use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor method setAttribute.
public void setAttribute(ObjectName name, Attribute attribute) throws InstanceNotFoundException, AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException, ReflectionException {
if (name == null) {
throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("ObjectName name cannot be null"), "Exception occurred trying to invoke the setter on the MBean");
if (attribute == null) {
throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Attribute cannot be null"), "Exception occurred trying to invoke the setter on the MBean");
name = nonDefaultDomain(name);
if (MBEANSERVER_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
MBEANSERVER_LOGGER.logp(Level.FINER, DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.class.getName(), "setAttribute", "ObjectName = " + name + ", Attribute = " + attribute.getName());
DynamicMBean instance = getMBean(name);
checkMBeanPermission(instance, attribute.getName(), name, "setAttribute");
try {
} catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
throw e;
} catch (InvalidAttributeValueException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError();
use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class SnmpGenericObjectServer method set.
* Set the value of an SNMP variable.
* <p><b><i>
* You should never need to use this method directly.
* </i></b></p>
* @param meta The impacted metadata object
* @param name The ObjectName of the impacted MBean
* @param x The new requested SnmpValue
* @param id The OID arc identifying the variable we're trying to set.
* @param data User contextual data allocated through the
* {@link com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpUserDataFactory}
* @return The new value of the variable after the operation.
* @exception SnmpStatusException whenever an SNMP exception must be
* raised. Raising an exception will abort the request. <br>
* Exceptions should never be raised directly, but only by means of
* <code>
* req.registerSetException(<i>VariableId</i>,<i>SnmpStatusException</i>)
* </code>
public SnmpValue set(SnmpGenericMetaServer meta, ObjectName name, SnmpValue x, long id, Object data) throws SnmpStatusException {
final String attname = meta.getAttributeName(id);
final Object attvalue = meta.buildAttributeValue(id, x);
final Attribute att = new Attribute(attname, attvalue);
Object result = null;
try {
server.setAttribute(name, att);
result = server.getAttribute(name, attname);
} catch (InvalidAttributeValueException iv) {
throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.snmpRspWrongValue);
} catch (InstanceNotFoundException f) {
throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.snmpRspInconsistentName);
} catch (ReflectionException r) {
throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.snmpRspInconsistentName);
} catch (MBeanException m) {
Exception t = m.getTargetException();
if (t instanceof SnmpStatusException)
throw (SnmpStatusException) t;
throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);
return meta.buildSnmpValue(id, result);
use of in project geode by apache.
the class MX4JModelMBean method setAttribute.
public void setAttribute(Attribute attribute) throws AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException, ReflectionException {
if (attribute == null)
throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_ATTRIBUTE_CANNOT_BE_NULL.toLocalizedString()));
Logger logger = getLogger();
// No need to synchronize: I work mostly on clones
// I want the real info, not its clone
ModelMBeanInfo info = getModelMBeanInfo();
if (info == null)
throw new AttributeNotFoundException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_MODELMBEANINFO_IS_NULL.toLocalizedString());
if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
logger.debug("ModelMBeanInfo is: " + info);
String attrName = attribute.getName();
Object attrValue = attribute.getValue();
// This is a clone, we use it read only
ModelMBeanAttributeInfo attrInfo = info.getAttribute(attrName);
if (attrInfo == null)
throw new AttributeNotFoundException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_CANNOT_FIND_MODELMBEANATTRIBUTEINFO_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_0.toLocalizedString(attrName));
if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
logger.debug("Attribute info is: " + attrInfo);
if (!attrInfo.isWritable())
throw new AttributeNotFoundException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_ATTRIBUTE_0_IS_NOT_WRITABLE.toLocalizedString(attrName));
// This returns a clone of the mbean descriptor, we use it read only
Descriptor mbeanDescriptor = info.getMBeanDescriptor();
if (mbeanDescriptor == null)
throw new AttributeNotFoundException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_MBEAN_DESCRIPTOR_CANNOT_BE_NULL.toLocalizedString());
if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
logger.debug("MBean descriptor is: " + mbeanDescriptor);
// This descriptor is a clone
Descriptor attributeDescriptor = attrInfo.getDescriptor();
if (attributeDescriptor == null)
throw new AttributeNotFoundException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTOR_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_0_CANNOT_BE_NULL.toLocalizedString(attrName));
if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
logger.debug("Attribute descriptor is: " + attributeDescriptor);
String lastUpdateField = "lastUpdatedTimeStamp";
Object oldValue = null;
try {
oldValue = getAttribute(attrName);
if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
logger.debug("Previous value of attribute " + attrName + ": " + oldValue);
} catch (Exception x) {
if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
logger.debug("Cannot get previous value of attribute " + attrName, x);
// Check if setMethod is present
String method = (String) attributeDescriptor.getFieldValue("setMethod");
if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
logger.debug("setMethod field is: " + method);
if (method != null) {
Class declared = loadClassWithContextClassLoader(attrInfo.getType());
if (attrValue != null) {
Class parameter = attrValue.getClass();
checkAssignability(parameter, declared);
// As an extension, allow attributes to be called on target objects also
Object target = resolveTargetObject(attributeDescriptor);
invokeMethod(target, method, new Class[] { declared }, new Object[] { attrValue });
// Cache the value only if currencyTimeLimit is not 0, ie it is not always stale
int staleness = getStaleness(attributeDescriptor, mbeanDescriptor, lastUpdateField);
if (staleness != ALWAYS_STALE) {
attributeDescriptor.setField("value", attrValue);
attributeDescriptor.setField(lastUpdateField, Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()));
if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.TRACE))
logger.trace("Attribute's value has been cached");
} else {
if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.TRACE))
logger.trace("Always stale, avoiding to cache attribute's value");
} else {
if (attrValue != null) {
Class parameter = attrValue.getClass();
Class declared = loadClassWithContextClassLoader(attrInfo.getType());
checkAssignability(parameter, declared);
// Always store the value in the descriptor: no setMethod
attributeDescriptor.setField("value", attrValue);
// And now replace the descriptor with the updated clone
info.setDescriptor(attributeDescriptor, "attribute");
// Send notifications to listeners
if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.TRACE))
logger.trace("Sending attribute change notifications");
sendAttributeChangeNotification(new Attribute(attrName, oldValue), attribute);
// Persist this ModelMBean
boolean persistNow = shouldPersistNow(attributeDescriptor, mbeanDescriptor, lastUpdateField);
if (persistNow) {
if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.TRACE))
logger.trace("Persisting this ModelMBean...");
try {
if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.TRACE))
logger.trace("ModelMBean persisted successfully");
} catch (Exception x) {
logger.error(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_CANNOT_STORE_MODELMBEAN_AFTER_SETATTRIBUTE, x);
if (x instanceof MBeanException)
throw (MBeanException) x;
throw new MBeanException(x);
use of in project oxTrust by GluuFederation.
the class GroupWebService method updateGroup.
* This implementation differs from spec in the following aspects:
* - Passing a null value for an attribute, does not modify the attribute in the destination, however passing an
* empty array for a multivalued attribute does clear the attribute. Thus, to clear single-valued attribute, PATCH
* operation should be used
@ApiOperation(value = "Update group", notes = "Update group (", response = GroupResource.class)
public Response updateGroup(@ApiParam(value = "Group", required = true) GroupResource group, @PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam(QUERY_PARAM_ATTRIBUTES) String attrsList, @QueryParam(QUERY_PARAM_EXCLUDED_ATTRS) String excludedAttrsList) {
Response response;
try {
log.debug("Executing web service method. updateGroup");
GroupResource updatedResource = scim2GroupService.updateGroup(id, group, endpointUrl, userWebService.getEndpointUrl());
String json = resourceSerializer.serialize(updatedResource, attrsList, excludedAttrsList);
response = Response.ok(new URI(updatedResource.getMeta().getLocation())).entity(json).build();
} catch (InvalidAttributeValueException e) {
response = getErrorResponse(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, ErrorScimType.MUTABILITY, e.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Failure at updateGroup method", e);
response = getErrorResponse(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage());
return response;
use of in project oxTrust by GluuFederation.
the class GroupWebService method patchGroup.
@ApiOperation(value = "PATCH operation", notes = "", response = GroupResource.class)
public Response patchGroup(PatchRequest request, @PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam(QUERY_PARAM_ATTRIBUTES) String attrsList, @QueryParam(QUERY_PARAM_EXCLUDED_ATTRS) String excludedAttrsList) {
Response response;
try {
log.debug("Executing web service method. patchGroup");
String usersUrl = userWebService.getEndpointUrl();
GroupResource group = new GroupResource();
// group is not null (check associated decorator method)
GluuGroup gluuGroup = groupService.getGroupByInum(id);
// Fill group instance with all info from gluuGroup
scim2GroupService.transferAttributesToGroupResource(gluuGroup, group, endpointUrl, usersUrl);
// Apply patches one by one in sequence
for (PatchOperation po : request.getOperations()) group = (GroupResource) scim2PatchService.applyPatchOperation(group, po);
// Throws exception if final representation does not pass overall validation
log.debug("patchGroup. Revising final resource representation still passes validations");
// Update timestamp
String now = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime().withZoneUTC().print(System.currentTimeMillis());
// Replaces the information found in gluuGroup with the contents of group
scim2GroupService.replaceGroupInfo(gluuGroup, group, endpointUrl, usersUrl);
String json = resourceSerializer.serialize(group, attrsList, excludedAttrsList);
response = Response.ok(new URI(group.getMeta().getLocation())).entity(json).build();
} catch (InvalidAttributeValueException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
response = getErrorResponse(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, ErrorScimType.MUTABILITY, e.getMessage());
} catch (SCIMException e) {
response = getErrorResponse(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, ErrorScimType.INVALID_SYNTAX, e.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Failure at patchGroup method", e);
response = getErrorResponse(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage());
return response;