use of javax.servlet.jsp.JspException in project sonarqube by SonarSource.
the class ForwardTag method doRedirect.
* Redirect to the given path converting exceptions to JspException.
* @param path The path to redirect to.
* @throws JspException
* @since Struts 1.2
protected void doRedirect(String path) throws JspException {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest();
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) pageContext.getResponse();
try {
if (path.startsWith("/")) {
path = request.getContextPath() + path;
} catch (Exception e) {
TagUtils.getInstance().saveException(pageContext, e);
throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("forward.redirect", name, e.toString()));
use of javax.servlet.jsp.JspException in project sonarqube by SonarSource.
the class MatchTag method condition.
* Evaluate the condition that is being tested by this particular tag, and
* return <code>true</code> if the nested body content of this tag should
* be evaluated, or <code>false</code> if it should be skipped. This
* method must be implemented by concrete subclasses.
* @param desired Desired value for a true result
* @throws JspException if a JSP exception occurs
protected boolean condition(boolean desired) throws JspException {
// Acquire the specified variable
String variable = null;
if (cookie != null) {
Cookie[] cookies = ((HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest()).getCookies();
if (cookies == null) {
cookies = new Cookie[0];
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
if (cookie.equals(cookies[i].getName())) {
variable = cookies[i].getValue();
} else if (header != null) {
variable = ((HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest()).getHeader(header);
} else if (name != null) {
Object value = TagUtils.getInstance().lookup(pageContext, name, property, scope);
if (value != null) {
variable = value.toString();
} else if (parameter != null) {
variable = pageContext.getRequest().getParameter(parameter);
} else {
JspException e = new JspException(messages.getMessage("logic.selector"));
TagUtils.getInstance().saveException(pageContext, e);
throw e;
if (variable == null) {
JspException e = new JspException(messages.getMessage("logic.variable", value));
TagUtils.getInstance().saveException(pageContext, e);
throw e;
// Perform the comparison requested by the location attribute
boolean matched = false;
if (location == null) {
matched = (variable.indexOf(value) >= 0);
} else if (location.equals("start")) {
matched = variable.startsWith(value);
} else if (location.equals("end")) {
matched = variable.endsWith(value);
} else {
JspException e = new JspException(messages.getMessage("logic.location", location));
TagUtils.getInstance().saveException(pageContext, e);
throw e;
// Return the final result
return (matched == desired);
use of javax.servlet.jsp.JspException in project sonarqube by SonarSource.
the class PresentTag method condition.
* Evaluate the condition that is being tested by this particular tag, and
* return <code>true</code> if the nested body content of this tag should
* be evaluated, or <code>false</code> if it should be skipped. This
* method must be implemented by concrete subclasses.
* @param desired Desired outcome for a true result
* @throws JspException if a JSP exception occurs
protected boolean condition(boolean desired) throws JspException {
// Evaluate the presence of the specified value
boolean present = false;
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest();
if (cookie != null) {
present = this.isCookiePresent(request);
} else if (header != null) {
String value = request.getHeader(header);
present = (value != null);
} else if (name != null) {
present = this.isBeanPresent();
} else if (parameter != null) {
String value = request.getParameter(parameter);
present = (value != null);
} else if (role != null) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(role, ROLE_DELIMITER, false);
while (!present && st.hasMoreTokens()) {
present = request.isUserInRole(st.nextToken());
} else if (user != null) {
Principal principal = request.getUserPrincipal();
present = (principal != null) && user.equals(principal.getName());
} else {
JspException e = new JspException(messages.getMessage("logic.selector"));
TagUtils.getInstance().saveException(pageContext, e);
throw e;
return (present == desired);
use of javax.servlet.jsp.JspException in project sonarqube by SonarSource.
the class RedirectTag method generateRedirectURL.
* Calculate the url to redirect to.
* @throws JspException
* @since Struts 1.2
protected String generateRedirectURL() throws JspException {
Map params = TagUtils.getInstance().computeParameters(pageContext, paramId, paramName, paramProperty, paramScope, name, property, scope, transaction);
String url = null;
try {
url = TagUtils.getInstance().computeURLWithCharEncoding(pageContext, forward, href, page, action, module, params, anchor, true, useLocalEncoding);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
TagUtils.getInstance().saveException(pageContext, e);
throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("redirect.url", e.toString()));
return url;
use of javax.servlet.jsp.JspException in project sonarqube by SonarSource.
the class JavascriptValidatorTag method createDynamicJavascript.
* Generates the dynamic JavaScript for the form.
* @param config
* @param resources
* @param locale
* @param form
private String createDynamicJavascript(ModuleConfig config, ValidatorResources resources, Locale locale, Form form) throws JspException {
StringBuffer results = new StringBuffer();
MessageResources messages = TagUtils.getInstance().retrieveMessageResources(pageContext, bundle, true);
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest();
ServletContext application = pageContext.getServletContext();
List actions = this.createActionList(resources, form);
final String methods = this.createMethods(actions, this.stopOnError(config));
String formName = form.getName();
jsFormName = formName;
if (jsFormName.charAt(0) == '/') {
String mappingName = TagUtils.getInstance().getActionMappingName(jsFormName);
ActionMapping mapping = (ActionMapping) config.findActionConfig(mappingName);
if (mapping == null) {
JspException e = new JspException(messages.getMessage("formTag.mapping", mappingName));
pageContext.setAttribute(Globals.EXCEPTION_KEY, e, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
throw e;
jsFormName = mapping.getAttribute();
for (Iterator i = actions.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
ValidatorAction va = (ValidatorAction);
int jscriptVar = 0;
String functionName = null;
if ((va.getJsFunctionName() != null) && (va.getJsFunctionName().length() > 0)) {
functionName = va.getJsFunctionName();
} else {
functionName = va.getName();
results.append(" function " + jsFormName + "_" + functionName + " () { \n");
for (Iterator x = form.getFields().iterator(); x.hasNext(); ) {
Field field = (Field);
// retrieve from scope?))
if (field.isIndexed() || (field.getPage() != page) || !field.isDependency(va.getName())) {
String message = Resources.getMessage(application, request, messages, locale, va, field);
message = (message != null) ? message : "";
// prefix variable with 'a' to make it a legal identifier
results.append(" this.a" + jscriptVar++ + " = new Array(\"" + field.getKey() + "\", \"" + escapeQuotes(message) + "\", ");
results.append("new Function (\"varName\", \"");
Map vars = field.getVars();
// Loop through the field's variables.
Iterator varsIterator = vars.keySet().iterator();
while (varsIterator.hasNext()) {
String varName = (String);
Var var = (Var) vars.get(varName);
String varValue = Resources.getVarValue(var, application, request, false);
String jsType = var.getJsType();
// fieldValue
if (varName.startsWith("field")) {
String varValueEscaped = escapeJavascript(varValue);
if (Var.JSTYPE_INT.equalsIgnoreCase(jsType)) {
results.append("this." + varName + "=" + varValueEscaped + "; ");
} else if (Var.JSTYPE_REGEXP.equalsIgnoreCase(jsType)) {
results.append("this." + varName + "=/" + varValueEscaped + "/; ");
} else if (Var.JSTYPE_STRING.equalsIgnoreCase(jsType)) {
results.append("this." + varName + "='" + varValueEscaped + "'; ");
// So everyone using the latest format doesn't need to
// change their xml files immediately.
} else if ("mask".equalsIgnoreCase(varName)) {
results.append("this." + varName + "=/" + varValueEscaped + "/; ");
} else {
results.append("this." + varName + "='" + varValueEscaped + "'; ");
results.append(" return this[varName];\"));\n");
results.append(" } \n\n");
return results.toString();