given
     *     <tt>mxbeanInterface</tt></li>
     * </ul>
     * @throws if a communication problem
     * occurred when accessing the <tt>MBeanServerConnection</tt>.
public static <T> T newPlatformMXBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection connection, String mxbeanName, Class<T> mxbeanInterface) throws {
    // Only allow MXBean interfaces from rt.jar loaded by the
    // bootstrap class loader
    final Class<?> cls = mxbeanInterface;
    ClassLoader loader = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>() {

        public ClassLoader run() {
            return cls.getClassLoader();
    if (!sun.misc.VM.isSystemDomainLoader(loader)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(mxbeanName + " is not a platform MXBean");
    try {
        final ObjectName objName = new ObjectName(mxbeanName);
        // skip the isInstanceOf check for LoggingMXBean
        String intfName = mxbeanInterface.getName();
        if (!connection.isInstanceOf(objName, intfName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(mxbeanName + " is not an instance of " + mxbeanInterface);
        final Class[] interfaces;
        // check if the registered MBean is a notification emitter
        boolean emitter = connection.isInstanceOf(objName, NOTIF_EMITTER);
        // create an MXBean proxy
        return JMX.newMXBeanProxy(connection, objName, mxbeanInterface, emitter);
    } catch (InstanceNotFoundException | MalformedObjectNameException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
Also used : MalformedObjectNameException( InstanceNotFoundException( ObjectName(

Example 85 with InstanceNotFoundException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class RelationService method addRelation.

     * Adds an MBean created by the user (and registered by him in the MBean
     * Server) as a relation in the Relation Service.
     * <P>To be added as a relation, the MBean must conform to the
     * following:
     * <P>- implement the Relation interface
     * <P>- have for RelationService ObjectName the ObjectName of current
     * Relation Service
     * <P>- have a relation id unique and unused in current Relation Service
     * <P>- have for relation type a relation type created in the Relation
     * Service
     * <P>- have roles conforming to the role info provided in the relation
     * type.
     * @param relationObjectName  ObjectName of the relation MBean to be added.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException  if null parameter
     * @exception RelationServiceNotRegisteredException  if the Relation
     * Service is not registered in the MBean Server
     * @exception NoSuchMethodException  If the MBean does not implement the
     * Relation interface
     * @exception InvalidRelationIdException  if:
     * <P>- no relation identifier in MBean
     * <P>- the relation identifier is already used in the Relation Service
     * @exception InstanceNotFoundException  if the MBean for given ObjectName
     * has not been registered
     * @exception InvalidRelationServiceException  if:
     * <P>- no Relation Service name in MBean
     * <P>- the Relation Service name in the MBean is not the one of the
     * current Relation Service
     * @exception RelationTypeNotFoundException  if:
     * <P>- no relation type name in MBean
     * <P>- the relation type name in MBean does not correspond to a relation
     * type created in the Relation Service
     * @exception InvalidRoleValueException  if:
     * <P>- the number of referenced MBeans in a role is less than
     * expected minimum degree
     * <P>- the number of referenced MBeans in a role exceeds expected
     * maximum degree
     * <P>- one referenced MBean in the value is not an Object of the MBean
     * class expected for that role
     * <P>- an MBean provided for a role does not exist
     * @exception RoleNotFoundException  if a value is provided for a role
     * that does not exist in the relation type
public void addRelation(ObjectName relationObjectName) throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationServiceNotRegisteredException, NoSuchMethodException, InvalidRelationIdException, InstanceNotFoundException, InvalidRelationServiceException, RelationTypeNotFoundException, RoleNotFoundException, InvalidRoleValueException {
    if (relationObjectName == null) {
        String excMsg = "Invalid parameter.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(excMsg);
    RELATION_LOGGER.entering(RelationService.class.getName(), "addRelation", relationObjectName);
    // Can throw RelationServiceNotRegisteredException
    // registered MBean (else will throw an InstanceNotFoundException)
    if ((!(myMBeanServer.isInstanceOf(relationObjectName, "")))) {
        String excMsg = "This MBean does not implement the Relation interface.";
        throw new NoSuchMethodException(excMsg);
    // Checks there is a relation id in the relation MBean (its uniqueness
    // is checked in addRelationInt())
    // Can throw InstanceNotFoundException (but detected above)
    // No MBeanException as no exception raised by this method, and no
    // ReflectionException
    String relId;
    try {
        relId = (String) (myMBeanServer.getAttribute(relationObjectName, "RelationId"));
    } catch (MBeanException exc1) {
        throw new RuntimeException((exc1.getTargetException()).getMessage());
    } catch (ReflectionException exc2) {
        throw new RuntimeException(exc2.getMessage());
    } catch (AttributeNotFoundException exc3) {
        throw new RuntimeException(exc3.getMessage());
    if (relId == null) {
        String excMsg = "This MBean does not provide a relation id.";
        throw new InvalidRelationIdException(excMsg);
    // Checks that the Relation Service where the relation MBean is
    // expected to be added is the current one
    // Can throw InstanceNotFoundException (but detected above)
    // No MBeanException as no exception raised by this method, no
    // ReflectionException
    ObjectName relServObjName;
    try {
        relServObjName = (ObjectName) (myMBeanServer.getAttribute(relationObjectName, "RelationServiceName"));
    } catch (MBeanException exc1) {
        throw new RuntimeException((exc1.getTargetException()).getMessage());
    } catch (ReflectionException exc2) {
        throw new RuntimeException(exc2.getMessage());
    } catch (AttributeNotFoundException exc3) {
        throw new RuntimeException(exc3.getMessage());
    boolean badRelServFlag = false;
    if (relServObjName == null) {
        badRelServFlag = true;
    } else if (!(relServObjName.equals(myObjName))) {
        badRelServFlag = true;
    if (badRelServFlag) {
        String excMsg = "The Relation Service referenced in the MBean is not the current one.";
        throw new InvalidRelationServiceException(excMsg);
    // Checks that a relation type has been specified for the relation
    // Can throw InstanceNotFoundException (but detected above)
    // No MBeanException as no exception raised by this method, no
    // ReflectionException
    String relTypeName;
    try {
        relTypeName = (String) (myMBeanServer.getAttribute(relationObjectName, "RelationTypeName"));
    } catch (MBeanException exc1) {
        throw new RuntimeException((exc1.getTargetException()).getMessage());
    } catch (ReflectionException exc2) {
        throw new RuntimeException(exc2.getMessage());
    } catch (AttributeNotFoundException exc3) {
        throw new RuntimeException(exc3.getMessage());
    if (relTypeName == null) {
        String excMsg = "No relation type provided.";
        throw new RelationTypeNotFoundException(excMsg);
    // Retrieves all roles without considering read mode
    // Can throw InstanceNotFoundException (but detected above)
    // No MBeanException as no exception raised by this method, no
    // ReflectionException
    RoleList roleList;
    try {
        roleList = (RoleList) (myMBeanServer.invoke(relationObjectName, "retrieveAllRoles", null, null));
    } catch (MBeanException exc1) {
        throw new RuntimeException((exc1.getTargetException()).getMessage());
    } catch (ReflectionException exc2) {
        throw new RuntimeException(exc2.getMessage());
    // Can throw RoleNotFoundException, InvalidRelationIdException,
    // RelationTypeNotFoundException, InvalidRoleValueException
    addRelationInt(false, null, relationObjectName, relId, relTypeName, roleList);
    // Adds relation MBean ObjectName in map
    synchronized (myRelMBeanObjName2RelIdMap) {
        myRelMBeanObjName2RelIdMap.put(relationObjectName, relId);
    // of the Relation interface, so may be not supported.
    try {
        myMBeanServer.setAttribute(relationObjectName, new Attribute("RelationServiceManagementFlag", Boolean.TRUE));
    } catch (Exception exc) {
    // OK : The flag is not supported.
    // Updates listener information to received notification for
    // unregistration of this MBean
    List<ObjectName> newRefList = new ArrayList<ObjectName>();
    updateUnregistrationListener(newRefList, null);
    RELATION_LOGGER.exiting(RelationService.class.getName(), "addRelation");
Also used : ReflectionException( AttributeNotFoundException( Attribute( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AttributeNotFoundException( InstanceNotFoundException( ReflectionException( InvalidAttributeValueException( MBeanException( ObjectName( MBeanException(


InstanceNotFoundException ( ObjectName ( ReflectionException ( MBeanException ( MalformedObjectNameException ( MBeanRegistrationException ( InstanceAlreadyExistsException ( MBeanServer ( IOException ( AttributeNotFoundException ( Attribute ( IntrospectionException ( NotCompliantMBeanException ( AttributeList ( ObjectInstance ( MBeanInfo ( InvalidAttributeValueException ( RuntimeOperationsException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 MBeanAttributeInfo (