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Example 26 with OpenType

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class MXBeanNotifTest method run.

public void run(Map<String, Object> args) {
    System.out.println("MXBeanNotifTest::run: Start");
    int errorCount = 0;
    try {
        notifList = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Notification>(numOfNotifications);
        // JMX MbeanServer used inside single VM as if remote.
        MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
        JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("rmi", null, 0);
        JMXConnectorServer cs = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(url, null, mbs);
        JMXServiceURL addr = cs.getAddress();
        JMXConnector cc = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(addr);
        MBeanServerConnection mbsc = cc.getMBeanServerConnection();
        // ----
        System.out.println("MXBeanNotifTest::run: Create and register the MBean");
        ObjectName objName = new ObjectName("sqe:type=Basic,protocol=rmi");
        mbsc.createMBean(BASIC_MXBEAN_CLASS_NAME, objName);
        System.out.println("---- OK\n");
        // ----
        System.out.println("MXBeanNotifTest::run: Add me as notification listener");
        mbsc.addNotificationListener(objName, this, null, null);
        // ----
        System.out.println("MXBeanNotifTest::run: Retrieve the Descriptor" + " that should be in MBeanNotificationInfo");
        TabularData tabData = (TabularData) mbsc.getAttribute(objName, "NotifDescriptorAsMapAtt");
        Map<String, String> descrMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (Iterator<?> it = tabData.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            CompositeData compData = (CompositeData);
            descrMap.put((String) compData.get("key"), (String) compData.get("value"));
        Descriptor refNotifDescriptor = new ImmutableDescriptor(descrMap);
        System.out.println("---- OK\n");
        // ----
        // Because the MBean holding the targeted attribute is MXBean, we
        // should use for the setAttribute a converted form for the
        // attribute value as described by the MXBean mapping rules.
        // This explains all that lovely stuff for creating a
        // TabularDataSupport.
        // WARNING : the MBeanInfo of the MXBean used on opposite side
        // is computed when the MBean is registered.
        // It means the Descriptor considered for the MBeanNotificationInfo
        // is not the one we set in the lines below, it is too late.
        // However, we check that set is harmless when we check
        // the MBeanNotificationInfo.
        System.out.println("MXBeanNotifTest::run: Set a Map<String, String>" + " attribute");
        String typeName = "java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>";
        String[] keyValue = new String[] { "key", "value" };
        OpenType<?>[] openTypes = new OpenType<?>[] { SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.STRING };
        CompositeType rowType = new CompositeType(typeName, typeName, keyValue, keyValue, openTypes);
        TabularType tabType = new TabularType(typeName, typeName, rowType, new String[] { "key" });
        TabularDataSupport convertedDescrMap = new TabularDataSupport(tabType);
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfNotifDescriptorElements; i++) {
            Object[] descrValue = { "field" + i, "value" + i };
            CompositeData data = new CompositeDataSupport(rowType, keyValue, descrValue);
        Attribute descrAtt = new Attribute("NotifDescriptorAsMapAtt", convertedDescrMap);
        mbsc.setAttribute(objName, descrAtt);
        System.out.println("---- OK\n");
        // ----
        System.out.println("MXBeanNotifTest::run: Compare the Descriptor from" + " the MBeanNotificationInfo against a reference");
        MBeanInfo mbInfo = mbsc.getMBeanInfo(objName);
        errorCount += checkMBeanInfo(mbInfo, refNotifDescriptor);
        System.out.println("---- DONE\n");
        // ----
        System.out.println("Check isInstanceOf(Basic)");
        if (!mbsc.isInstanceOf(objName, BASIC_MXBEAN_CLASS_NAME)) {
            System.out.println("---- ERROR isInstanceOf returned false\n");
        } else {
            System.out.println("---- OK\n");
        // ----
        System.out.println("Check isInstanceOf(BasicMXBean)");
        if (!mbsc.isInstanceOf(objName, BASIC_MXBEAN_INTERFACE_NAME)) {
            System.out.println("---- ERROR isInstanceOf returned false\n");
        } else {
            System.out.println("---- OK\n");
        // ----
        System.out.println("MXBeanNotifTest::run: Ask for " + numOfNotifications + " notification(s)");
        Object[] sendNotifParam = new Object[1];
        String[] sendNotifSig = new String[] { "java.lang.String" };
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfNotifications; i++) {
            // Select which type of notification we ask for
            if (i % 2 == 0) {
                sendNotifParam[0] = Basic.NOTIF_TYPE_0;
            } else {
                sendNotifParam[0] = Basic.NOTIF_TYPE_1;
            // Trigger notification emission
            mbsc.invoke(objName, "sendNotification", sendNotifParam, sendNotifSig);
            // Wait for it then check it when it comes early enough
            Notification notif = notifList.poll(timeForNotificationInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            // notifications are delivered with, we prefer to secure it.
            if (i == 0 && notif == null) {
                System.out.println("MXBeanNotifTest::run: Wait extra " + timeForNotificationInSeconds + " second(s) the " + " very first notification");
                notif = notifList.poll(timeForNotificationInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            if (notif == null) {
                System.out.println("---- ERROR No notification received" + " within allocated " + timeForNotificationInSeconds + " second(s) !");
            } else {
                errorCount += checkNotification(notif, (String) sendNotifParam[0], Basic.NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE, objName);
        int toc = 0;
        while (notifList.size() < 2 && toc < 10) {
        System.out.println("---- DONE\n");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Utils.printThrowable(e, true);
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    if (errorCount == 0) {
        System.out.println("MXBeanNotifTest::run: Done without any error");
    } else {
        System.out.println("MXBeanNotifTest::run: Done with " + errorCount + " error(s)");
        throw new RuntimeException("errorCount = " + errorCount);
Also used : OpenType( ImmutableDescriptor( MBeanInfo( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Attribute( CompositeData( TabularType( Notification( TabularData( JMXConnector( MBeanServer( JMXServiceURL( CompositeDataSupport( JMXConnectorServer( ObjectName( TabularDataSupport( Descriptor( ImmutableDescriptor( MBeanServerConnection( CompositeType(

Example 27 with OpenType

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class MXBeanTest method testInterface.

private static <T> void testInterface(Class<T> c, MBeanServerConnection mbsc, ObjectName on, NamedMXBeans namedMXBeans, boolean nullTest) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Type check...");
    MBeanInfo mbi = mbsc.getMBeanInfo(on);
    MBeanAttributeInfo[] mbais = mbi.getAttributes();
    for (int i = 0; i < mbais.length; i++) {
        MBeanAttributeInfo mbai = mbais[i];
        String name = mbai.getName();
        Field typeField = c.getField(name + "Type");
        OpenType typeValue = (OpenType) typeField.get(null);
        OpenType openType = (OpenType) mbai.getDescriptor().getFieldValue("openType");
        if (typeValue.equals(openType))
            success("attribute " + name);
        else {
            final String msg = "Wrong type attribute " + name + ": " + openType + " should be " + typeValue;
    MBeanOperationInfo[] mbois = mbi.getOperations();
    for (int i = 0; i < mbois.length; i++) {
        MBeanOperationInfo mboi = mbois[i];
        String oname = mboi.getName();
        if (!oname.startsWith("op"))
            throw new Error();
        OpenType retType = (OpenType) mboi.getDescriptor().getFieldValue("openType");
        MBeanParameterInfo[] params = mboi.getSignature();
        MBeanParameterInfo p1i = params[0];
        MBeanParameterInfo p2i = params[1];
        OpenType p1Type = (OpenType) p1i.getDescriptor().getFieldValue("openType");
        OpenType p2Type = (OpenType) p2i.getDescriptor().getFieldValue("openType");
        if (!retType.equals(p1Type) || !p1Type.equals(p2Type)) {
            final String msg = "Parameter and return open types should all be same " + "but are not: " + retType + " " + oname + "(" + p1Type + ", " + p2Type + ")";
        String name = oname.substring(2);
        Field typeField = c.getField(name + "Type");
        OpenType typeValue = (OpenType) typeField.get(null);
        if (typeValue.equals(retType))
            success("operation " + oname);
        else {
            final String msg = "Wrong type operation " + oname + ": " + retType + " should be " + typeValue;
    System.out.println("Mapping check...");
    Object proxy = JMX.newMXBeanProxy(mbsc, on, c);
    Method[] methods = c.getMethods();
    for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
        final Method method = methods[i];
        if (method.getDeclaringClass() != c)
            // skip hashCode() etc inherited from Object
        final String mname = method.getName();
        final int what = getType(method);
        final String name = getName(method);
        final Field refField = c.getField(name);
        if (nullTest && refField.getType().isPrimitive())
        final Field openTypeField = c.getField(name + "Type");
        final OpenType openType = (OpenType) openTypeField.get(null);
        final Object refValue = nullTest ? null : refField.get(null);
        Object setValue = refValue;
        try {
            Field onField = c.getField(name + "ObjectName");
            String refName = (String) onField.get(null);
            ObjectName refObjName = ObjectName.getInstance(refName);
            Class<?> mxbeanInterface = refField.getType();
            setValue = nullTest ? null : JMX.newMXBeanProxy(mbsc, refObjName, mxbeanInterface);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // no xObjectName field, setValue == refValue
        boolean ok = true;
        try {
            switch(what) {
                case GET:
                    final Object gotOpen = mbsc.getAttribute(on, name);
                    if (nullTest) {
                        if (gotOpen != null) {
                            failure(mname + " got non-null value " + gotOpen);
                            ok = false;
                    } else if (!openType.isValue(gotOpen)) {
                        if (gotOpen instanceof TabularData) {
                            // detail the mismatch
                            TabularData gotTabular = (TabularData) gotOpen;
                            compareTabularType((TabularType) openType, gotTabular.getTabularType());
                        failure(mname + " got open data " + gotOpen + " not valid for open type " + openType);
                        ok = false;
                    final Object got = method.invoke(proxy, (Object[]) null);
                    if (!equal(refValue, got, namedMXBeans)) {
                        failure(mname + " got " + string(got) + ", should be " + string(refValue));
                        ok = false;
                case SET:
                    method.invoke(proxy, new Object[] { setValue });
                case OP:
                    final Object opped = method.invoke(proxy, new Object[] { setValue, setValue });
                    if (!equal(refValue, opped, namedMXBeans)) {
                        failure(mname + " got " + string(opped) + ", should be " + string(refValue));
                        ok = false;
                    throw new Error();
            if (ok)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            failure(mname, e);
Also used : OpenType( MBeanInfo( MBeanOperationInfo( TabularType( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) MBeanAttributeInfo( NotCompliantMBeanException( ObjectName( TabularData( Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) MBeanParameterInfo(

Example 28 with OpenType

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class MXBeanLoadingTest1 method run.

public void run(Map<String, Object> args) {
    System.out.println("MXBeanLoadingTest1::run: Start");
    try {
        System.out.println("We ensure no reference is retained on MXBean class" + " after it is unregistered. We take time to perform" + " some little extra check of Descriptors, MBean*Info.");
        ClassLoader myClassLoader = MXBeanLoadingTest1.class.getClassLoader();
        if (!(myClassLoader instanceof URLClassLoader)) {
            String message = "(ERROR) Test's class loader is not " + "a URLClassLoader";
            throw new RuntimeException(message);
        URLClassLoader myURLClassLoader = (URLClassLoader) myClassLoader;
        URL[] urls = myURLClassLoader.getURLs();
        PrivateMLet mlet = new PrivateMLet(urls, null, false);
        Class<?> shadowClass = mlet.loadClass(TestMXBean.class.getName());
        if (shadowClass == TestMXBean.class) {
            String message = "(ERROR) MLet got original TestMXBean, not shadow";
            throw new RuntimeException(message);
        shadowClass = null;
        MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();
        ObjectName mletName = new ObjectName("x:type=mlet");
        mbs.registerMBean(mlet, mletName);
        ObjectName testName = new ObjectName("x:type=test");
        mbs.createMBean(Test.class.getName(), testName, mletName);
        // That test fails because the MXBean instance is accessed via
        // a delegate OpenMBean which has
        ClassLoader testLoader = mbs.getClassLoaderFor(testName);
        if (testLoader != mlet) {
            System.out.println("MLet " + mlet);
            String message = "(ERROR) MXBean's class loader is not MLet: " + testLoader;
            throw new RuntimeException(message);
        testLoader = null;
        // Cycle get/set/get of the attribute of type Luis.
        // We check the set is effective.
        CompositeData cd_B = (CompositeData) mbs.getAttribute(testName, "B");
        CompositeType compType_B = cd_B.getCompositeType();
        CompositeDataSupport cds_B = new CompositeDataSupport(compType_B, new String[] { "something" }, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(13) });
        Attribute myAtt = new Attribute("B", cds_B);
        mbs.setAttribute(testName, myAtt);
        CompositeData cd_B2 = (CompositeData) mbs.getAttribute(testName, "B");
        if (((Integer) cd_B2.get("something")).intValue() != 13) {
            String message = "(ERROR) The setAttribute of att B did not work;" + " expect Luis.something = 13 but got " + cd_B2.get("something");
            throw new RuntimeException(message);
        MBeanInfo info = mbs.getMBeanInfo(testName);
        String mxbeanField = (String) info.getDescriptor().getFieldValue(JMX.MXBEAN_FIELD);
        if (mxbeanField == null || !mxbeanField.equals("true")) {
            String message = "(ERROR) Improper mxbean field value " + mxbeanField;
            throw new RuntimeException(message);
        // Check the 2 attributes.
        MBeanAttributeInfo[] attrs = info.getAttributes();
        if (attrs.length == 2) {
            for (MBeanAttributeInfo mbai : attrs) {
                String originalTypeFieldValue = (String) mbai.getDescriptor().getFieldValue(JMX.ORIGINAL_TYPE_FIELD);
                OpenType<?> openTypeFieldValue = (OpenType<?>) mbai.getDescriptor().getFieldValue(JMX.OPEN_TYPE_FIELD);
                if (mbai.getName().equals("A")) {
                    if (!mbai.isReadable() || !mbai.isWritable() || mbai.isIs() || !mbai.getType().equals("int")) {
                        String message = "(ERROR) Unexpected MBeanAttributeInfo for A " + mbai;
                        throw new RuntimeException(message);
                    if (!originalTypeFieldValue.equals("int")) {
                        String message = "(ERROR) Unexpected originalType in Descriptor for A " + originalTypeFieldValue;
                        throw new RuntimeException(message);
                    if (!openTypeFieldValue.equals(SimpleType.INTEGER)) {
                        String message = "(ERROR) Unexpected openType in Descriptor for A " + originalTypeFieldValue;
                        throw new RuntimeException(message);
                } else if (mbai.getName().equals("B")) {
                    if (!mbai.isReadable() || !mbai.isWritable() || mbai.isIs() || !mbai.getType().equals("")) {
                        String message = "(ERROR) Unexpected MBeanAttributeInfo for B " + mbai;
                        throw new RuntimeException(message);
                    if (!originalTypeFieldValue.equals(Luis.class.getName())) {
                        String message = "(ERROR) Unexpected originalType in Descriptor for B " + originalTypeFieldValue;
                        throw new RuntimeException(message);
                    if (!openTypeFieldValue.equals(compType_B)) {
                        String message = "(ERROR) Unexpected openType in Descriptor for B " + compType_B;
                        throw new RuntimeException(message);
                } else {
                    String message = "(ERROR) Unknown attribute name";
                    throw new RuntimeException(message);
        } else {
            String message = "(ERROR) Unexpected MBeanAttributeInfo array" + Arrays.deepToString(attrs);
            throw new RuntimeException(message);
        // Check the MXBean operation.
        MBeanOperationInfo[] ops = info.getOperations();
        // logged 6320104.
        if (ops.length != 1 || !ops[0].getName().equals("bogus") || ops[0].getSignature().length > 0 || !ops[0].getReturnType().equals("void")) {
            String message = "(ERROR) Unexpected MBeanOperationInfo array " + Arrays.deepToString(ops);
            throw new RuntimeException(message);
        String originalTypeFieldValue = (String) ops[0].getDescriptor().getFieldValue(JMX.ORIGINAL_TYPE_FIELD);
        OpenType<?> openTypeFieldValue = (OpenType<?>) ops[0].getDescriptor().getFieldValue(JMX.OPEN_TYPE_FIELD);
        if (!originalTypeFieldValue.equals("void")) {
            String message = "(ERROR) Unexpected originalType in Descriptor for bogus " + originalTypeFieldValue;
            throw new RuntimeException(message);
        if (!openTypeFieldValue.equals(SimpleType.VOID)) {
            String message = "(ERROR) Unexpected openType in Descriptor for bogus " + originalTypeFieldValue;
            throw new RuntimeException(message);
        // Check there is 2 constructors.
        if (info.getConstructors().length != 2) {
            String message = "(ERROR) Wrong number of constructors " + "in introspected bean: " + Arrays.asList(info.getConstructors());
            throw new RuntimeException(message);
        // Check MXBean class name.
        if (!info.getClassName().endsWith("Test")) {
            String message = "(ERROR) Wrong info class name: " + info.getClassName();
            throw new RuntimeException(message);
        WeakReference<PrivateMLet> mletRef = new WeakReference<PrivateMLet>(mlet);
        mlet = null;
        System.out.println("MXBean registered and unregistered, waiting for " + "garbage collector to collect class loader");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10000 && mletRef.get() != null; i++) {
        if (mletRef.get() == null)
            System.out.println("(OK) class loader was GC'd");
        else {
            String message = "(ERROR) Class loader was not GC'd";
            throw new RuntimeException(message);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Utils.printThrowable(e, true);
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    System.out.println("MXBeanLoadingTest1::run: Done without any error");
Also used : OpenType( MBeanInfo( Attribute( CompositeData( URL( WeakReference(java.lang.ref.WeakReference) URLClassLoader( PrivateMLet( MBeanServer( MBeanOperationInfo( CompositeDataSupport( MBeanAttributeInfo( ObjectName( URLClassLoader( CompositeType(

Example 29 with OpenType

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class MXBeanIntrospector method getMBeanOperationInfo.

MBeanOperationInfo getMBeanOperationInfo(String operationName, ConvertingMethod operation) {
    final Method method = operation.getMethod();
    final String description = operationName;
    /* Ideally this would be an empty string, but
           OMBOperationInfo constructor forbids that.  Also, we
           could consult an annotation to get a useful
           description.  */
    final int impact = MBeanOperationInfo.UNKNOWN;
    final OpenType<?> returnType = operation.getOpenReturnType();
    final Type originalReturnType = operation.getGenericReturnType();
    final OpenType<?>[] paramTypes = operation.getOpenParameterTypes();
    final Type[] originalParamTypes = operation.getGenericParameterTypes();
    final MBeanParameterInfo[] params = new MBeanParameterInfo[paramTypes.length];
    boolean openReturnType = canUseOpenInfo(originalReturnType);
    boolean openParameterTypes = true;
    Annotation[][] annots = method.getParameterAnnotations();
    for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
        final String paramName = "p" + i;
        final String paramDescription = paramName;
        final OpenType<?> openType = paramTypes[i];
        final Type originalType = originalParamTypes[i];
        Descriptor descriptor = typeDescriptor(openType, originalType);
        descriptor = ImmutableDescriptor.union(descriptor, Introspector.descriptorForAnnotations(annots[i]));
        final MBeanParameterInfo pi;
        if (canUseOpenInfo(originalType)) {
            pi = new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(paramName, paramDescription, openType, descriptor);
        } else {
            openParameterTypes = false;
            pi = new MBeanParameterInfo(paramName, originalTypeString(originalType), paramDescription, descriptor);
        params[i] = pi;
    Descriptor descriptor = typeDescriptor(returnType, originalReturnType);
    descriptor = ImmutableDescriptor.union(descriptor, Introspector.descriptorForElement(method));
    final MBeanOperationInfo oi;
    if (openReturnType && openParameterTypes) {
        /* If the return value and all the parameters can be faithfully
             * represented as OpenType then we return an OpenMBeanOperationInfo.
             * If any of them is a primitive type, we can't.  Compatibility
             * with JSR 174 means that we must return an MBean*Info where
             * the getType() is the primitive type, not its wrapped type as
             * we would get with an OpenMBean*Info.  The OpenType is available
             * in the Descriptor in either case.
        final OpenMBeanParameterInfo[] oparams = new OpenMBeanParameterInfo[params.length];
        System.arraycopy(params, 0, oparams, 0, params.length);
        oi = new OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport(operationName, description, oparams, returnType, impact, descriptor);
    } else {
        oi = new MBeanOperationInfo(operationName, description, params, openReturnType ? returnType.getClassName() : originalTypeString(originalReturnType), impact, descriptor);
    return oi;
Also used : OpenMBeanParameterInfo( OpenType( MBeanOperationInfo( OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) GenericArrayType(java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType) OpenType( ParameterizedType(java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType) Type(java.lang.reflect.Type) Descriptor( ImmutableDescriptor( OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport( MBeanParameterInfo( OpenMBeanParameterInfo(

Example 30 with OpenType

use of in project tomee by apache.

the class SimpleRouter method getActiveRoutes.

public TabularData getActiveRoutes() {
    if (routes.length == 0) {
        return null;
    final OpenType<?>[] types = new OpenType<?>[routes.length];
    final String[] keys = new String[types.length];
    final String[] values = new String[types.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        types[i] = SimpleType.STRING;
        keys[i] = routes[i].getOrigin().substring(prefix.length());
        values[i] = routes[i].getRawDestination().substring(prefix.length());
    try {
        final CompositeType ct = new CompositeType("routes", "routes", keys, keys, types);
        final TabularType type = new TabularType("router", "routes", ct, keys);
        final TabularDataSupport data = new TabularDataSupport(type);
        final CompositeData line = new CompositeDataSupport(ct, keys, values);
        return data;
    } catch (final OpenDataException e) {
        return null;
Also used : OpenType( OpenDataException( TabularDataSupport( TabularType( CompositeData( CompositeDataSupport( CompositeType( ManagedAttribute(


OpenType ( CompositeType ( OpenDataException ( CompositeDataSupport ( TabularType ( CompositeData ( TabularDataSupport ( ObjectName ( ArrayType ( GenericArrayType (java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType)5 ParameterizedType (java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType)5 MBeanServer ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)4 Type (java.lang.reflect.Type)4 MBeanAttributeInfo ( MBeanInfo ( Descriptor ( ImmutableDescriptor ( JMException ( MBeanOperationInfo (