use of javax.transaction.xa.XAResource in project aries by apache.
the class LogTest method testGeronimo.
public void testGeronimo() throws Exception {
XidFactory xidFactory = new XidFactoryImpl("hi".getBytes());
HOWLLog txLog = new HOWLLog("org.objectweb.howl.log.BlockLogBuffer", 4, true, true, 50, new File(".").getAbsolutePath(), "log", "geronimo", 512, 0, 2, 4, -1, true, xidFactory, null);
GeronimoTransactionManager tm = new GeronimoTransactionManager(600, xidFactory, txLog);
XAResource xar1 = new TestXAResource("res1");
XAResource xar2 = new TestXAResource("res2");
tm.registerNamedXAResourceFactory(new TestXAResourceFactory("res1"));
tm.registerNamedXAResourceFactory(new TestXAResourceFactory("res2"));
for (int i = minThreads; i <= maxThreads; i *= 10) {
for (int j = minTxPerThread; j <= maxTxPerThread; j *= 10) {
long ms = testThroughput(tm, xar1, xar2, i, j);
System.err.println("TPS (" + i + " threads, " + j + " tx) = " + ((i * j) / (ms / 1000.0)));
use of javax.transaction.xa.XAResource in project aries by apache.
the class TransactionLogTest method doRecoveryRequired.
public void doRecoveryRequired(BiConsumer<XAResource, XAResource> ordering, TransactionStatus expectedFinalState) throws Exception {
//Register the recoverable resource
ArgumentCaptor<ServiceListener> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(ServiceListener.class);
Mockito.verify(ctx).addServiceListener(captor.capture(), Mockito.anyString());
Mockito.when(ctx.getService(serviceRef)).thenReturn(new TestRecoverableResource("foo", dataSource));
captor.getValue().serviceChanged(new ServiceEvent(ServiceEvent.REGISTERED, serviceRef));
XAConnection xaConn = dataSource.getXAConnection();
AtomicReference<TransactionStatus> ref = new AtomicReference<TransactionStatus>();
try {
txControl.required(() -> {
Connection conn = xaConn.getConnection();
// conn.setAutoCommit(false);
XAResource dsResource = xaConn.getXAResource();
XAResource poison = Mockito.mock(XAResource.class);
Mockito.when(poison.prepare(Mockito.any())).thenAnswer(i -> {
conn.createStatement().execute("shutdown immediately");
return XA_OK;
ordering.accept(dsResource, poison);
return conn.createStatement().execute("Insert into TEST_TABLE values ( 'Hello World!' )");
} catch (TransactionException te) {
assertEquals(expectedFinalState, ref.get());
assertEquals(expectedFinalState == ROLLED_BACK, te instanceof TransactionRolledBackException);
} finally {
try {
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
use of javax.transaction.xa.XAResource in project warn-report by saaavsaaa.
the class DistributeTransaction method initXAResource.
XAResource initXAResource(XAConnection xacon) {
XAResource xares = null;
try {
System.out.print("Setting up a XA resource: ");
xares = xacon.getXAResource();
} catch (SQLException e) {
return xares;
use of javax.transaction.xa.XAResource in project Payara by payara.
the class InboundRecoveryHandler method recoverInboundTransactions.
private void recoverInboundTransactions(List<XAResource> xaresList) {
List<Application> applications = deployedApplications.getApplications();
try {
_logger.log(Level.INFO, "Recovery of Inbound Transactions started.");
if (applications.size() == 0) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, "No applications deployed.");
// List of CMT enabled MDB descriptors on the application server instance.
List<EjbDescriptor> xaEnabledMDBList = new ArrayList<EjbDescriptor>();
// Done so as to initialize connectors-runtime before loading inbound active RA. need a better way ?
ConnectorRuntime cr = connectorRuntimeProvider.get();
for (Application application : applications) {
Vector ejbDescVec = getEjbDescriptors(application, appsRegistry);
for (int j = 0; j < ejbDescVec.size(); j++) {
EjbDescriptor desc = (EjbDescriptor) ejbDescVec.elementAt(j);
// add it to the list of xaEnabledMDBList.
if (desc instanceof EjbMessageBeanDescriptor && desc.getTransactionType().equals(EjbDescriptor.CONTAINER_TRANSACTION_TYPE)) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, "Found a CMT MDB: " + desc.getEjbClassName());
if (xaEnabledMDBList.size() == 0) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, "Found no CMT MDBs in all applications");
ConnectorRegistry creg = ConnectorRegistry.getInstance();
// for each RA (key in the map) get the list (value) of MDB Descriptors
Map<String, List<EjbDescriptor>> mappings = createRAEjbMapping(xaEnabledMDBList);
// For each RA
for (Map.Entry entry : mappings.entrySet()) {
String raMid = (String) entry.getKey();
List<EjbDescriptor> respectiveDesc = mappings.get(raMid);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "error.loading.connector.resources.during.recovery", raMid);
if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
ActiveInboundResourceAdapter activeInboundRA = (ActiveInboundResourceAdapter) creg.getActiveResourceAdapter(raMid);
// assert activeInboundRA instanceof ActiveInboundResourceAdapter;
boolean isSystemJmsRA = false;
if (ConnectorsUtil.isJMSRA(activeInboundRA.getModuleName())) {
isSystemJmsRA = true;
javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapter resourceAdapter = activeInboundRA.getResourceAdapter();
// activationSpecList represents the ActivationSpec[] that would be
// sent to the getXAResources() method.
ArrayList<ActivationSpec> activationSpecList = new ArrayList<ActivationSpec>();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < respectiveDesc.size(); i++) {
try {
// Get a MessageBeanDescriptor from respectiveDesc ArrayList
EjbMessageBeanDescriptor descriptor = (EjbMessageBeanDescriptor) respectiveDesc.get(i);
// to be updated J2EE 1.4 style props.
if (isSystemJmsRA) {
// XXX: Find out the pool descriptor corres to MDB and update
// MDBRuntimeInfo with that.
activeInboundRA.updateMDBRuntimeInfo(descriptor, null);
// Get the ActivationConfig Properties from the MDB Descriptor
Set activationConfigProps = RARUtils.getMergedActivationConfigProperties(descriptor);
// get message listener type
String msgListenerType = descriptor.getMessageListenerType();
// start resource adapter and get ActivationSpec class for
// the given message listener type from the ConnectorRuntime
ActivationSpec aspec = (ActivationSpec) (Class.forName(cr.getActivationSpecClass(raMid, msgListenerType), false, resourceAdapter.getClass().getClassLoader()).newInstance());
// Populate ActivationSpec class with ActivationConfig properties
SetMethodAction sma = new SetMethodAction(aspec, activationConfigProps);;
} catch (Exception e) {
_logger.log(Level.WARNING, "error.creating.activationspec", e.getMessage());
if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
// Get XA resources from RA.
ActivationSpec[] activationSpecArray = activationSpecList.toArray(new ActivationSpec[activationSpecList.size()]);
XAResource[] xar = resourceAdapter.getXAResources(activationSpecArray);
// Add the resources to the xaresList which is used by the RecoveryManager
if (xar != null) {
for (int p = 0; p < xar.length; p++) {
// Catch UnsupportedOperationException if a RA does not support XA
// which is fine.
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoex) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, uoex.getMessage());
// otherwise catch the unexpected exception
} catch (Exception e) {
_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "exception.during.inbound.resource.acqusition", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "exception.during.inbound.recovery", e);
use of javax.transaction.xa.XAResource in project Payara by payara.
the class ConnectorAllocator method fillInResourceObjects.
public void fillInResourceObjects(ResourceHandle resource) throws PoolingException {
try {
ManagedConnection mc = (ManagedConnection) resource.getResource();
Object con = mc.getConnection(subject, reqInfo);
XAResource xares = mc.getXAResource();
resource.fillInResourceObjects(con, xares);
} catch (ResourceException ex) {
throw new PoolingException(ex);