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Example 6 with ArrayType

use of in project drools by kiegroup.

the class KnowledgeBaseMonitoring method initOpenMBeanInfo.

 *  Initialize the open mbean metadata
private void initOpenMBeanInfo() {
    OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport[] attributes = new OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport[4];
    OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport[] constructors = new OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport[1];
    OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport[] operations = new OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport[2];
    MBeanNotificationInfo[] notifications = new MBeanNotificationInfo[0];
    try {
        // Define the attributes
        attributes[0] = new OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport(ATTR_ID, "Knowledge Base Id", SimpleType.STRING, true, false, false);
        attributes[1] = new OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport(ATTR_SESSION_COUNT, "Number of created sessions for this Knowledge Base", SimpleType.LONG, true, false, false);
        attributes[2] = new OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport(ATTR_GLOBALS, "List of globals", globalsTableType, true, false, false);
        attributes[3] = new OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport(ATTR_PACKAGES, "List of Packages", new ArrayType(1, SimpleType.STRING), true, false, false);
        // No arg constructor
        constructors[0] = new OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport("KnowledgeBaseMonitoringMXBean", "Constructs a KnowledgeBaseMonitoringMXBean instance.", new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport[0]);
        // Operations
        OpenMBeanParameterInfo[] params = new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport[0];
        operations[0] = new OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport(OP_START_INTERNAL_MBEANS, "Creates, registers and starts all the dependent MBeans that allow monitor all the details in this KnowledgeBase.", params, SimpleType.VOID, MBeanOperationInfo.INFO);
        operations[1] = new OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport(OP_STOP_INTERNAL_MBEANS, "Stops and disposes all the dependent MBeans that allow monitor all the details in this KnowledgeBase.", params, SimpleType.VOID, MBeanOperationInfo.INFO);
        // Build the info
        info = new OpenMBeanInfoSupport(this.getClass().getName(), "Knowledge Base Monitor MXBean", attributes, constructors, operations, notifications);
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : OpenMBeanParameterInfo( OpenMBeanInfoSupport( OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport( OpenDataException( AttributeNotFoundException( ReflectionException( NotCompliantMBeanException( InvalidAttributeValueException( MBeanException( RuntimeOperationsException( ArrayType( MBeanNotificationInfo( OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport( OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport( OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport(

Example 7 with ArrayType

use of in project druid by alibaba.

the class JdbcSqlStat method getCompositeType.

public static CompositeType getCompositeType() throws JMException {
    if (COMPOSITE_TYPE != null) {
        return COMPOSITE_TYPE;
    OpenType<?>[] indexTypes = new OpenType<?>[] { //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.STRING, //
    SimpleType.STRING, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.DATE, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    JMXUtils.getThrowableCompositeType(), //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.DATE, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.STRING, //
    SimpleType.STRING, //
    SimpleType.STRING, //
    SimpleType.STRING, //
    SimpleType.STRING, //
    SimpleType.DATE, //
    SimpleType.STRING, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.STRING, //
    new ArrayType<Long>(SimpleType.LONG, true), //
    SimpleType.STRING, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    new ArrayType<Long>(SimpleType.LONG, true), //
    new ArrayType<Long>(SimpleType.LONG, true), //
    new ArrayType<Long>(SimpleType.LONG, true), //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG, //
    SimpleType.LONG };
    String[] indexNames = { //
    "ID", //
    "DataSource", //
    "SQL", //
    "ExecuteCount", //
    "ErrorCount", //
    "TotalTime", //
    "LastTime", //
    "MaxTimespan", //
    "LastError", //
    "EffectedRowCount", //
    "FetchRowCount", //
    "MaxTimespanOccurTime", //
    "BatchSizeMax", //
    "BatchSizeTotal", //
    "ConcurrentMax", //
    "RunningCount", //
    "Name", //
    "File", //
    "LastErrorMessage", //
    "LastErrorClass", //
    "LastErrorStackTrace", //
    "LastErrorTime", //
    "DbType", //
    "InTransactionCount", //
    "URL", //
    "Histogram", //
    "LastSlowParameters", //
    "ResultSetHoldTime", //
    "ExecuteAndResultSetHoldTime", //
    "FetchRowCountHistogram", //
    "EffectedRowCountHistogram", //
    "ExecuteAndResultHoldTimeHistogram", //
    "EffectedRowCountMax", //
    "FetchRowCountMax", "ClobOpenCount", //
    "BlobOpenCount", //
    "ReadStringLength", //
    "ReadBytesLength", //
    "InputStreamOpenCount", //
    "ReaderOpenCount", //
    "HASH" };
    String[] indexDescriptions = indexNames;
    COMPOSITE_TYPE = new CompositeType("SqlStatistic", "Sql Statistic", indexNames, indexDescriptions, indexTypes);
    return COMPOSITE_TYPE;
Also used : ArrayType( OpenType( CompositeType(


ArrayType ( CompositeType ( OpenType ( OpenDataException ( MBeanException ( NotCompliantMBeanException ( FileInputStream ( FileOutputStream ( ObjectInputStream ( ObjectOutputStream ( GenericArrayType (java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType)1 ParameterizedType (java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 AttributeNotFoundException ( InvalidAttributeValueException ( MBeanNotificationInfo ( ObjectName ( ReflectionException ( RuntimeOperationsException ( CompositeData (