use of in project kafka by apache.
the class ConnectorsResource method putConnectorConfig.
public Response putConnectorConfig(@PathParam("connector") final String connector, @QueryParam("forward") final Boolean forward, final Map<String, String> connectorConfig) throws Throwable {
FutureCallback<Herder.Created<ConnectorInfo>> cb = new FutureCallback<>();
String includedName = connectorConfig.get(ConnectorConfig.NAME_CONFIG);
if (includedName != null) {
if (!includedName.equals(connector))
throw new BadRequestException("Connector name configuration (" + includedName + ") doesn't match connector name in the URL (" + connector + ")");
} else {
connectorConfig.put(ConnectorConfig.NAME_CONFIG, connector);
herder.putConnectorConfig(connector, connectorConfig, true, cb);
Herder.Created<ConnectorInfo> createdInfo = completeOrForwardRequest(cb, "/connectors/" + connector + "/config", "PUT", connectorConfig, new TypeReference<ConnectorInfo>() {
}, new CreatedConnectorInfoTranslator(), forward);
Response.ResponseBuilder response;
if (createdInfo.created())
response = Response.created(URI.create("/connectors/" + connector));
response = Response.ok();
return response.entity(createdInfo.result()).build();
use of in project zeppelin by apache.
the class NotebookRepoRestApi method updateRepoSetting.
* Update a specific note repo.
* @param message
* @param settingId
* @return
public Response updateRepoSetting(String payload) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(payload)) {
return new JsonResponse<>(Status.NOT_FOUND, "", Collections.emptyMap()).build();
AuthenticationInfo subject = new AuthenticationInfo(SecurityUtils.getPrincipal());
NotebookRepoSettingsRequest newSettings = NotebookRepoSettingsRequest.EMPTY;
try {
newSettings = gson.fromJson(payload, NotebookRepoSettingsRequest.class);
} catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
LOG.error("Cannot update notebook repo settings", e);
return new JsonResponse<>(Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "", ImmutableMap.of("error", "Invalid payload structure")).build();
if (NotebookRepoSettingsRequest.isEmpty(newSettings)) {
LOG.error("Invalid property");
return new JsonResponse<>(Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "", ImmutableMap.of("error", "Invalid payload")).build();
}"User {} is going to change repo setting", subject.getUser());
NotebookRepoWithSettings updatedSettings = noteRepos.updateNotebookRepo(, newSettings.settings, subject);
if (!updatedSettings.isEmpty()) {"Broadcasting note list to user {}", subject.getUser());
notebookWsServer.broadcastReloadedNoteList(subject, null);
return new JsonResponse<>(Status.OK, "", updatedSettings).build();
use of in project zookeeper by apache.
the class ZNodeResource method setZNodeAsOctet.
public void setZNodeAsOctet(@PathParam("path") String path, @DefaultValue("-1") @QueryParam("version") String versionParam, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("null") String setNull, @Context UriInfo ui, byte[] data) throws InterruptedException, KeeperException {
int version;
try {
version = Integer.parseInt(versionParam);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(new ZError(ui.getRequestUri().toString(), path + " bad version " + versionParam)).build());
if (setNull.equals("true")) {
data = null;
zk.setData(path, data, version);
use of in project che by eclipse.
the class ProjectService method updateFile.
@Consumes({ MediaType.MEDIA_TYPE_WILDCARD })
@ApiOperation(value = "Update file", notes = "Update an existing file with new content")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = ""), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "User not authorized to call this operation"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Not found"), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error") })
public Response updateFile(@ApiParam(value = "Full path to a file", required = true) @PathParam("path") String path, InputStream content) throws NotFoundException, ForbiddenException, ServerException {
final FileEntry file = projectManager.asFile(path);
if (file == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("File not found for " + path);
eventService.publish(new ProjectItemModifiedEvent(ProjectItemModifiedEvent.EventType.UPDATED, workspace, file.getProject(), file.getPath().toString(), false));
return Response.ok().build();
use of in project che by eclipse.
the class WorkspaceService method updateCommand.
@ApiOperation(value = "Update the workspace command by replacing the command with a new one", notes = "This operation can be performed only by the workspace owner")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "The command successfully updated"), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Missed required parameters, parameters are not valid"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "The user does not have access to update the workspace"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "The workspace or the command not found"), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "The Command with such name already exists"), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error occurred") })
public WorkspaceDto updateCommand(@ApiParam("The workspace id") @PathParam("id") String id, @ApiParam("The name of the command") @PathParam("name") String cmdName, @ApiParam(value = "The command update", required = true) CommandDto update) throws ServerException, BadRequestException, NotFoundException, ConflictException, ForbiddenException {
requiredNotNull(update, "Command update");
final WorkspaceImpl workspace = workspaceManager.getWorkspace(id);
final List<CommandImpl> commands = workspace.getConfig().getCommands();
if (!commands.removeIf(cmd -> cmd.getName().equals(cmdName))) {
throw new NotFoundException(format("Workspace '%s' doesn't contain command '%s'", id, cmdName));
commands.add(new CommandImpl(update));
return linksInjector.injectLinks(asDto(workspaceManager.updateWorkspace(workspace.getId(), workspace)), getServiceContext());