use of javax.validation.Validator in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class BeanValidationEventListener method validate.
private <T> void validate(T object, EntityMode mode, EntityPersister persister, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory, GroupsPerOperation.Operation operation) {
if (object == null || mode != EntityMode.POJO) {
TraversableResolver tr = new HibernateTraversableResolver(persister, associationsPerEntityPersister, sessionFactory);
Validator validator = factory.usingContext().traversableResolver(tr).getValidator();
final Class<?>[] groups = groupsPerOperation.get(operation);
if (groups.length > 0) {
final Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(object, groups);
if (constraintViolations.size() > 0) {
Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> propagatedViolations = new HashSet<ConstraintViolation<?>>(constraintViolations.size());
Set<String> classNames = new HashSet<String>();
for (ConstraintViolation<?> violation : constraintViolations) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("Validation failed for classes ");
builder.append(" during ");
builder.append(" time for groups ");
builder.append("\nList of constraint violations:[\n");
for (ConstraintViolation<?> violation : constraintViolations) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(builder.toString(), propagatedViolations);
use of javax.validation.Validator in project fb-botmill by BotMill.
the class FbBotMillBean method validate.
* Validates the {@link FbBotMillResponse}.
* @param response
* the response
* @return true if the response is valid, false otherwise.
protected boolean validate(FbBotMillResponse response) {
// If validations are not enabled, returns true.
if (!FbBotMillContext.getInstance().isValidationEnabled()) {
return true;
boolean valid = true;
ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Validator validator = factory.getValidator();
Set<ConstraintViolation<FbBotMillResponse>> violations = validator.validate(response);
for (ConstraintViolation<FbBotMillResponse> v : violations) {
valid = false;
logger.error("FbBotMillResponse validation error. Message: [{}] Value: [{}], Class: [{}], Field: [{}]", v.getMessage(), v.getInvalidValue(), v.getRootBean(), v.getPropertyPath());
if (valid == false) {
// Sends the constraint violations through the callback.
List<FbBotMillMonitor> registeredMonitors = FbBotMillContext.getInstance().getRegisteredMonitors();
for (FbBotMillMonitor monitor : registeredMonitors) {
monitor.onValidationError(response, violations);
return valid;
use of javax.validation.Validator in project apex-core by apache.
the class LogicalPlan method validate.
* Validate the plan. Includes checks that required ports are connected,
* required configuration parameters specified, graph free of cycles etc.
* @throws ConstraintViolationException
public void validate() throws ConstraintViolationException {
ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Validator validator = factory.getValidator();
checkAttributeValueSerializable(this.getAttributes(), DAG.class.getName());
// clear oioRoot values in all operators
for (OperatorMeta n : operators.values()) {
n.oioRoot = null;
// clear visited on all operators
for (OperatorMeta n : operators.values()) {
n.nindex = null;
n.lowlink = null;
// validate configuration
Set<ConstraintViolation<Operator>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(n.getOperator());
if (!constraintViolations.isEmpty()) {
Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> copySet = new HashSet<>(constraintViolations.size());
// (should be public <T> ConstraintViolationException(String message, Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> constraintViolations) { ... })
for (ConstraintViolation<Operator> cv : constraintViolations) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Operator " + n.getName() + " violates constraints " + copySet, copySet);
OperatorMeta.PortMapping portMapping = n.getPortMapping();
checkAttributeValueSerializable(n.getAttributes(), n.getName());
// Check operator annotation
if (n.operatorAnnotation != null) {
// Check if partition property of the operator is being honored
if (!n.operatorAnnotation.partitionable()) {
// Check if any of the input ports have partition attributes set
for (InputPortMeta pm : portMapping.inPortMap.values()) {
Boolean paralellPartition = pm.getValue(PortContext.PARTITION_PARALLEL);
if (paralellPartition) {
throw new ValidationException("Operator " + n.getName() + " is not partitionable but PARTITION_PARALLEL attribute is set");
// Check if the operator implements Partitioner
if (n.getValue(OperatorContext.PARTITIONER) != null || n.attributes != null && !n.attributes.contains(OperatorContext.PARTITIONER) && Partitioner.class.isAssignableFrom(n.getOperator().getClass())) {
throw new ValidationException("Operator " + n.getName() + " provides partitioning capabilities but the annotation on the operator class declares it non partitionable!");
// a multiple of application window count
if (!n.operatorAnnotation.checkpointableWithinAppWindow()) {
if (n.getValue(OperatorContext.CHECKPOINT_WINDOW_COUNT) % n.getValue(OperatorContext.APPLICATION_WINDOW_COUNT) != 0) {
throw new ValidationException("Operator " + n.getName() + " cannot be check-pointed between an application window " + "but the checkpoint-window-count " + n.getValue(OperatorContext.CHECKPOINT_WINDOW_COUNT) + " is not a multiple application-window-count " + n.getValue(OperatorContext.APPLICATION_WINDOW_COUNT));
// check that non-optional ports are connected
for (InputPortMeta pm : portMapping.inPortMap.values()) {
checkAttributeValueSerializable(pm.getAttributes(), n.getName() + "." + pm.getPortName());
StreamMeta sm = n.inputStreams.get(pm);
if (sm == null) {
if ((pm.portAnnotation == null || !pm.portAnnotation.optional()) && pm.classDeclaringHiddenPort == null) {
throw new ValidationException("Input port connection required: " + + "." + pm.getPortName());
} else {
if (pm.classDeclaringHiddenPort != null) {
throw new ValidationException(String.format("Invalid port connected: %s.%s is hidden by %s.%s", pm.classDeclaringHiddenPort.getName(), pm.getPortName(), pm.operatorMeta.getOperator().getClass().getName(), pm.getPortName()));
// check locality constraints
DAG.Locality locality = sm.getLocality();
if (locality == DAG.Locality.THREAD_LOCAL) {
if (n.inputStreams.size() > 1) {
if (pm.portAnnotation != null && pm.portAnnotation.schemaRequired()) {
//since schema is required, the port attribute TUPLE_CLASS should be present
if (pm.attributes.get(PortContext.TUPLE_CLASS) == null) {
throw new ValidationException("Attribute " + PortContext.TUPLE_CLASS.getName() + " missing on port : " + + "." + pm.getPortName());
for (OutputPortMeta pm : portMapping.outPortMap.values()) {
checkAttributeValueSerializable(pm.getAttributes(), n.getName() + "." + pm.getPortName());
if (!n.outputStreams.containsKey(pm)) {
if ((pm.portAnnotation != null && !pm.portAnnotation.optional()) && pm.classDeclaringHiddenPort == null) {
throw new ValidationException("Output port connection required: " + + "." + pm.getPortName());
} else {
//port is connected
if (pm.classDeclaringHiddenPort != null) {
throw new ValidationException(String.format("Invalid port connected: %s.%s is hidden by %s.%s", pm.classDeclaringHiddenPort.getName(), pm.getPortName(), pm.operatorMeta.getOperator().getClass().getName(), pm.getPortName()));
if (pm.portAnnotation != null && pm.portAnnotation.schemaRequired()) {
//since schema is required, the port attribute TUPLE_CLASS should be present
if (pm.attributes.get(PortContext.TUPLE_CLASS) == null) {
throw new ValidationException("Attribute " + PortContext.TUPLE_CLASS.getName() + " missing on port : " + + "." + pm.getPortName());
ValidationContext validatonContext = new ValidationContext();
for (OperatorMeta n : operators.values()) {
if (n.nindex == null) {
findStronglyConnected(n, validatonContext);
if (!validatonContext.invalidCycles.isEmpty()) {
throw new ValidationException("Loops in graph: " + validatonContext.invalidCycles);
List<List<String>> invalidDelays = new ArrayList<>();
for (OperatorMeta n : rootOperators) {
findInvalidDelays(n, invalidDelays, new Stack<OperatorMeta>());
if (!invalidDelays.isEmpty()) {
throw new ValidationException("Invalid delays in graph: " + invalidDelays);
for (StreamMeta s : streams.values()) {
if (s.source == null) {
throw new ValidationException("Stream source not connected: " + s.getName());
if (s.sinks.isEmpty()) {
throw new ValidationException("Stream sink not connected: " + s.getName());
// Validate root operators are input operators
for (OperatorMeta om : this.rootOperators) {
if (!(om.getOperator() instanceof InputOperator)) {
throw new ValidationException(String.format("Root operator: %s is not a Input operator", om.getName()));
// processing mode
Set<OperatorMeta> visited = Sets.newHashSet();
for (OperatorMeta om : this.rootOperators) {
validateProcessingMode(om, visited);
use of javax.validation.Validator in project apex-core by apache.
the class LogicalPlanTest method testOperatorValidation.
public void testOperatorValidation() {
ValidationTestOperator bean = new ValidationTestOperator();
bean.stringField1 = "malhar1";
bean.intField1 = 1;
// ensure validation standalone produces expected results
ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Validator validator = factory.getValidator();
Set<ConstraintViolation<ValidationTestOperator>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(bean);
Assert.assertEquals("" + constraintViolations, 1, constraintViolations.size());
ConstraintViolation<ValidationTestOperator> cv = constraintViolations.iterator().next();
Assert.assertEquals("", bean.intField1, cv.getInvalidValue());
Assert.assertEquals("", "intField1", cv.getPropertyPath().toString());
// ensure DAG validation produces matching results
bean = dag.addOperator("testOperator", bean);
try {
dag.validate();"should throw ConstraintViolationException");
} catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
Assert.assertEquals("violation details", constraintViolations, e.getConstraintViolations());
String expRegex = ".*ValidationTestOperator\\{name=null}, propertyPath='intField1', message='must be greater than or equal to 2',.*value=1}]";
Assert.assertThat("exception message", e.getMessage(), RegexMatcher.matches(expRegex));
try {
bean.intField1 = 3;
dag.validate();"should throw ConstraintViolationException");
} catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
ConstraintViolation<?> cv2 = e.getConstraintViolations().iterator().next();
Assert.assertEquals("" + e.getConstraintViolations(), 1, constraintViolations.size());
Assert.assertEquals("", false, cv2.getInvalidValue());
Assert.assertEquals("", "validConfiguration", cv2.getPropertyPath().toString());
bean.stringField1 = "malhar3";
// annotated getter
try {
bean.getterProperty2 = null;
dag.validate();"should throw ConstraintViolationException");
} catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
ConstraintViolation<?> cv2 = e.getConstraintViolations().iterator().next();
Assert.assertEquals("" + e.getConstraintViolations(), 1, constraintViolations.size());
Assert.assertEquals("", null, cv2.getInvalidValue());
Assert.assertEquals("", "property2", cv2.getPropertyPath().toString());
bean.getterProperty2 = "";
// nested property
try { = null;
dag.validate();"should throw ConstraintViolationException");
} catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
ConstraintViolation<?> cv2 = e.getConstraintViolations().iterator().next();
Assert.assertEquals("" + e.getConstraintViolations(), 1, constraintViolations.size());
Assert.assertEquals("", null, cv2.getInvalidValue());
Assert.assertEquals("", "", cv2.getPropertyPath().toString());
} = "";
// all valid
use of javax.validation.Validator in project wildfly by wildfly.
the class GroupandGroupSequenceValidationTestCase method testGroupValidation.
public void testGroupValidation() throws NamingException {
Validator validator = (Validator) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/Validator");
// create first passenger
UserBean user1 = new UserBean("MADHUMITA", "SADHUKHAN");
user1.setAddress("REDHAT Brno");
// create second passenger
UserBean user2 = new UserBean("Mickey", "Mouse");
user2.setAddress("DISNEY CA USA");
List<UserBean> passengers = new ArrayList<UserBean>();
// Create a Car
Car car = new Car("CET5678", passengers);
car.setModel("SKODA Octavia");
// validate Car with default group as per GroupSequenceProvider
Set<ConstraintViolation<Car>> result = validator.validate(car);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
assertEquals("The Car has to pass the fuel test and inspection test before being driven", result.iterator().next().getMessage());
Driver driver = new Driver("Sebastian", "Vettel");
result = validator.validate(car);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
assertEquals("The Car has to pass the fuel test and inspection test before being driven", result.iterator().next().getMessage());
result = validator.validate(car);
// New group set in defaultsequence for Car as per CarGroupSequenceProvider should be implemented now
assertEquals(2, result.size());
// implementing validation for group associated with associated objects of Car(in this case Driver)
Set<ConstraintViolation<Car>> driverResult = validator.validate(car, DriverChecks.class);
assertEquals(1, driverResult.size());
assertEquals(0, validator.validate(car, DriverChecks.class).size());
assertEquals(0, validator.validate(car).size());