use of in project dropwizard by dropwizard.
the class Http2CIntegrationTest method testHttp11.
public void testHttp11() {
final String hostname = "";
final int port = appRule.getLocalPort();
final JerseyClient http11Client = new JerseyClientBuilder().build();
final Response response ="http://" + hostname + ":" + port + "/api/test").request().get();
use of in project che by eclipse.
the class FactoryService method getFactoryByAttribute.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get factory by attribute, " + "the attribute must match one of the Factory model fields with type 'String', " + "e.g. (,", notes = "If specify more than one value for a single query parameter then will be taken the first one")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Response contains list requested factories"), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "When query does not contain at least one attribute to search for"), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error") })
public List<FactoryDto> getFactoryByAttribute(@DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("skipCount") Integer skipCount, @DefaultValue("30") @QueryParam("maxItems") Integer maxItems, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) throws BadRequestException, ServerException {
final Set<String> skip = ImmutableSet.of("token", "skipCount", "maxItems");
final List<Pair<String, String>> query = URLEncodedUtils.parse(uriInfo.getRequestUri()).entrySet().stream().filter(param -> !skip.contains(param.getKey()) && !param.getValue().isEmpty()).map(entry -> Pair.of(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().iterator().next())).collect(toList());
checkArgument(!query.isEmpty(), "Query must contain at least one attribute");
final List<FactoryDto> factories = new ArrayList<>();
for (Factory factory : factoryManager.getByAttribute(maxItems, skipCount, query)) {
factories.add(injectLinks(asDto(factory), null));
return factories;
use of in project che by eclipse.
the class MavenServerService method reimportDependencies.
@ApiOperation(value = "Re-import maven model")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK"), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error") })
public Response reimportDependencies(@ApiParam(value = "The paths to projects which need to be reimported") @QueryParam("projectPath") List<String> paths) throws ServerException {
IWorkspace workspace = eclipseWorkspaceProvider.get();
List<IProject> projectsList = -> workspace.getRoot().getProject(projectPath)).collect(Collectors.toList());
return Response.ok().build();
use of in project jersey by jersey.
the class ApacheConnector method apply.
public ClientResponse apply(final ClientRequest clientRequest) throws ProcessingException {
final HttpUriRequest request = getUriHttpRequest(clientRequest);
final Map<String, String> clientHeadersSnapshot = writeOutBoundHeaders(clientRequest.getHeaders(), request);
try {
final CloseableHttpResponse response;
final HttpClientContext context = HttpClientContext.create();
if (preemptiveBasicAuth) {
final AuthCache authCache = new BasicAuthCache();
final BasicScheme basicScheme = new BasicScheme();
authCache.put(getHost(request), basicScheme);
response = client.execute(getHost(request), request, context);
HeaderUtils.checkHeaderChanges(clientHeadersSnapshot, clientRequest.getHeaders(), this.getClass().getName());
final Response.StatusType status = response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() == null ? Statuses.from(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()) : Statuses.from(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase());
final ClientResponse responseContext = new ClientResponse(status, clientRequest);
final List<URI> redirectLocations = context.getRedirectLocations();
if (redirectLocations != null && !redirectLocations.isEmpty()) {
responseContext.setResolvedRequestUri(redirectLocations.get(redirectLocations.size() - 1));
final Header[] respHeaders = response.getAllHeaders();
final MultivaluedMap<String, String> headers = responseContext.getHeaders();
for (final Header header : respHeaders) {
final String headerName = header.getName();
List<String> list = headers.get(headerName);
if (list == null) {
list = new ArrayList<>();
headers.put(headerName, list);
final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
if (entity != null) {
if (headers.get(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH) == null) {
headers.add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(entity.getContentLength()));
final Header contentEncoding = entity.getContentEncoding();
if (headers.get(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING) == null && contentEncoding != null) {
headers.add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING, contentEncoding.getValue());
try {
responseContext.setEntityStream(new HttpClientResponseInputStream(getInputStream(response)));
} catch (final IOException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
return responseContext;
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new ProcessingException(e);
use of in project jersey by jersey.
the class AsyncTest method testAsyncGetWithTimeout.
* Test accessing an operation that times out on the server.
* @throws Exception in case of a test error.
public void testAsyncGetWithTimeout() throws Exception {
final Future<Response> responseFuture = target(PATH).path("timeout").request().async().get();
// Request is being processed asynchronously.
final Response response = responseFuture.get();
// get() waits for the response
assertEquals(503, response.getStatus());
assertEquals("Operation time out.", response.readEntity(String.class));