use of in project cas by apereo.
the class GoogleAuthenticatorOneTimeTokenCredentialValidator method validate.
public GoogleAuthenticatorToken validate(final Authentication authentication, final GoogleAuthenticatorTokenCredential tokenCredential) throws GeneralSecurityException, PreventedException {
if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(tokenCredential.getToken())) {
throw new PreventedException("Invalid non-numeric OTP format specified.");
val uid = authentication.getPrincipal().getId();
val otp = Integer.parseInt(tokenCredential.getToken());
LOGGER.trace("Received OTP [{}] assigned to account [{}]", otp, tokenCredential.getAccountId());
LOGGER.trace("Received principal id [{}]. Attempting to locate account in credential repository...", uid);
val accounts = this.credentialRepository.get(uid);
if (accounts == null || accounts.isEmpty()) {
throw new AccountNotFoundException(uid + " cannot be found in the registry");
if (accounts.size() > 1 && tokenCredential.getAccountId() == null) {
throw new PreventedException("Account identifier must be specified if multiple accounts are registered for " + uid);
LOGGER.trace("Attempting to locate OTP token [{}] in token repository for [{}]...", otp, uid);
if (this.tokenRepository.exists(uid, otp)) {
throw new AccountExpiredException(uid + " cannot reuse OTP " + otp + " as it may be expired/invalid");
LOGGER.debug("Attempting to authorize OTP token [{}]...", otp);
val result = getAuthorizedAccountForToken(tokenCredential, accounts).or(() -> getAuthorizedScratchCodeForToken(tokenCredential, authentication, accounts));
return -> new GoogleAuthenticatorToken(otp, uid)).orElse(null);