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Example 71 with WBEMClient

use of javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class VmaxExportOperations method setVSAFlagForIG.

private void setVSAFlagForIG(StorageSystem storage, CIMObjectPath initiatorGroupPath, boolean VSAFlag) throws Exception {
    WBEMClient client = _helper.getConnection(storage).getCimClient();
    CIMPropertyFactory factoryRef = (CIMPropertyFactory) ControllerServiceImpl.getBean("CIMPropertyFactory");
    CIMInstance toUpdate = new CIMInstance(initiatorGroupPath, new CIMProperty[] { factoryRef.bool(SmisConstants.CP_EMC_VSA_ENABLED, VSAFlag) });
    client.modifyInstance(toUpdate, SmisConstants.PS_EMC_VSA_ENABLED);
Also used : CIMPropertyFactory(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.CIMPropertyFactory) WBEMClient(javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient) CIMInstance(javax.cim.CIMInstance)

Example 72 with WBEMClient

use of javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class VmaxExportOperations method validateAndUpdateStorageGroupPolicyAndLimits.

 * Validates and updates fast policy in storage group.
 * @param storage
 *            the storage system
 * @param exportMask
 *            exportMask
 * @param childGroupName
 *            the child group name
 * @param volumeURIs
 *            the volume uris
 * @param newVirtualPool
 *            the new virtual pool where new policy name and host limits can be obtained
 * @param phantomSGNames
 *            the phantom SG names if any
 * @param taskCompleter
 *            task completer
 * @return true, if successfully updated policy for SG
 * @throws WBEMException
 *             the wBEM exception
 * @throws Exception
 *             the exception
private boolean validateAndUpdateStorageGroupPolicyAndLimits(StorageSystem storage, ExportMask exportMask, String childGroupName, List<URI> volumeURIs, VirtualPool newVirtualPool, Set<String> phantomSGNames, TaskCompleter taskCompleter) throws WBEMException, Exception {
    boolean policyUpdated = false;
    boolean isVmax3 = storage.checkIfVmax3();"Checking on Storage Group {}", childGroupName);
    WBEMClient client = _helper.getConnection(storage).getCimClient();
    // we need auto tiering policy object to get its name.
    String newPolicyName = ControllerUtils.getFastPolicyNameFromVirtualPool(_dbClient, storage, newVirtualPool);
    if (isVmax3) {
        newPolicyName = _helper.getVMAX3FastSettingForVolume(volumeURIs.get(0), newPolicyName);
    StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits = new StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(newPolicyName, newVirtualPool.getHostIOLimitBandwidth(), newVirtualPool.getHostIOLimitIOPs(), newVirtualPool.getCompressionEnabled(), storage);
    CIMObjectPath childGroupPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, childGroupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
    if (isVmax3) {
         * VMAX3 part of multiple exports: volumes will be part of multiple SGs
         * One as FAST SG and others as non-FAST SG.
         * If the requested SG is non FAST, do nothing. Other export mask's call
         * will take care of updating FAST setting.
        BlockObject bo = BlockObject.fetch(_dbClient, volumeURIs.get(0));
        if (_helper.isVolumePartOfMoreThanOneExport(storage, bo)) {
            String currentPolicyName = _helper.getVMAX3FastSettingAssociatedWithVolumeGroup(storage, childGroupPath);
            if (Constants.NONE.equalsIgnoreCase(currentPolicyName) && _helper.checkVolumeAssociatedWithAnyFASTSG(bo.getNativeId(), storage)) {
                Map<ExportMask, ExportGroup> maskToGroupMap = ExportUtils.getExportMasks(bo, _dbClient);
                if (maskToGroupMap.size() > 1) {
          "Volumes {} are part of multiple storage groups. " + "FAST Policy will be (or might already be) changed during other export mask's call.", Joiner.on("\t").join(volumeURIs));
                    return true;
                } else {
                    _log.error("FAST Policy cannot be updated on this storage group" + " since volumes are already part of another FAST managed storage group.");
                    return false;
    if (!isVmax3 && !phantomSGNames.isEmpty() && !_helper.isFastPolicy(_helper.getAutoTieringPolicyNameAssociatedWithVolumeGroup(storage, childGroupPath)) && !_helper.isCascadedSG(storage, childGroupPath)) {
         * Phantom SG will be taken into consideration only if MV contains Non-cascaded Non-FAST SG
         */"**** Phantom Storage Group ****");
         * For Volumes in Phantom SG - Volumes part of Phantom SG will be in Non-cascaded Non-FAST Storage Group
         * (CTRL-9064)
         * We have the phantom SGs having volumes which are part of this Masking view
         * Group requested volumes by SG
         * volumes in each Phantom SG
         * also add an entry with volumes to Non-FAST SG (volumes requested minus volumes already in phantom SG)
         * For each SG,
         * If Phantom SG:
         * If it is requested for all volumes
         * change the policy associated with phantom SG
         * else
         * Remove the volumes from that phantom SG
         * add them to new/existing phantom SG which is associated with new policy
         * Note: if new policy is NONE, we just remove the volumes from phantom SG, no need to add them to another
         * phantom SG.
         * Since these volumes are already part of Non-FAST SG, they are part of MV.
         * Else if it is Non-FAST SG:
         * place those volumes in new/existing Phantom SG which is associated with new Policy
        Map<String, List<URI>> volumeGroup = new HashMap<String, List<URI>>();
        List<URI> volumeURIsOfNonFASTSG = new ArrayList<URI>();
        for (String phantomSGName : phantomSGNames) {
            List<URI> volURIs = _helper.findVolumesInStorageGroup(storage, phantomSGName, volumeURIs);
            if (!volURIs.isEmpty()) {
                volumeGroup.put(phantomSGName, volURIs);
        // put Non-FAST SG with volumes (volumes requested minus volumes already in phantom SG)
        if (!volumeURIsOfNonFASTSG.isEmpty()) {
            volumeGroup.put(childGroupName, volumeURIsOfNonFASTSG);
        for (Entry<String, List<URI>> sgNameToVolumes : volumeGroup.entrySet()) {
            String sgName = sgNameToVolumes.getKey();
            List<URI> volumesInSG = sgNameToVolumes.getValue();
            CIMObjectPath sgPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, sgName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
            // Flag to indicate whether or not we need to use the EMCForce flag on this operation.
            // We currently use this flag when dealing with RP Volumes as they are tagged for RP and the
            // operation on these volumes would fail otherwise.
            boolean forceFlag = false;
            for (URI volURI : volumesInSG) {
                // The force flag only needs to be set once
                if (!forceFlag) {
                    forceFlag = ExportUtils.useEMCForceFlag(_dbClient, volURI);
             * update Policy on this SG. We don't use Phantom SG for IO Limits
            String currentPolicyName = _helper.getAutoTieringPolicyNameAssociatedWithVolumeGroup(storage, sgPath);
  "FAST policy name associated with Storage Group {} : {}", sgName, currentPolicyName);
            if (!_helper.isFastPolicy(currentPolicyName)) {
                 * Not a Phantom SG. Create new or use existing Phantom SG for the requested volumes
                 * Request: non-FAST volumes in SG (associated with MV) to FAST volumes
                addVolumesToPhantomStorageGroup(storage, exportMask, volumesInSG, newPolicyName, childGroupName, taskCompleter, forceFlag);
            } else {
                 * phantom SG
      "Checking on Phantom Storage Group {}", sgName);
                // check if phantom SG has the same set of volumes as the volume list provided
                if (isGivenVolumeListSameAsInStorageGroup(storage, sgPath, volumesInSG)) {
          "Changing Policy on Phantom Storage Group {} since it is requested " + "for all the volumes in the Group.", sgName);
                    if (!currentPolicyName.equalsIgnoreCase(newPolicyName)) {
                        if (_helper.isFastPolicy(currentPolicyName)) {
                            _helper.removeVolumeGroupFromAutoTieringPolicy(storage, sgPath);
                        if (_helper.isFastPolicy(newPolicyName)) {
                  "Adding Storage Group {} to FAST Policy {}", sgName, newPolicyName);
                            addVolumeGroupToAutoTieringPolicy(storage, newPolicyName, sgPath, taskCompleter);
                            StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam phantomStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam = new StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(newPolicyName);
                            String newSGName = generateNewNameForPhantomSG(storage, childGroupName, phantomStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam);
                            // update SG name according to new policy
                            _helper.updateStorageGroupName(client, sgPath, newSGName);
                    } else {
              "Current and new policy names are same '{}'." + " No need to update it on SG.", currentPolicyName);
                     * if new policy is NONE & all volumes in request
                     * remove phantom SG since it won't be needed anymore
                     * (because volumes are already part of Non-FAST SG associated with MV)
                     * Request: FAST volumes to Non-FAST
                    if (!_helper.isFastPolicy(newPolicyName)) {
                        removePhantomStorageGroup(storage, client, exportMask.getId(), sgName, sgPath, volumesInSG, forceFlag);
                } else {
                     * remove requested volumes from this phantom SG
                     * add them to the new/existing phantom SG which is associated with target policy
          "Request is made for part of volumes in the Group");
                    removePhantomStorageGroup(storage, client, exportMask.getId(), sgName, sgPath, volumesInSG, forceFlag);
                    if (_helper.isFastPolicy(newPolicyName)) {
                        addVolumesToPhantomStorageGroup(storage, exportMask, volumesInSG, newPolicyName, childGroupName, taskCompleter, forceFlag);
            policyUpdated = true;
    } else {
         * Usual flow for regular SGs
         * check if SG has the same set of volumes as the volume list provided.
        if (isGivenVolumeListSameAsInStorageGroup(storage, childGroupPath, volumeURIs)) {
             * update Policy and Limits on this SG
  "Request is made for all volumes in the Group. Updating Policy and Limits on this Storage Group..");
            CIMInstance childGroupInstance = null;
            if (isVmax3) {
                childGroupInstance = _helper.getInstance(storage, childGroupPath, false, false, SmisConstants.PS_V3_STORAGE_GROUP_PROPERTIES);
            } else {
                childGroupInstance = _helper.checkExists(storage, childGroupPath, false, false);
            StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam currentStorageGroupPolicyLimits = _helper.createStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(storage, childGroupInstance);
            String currentPolicyName = currentStorageGroupPolicyLimits.getAutoTierPolicyName();
            if (!currentPolicyName.equalsIgnoreCase(newPolicyName)) {
      "FAST policy name associated with Storage Group {} : {}", childGroupName, currentPolicyName);
                if (isVmax3) {
                    newPolicyName = _helper.getVMAX3FastSettingWithRightNoneString(storage, newPolicyName);
                    CIMInstance toUpdate = new CIMInstance(childGroupInstance.getObjectPath(), _helper.getV3FastSettingProperties(newPolicyName));
                    _helper.modifyInstance(storage, toUpdate, SmisConstants.PS_V3_FAST_SETTING_PROPERTIES);
          "Modified Storage Group {} FAST Setting to {}", childGroupName, newPolicyName);
                } else {
                    if (_helper.isFastPolicy(currentPolicyName)) {
                        _helper.removeVolumeGroupFromAutoTieringPolicy(storage, childGroupPath);
                    if (_helper.isFastPolicy(newPolicyName)) {
              "Adding Storage Group {} to FAST Policy {}", childGroupName, newPolicyName);
                        addVolumeGroupToAutoTieringPolicy(storage, newPolicyName, childGroupPath, taskCompleter);
            } else {
      "Current and new policy names are same '{}'." + " No need to update it on Storage Group.", currentPolicyName);
            // Even if we don't change policy name on device
            // we need to set policyUpdated = true else rollback kicks in
            policyUpdated = true;
            // Update the compression attributes if it needs to be
            if (isVmax3) {
                // refresh the SG instance since compression property is enabled by default
                // when SG becomes FAST managed.
                childGroupInstance = _helper.getInstance(storage, childGroupPath, false, false, SmisConstants.PS_EMC_COMPRESSION);
                boolean currentCompressionSetting = SmisUtils.getEMCCompressionForStorageGroup(childGroupInstance);
                boolean newCompressionSetting = newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getCompression();
                if (currentCompressionSetting != newCompressionSetting) {
                    CIMInstance toUpdate = new CIMInstance(childGroupInstance.getObjectPath(), _helper.getV3CompressionProperties(newCompressionSetting));
                    _helper.modifyInstance(storage, toUpdate, SmisConstants.PS_EMC_COMPRESSION);
          "Modified Storage Group {} Compression setting to {}", childGroupName, newCompressionSetting);
                } else {
          "Current and new compression values are same '{}'." + " No need to update it on Storage Group.", newCompressionSetting);
            // update host io limits if need be
            if (!HostIOLimitsParam.isEqualsLimit(currentStorageGroupPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitBandwidth(), newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitBandwidth())) {
                _helper.updateHostIOLimitBandwidth(client, childGroupPath, newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitBandwidth());
                policyUpdated = true;
            if (!HostIOLimitsParam.isEqualsLimit(currentStorageGroupPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitIOPs(), newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitIOPs())) {
                _helper.updateHostIOLimitIOPs(client, childGroupPath, newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitIOPs());
                policyUpdated = true;
            if (policyUpdated) {
                Set<Initiator> initiators = ExportMaskUtils.getInitiatorsForExportMask(_dbClient, exportMask, null);
                _helper.updateStorageGroupName(client, childGroupPath, generateStorageGroupName(storage, exportMask, initiators, newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits));
        } else if (isVmax3) {
             * Requested for fewer members in a SG
             * V3 supports moveMembers from one SG to another, provided some conditions met.
             * see #helper.moveVolumesFromOneStorageGroupToAnother() for criteria.
             * validate that current SG is not a parent SG and it is not associated with MV
             * check if there is another SG under CSG with new fastSetting & limits
             * else create new SG (with new fastSetting, IO limits) and associate it with CSG
             * call 'moveMembers' to move volumes from current SG to new SG
  "Request is made for part of volumes in the Group (VMAX3). Moving those volumes to new Storage Group..");
            if (!_helper.isCascadedSG(storage, childGroupPath) && !_helper.findStorageGroupsAssociatedWithOtherMaskingViews(storage, childGroupName)) {
                String parentGroupName = _helper.getStorageGroupForGivenMaskingView(exportMask.getMaskName(), storage);
                Map<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, List<String>> childGroupsByFast = _helper.groupStorageGroupsByAssociation(storage, parentGroupName);
                List<String> newChildGroups = childGroupsByFast.get(newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits);
                if (newChildGroups != null) {
                    // remove CSG
                boolean newGroup = false;
                CIMObjectPath newChildGroupPath = null;
                String newChildGroupName = null;
                if (newChildGroups != null && !newChildGroups.isEmpty()) {
                    newChildGroupName = newChildGroups.iterator().next();
                    newChildGroupPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, newChildGroupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
                } else {
                    newGroup = true;
                    newPolicyName = _helper.getVMAX3FastSettingWithRightNoneString(storage, newPolicyName);
                    String[] tokens = newPolicyName.split(Constants.SMIS_PLUS_REGEX);
                    newChildGroupPath = _helper.createVolumeGroupBasedOnSLO(storage, storage, tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2]);
                    // Flag to indicate whether or not we need to use the EMCForce flag on this operation.
                    // We currently use this flag when dealing with RP Volumes as they are tagged for RP and the
                    // operation on these volumes would fail otherwise.
                    boolean forceFlag = false;
                    for (URI volURI : volumeURIs) {
                        if (!forceFlag) {
                            forceFlag = ExportUtils.useEMCForceFlag(_dbClient, volURI);
                    addGroupsToCascadedVolumeGroup(storage, parentGroupName, newChildGroupPath, null, null, forceFlag);
                // We could enter the same situation if any of the SG characteristics were modified without ViPR knowledge.
                if (childGroupName.equalsIgnoreCase(newChildGroupName)) {
          "Current Storage Group {} has the required charcteristics" + "No need to invoke SMI-S moveMembers method. Performing NO-OP", newChildGroupName);
                } else {
                    SmisJob moveVolumesToSGJob = new SmisSynchSubTaskJob(null, storage.getId(), SmisConstants.MOVE_MEMBERS);
                    _helper.moveVolumesFromOneStorageGroupToAnother(storage, childGroupPath, newChildGroupPath, volumeURIs, moveVolumesToSGJob);
                if (newGroup) {
                    // update host IO limits if need be
                    if (newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.isHostIOLimitBandwidthSet()) {
                        _helper.updateHostIOLimitBandwidth(client, newChildGroupPath, newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitBandwidth());
                    if (newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.isHostIOLimitIOPsSet()) {
                        _helper.updateHostIOLimitIOPs(client, newChildGroupPath, newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitIOPs());
                    // Honor the compression settings if needed..
                    if (!newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getCompression()) {
                        // If the user opted out of compression, and the created SG has compression enabled by default,
                        // we need to opt out..
                        CIMInstance newChildGroupInstance = _helper.getInstance(storage, newChildGroupPath, false, false, SmisConstants.PS_EMC_COMPRESSION);
                        if (SmisUtils.getEMCCompressionForStorageGroup(newChildGroupInstance)) {
                            CIMInstance toUpdate = new CIMInstance(newChildGroupInstance.getObjectPath(), _helper.getV3CompressionProperties(false));
                            _helper.modifyInstance(storage, toUpdate, SmisConstants.PS_EMC_COMPRESSION);
                    Set<Initiator> initiators = ExportMaskUtils.getInitiatorsForExportMask(_dbClient, exportMask, null);
                    _helper.updateStorageGroupName(client, newChildGroupPath, generateStorageGroupName(storage, exportMask, initiators, newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits));
                policyUpdated = true;
            } else {
      "Conditions for 'moveMembers' didn't meet for Storage Group {}." + " Hence, cannot move volumes to new Storage Group with new policy and limits.", childGroupName);
        } else {
  "Given Volume list is not same as the one in Storage Group {}." + " Hence, FAST policy change won't be done on it.", childGroupName);
    return policyUpdated;
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) Sets.newHashSet( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) StringSet(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ExportMask(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask) CIMObjectPath(javax.cim.CIMObjectPath) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URI( CIMInstance(javax.cim.CIMInstance) SmisSynchSubTaskJob(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.job.SmisSynchSubTaskJob) ExportGroup(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportGroup) Initiator(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Initiator) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList) List(java.util.List) StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam) SmisJob(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.job.SmisJob) WBEMClient(javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) AbstractMap(java.util.AbstractMap) BlockObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockObject)

Example 73 with WBEMClient

use of javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class VmaxExportOperations method removeVolumes.

public void removeVolumes(StorageSystem storage, URI exportMaskURI, List<URI> volumeURIList, List<Initiator> initiatorList, TaskCompleter taskCompleter) throws DeviceControllerException {"{} removeVolumes START...", storage.getSerialNumber());
    try {"removeVolumes: Export mask id: {}", exportMaskURI);"removeVolumes: volumes: {}", Joiner.on(',').join(volumeURIList));
        if (initiatorList != null) {
  "removeVolumes: impacted initiators: {}", Joiner.on(",").join(initiatorList));
        List<? extends BlockObject> blockObjects = BlockObject.fetchAll(_dbClient, volumeURIList);
        ExportMask exportMask = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportMask.class, exportMaskURI);
        boolean isRollback = WorkflowService.getInstance().isStepInRollbackState(taskCompleter.getOpId());
        ExportMaskValidationContext ctx = new ExportMaskValidationContext();
        // Allow exceptions to be thrown when not rolling back
        boolean isVmax3 = storage.checkIfVmax3();
        WBEMClient client = _helper.getConnection(storage).getCimClient();
        if (isRollback) {
            // Get the context from the task completer for this rollback step. The stepId in this case
            // will correspond to the rollback step and not the primary execution step. We don't know
            // the rollback stepId until execution time, therefore there will be no step data in the
            // database corresponding to this stepId. The underlying call to loadStepData will take care
            // of finding the founding step (execution) step for this rollback stepId, from which the
            // step data can be found.
            ExportOperationContext context = (ExportOperationContext) WorkflowService.getInstance().loadStepData(taskCompleter.getOpId());
            exportMaskRollback(storage, context, taskCompleter);
        } else {
            String maskingViewName = _helper.getExportMaskName(exportMaskURI);
            // Always get the Storage Group from masking View, rather than depending on the name to find out SG.
            String parentGroupName = _helper.getStorageGroupForGivenMaskingView(maskingViewName, storage);
            // Storage Group does not exist, no operation on array side
            if (null == parentGroupName) {
            Map<String, List<URI>> volumesByGroup = _helper.groupVolumesBasedOnExistingGroups(storage, parentGroupName, volumeURIList);
  "Group Volumes by Storage Group size : {}", volumesByGroup.size());
            if (volumesByGroup.size() == 0) {
      "Could not find any groups to which the volumes to remove belong.");
             * For each child Group bucket, remove the volumes from those bucket
            for (Entry<String, List<URI>> volumeByGroupEntry : volumesByGroup.entrySet()) {
                String childGroupName = volumeByGroupEntry.getKey();
                volumeURIList = volumeByGroupEntry.getValue();
      "Processing Group {} with volumes {}", childGroupName, Joiner.on("\t").join(volumeURIList));
                 * Empty child Storage Groups cannot be associated with Fast Policy.
                 * hence, verify if storage group size is > 1, if not, then remove the
                 * child group from Fast Policy, and then proceed with removing the volume from group
                if (volumesByGroup.get(childGroupName) != null && volumesByGroup.get(childGroupName).size() == volumeURIList.size() && !_helper.isStorageGroupSizeGreaterThanGivenVolumes(childGroupName, storage, volumeURIList.size())) {
          "Storage Group has no more than {} volumes", volumeURIList.size());
                    URI blockURI = volumeURIList.get(0);
                    BlockObject blockObj = BlockObject.fetch(_dbClient, blockURI);
                    CIMObjectPath maskingGroupPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, childGroupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
                    String policyName = ControllerUtils.getAutoTieringPolicyName(blockObj.getId(), _dbClient);
                    if (!isVmax3 && !Constants.NONE.equalsIgnoreCase(policyName)) {
              "Storage Group contains only 1 volume, hence this group will be disassociated from fast, as fast cannot be applied to empty group {}", childGroupName);
                        _helper.removeVolumeGroupFromPolicyAndLimitsAssociation(client, storage, maskingGroupPath);
                Set<String> volumeDeviceIds = new HashSet<String>();
                // Flag to indicate whether or not we need to use the EMCForce flag on this operation.
                // We currently use this flag when dealing with RP Volumes as they are tagged for RP and the
                // operation on these volumes would fail otherwise.
                boolean forceFlag = false;
                for (URI volURI : volumeURIList) {
                    BlockObject bo = Volume.fetchExportMaskBlockObject(_dbClient, volURI);
                    // The force flag only needs to be set once
                    if (!forceFlag) {
                        forceFlag = ExportUtils.useEMCForceFlag(_dbClient, volURI);
                List<CIMObjectPath> volumePaths = new ArrayList<CIMObjectPath>();
                // Determine if the volumes are associated with any phantom storage groups.
                // If so, we need to remove volumes from those storage groups and potentially remove them.
                removeVolumesFromPhantomStorageGroup(storage, client, exportMaskURI, volumeURIList, childGroupName, forceFlag);
                // Create a relatively empty completer associated with the export mask. We don't have the export
                // group
                // at this level, so there's nothing decent to attach the completer to anyway.
                String task = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter completer = new ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter(null, exportMaskURI, task);
                List<URI> volumesInSG = _helper.findVolumesInStorageGroup(storage, childGroupName, volumeURIList);
                if (volumesInSG != null && !volumesInSG.isEmpty()) {
                    CIMArgument[] inArgs = _helper.getRemoveVolumesFromMaskingGroupInputArguments(storage, childGroupName, volumesInSG, forceFlag);
                    CIMArgument[] outArgs = new CIMArgument[5];
                    // If any of the volumes being removed are tied to RecoverPoint, we need to be aware that there
                    // might be some lag in terminating the remote copy session between VMAX and RP. So we need to
                    // catch a specific exception in this case and wait/retry.
                    boolean containsRPVolume = false;
                    // RecoverPoint related.
                    for (URI boUri : volumesInSG) {
                        if (URIUtil.isType(boUri, Volume.class)) {
                            Volume volume = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, boUri);
                            if (volume != null && (volume.checkForRp() || RPHelper.isAssociatedToAnyRpVplexTypes(volume, _dbClient))) {
                                // Determined that the volume is RP related
                                containsRPVolume = true;
                    // Initialize the retry/attempt variables
                    int attempt = 0;
                    int retries = 1;
                    if (containsRPVolume) {
                        // If we are dealing with an RP volume, we need to set the retry count appropriately
                        retries = MAX_RP_RETRIES;
                    while (attempt++ <= retries) {
                        try {
                            _helper.invokeMethodSynchronously(storage, _cimPath.getControllerConfigSvcPath(storage), "RemoveMembers", inArgs, outArgs, new SmisMaskingViewRemoveVolumeJob(null, storage.getId(), volumePaths, parentGroupName, childGroupName, _cimPath, completer));
                            // If the invoke succeeds without exception, break out of the retry loop.
                        } catch (SmisException se) {
                            if (attempt != retries && containsRPVolume && se.getMessage().contains(COPY_SESSION_ERROR)) {
                                // There is some delay in terminating the remote copy session between VMAX and
                                // RecoverPoint
                                // so we need to wait and retry.
                                _log.warn(String.format("Encountered exception during attempt %s/%s to remove volumes %s from export group.  Waiting %s milliseconds before trying again.  Error: %s", attempt, MAX_RP_RETRIES, volumesInSG.toString(), RP_WAIT_FOR_RETRY, se.getMessage()));
                                try {
                                } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
                            } else {
                                // This is not RP related so just re-throw the exception instead of retrying.
                                throw se;
                    if (isVmax3) {
                        // we need to add volumes to parking storage group
                        URI blockObjectURI = volumeURIList.get(0);
                        String policyName = _helper.getVMAX3FastSettingForVolume(blockObjectURI, null);
                        addVolumesToParkingStorageGroup(storage, policyName, volumeDeviceIds);
                } else {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.error(String.format("removeVolumes failed - maskName: %s", exportMaskURI.toString()), e);
        ServiceError serviceError = null;
        if (null != e.getMessage() && e.getMessage().contains("FAST association cannot have an empty storage group")) {
            serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.concurrentRemoveFromSGCausesEmptySG(e);
        } else {
            serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(e);
        taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, serviceError);
    }"{} removeVolumes END...", storage.getSerialNumber());
Also used : SmisMaskingViewRemoveVolumeJob(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.job.SmisMaskingViewRemoveVolumeJob) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URI( ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.block.taskcompleter.ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter) ExportOperationContext(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.utils.ExportOperationContext) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList) List(java.util.List) WBEMClient(javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient) BlockObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockObject) Sets.newHashSet( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) SmisException(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.SmisException) ServiceError(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.model.ServiceError) ExportMask(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask) CIMObjectPath(javax.cim.CIMObjectPath) AlternateIdConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.AlternateIdConstraint) ContainmentConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.ContainmentConstraint) SmisException(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.SmisException) DeviceControllerException(com.emc.storageos.exceptions.DeviceControllerException) WBEMException(javax.wbem.WBEMException) ExportMaskValidationContext(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.validators.contexts.ExportMaskValidationContext) Volume(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume) CIMArgument(javax.cim.CIMArgument)

Example 74 with WBEMClient

use of javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class VmaxExportOperations method getMasksWhoseIGsCanBeReused.

 * Gets the masks whose IGs can be reused i.e masks that can be skipped from being reused.
private Set<URI> getMasksWhoseIGsCanBeReused(StorageSystem storage, Map<URI, ExportMask> maskMap, List<String> initiatorNamesInRequest) throws Exception {
     * When a masking view can be skipped and a new masking view can be created instead?
     * If Mask has other initiators in addition with requested initiators:
     * And if it has cascaded IG with child IGs
     * wherein each child IG has some or all of requested initiators, without additional initiators
     * or completely different set of initiators.
    Set<URI> masksWithReusableIGs = new HashSet<>();"Initiators in Request : {} ", Joiner.on(", ").join(initiatorNamesInRequest));
    WBEMClient client = _helper.getConnection(storage).getCimClient();
    for (URI exportMaskURI : maskMap.keySet()) {
        ExportMask mask = maskMap.get(exportMaskURI);
        String maskName = mask.getMaskName();"Checking if mask {} can be skipped from getting reused", maskName);
        // Find all the initiators associated with the MaskingView
        CIMInstance instance = _helper.getSymmLunMaskingView(storage, mask);
        List<String> initiatorNamesInMask = _helper.getInitiatorsFromLunMaskingInstance(client, instance);
        if (!initiatorNamesInMask.isEmpty()) {
            CIMObjectPath maskingViewPath = _cimPath.getMaskingViewPath(storage, maskName);
            CIMObjectPath parentIG = _helper.getInitiatorGroupForGivenMaskingView(maskingViewPath, storage);
            if (_helper.isCascadedIG(storage, parentIG)) {
                // get all the child IGs
                List<CIMObjectPath> childInitiatorGroupPaths = new ArrayList<CIMObjectPath>();
                getInitiatorGroupsFromMvOrIg(storage, parentIG, childInitiatorGroupPaths);
                boolean allIGsSatisfy = false;
                for (CIMObjectPath igPath : childInitiatorGroupPaths) {
                    List<String> initiatorNamesFromIG = _helper.getInitiatorNamesForInitiatorGroup(storage, igPath);
          "Initiators in IG {}: {}", igPath.toString(), Joiner.on(", ").join(initiatorNamesFromIG));
                    int initialSize = initiatorNamesFromIG.size();
                    if (initiatorNamesFromIG.isEmpty() || (initialSize == initiatorNamesFromIG.size())) {
                        // If IG has some or all of requested initiators, it should not have other initiators
                        // or completely different set of initiators
                        allIGsSatisfy = true;
                    } else {
                        allIGsSatisfy = false;
                        // stop processing other child groups
                if (allIGsSatisfy) {
                    // IGs which are having requested initiators, doesn't contain other initiators.
                    // (all required initiators are present in single IG or split into multiple child IGs)
                    // Creating a new masking view is the right thing to do, as we can reuse IGs.
          "Skipping mask {} from getting reused", maskName);
        // else - Single Non-Cascaded IG has other initiators, MV can be reused
    // else - MV with same set (or) few initiators can be reused
    return masksWithReusableIGs;
Also used : ExportMask(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask) CIMObjectPath(javax.cim.CIMObjectPath) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URI( CIMInstance(javax.cim.CIMInstance) AlternateIdConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.AlternateIdConstraint) ContainmentConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.ContainmentConstraint) WBEMClient(javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient) Sets.newHashSet( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 75 with WBEMClient

use of javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class VmaxExportOperations method deleteExportMask.

public void deleteExportMask(StorageSystem storage, URI exportMaskURI, List<URI> volumeURIList, List<URI> targetURIList, List<Initiator> initiatorList, TaskCompleter taskCompleter) throws DeviceControllerException {"{} deleteExportMask START...", storage.getSerialNumber());
    try {"Export mask id: {}", exportMaskURI);
        if (volumeURIList != null) {
  "deleteExportMask: volumes:  {}", Joiner.on(',').join(volumeURIList));
        if (targetURIList != null) {
  "deleteExportMask: assignments: {}", Joiner.on(',').join(targetURIList));
        if (initiatorList != null) {
  "deleteExportMask: initiators: {}", Joiner.on(',').join(initiatorList));
        boolean isVmax3 = storage.checkIfVmax3();
        WBEMClient client = _helper.getConnection(storage).getCimClient();
        String maskingViewName = _helper.getExportMaskName(exportMaskURI);
        // Always get the Storage Group from masking View, rather than depending on the name to find out SG.
        String groupName = _helper.getStorageGroupForGivenMaskingView(maskingViewName, storage);
             * The idea is to remove orphaned child Groups, after deleting masking view. We're getting
             * the list of childGroups here because once we call deleteMaskingView, the parent group
             * will be automatically deleted.
             * Run Associator Names to get details of child Storage Groups ,and group them based on
             * Fast Policy.
        Map<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, List<String>> childGroupsByFast = new HashMap<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, List<String>>();
        // if SGs are already removed from masking view manually, then skip this part
        if (null != groupName) {
            childGroupsByFast = _helper.groupStorageGroupsByAssociation(storage, groupName);
        } else {
  "Masking View {} doesn't have any SGs associated, probably removed manually from Array", maskingViewName);
            if (isVmax3) {
                // If we did not find the storage group associated with the masking view it could be
                // the case that were were unexporting volumes and successfully deleted the masking
                // but failed at some point thereafter, and now the operation is being retried. If
                // that is the case, then for VMAX3 we want to make sure that none of the volumes being
                // unexported are still in non parking storage groups. If we find such volume we remove
                // them and add them to the parking storage group.
                ExportMask exportMask = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportMask.class, exportMaskURI);
                if (exportMask == null) {
                    // If we can't find the mask, there is really no cleanup we can do.
                    _log.warn("ExportMask {} no longer exists", exportMaskURI);
                // See if any of the mask's volumes are still in a non-parking storage group. Map the
                // volumes by group name.
                List<URI> volumeURIs = ExportMaskUtils.getVolumeURIs(exportMask);
                Map<String, List<URI>> volumesInNonParkingStorageGroup = _helper.getVolumesInNonParkingStorageGroup(storage, volumeURIs);
                if (!volumesInNonParkingStorageGroup.isEmpty()) {
                    Map<String, Set<String>> volumeDeviceIdsMap = new HashMap<>();
                    for (Entry<String, List<URI>> storageGroupEntry : volumesInNonParkingStorageGroup.entrySet()) {
                        String storageGroupName = storageGroupEntry.getKey();
                        List<URI> storageGroupVolumeURIs = storageGroupEntry.getValue();
                        // then just skip the volume, we cannot clean it up as we may impact other exports.
                        if (_helper.findStorageGroupsAssociatedWithMultipleParents(storage, storageGroupName) || _helper.findStorageGroupsAssociatedWithOtherMaskingViews(storage, storageGroupName)) {
                  "Storage group {} is associated with multiple paranets or other masking views", storageGroupName);
                        // Otherwise, remove the volumes from the storage group.
              "Removing volumes {} from non parking storage group {}", storageGroupVolumeURIs, storageGroupName);
                        _helper.removeVolumesFromStorageGroup(storage, storageGroupName, storageGroupVolumeURIs, true);
                        // parking storage group.
                        for (URI storageGroupVolumeURI : storageGroupVolumeURIs) {
                            Volume storageGroupVolume = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, storageGroupVolumeURI);
                            if (storageGroupVolume != null) {
                                String policyName = ControllerUtils.getAutoTieringPolicyName(storageGroupVolumeURI, _dbClient);
                                String policyKey = _helper.getVMAX3FastSettingForVolume(storageGroupVolumeURI, policyName);
                                if (volumeDeviceIdsMap.containsKey(policyKey)) {
                                } else {
                                    Set<String> volumeDeviceIds = new HashSet<>();
                                    volumeDeviceIdsMap.put(policyKey, volumeDeviceIds);
                    // Finally for each parking storage group policy, add the volumes associated parking storage group.
                    for (Entry<String, Set<String>> volumeDeviceIdsMapEntry : volumeDeviceIdsMap.entrySet()) {
              "Adding volumes {} on system {} to parking storage group for policy {}", volumeDeviceIdsMapEntry.getValue(), storage.getNativeGuid(), volumeDeviceIdsMapEntry.getKey());
                        addVolumesToParkingStorageGroup(storage, volumeDeviceIdsMapEntry.getKey(), volumeDeviceIdsMapEntry.getValue());
             * If a maskingView was created by other instance, can not delete it here during roll back. Hence,
             * set task as done.
        if (taskCompleter instanceof RollbackExportGroupCreateCompleter) {
                 * The purpose of rollback is to delete the masking view created by this very ViPR instance as
                 * part of this workflow, and it should not delete masking view created externally or another ViPR
            // Get the context from the task completer, in case this is a rollback.
            ExportOperationContext context = (ExportOperationContext) WorkflowService.getInstance().loadStepData(taskCompleter.getOpId());
            if (context != null) {
                exportMaskRollback(storage, context, taskCompleter);
        } else {
            ExportOperationContext context = (ExportOperationContext) WorkflowService.getInstance().loadStepData(taskCompleter.getOpId());
            ExportMask exportMask = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportMask.class, exportMaskURI);
            List<URI> volumeURIs = ExportMaskUtils.getVolumeURIs(exportMask);
            ExportMaskValidationContext ctx = new ExportMaskValidationContext();
            ctx.setBlockObjects(volumeURIList, _dbClient);
            ctx.setAllowExceptions(context == null);
            if (!deleteMaskingView(storage, exportMaskURI, childGroupsByFast, taskCompleter)) {
                // deleteMaskingView call. Simply return from here.
            for (Map.Entry<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, List<String>> entry : childGroupsByFast.entrySet()) {
      "Mask %s FAST Policy %s associated with %d Storage Group(s)", maskingViewName, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().size()));
            if (groupName != null) {
      "storage group name : {}", groupName);
                // delete the CSG explicitly (CTRL-9236)
                CIMObjectPath storageGroupPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, groupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
                // check if the storage group is shared before delete it
                if (_helper.checkExists(storage, storageGroupPath, false, false) != null && _helper.checkMaskingGroupShared(storage, storageGroupPath, exportMask.getMaskName())) {
                    // if the storage group is shared, don't delete the storage group
          "The Storage group {} is shared, so it will not be deleted", groupName);
                if (_helper.isCascadedSG(storage, storageGroupPath)) {
                    _helper.deleteMaskingGroup(storage, groupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
                 * After successful deletion of masking view, try to remove the child Storage Groups ,which were
                 * part of cascaded
                 * Parent Group. If Fast Policy is not enabled, then those child groups can be removed.
                 * If Fast enabled, then try to find if this child Storage Group is associated with more than 1
                 * Parent Cascaded
                 * Group, if yes, then we cannot delete the child Storage Group.
                for (Entry<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, List<String>> childGroupByFastEntry : childGroupsByFast.entrySet()) {
                    for (String childGroupName : childGroupByFastEntry.getValue()) {
              "Processing Group {} deletion with Fast Policy {}", childGroupName, childGroupByFastEntry.getKey());
                        CIMObjectPath maskingGroupPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, childGroupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
                        if (!_helper.isFastPolicy(childGroupByFastEntry.getKey().getAutoTierPolicyName())) {
                             * Remove the volumes from any phantom storage group (CTRL-8217).
                             * Volumes part of Phantom Storage Group will be in Non-CSG Non-FAST Storage Group
                            if (!_helper.isCascadedSG(storage, maskingGroupPath)) {
                                // Get volumes which are part of this Storage Group
                                List<URI> volumesInSG = _helper.findVolumesInStorageGroup(storage, childGroupName, volumeURIs);
                                // Flag to indicate whether or not we need to use the EMCForce flag on this
                                // operation.
                                // We currently use this flag when dealing with RP Volumes as they are tagged for RP
                                // and the
                                // operation on these volumes would fail otherwise.
                                boolean forceFlag = false;
                                for (URI volURI : volumesInSG) {
                                    forceFlag = ExportUtils.useEMCForceFlag(_dbClient, volURI);
                                    if (forceFlag) {
                                removeVolumesFromPhantomStorageGroup(storage, client, exportMaskURI, volumesInSG, childGroupName, forceFlag);
                            // Delete the Storage Group
                            _helper.deleteMaskingGroup(storage, childGroupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
                        } else if (!_helper.findStorageGroupsAssociatedWithMultipleParents(storage, childGroupName) && !_helper.findStorageGroupsAssociatedWithOtherMaskingViews(storage, childGroupName)) {
                            // volumeDeviceIds and policyName are required in case of VMAX3 to add volumes back
                            // to parking to storage group.
                            Set<String> volumeDeviceIds = new HashSet<String>();
                            String policyName = childGroupByFastEntry.getKey().getAutoTierPolicyName();
                            if (isVmax3) {
                                volumeDeviceIds = _helper.getVolumeDeviceIdsFromStorageGroup(storage, childGroupName);
                            // holds the group, if yes, then we should not delete this group
                            if (!isVmax3) {
                                _log.debug("Removing Storage Group {} from Fast Policy {}", childGroupName, childGroupByFastEntry.getKey());
                                _helper.removeVolumeGroupFromPolicyAndLimitsAssociation(client, storage, maskingGroupPath);
                            _log.debug("Deleting Storage Group {}", childGroupName);
                            _helper.deleteMaskingGroup(storage, childGroupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
                            if (isVmax3 && !volumeDeviceIds.isEmpty()) {
                                // We need to add volumes back to appropriate parking storage group.
                                addVolumesToParkingStorageGroup(storage, policyName, volumeDeviceIds);
                        } else {
                  "Storage Group {} is either having more than one parent Storage Group or its part of another existing masking view", childGroupName);
                            // set Host IO Limits on SG which we reseted before deleting MV
                            if (childGroupByFastEntry.getKey().isHostIOLimitIOPsSet()) {
                                _helper.updateHostIOLimitIOPs(client, maskingGroupPath, childGroupByFastEntry.getKey().getHostIOLimitIOPs());
                            if (childGroupByFastEntry.getKey().isHostIOLimitBandwidthSet()) {
                                _helper.updateHostIOLimitBandwidth(client, maskingGroupPath, childGroupByFastEntry.getKey().getHostIOLimitBandwidth());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.error(String.format("deleteExportMask failed - maskName: %s", exportMaskURI.toString()), e);
        ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(e);
        taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, serviceError);
    }"{} deleteExportMask END...", storage.getSerialNumber());
Also used : RollbackExportGroupCreateCompleter(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.block.taskcompleter.RollbackExportGroupCreateCompleter) Set(java.util.Set) Sets.newHashSet( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) StringSet(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) URI( ExportOperationContext(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.utils.ExportOperationContext) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList) List(java.util.List) WBEMClient(javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient) Sets.newHashSet( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ServiceError(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.model.ServiceError) ExportMask(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask) CIMObjectPath(javax.cim.CIMObjectPath) SmisException(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.SmisException) DeviceControllerException(com.emc.storageos.exceptions.DeviceControllerException) WBEMException(javax.wbem.WBEMException) ExportMaskValidationContext(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.validators.contexts.ExportMaskValidationContext) Volume(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume) StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) AbstractMap(java.util.AbstractMap)


WBEMClient (javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient)110 CIMObjectPath (javax.cim.CIMObjectPath)75 CIMInstance (javax.cim.CIMInstance)69 WBEMException (javax.wbem.WBEMException)42 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)39 URI ( DbClient (com.emc.storageos.db.client.DbClient)29 Volume (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume)29 CIMConnectionFactory (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.CIMConnectionFactory)27 DeviceControllerException (com.emc.storageos.exceptions.DeviceControllerException)25 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)25 CimConnection (com.emc.storageos.cimadapter.connections.cim.CimConnection)24 StorageSystem (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageSystem)18 BaseCollectionException (com.emc.storageos.plugins.BaseCollectionException)18 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)17 ExportMask (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask)16 SmisException (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.SmisException)16 CIMProperty (javax.cim.CIMProperty)14 UnsignedInteger32 (javax.cim.UnsignedInteger32)14 ServiceError (com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.model.ServiceError)13