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Example 16 with UnitConverter

use of javax.measure.UnitConverter in project indriya by unitsofmeasurement.

the class TemporalQuantity method multiply.

public ComparableQuantity<?> multiply(Quantity<?> multiplier) {
    if (getUnit().equals(multiplier.getUnit())) {
        return TimeQuantities.getQuantity(value * multiplier.getValue().intValue(), timeUnit);
    Unit<?> mulUnit = getUnit().multiply(multiplier.getUnit());
    UnitConverter conv;
    try {
        conv = getUnit().getConverterToAny(mulUnit);
        return TimeQuantities.getQuantity(value * conv.convert(multiplier.getValue()).intValue(), timeUnit);
    } catch (UnconvertibleException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return TimeQuantities.getQuantity(value * multiplier.getValue().intValue(), timeUnit);
    } catch (IncommensurableException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return TimeQuantities.getQuantity(value * multiplier.getValue().intValue(), timeUnit);
Also used : IncommensurableException(javax.measure.IncommensurableException) UnitConverter(javax.measure.UnitConverter) UnconvertibleException(javax.measure.UnconvertibleException)

Example 17 with UnitConverter

use of javax.measure.UnitConverter in project uom-se by unitsofmeasurement.

the class TimeUnitQuantity method divide.

 * @since 1.0.1
public ComparableQuantity<?> divide(Quantity<?> that) {
    if (getUnit().equals(that.getUnit())) {
        return TimeQuantities.getQuantity(value / that.getValue().intValue(), timeUnit);
    Unit<?> divUnit = getUnit().divide(that.getUnit());
    UnitConverter conv;
    try {
        conv = getUnit().getConverterToAny(divUnit);
        return TimeQuantities.getQuantity(value / conv.convert(that.getValue()).intValue(), timeUnit);
    } catch (UnconvertibleException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return TimeQuantities.getQuantity(value / that.getValue().intValue(), timeUnit);
    } catch (IncommensurableException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return TimeQuantities.getQuantity(value / that.getValue().intValue(), timeUnit);
Also used : IncommensurableException(javax.measure.IncommensurableException) UnitConverter(javax.measure.UnitConverter) UnconvertibleException(javax.measure.UnconvertibleException)

Example 18 with UnitConverter

use of javax.measure.UnitConverter in project uom-se by unitsofmeasurement.

the class AbstractQuantity method to.

 * Returns this measure after conversion to specified unit. The default implementation returns <code>Measure.valueOf(doubleValue(unit), unit)</code>
 * . If this measure is already stated in the specified unit, then this measure is returned and no conversion is performed.
 * @param unit
 *          the unit in which the returned measure is stated.
 * @return this measure or a new measure equivalent to this measure but stated in the specified unit.
 * @throws ArithmeticException
 *           if the result is inexact and the quotient has a non-terminating decimal expansion.
public ComparableQuantity<Q> to(Unit<Q> unit) {
    if (unit.equals(this.getUnit())) {
        return this;
    UnitConverter t = getUnit().getConverterTo(unit);
    Number convertedValue = t.convert(getValue());
    return Quantities.getQuantity(convertedValue, unit);
Also used : UnitConverter(javax.measure.UnitConverter)

Example 19 with UnitConverter

use of javax.measure.UnitConverter in project uom-se by unitsofmeasurement.

the class TemporalQuantity method divide.

public ComparableQuantity<?> divide(Quantity<?> that) {
    if (getUnit().equals(that.getUnit())) {
        return TimeQuantities.getQuantity(value / that.getValue().intValue(), timeUnit);
    Unit<?> divUnit = getUnit().divide(that.getUnit());
    UnitConverter conv;
    try {
        conv = getUnit().getConverterToAny(divUnit);
        return TimeQuantities.getQuantity(value / conv.convert(that.getValue()).intValue(), timeUnit);
    } catch (UnconvertibleException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return TimeQuantities.getQuantity(value / that.getValue().intValue(), timeUnit);
    } catch (IncommensurableException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return TimeQuantities.getQuantity(value / that.getValue().intValue(), timeUnit);
Also used : IncommensurableException(javax.measure.IncommensurableException) UnitConverter(javax.measure.UnitConverter) UnconvertibleException(javax.measure.UnconvertibleException)

Example 20 with UnitConverter

use of javax.measure.UnitConverter in project sis by apache.

the class Verifier method ensureValidValue.

 * Ensures that the given value is valid according the specified parameter descriptor.
 * This method ensures that {@code value} is assignable to the
 * {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getValueClass() expected class}, is between the
 * {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getMinimumValue() minimum} and
 * {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getMaximumValue() maximum} values and is one of the
 * {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getValidValues() set of valid values}.
 * If the value fails any of those tests, then an exception is thrown.
 * @param  <T>         the type of parameter value. The given {@code value} should typically be an instance of this class.
 *                     This is not required by this method signature but is checked by this method implementation.
 * @param  descriptor  the parameter descriptor to check against.
 * @param  value       the value to check, or {@code null}.
 * @param  unit        the unit of the value to check, or {@code null}.
 * @return the given value converted to the descriptor unit if any,
 *         then casted to the descriptor parameterized type.
 * @throws InvalidParameterValueException if the parameter value is invalid.
static <T> T ensureValidValue(final ParameterDescriptor<T> descriptor, final Object value, final Unit<?> unit) throws InvalidParameterValueException {
    final Class<T> valueClass = descriptor.getValueClass();
         * Before to verify if the given value is inside the bounds, we need to convert the value
         * to the units used by the parameter descriptor. The first part of this block verifies
         * the validity of the unit argument, so we execute it even if 'value' is null.
    UnitConverter converter = null;
    Object convertedValue = value;
    if (unit != null) {
        Unit<?> def = descriptor.getUnit();
        if (def == null) {
            def = getCompatibleUnit(Parameters.getValueDomain(descriptor), unit);
            if (def == null) {
                final String name = getDisplayName(descriptor);
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException(Resources.format(Resources.Keys.UnitlessParameter_1, name), name, unit);
        if (!unit.equals(def)) {
            final short expectedID = getUnitMessageID(def);
            if (getUnitMessageID(unit) != expectedID) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(expectedID, unit));
                 * Verify the type of the user's value before to perform the unit conversion,
                 * because the conversion will create a new object not necessarily of the same type.
            if (value != null) {
                if (!valueClass.isInstance(value)) {
                    final String name = getDisplayName(descriptor);
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException(Resources.format(Resources.Keys.IllegalParameterValueClass_3, name, valueClass, value.getClass()), name, value);
                     * From this point we will perform the actual unit conversion. The value may be either
                     * a Number instance, or an array of numbers (typically an array of type double[]). In
                     * the array case, we will store the converted values in a new array of the same type.
                try {
                    converter = unit.getConverterToAny(def);
                } catch (IncommensurableException e) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IncompatibleUnits_2, unit, def), e);
                Class<?> componentType = valueClass.getComponentType();
                if (componentType == null) {
                         * Usual case where the value is not an array. Convert the value directly.
                         * Note that the value can only be a number because the unit is associated
                         * to MeasurementRange, which accepts only numbers.
                    Number n = converter.convert(((Number) value).doubleValue());
                    try {
                        convertedValue = Numbers.cast(n, valueClass.asSubclass(Number.class));
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), getDisplayName(descriptor), value);
                } else {
                         * The value is an array. Creates a new array and store the converted values
                         * using Array reflection.
                    final int length = Array.getLength(value);
                    convertedValue = Array.newInstance(componentType, length);
                    componentType = Numbers.primitiveToWrapper(componentType);
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                        Number n = (Number) Array.get(value, i);
                        // Value in units that we can compare.
                        n = converter.convert(n.doubleValue());
                        try {
                            n = Numbers.cast(n, componentType.asSubclass(Number.class));
                        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), getDisplayName(descriptor) + '[' + i + ']', value);
                        Array.set(convertedValue, i, n);
         * At this point the user's value has been fully converted to the unit of measurement specified
         * by the ParameterDescriptor.  Now compare the converted value to the restriction given by the
         * descriptor (set of valid values and range of value domain).
    if (convertedValue != null) {
        final Verifier error;
        final Set<T> validValues = descriptor.getValidValues();
        if (descriptor instanceof DefaultParameterDescriptor<?>) {
            error = ensureValidValue(valueClass, validValues, ((DefaultParameterDescriptor<?>) descriptor).getValueDomain(), convertedValue);
        } else {
            error = ensureValidValue(valueClass, validValues, descriptor.getMinimumValue(), descriptor.getMaximumValue(), convertedValue);
             * If we found an error, we will usually throw an exception. An exception to this rule is
             * when EPSGDataAccess is creating a deprecated ProjectedCRS in which some parameters are
             * known to be invalid (the CRS was deprecated precisely for that reason). In such cases,
             * we will log a warning instead than throwing an exception.
        if (error != null) {
            final String name = getDisplayName(descriptor);
            final String message = error.message(null, name, value);
            if (!Semaphores.query(Semaphores.SUSPEND_PARAMETER_CHECK)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException(message, name, value);
            } else {
                final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.WARNING, message);
                Logging.log(DefaultParameterValue.class, "setValue", record);
    return valueClass.cast(convertedValue);
Also used : IncommensurableException(javax.measure.IncommensurableException) InvalidParameterValueException(org.opengis.parameter.InvalidParameterValueException) LogRecord(java.util.logging.LogRecord) UnitConverter(javax.measure.UnitConverter)


UnitConverter (javax.measure.UnitConverter)54 IncommensurableException (javax.measure.IncommensurableException)18 UnconvertibleException (javax.measure.UnconvertibleException)13 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)11 Test (org.junit.Test)9 RationalConverter (tech.units.indriya.function.RationalConverter)7 Unit (javax.measure.Unit)5 List (java.util.List)4 Mass (javax.measure.quantity.Mass)4 Date (java.util.Date)3 DateFormat (java.text.DateFormat)2 DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)2 Format (java.text.Format)2 NumberFormat (java.text.NumberFormat)2 SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Dimension (javax.measure.Dimension)2 CompoundFormat ( Angle (org.apache.sis.measure.Angle)2 AngleFormat (org.apache.sis.measure.AngleFormat)2