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Example 6 with StyledDocument

use of javax.swing.text.StyledDocument in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class JTextPaneAppender method append.

     * @see
     * org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton#append(org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent)
public void append(LoggingEvent event) {
    if (myTextPane == null) {
        LogLog.warn("TextPane is not initialized");
    // if myTextPane == null
    String text = this.layout.format(event);
    String[] stackTrace = event.getThrowableStrRep();
    if (stackTrace != null) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text);
        for (int i = 0; i < stackTrace.length; i++) {
            sb.append("    ").append(stackTrace[i]).append("\n");
        // for i
        text = sb.toString();
    StyledDocument myDoc = myTextPane.getStyledDocument();
    try {
        myDoc.insertString(myDoc.getLength(), text, myAttributeSet.get(event.getLevel().toString()));
    } catch (BadLocationException badex) {
        // can't log this, as it would be recursive error
Also used : StyledDocument(javax.swing.text.StyledDocument) BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)

Example 7 with StyledDocument

use of javax.swing.text.StyledDocument in project binnavi by google.

the class BaseTypeTableCellRenderer method renderText.

public static String renderText(final TypeInstance instance) {
    final StyledDocument document = new DefaultStyledDocument();
    generateDocument(instance, false, document);
    try {
        return document.getText(0, document.getLength());
    } catch (final BadLocationException exception) {
    return "";
Also used : DefaultStyledDocument(javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument) StyledDocument(javax.swing.text.StyledDocument) DefaultStyledDocument(javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument) BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)

Example 8 with StyledDocument

use of javax.swing.text.StyledDocument in project groovy-core by groovy.

the class ConsoleSupport method addStylesToDocument.

protected void addStylesToDocument(JTextPane outputArea) {
    StyledDocument doc = outputArea.getStyledDocument();
    Style def = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE);
    Style regular = doc.addStyle("regular", def);
    StyleConstants.setFontFamily(def, "Monospaced");
    promptStyle = doc.addStyle("prompt", regular);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(promptStyle, Color.BLUE);
    commandStyle = doc.addStyle("command", regular);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(commandStyle, Color.MAGENTA);
    outputStyle = doc.addStyle("output", regular);
    StyleConstants.setBold(outputStyle, true);
Also used : StyledDocument(javax.swing.text.StyledDocument) Style(javax.swing.text.Style)

Example 9 with StyledDocument

use of javax.swing.text.StyledDocument in project groovy by apache.

the class ConsoleSupport method addStylesToDocument.

protected void addStylesToDocument(JTextPane outputArea) {
    StyledDocument doc = outputArea.getStyledDocument();
    Style def = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE);
    Style regular = doc.addStyle("regular", def);
    StyleConstants.setFontFamily(def, "Monospaced");
    promptStyle = doc.addStyle("prompt", regular);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(promptStyle, Color.BLUE);
    commandStyle = doc.addStyle("command", regular);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(commandStyle, Color.MAGENTA);
    outputStyle = doc.addStyle("output", regular);
    StyleConstants.setBold(outputStyle, true);
Also used : StyledDocument(javax.swing.text.StyledDocument) Style(javax.swing.text.Style)

Example 10 with StyledDocument

use of javax.swing.text.StyledDocument in project enclojure by EricThorsen.

the class ClojureCodeCompletionItem method doSubstitute.

private void doSubstitute(final JTextComponent component, final String toAdd, final int backOffset) {
    final StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument) component.getDocument();
    class AtomicChange implements Runnable {

        public void run() {
            int caretOffset = component.getCaretPosition();
            String cname = component.getClass().getName();
            Boolean _isReplPanel = false;
            if (cname.equals("javax.swing.JEditorPane"))
                _isReplPanel = true;
            String value = getText();
            String javaList = "";
            if (toAdd != null) {
                value += toAdd;
            try {
                String c = component.getText(caretOffset - 1, 1);
                if (//java package containing the Class at the end
                !_isClojure && _isNamespaceOrPkg) {
                    value = setValueForClass(value, component);
                    javaList = getJavaImportListStr(value);
                    if ((javaList.contains("(")) && (!_isReplPanel)) {
                        int messageret = (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(component, "Do you want to add the import " + value + " to your ns imports?", "add import ?", 0));
                        if (messageret == 0) {
                            PersistentArrayMap entry = addImportList(component, javaList);
                            //component.setCaretPosition(caretOffset + javaList.length());
                            value = getClassPart(value);
                            if (entry != null) {
                                String origNS = (String) entry.get(Keyword.intern(Symbol.create("orignodestr")));
                                String newNS = (String) entry.get(Keyword.intern(Symbol.create("newnodestr")));
                                int insertOffset = newNS.length() - origNS.length();
                                _carretOffset = _carretOffset + insertOffset;
                                _dotOffset = _dotOffset + insertOffset;
                if (!c.equals("/") && (_layout != backSlashAfterParen) && (_layout != backSlashNoParen)) {
                    switch(_layout) {
                        case LowercaseAfterParen:
                            doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                        case UppercaseAfterParen:
                            doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                        case UppercaseAfterParenWithDot:
                            if (//java method
                            _isMethodOrFunction && (!_isClojure)) {
                                if (_isConstructor) {
                                    value = "";
                                } else if (Character.isLetter(value.charAt(0))) {
                                        doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                                        value = "." + value;
                            } else
                                doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                        case LowercaseAfterParenWithDot:
                            if (//java method
                            _isMethodOrFunction && (!_isClojure)) {
                                if (_isConstructor) {
                                    value = "";
                                } else if (Character.isLetter(value.charAt(0))) {
                                        doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                                        value = "." + value;
                            } else
                                doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                        case backSlashAfterParen:
                            doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                        case FirstDotAfterParen:
                            doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                        case FirstDotNoParen:
                            doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                        case UppercaseNoParen:
                            doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                        case UppercaseNoParenWithDot:
                            if (//java method
                            _isMethodOrFunction && (!_isClojure)) {
                                if (_isConstructor) {
                                    value = "";
                                } else if (Character.isLetter(value.charAt(0))) {
                                        doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                                        value = "." + value;
                            } else
                                doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                        case LowercaseNoParenWithDot:
                            if (//java method
                            _isMethodOrFunction && (!_isClojure)) {
                                if (_isConstructor) {
                                    value = "";
                                } else if (Character.isLetter(value.charAt(0))) {
                                        doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                                        value = "." + value;
                            } else
                                doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                        case LowercaseNoParen:
                            doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                    doc.insertString(_dotOffset, value, null);
                } else {
                    if (!c.equals("/")) {
                        int backSlashOffset = indexOfBackSlash(component);
                        if (backSlashOffset == -1)
                            backSlashOffset = caretOffset;
                        if (_isStatic || _layout == backSlashAfterParen || _layout == backSlashNoParen) {
                            if (_isClojure && _isMethodOrFunction) {
                                if (isInCurrentNamespace(_fullclassname, component)) {
                                    doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                                    doc.insertString(_dotOffset, setValue(value), null);
                                } else {
                                    doc.remove(backSlashOffset + 1, caretOffset - backSlashOffset - 1);
                                    doc.insertString(backSlashOffset + 1, value, null);
                            } else {
                                doc.remove(backSlashOffset + 1, caretOffset - backSlashOffset - 1);
                                doc.insertString(backSlashOffset + 1, value, null);
                        } else {
                            doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                            doc.insertString(_dotOffset, setValue(value), null);
                    } else if (_isStatic || _layout == backSlashAfterParen || _layout == backSlashNoParen)
                        if (_isClojure && _isMethodOrFunction) {
                            if (isInCurrentNamespace(_fullclassname, component)) {
                                doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                                doc.insertString(_dotOffset, setValue(value), null);
                            } else
                                doc.insertString(_carretOffset, value, null);
                        } else
                            doc.insertString(_carretOffset, value, null);
                    else {
                        doc.remove(_dotOffset, _carretOffset - _dotOffset);
                        doc.insertString(_dotOffset, setValue(value), null);
                component.setCaretPosition(component.getCaretPosition() - backOffset);
            } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                LOG.log(Level.FINEST, e.getMessage());
    AtomicChange change = new AtomicChange();
    try {
        NbDocument.runAtomicAsUser(doc, change);
    } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
        LOG.log(Level.FINEST, ex.getMessage());
Also used : PersistentArrayMap(clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap) StyledDocument(javax.swing.text.StyledDocument) BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)


StyledDocument (javax.swing.text.StyledDocument)17 BadLocationException (javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)6 SimpleAttributeSet (javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet)6 Style (javax.swing.text.Style)4 PersistentArrayMap (clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap)2 Point (java.awt.Point)2 ColorSet ( ExtendedHTMLDocument (gmgen.gui.ExtendedHTMLDocument)1 BorderLayout (java.awt.BorderLayout)1 AttributedString (java.text.AttributedString)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)1 JPanel (javax.swing.JPanel)1 JSplitPane (javax.swing.JSplitPane)1 JTabbedPane (javax.swing.JTabbedPane)1 JTable (javax.swing.JTable)1 JTextPane (javax.swing.JTextPane)1