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Example 11 with JMRuntimeException

use of in project wildfly-core by wildfly.

the class JmxRBACProviderHostScopedRolesTestCase method doOperation.

private void doOperation(boolean successExpected, String objectName, String operationName, JmxManagementInterface jmx) throws Exception {
    MBeanServerConnection connection = jmx.getConnection();
    ObjectName domain = new ObjectName(objectName);
    try {
        connection.invoke(domain, operationName, ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY, ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);
        assertTrue("Failure was expected but success happened", successExpected);
    } catch (JMRuntimeException e) {
        if (e.getMessage().contains("WFLYJMX0037")) {
            assertFalse("Success was expected but failure happened: " + e, successExpected);
        } else {
            throw e;
Also used : JMRuntimeException( MBeanServerConnection( ObjectName(

Example 12 with JMRuntimeException

use of in project wildfly-core by wildfly.

the class JmxRBACProviderServerGroupScopedRolesTestCase method setAttribute.

private void setAttribute(String userName, JmxManagementInterface jmx) throws Exception {
    boolean successExpected = isWriteAllowed(userName);
    MBeanServerConnection connection = jmx.getConnection();
    ObjectName domain = new ObjectName("java.lang:type=Memory");
    try {
        connection.setAttribute(domain, new Attribute("Verbose", true));
        // back to default to not pollute the logs
        connection.setAttribute(domain, new Attribute("Verbose", false));
        assertTrue("Failure was expected", successExpected);
    } catch (JMRuntimeException e) {
        if (e.getMessage().contains("WFLYJMX0037")) {
            assertFalse("Success was expected but failure happened: " + e, successExpected);
        } else {
            throw e;
Also used : Attribute( JMRuntimeException( MBeanServerConnection( ObjectName(

Example 13 with JMRuntimeException

use of in project wildfly-core by wildfly.

the class JmxRBACProviderServerGroupScopedRolesTestCase method doOperation.

private void doOperation(boolean successExpected, String objectName, String operationName, JmxManagementInterface jmx) throws Exception {
    MBeanServerConnection connection = jmx.getConnection();
    ObjectName domain = new ObjectName(objectName);
    try {
        connection.invoke(domain, operationName, ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY, ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);
        assertTrue("Failure was expected but success happened", successExpected);
    } catch (JMRuntimeException e) {
        if (e.getMessage().contains("WFLYJMX0037")) {
            assertFalse("Success was expected but failure happened: " + e, successExpected);
        } else {
            throw e;
Also used : JMRuntimeException( MBeanServerConnection( ObjectName(

Example 14 with JMRuntimeException

use of in project wildfly-core by wildfly.

the class AbstractJmxNonCoreMBeansSensitivityTestCase method setAttribute.

private void setAttribute(String userName, JmxManagementInterface jmx) throws Exception {
    boolean successExpected = isWriteAllowed(userName);
    MBeanServerConnection connection = jmx.getConnection();
    ObjectName domain = new ObjectName("java.lang:type=Memory");
    try {
        connection.setAttribute(domain, new Attribute("Verbose", true));
        // back to default to not pollute the logs
        connection.setAttribute(domain, new Attribute("Verbose", false));
        assertTrue("Failure was expected", successExpected);
    } catch (JMRuntimeException e) {
        if (e.getMessage().contains("WFLYJMX0037")) {
            assertFalse("Success was expected but failure happened: " + e, successExpected);
        } else {
            throw e;
Also used : Attribute( JMRuntimeException( MBeanServerConnection( ObjectName(

Example 15 with JMRuntimeException

use of in project wildfly-core by wildfly.

the class JmxManagementInterface method getAttribute.

private ModelNode getAttribute(ObjectName objectName, String name) {
    MBeanServerConnection connection = getConnection();
    Object result = null;
    JMRuntimeException exception = null;
    try {
        result = connection.getAttribute(objectName, name);
    } catch (JMRuntimeException e) {
        exception = e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return modelNodeResult(result, exception);
Also used : JMRuntimeException( JMRuntimeException( MBeanServerConnection( JMRuntimeException( IOException( MalformedObjectNameException( JMException(


JMRuntimeException ( ObjectName ( MBeanServerConnection ( Attribute ( InstanceNotFoundException ( MalformedObjectNameException ( MBeanInfo ( IOException ( JMException ( OperationFailedException ( RealmUnavailableException ( AttributeList ( AttributeNotFoundException ( DynamicMBean ( MBeanAttributeInfo ( MBeanException ( ReflectionException ( RuntimeErrorException ( InvalidAttributeValueException ( MBeanRegistrationException (