use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class MBeanInfoEqualsNPETest method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("---MBeanInfoEqualsNPETest-main ...");
// ----
System.out.println("\n---Testing on MBeanAttributeInfo...");
MBeanAttributeInfo mbeanAttributeInfo0 = new MBeanAttributeInfo("name", SimpleType.INTEGER.getClassName(), "description", true, true, false);
MBeanAttributeInfo mbeanAttributeInfo = new MBeanAttributeInfo(null, SimpleType.INTEGER.getClassName(), "description", true, true, false);
test(mbeanAttributeInfo0, mbeanAttributeInfo, "class name");
mbeanAttributeInfo = new MBeanAttributeInfo("name", null, "description", true, true, false);
test(mbeanAttributeInfo0, mbeanAttributeInfo, "type");
mbeanAttributeInfo = new MBeanAttributeInfo("name", SimpleType.INTEGER.getClassName(), null, true, true, false);
test(mbeanAttributeInfo0, mbeanAttributeInfo, "description");
// ----
System.out.println("\n---Testing on MBeanConstructorInfo...");
MBeanConstructorInfo mbeanConstructorInfo0 = new MBeanConstructorInfo("", "", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, new DescriptorSupport());
MBeanConstructorInfo mbeanConstructorInfo = new MBeanConstructorInfo(null, "", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanConstructorInfo0, mbeanConstructorInfo, "name");
mbeanConstructorInfo = new MBeanConstructorInfo("", null, new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanConstructorInfo0, mbeanConstructorInfo, "description");
mbeanConstructorInfo = new MBeanConstructorInfo("", "", null, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanConstructorInfo0, mbeanConstructorInfo, "MBeanParameterInfo");
mbeanConstructorInfo = new MBeanConstructorInfo("", "", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, null);
test(mbeanConstructorInfo0, mbeanConstructorInfo, "descriptor");
// ----
System.out.println("\n---Testing on MBeanOperationInfo...");
MBeanOperationInfo mbeanOperationInfo0 = new MBeanOperationInfo("name", "description", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, "type", MBeanOperationInfo.UNKNOWN, new DescriptorSupport());
MBeanOperationInfo mbeanOperationInfo = new MBeanOperationInfo(null, "description", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, "type", MBeanOperationInfo.UNKNOWN, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanOperationInfo0, mbeanOperationInfo, "name");
mbeanOperationInfo = new MBeanOperationInfo("name", null, new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, "type", MBeanOperationInfo.UNKNOWN, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanOperationInfo0, mbeanOperationInfo, "description");
mbeanOperationInfo = new MBeanOperationInfo("name", "description", null, "type", 1, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanOperationInfo0, mbeanOperationInfo, "MBeanParameterInfo");
mbeanOperationInfo = new MBeanOperationInfo("name", "description", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, null, MBeanOperationInfo.UNKNOWN, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanOperationInfo0, mbeanOperationInfo, "type");
mbeanOperationInfo = new MBeanOperationInfo("name", "description", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, null, MBeanOperationInfo.UNKNOWN, null);
test(mbeanOperationInfo0, mbeanOperationInfo, "Descriptor");
// ----
System.out.println("\n---Testing on MBeanParameterInfo...");
MBeanParameterInfo mbeanParameterInfo0 = new MBeanParameterInfo("name", "type", "description", new DescriptorSupport());
MBeanParameterInfo mbeanParameterInfo = new MBeanParameterInfo(null, "type", "description", new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanParameterInfo0, mbeanParameterInfo, "name");
mbeanParameterInfo = new MBeanParameterInfo("name", null, "description", new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanParameterInfo0, mbeanParameterInfo, "type");
mbeanParameterInfo = new MBeanParameterInfo("name", "type", null, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanParameterInfo0, mbeanParameterInfo, "description");
mbeanParameterInfo = new MBeanParameterInfo("name", "type", "description", null);
test(mbeanParameterInfo0, mbeanParameterInfo, "Descriptor");
// ----
System.out.println("\n---Testing on MBeanFeatureInfo ...");
MBeanFeatureInfo mbeanFeatureInfo0 = new MBeanFeatureInfo("name", "description", new DescriptorSupport());
MBeanFeatureInfo mbeanFeatureInfo = new MBeanFeatureInfo(null, "description", new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanFeatureInfo0, mbeanFeatureInfo, "name");
mbeanFeatureInfo = new MBeanFeatureInfo("name", null, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanParameterInfo0, mbeanParameterInfo, "description");
mbeanFeatureInfo = new MBeanFeatureInfo("name", "description", null);
test(mbeanParameterInfo0, mbeanParameterInfo, "Descriptor");
// ----
System.out.println("\n---Testing on MBeanInfo...");
String className = "toto";
String description = "titi";
MBeanAttributeInfo[] attrInfos = new MBeanAttributeInfo[] {};
MBeanConstructorInfo[] constrInfos = new MBeanConstructorInfo[] {};
MBeanOperationInfo[] operaInfos = new MBeanOperationInfo[] {};
MBeanNotificationInfo[] notifInfos = new MBeanNotificationInfo[] {};
MBeanInfo minfo0 = new MBeanInfo("toto", description, attrInfos, constrInfos, operaInfos, notifInfos);
MBeanInfo minfo = new MBeanInfo(null, description, attrInfos, constrInfos, operaInfos, notifInfos);
test(minfo0, minfo, "class name");
minfo = new MBeanInfo(className, null, attrInfos, constrInfos, operaInfos, notifInfos);
test(minfo0, minfo, "description");
minfo = new MBeanInfo(className, description, null, constrInfos, operaInfos, notifInfos);
test(minfo0, minfo, "attrInfos");
minfo = new MBeanInfo(className, description, attrInfos, null, operaInfos, notifInfos);
test(minfo0, minfo, "constrInfos");
minfo = new MBeanInfo(className, description, attrInfos, constrInfos, null, notifInfos);
test(minfo0, minfo, "operaInfos");
minfo = new MBeanInfo(className, description, attrInfos, constrInfos, operaInfos, null);
test(minfo0, minfo, "notifInfos");
if (failed > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: " + failed);
} else {
System.out.println("---Test: PASSED");
use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class MBeanInfoHashCodeNPETest method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("---MBeanInfoHashCodeNPETest-main ...");
// ----
System.out.println("\n---Testing on MBeanAttributeInfo...");
MBeanAttributeInfo mbeanAttributeInfo = new MBeanAttributeInfo(null, SimpleType.INTEGER.getClassName(), "description", true, true, false);
test(mbeanAttributeInfo, "class name");
mbeanAttributeInfo = new MBeanAttributeInfo("name", null, "description", true, true, false);
test(mbeanAttributeInfo, "type");
mbeanAttributeInfo = new MBeanAttributeInfo("name", SimpleType.INTEGER.getClassName(), null, true, true, false);
test(mbeanAttributeInfo, "description");
// ----
System.out.println("\n---Testing on MBeanConstructorInfo...");
MBeanConstructorInfo mbeanConstructorInfo = new MBeanConstructorInfo(null, "", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanConstructorInfo, "name");
mbeanConstructorInfo = new MBeanConstructorInfo("", null, new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanConstructorInfo, "description");
mbeanConstructorInfo = new MBeanConstructorInfo("", "", null, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanConstructorInfo, "MBeanParameterInfo");
mbeanConstructorInfo = new MBeanConstructorInfo("", "", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, null);
test(mbeanConstructorInfo, "descriptor");
// ----
System.out.println("\n---Testing on MBeanOperationInfo...");
MBeanOperationInfo mbeanOperationInfo = new MBeanOperationInfo(null, "description", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, "type", 1, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanOperationInfo, "name");
mbeanOperationInfo = new MBeanOperationInfo("name", null, new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, "type", 1, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanOperationInfo, "description");
mbeanOperationInfo = new MBeanOperationInfo("name", "description", null, "type", 1, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanOperationInfo, "MBeanParameterInfo");
mbeanOperationInfo = new MBeanOperationInfo("name", "description", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, null, 1, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanOperationInfo, "type");
mbeanOperationInfo = new MBeanOperationInfo("name", "description", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, "type", -1, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanOperationInfo, "native impact");
mbeanOperationInfo = new MBeanOperationInfo("name", "description", new MBeanParameterInfo[] {}, "type", 1, null);
test(mbeanOperationInfo, "Descriptor");
// ----
System.out.println("\n---Testing on MBeanParameterInfo...");
MBeanParameterInfo mbeanParameterInfo = new MBeanParameterInfo(null, "type", "description", new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanParameterInfo, "name");
mbeanParameterInfo = new MBeanParameterInfo("name", null, "description", new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanParameterInfo, "description");
mbeanParameterInfo = new MBeanParameterInfo("name", "type", null, new DescriptorSupport());
test(mbeanParameterInfo, "description");
mbeanParameterInfo = new MBeanParameterInfo("name", "type", "description", null);
test(mbeanParameterInfo, "Descriptor");
// ----
System.out.println("\n---Testing on MBeanInfo...");
String className = "toto";
String description = "titi";
MBeanAttributeInfo[] attrInfos = new MBeanAttributeInfo[] {};
MBeanConstructorInfo[] constrInfos = new MBeanConstructorInfo[] {};
MBeanOperationInfo[] operaInfos = new MBeanOperationInfo[] {};
MBeanNotificationInfo[] notifInfos = new MBeanNotificationInfo[] {};
MBeanInfo minfo = new MBeanInfo(null, description, attrInfos, constrInfos, operaInfos, notifInfos);
test(minfo, "class name");
minfo = new MBeanInfo(className, description, attrInfos, constrInfos, operaInfos, notifInfos);
test(minfo, "name");
minfo = new MBeanInfo(className, null, attrInfos, constrInfos, operaInfos, notifInfos);
test(minfo, "description");
minfo = new MBeanInfo(className, description, null, constrInfos, operaInfos, notifInfos);
test(minfo, "attrInfos");
minfo = new MBeanInfo(className, description, attrInfos, constrInfos, null, notifInfos);
test(minfo, "operaInfos");
minfo = new MBeanInfo(className, description, attrInfos, constrInfos, operaInfos, null);
test(minfo, "notifInfos");
if (failed > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: " + failed);
} else {
System.out.println("---Test: PASSED");
use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class TypeNameTest method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
TestMXBean testImpl = (TestMXBean) Proxy.newProxyInstance(TestMXBean.class.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] { TestMXBean.class }, nullIH);
Object mxbean = new StandardMBean(testImpl, TestMXBean.class, true);
MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer();
ObjectName name = new ObjectName("a:b=c");
mbs.registerMBean(mxbean, name);
MBeanInfo mbi = mbs.getMBeanInfo(name);
MBeanAttributeInfo[] mbais = mbi.getAttributes();
boolean sawTabular = false;
for (MBeanAttributeInfo mbai : mbais) {
String attrName = mbai.getName();
String attrTypeName = (String) mbai.getDescriptor().getFieldValue("originalType");
String fieldName = attrName + "Name";
Field nameField = TestMXBean.class.getField(fieldName);
String expectedTypeName = (String) nameField.get(null);
if (expectedTypeName.equals(attrTypeName)) {
System.out.println("OK: " + attrName + ": " + attrTypeName);
} else {
fail("For attribute " + attrName + " expected type name \"" + expectedTypeName + "\", found type name \"" + attrTypeName + "\"");
if (mbai.getType().equals(TabularData.class.getName())) {
sawTabular = true;
TabularType tt = (TabularType) mbai.getDescriptor().getFieldValue("openType");
if (tt.getTypeName().equals(attrTypeName)) {
System.out.println("OK: TabularType name for " + attrName);
} else {
fail("For attribute " + attrName + " expected TabularType " + "name \"" + attrTypeName + "\", found \"" + tt.getTypeName());
if (!sawTabular)
fail("Test bug: did not test TabularType name");
if (failure == null)
System.out.println("TEST PASSED");
throw new Exception("TEST FAILED: " + failure);
use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class OldMBeanServerTest method printAttrs.
private static void printAttrs(MBeanServerConnection mbsc1, Class<? extends Exception> expectX) throws Exception {
Set<ObjectName> names = mbsc1.queryNames(null, null);
for (ObjectName name : names) {
System.out.println(name + ":");
MBeanInfo mbi = mbsc1.getMBeanInfo(name);
MBeanAttributeInfo[] mbais = mbi.getAttributes();
for (MBeanAttributeInfo mbai : mbais) {
String attr = mbai.getName();
Object value;
try {
value = mbsc1.getAttribute(name, attr);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (expectX != null && expectX.isInstance(e))
value = "<" + e + ">";
throw e;
String s = " " + attr + " = " + value;
if (s.length() > 80)
s = s.substring(0, 77) + "...";
use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class MXBeanTest method testInterface.
private static <T> void testInterface(Class<T> c, MBeanServerConnection mbsc, ObjectName on, NamedMXBeans namedMXBeans, boolean nullTest) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Type check...");
MBeanInfo mbi = mbsc.getMBeanInfo(on);
MBeanAttributeInfo[] mbais = mbi.getAttributes();
for (int i = 0; i < mbais.length; i++) {
MBeanAttributeInfo mbai = mbais[i];
String name = mbai.getName();
Field typeField = c.getField(name + "Type");
OpenType typeValue = (OpenType) typeField.get(null);
OpenType openType = (OpenType) mbai.getDescriptor().getFieldValue("openType");
if (typeValue.equals(openType))
success("attribute " + name);
else {
final String msg = "Wrong type attribute " + name + ": " + openType + " should be " + typeValue;
MBeanOperationInfo[] mbois = mbi.getOperations();
for (int i = 0; i < mbois.length; i++) {
MBeanOperationInfo mboi = mbois[i];
String oname = mboi.getName();
if (!oname.startsWith("op"))
throw new Error();
OpenType retType = (OpenType) mboi.getDescriptor().getFieldValue("openType");
MBeanParameterInfo[] params = mboi.getSignature();
MBeanParameterInfo p1i = params[0];
MBeanParameterInfo p2i = params[1];
OpenType p1Type = (OpenType) p1i.getDescriptor().getFieldValue("openType");
OpenType p2Type = (OpenType) p2i.getDescriptor().getFieldValue("openType");
if (!retType.equals(p1Type) || !p1Type.equals(p2Type)) {
final String msg = "Parameter and return open types should all be same " + "but are not: " + retType + " " + oname + "(" + p1Type + ", " + p2Type + ")";
String name = oname.substring(2);
Field typeField = c.getField(name + "Type");
OpenType typeValue = (OpenType) typeField.get(null);
if (typeValue.equals(retType))
success("operation " + oname);
else {
final String msg = "Wrong type operation " + oname + ": " + retType + " should be " + typeValue;
System.out.println("Mapping check...");
Object proxy = JMX.newMXBeanProxy(mbsc, on, c);
Method[] methods = c.getMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
final Method method = methods[i];
if (method.getDeclaringClass() != c)
// skip hashCode() etc inherited from Object
final String mname = method.getName();
final int what = getType(method);
final String name = getName(method);
final Field refField = c.getField(name);
if (nullTest && refField.getType().isPrimitive())
final Field openTypeField = c.getField(name + "Type");
final OpenType openType = (OpenType) openTypeField.get(null);
final Object refValue = nullTest ? null : refField.get(null);
Object setValue = refValue;
try {
Field onField = c.getField(name + "ObjectName");
String refName = (String) onField.get(null);
ObjectName refObjName = ObjectName.getInstance(refName);
Class<?> mxbeanInterface = refField.getType();
setValue = nullTest ? null : JMX.newMXBeanProxy(mbsc, refObjName, mxbeanInterface);
} catch (Exception e) {
// no xObjectName field, setValue == refValue
boolean ok = true;
try {
switch(what) {
case GET:
final Object gotOpen = mbsc.getAttribute(on, name);
if (nullTest) {
if (gotOpen != null) {
failure(mname + " got non-null value " + gotOpen);
ok = false;
} else if (!openType.isValue(gotOpen)) {
if (gotOpen instanceof TabularData) {
// detail the mismatch
TabularData gotTabular = (TabularData) gotOpen;
compareTabularType((TabularType) openType, gotTabular.getTabularType());
failure(mname + " got open data " + gotOpen + " not valid for open type " + openType);
ok = false;
final Object got = method.invoke(proxy, (Object[]) null);
if (!equal(refValue, got, namedMXBeans)) {
failure(mname + " got " + string(got) + ", should be " + string(refValue));
ok = false;
case SET:
method.invoke(proxy, new Object[] { setValue });
case OP:
final Object opped = method.invoke(proxy, new Object[] { setValue, setValue });
if (!equal(refValue, opped, namedMXBeans)) {
failure(mname + " got " + string(opped) + ", should be " + string(refValue));
ok = false;
throw new Error();
if (ok)
} catch (Exception e) {
failure(mname, e);