use of javax.naming.ConfigurationException in project cloudstack by apache.
the class MidoNetElement method configure.
public boolean configure(String name, Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException {
super.configure(name, params);
String routerIdValue = _configDao.getValue(Config.MidoNetProviderRouterId.key());
if (routerIdValue != null)
_providerRouterId = UUID.fromString(routerIdValue);
String value = _configDao.getValue(Config.MidoNetAPIServerAddress.key());
if (value == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Could not find midonet API location in config");
if (this.api == null) {"midonet API server address is " + value);
setMidonetApi(new MidonetApi(value));
return true;
use of javax.naming.ConfigurationException in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class StartTlsRequest method wrapException.
* Wrap an exception, thrown while attempting to load the StartTlsResponse
* class, in a configuration exception.
private ConfigurationException wrapException(Exception e) {
ConfigurationException ce = new ConfigurationException("Cannot load implementation of javax.naming.ldap.StartTlsResponse");
return ce;
use of javax.naming.ConfigurationException in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class JNDIManager method bindJTATransactionSynchronizationRegistryImplementation.
* Bind the currently configured TransactionSynchronizationRegistry implementation to the passed in
* JNDI context.
* @param initialContext
* @throws javax.naming.NamingException
public static void bindJTATransactionSynchronizationRegistryImplementation(InitialContext initialContext) throws javax.naming.NamingException {
* Look up and instantiate an instance of the configured TransactionSynchronizationRegistry implementation *
String tsrImplementation = jtaPropertyManager.getJTAEnvironmentBean().getTransactionSynchronizationRegistryClassName();
Object tsr = null;
try {
tsr = Class.forName(tsrImplementation).newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
NamingException namingException = new ConfigurationException(jtaLogger.i18NLogger.get_utils_JNDIManager_tsr1());
throw namingException;
* Bind the TransactionSynchronizationRegistry to the appropriate JNDI context *
initialContext.rebind(getTransactionSynchronizationRegistryJNDIName(), tsr);
use of javax.naming.ConfigurationException in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class LibvirtComputingResource method getDeveloperProperties.
private Map<String, Object> getDeveloperProperties() throws ConfigurationException {
final File file = PropertiesUtil.findConfigFile("");
if (file == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find");
}" found at " + file.getAbsolutePath());
try {
final Properties properties = PropertiesUtil.loadFromFile(file);
final String startMac = (String) properties.get("private.macaddr.start");
if (startMac == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Developers must specify start mac for private ip range");
final String startIp = (String) properties.get("private.ipaddr.start");
if (startIp == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Developers must specify start ip for private ip range");
final Map<String, Object> params = PropertiesUtil.toMap(properties);
String endIp = (String) properties.get("private.ipaddr.end");
if (endIp == null) {
endIp = getEndIpFromStartIp(startIp, 16);
params.put("private.ipaddr.end", endIp);
return params;
} catch (final FileNotFoundException ex) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cannot find the file: " + file.getAbsolutePath(), ex);
} catch (final IOException ex) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("IOException in reading " + file.getAbsolutePath(), ex);
use of javax.naming.ConfigurationException in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class LibvirtCreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommandWrapper method execute.
public Answer execute(final CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand command, final LibvirtComputingResource libvirtComputingResource) {
final String secondaryStorageUrl = command.getSecondaryStorageUrl();
KvmStoragePool secondaryStorage = null;
KvmStoragePool primary = null;
final KvmStoragePoolManager storagePoolMgr = libvirtComputingResource.getStoragePoolMgr();
try {
final String templateFolder = command.getAccountId() + File.separator + command.getTemplateId() + File.separator;
final String templateInstallFolder = "/template/tmpl/" + templateFolder;
secondaryStorage = storagePoolMgr.getStoragePoolByUri(secondaryStorageUrl);
try {
primary = storagePoolMgr.getStoragePool(command.getPool().getType(), command.getPrimaryStoragePoolNameLabel());
} catch (final CloudRuntimeException e) {
if (e.getMessage().contains("not found")) {
primary = storagePoolMgr.createStoragePool(command.getPool().getUuid(), command.getPool().getHost(), command.getPool().getPort(), command.getPool().getPath(), command.getPool().getUserInfo(), command.getPool().getType());
} else {
return new CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer(command, false, e.getMessage());
final KvmPhysicalDisk disk = primary.getPhysicalDisk(command.getVolumePath());
final String tmpltPath = secondaryStorage.getLocalPath() + File.separator + templateInstallFolder;
final StorageLayer storage = libvirtComputingResource.getStorage();
if (primary.getType() != StoragePoolType.RBD) {
final String createTmplPath = libvirtComputingResource.createTmplPath();
final int cmdsTimeout = libvirtComputingResource.getCmdsTimeout();
final Script scriptCommand = new Script(createTmplPath, cmdsTimeout, s_logger);
scriptCommand.add("-f", disk.getPath());
scriptCommand.add("-t", tmpltPath);
scriptCommand.add("-n", command.getUniqueName() + ".qcow2");
final String result = scriptCommand.execute();
if (result != null) {
s_logger.debug("failed to create template: " + result);
return new CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer(command, false, result);
} else {
s_logger.debug("Converting RBD disk " + disk.getPath() + " into template " + command.getUniqueName());
final QemuImgFile srcFile = new QemuImgFile(KvmPhysicalDisk.rbdStringBuilder(primary.getSourceHost(), primary.getSourcePort(), primary.getAuthUserName(), primary.getAuthSecret(), disk.getPath()));
final QemuImgFile destFile = new QemuImgFile(tmpltPath + "/" + command.getUniqueName() + ".qcow2");
final QemuImg q = new QemuImg(0);
try {
q.convert(srcFile, destFile);
} catch (final QemuImgException e) {
s_logger.error("Failed to create new template while converting " + srcFile.getFileName() + " to " + destFile.getFileName() + " the error was: " + e.getMessage());
final File templateProp = new File(tmpltPath + "/");
if (!templateProp.exists()) {
String templateContent = "filename=" + command.getUniqueName() + ".qcow2" + System.getProperty("line.separator");
final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM_dd_yyyy");
final Date date = new Date();
templateContent += "" + dateFormat.format(date) + System.getProperty("line.separator");
try (FileOutputStream templFo = new FileOutputStream(templateProp)) {
} catch (final IOException ex) {
s_logger.error("CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer:Exception:" + ex.getMessage());
final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put(StorageLayer.InstanceConfigKey, storage);
final Processor qcow2Processor = new QCOW2Processor();
qcow2Processor.configure("QCOW2 Processor", params);
final FormatInfo info = qcow2Processor.process(tmpltPath, null, command.getUniqueName());
final TemplateLocation loc = new TemplateLocation(storage, tmpltPath);
loc.create(1, true, command.getUniqueName());
return new CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer(command, true, null, templateInstallFolder + command.getUniqueName() + ".qcow2", info.virtualSize, info.size, command.getUniqueName(), ImageFormat.QCOW2);
} catch (final InternalErrorException e) {
return new CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer(command, false, e.toString());
} catch (final IOException e) {
return new CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer(command, false, e.toString());
} catch (final ConfigurationException e) {
return new CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer(command, false, e.toString());
} catch (final CloudRuntimeException e) {
return new CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer(command, false, e.toString());
} finally {
if (secondaryStorage != null) {
storagePoolMgr.deleteStoragePool(secondaryStorage.getType(), secondaryStorage.getUuid());