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Example 16 with Message

use of javax.wsdl.Message in project cxf by apache.

the class WSIBPValidator method checkR2203And2204.

public boolean checkR2203And2204() {
    Collection<Binding> bindings = CastUtils.cast(def.getBindings().values());
    for (Binding binding : bindings) {
        String style = SOAPBindingUtil.getCanonicalBindingStyle(binding);
        if (binding.getPortType() == null) {
            return true;
        for (Iterator<?> ite2 = binding.getPortType().getOperations().iterator(); ite2.hasNext(); ) {
            Operation operation = (Operation);
            BindingOperation bop = wsdlHelper.getBindingOperation(def, operation.getName());
            if (operation.getInput() != null && operation.getInput().getMessage() != null) {
                Message inMess = operation.getInput().getMessage();
                Set<String> ignorableParts = getIgnorableParts(bop.getBindingInput());
                for (Iterator<?> ite3 = inMess.getParts().values().iterator(); ite3.hasNext(); ) {
                    Part p = (Part);
                    if ( && p.getTypeName() == null && !isHeaderPart(bop, p) && !isIgnorablePart(p.getName(), ignorableParts)) {
                        addErrorMessage("An rpc-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, " + "in its soapbind:body element(s), only to " + "wsdl:part element(s) that have been defined " + "using the type attribute.");
                        return false;
                    if ( && p.getElementName() == null && !isIgnorablePart(p.getName(), ignorableParts)) {
                        addErrorMessage("A document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, " + "in each of its soapbind:body element(s)," + "only to wsdl:part element(s)" + " that have been defined using the element attribute.");
                        return false;
            if (operation.getOutput() != null && operation.getOutput().getMessage() != null) {
                Message outMess = operation.getOutput().getMessage();
                Set<String> ignorableParts = getIgnorableParts(bop.getBindingOutput());
                for (Iterator<?> ite3 = outMess.getParts().values().iterator(); ite3.hasNext(); ) {
                    Part p = (Part);
                    if (style.equalsIgnoreCase( && p.getTypeName() == null && !isHeaderPart(bop, p) && !isIgnorablePart(p.getName(), ignorableParts)) {
                        addErrorMessage("An rpc-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, " + "in its soapbind:body element(s), only to " + "wsdl:part element(s) that have been defined " + "using the type attribute.");
                        return false;
                    if (style.equalsIgnoreCase( && p.getElementName() == null && !isIgnorablePart(p.getName(), ignorableParts)) {
                        addErrorMessage("A document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, " + "in each of its soapbind:body element(s)," + "only to wsdl:part element(s)" + " that have been defined using the element attribute.");
                        return false;
    return true;
Also used : SOAPBinding(javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding) Binding(javax.wsdl.Binding) BindingOperation(javax.wsdl.BindingOperation) Message(javax.wsdl.Message) Part(javax.wsdl.Part) MIMEPart(javax.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEPart) Operation(javax.wsdl.Operation) BindingOperation(javax.wsdl.BindingOperation)

Example 17 with Message

use of javax.wsdl.Message in project cxf by apache.

the class AttributeVisitor method generateMessage.

private Message generateMessage(XmlSchemaElement element, String name) {
    Part part = definition.createPart();
    Message result = definition.createMessage();
    QName qName = new QName(definition.getTargetNamespace(), name);
    if (definition.getMessage(qName) != null) {
        String newName = getScope().toString() + "." + name;
        qName = new QName(definition.getTargetNamespace(), newName);
    return result;
Also used : Message(javax.wsdl.Message) Part(javax.wsdl.Part) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName)

Example 18 with Message

use of javax.wsdl.Message in project cxf by apache.

the class AttributeVisitor method generateSetter.

private void generateSetter(AST typeNode, AST nameNode) {
    // generate wrapped doc element in parameter
    XmlSchemaElement inParameters = generateWrappedDocElement(typeNode, SETTER_PREFIX + nameNode.toString(), PARAM_NAME);
    // generate wrapped doc element out parameter
    XmlSchemaElement outParameters = generateWrappedDocElement(null, SETTER_PREFIX + nameNode.toString() + RESULT_POSTFIX, RETURN_PARAM_NAME);
    // generate input message
    Message inMsg = generateMessage(inParameters, SETTER_PREFIX + nameNode.toString());
    // generate output message
    Message outMsg = generateMessage(outParameters, SETTER_PREFIX + nameNode.toString() + RESPONSE_POSTFIX);
    // generate operation
    String name = SETTER_PREFIX + nameNode.toString();
    Operation op = generateOperation(name, inMsg, outMsg);
    // generate corba return param
    ParamType corbaParam = generateCorbaParam(typeNode);
    // generate corba operation
    OperationType corbaOp = generateCorbaOperation(op, corbaParam, null);
    // generate binding
    generateCorbaBindingOperation(binding, op, corbaOp);
Also used : Message(javax.wsdl.Message) XmlSchemaElement( Operation(javax.wsdl.Operation) BindingOperation(javax.wsdl.BindingOperation) OperationType(org.apache.cxf.binding.corba.wsdl.OperationType) ParamType(org.apache.cxf.binding.corba.wsdl.ParamType)

Example 19 with Message

use of javax.wsdl.Message in project cxf by apache.

the class AttributeVisitor method generateGetter.

private void generateGetter(AST typeNode, AST nameNode) {
    // generate wrapped doc element in parameter
    XmlSchemaElement inParameters = generateWrappedDocElement(null, GETTER_PREFIX + nameNode.toString(), PARAM_NAME);
    // generate wrapped doc element out parameter
    XmlSchemaElement outParameters = generateWrappedDocElement(typeNode, GETTER_PREFIX + nameNode.toString() + RESULT_POSTFIX, RETURN_PARAM_NAME);
    // generate input message
    Message inMsg = generateMessage(inParameters, GETTER_PREFIX + nameNode.toString());
    // generate output message
    Message outMsg = generateMessage(outParameters, GETTER_PREFIX + nameNode.toString() + RESPONSE_POSTFIX);
    // generate operation
    String name = GETTER_PREFIX + nameNode.toString();
    Operation op = generateOperation(name, inMsg, outMsg);
    // generate corba return param
    ArgType corbaReturn = generateCorbaReturnParam(typeNode);
    // generate corba operation
    OperationType corbaOp = generateCorbaOperation(op, null, corbaReturn);
    // generate binding
    generateCorbaBindingOperation(binding, op, corbaOp);
Also used : ArgType(org.apache.cxf.binding.corba.wsdl.ArgType) Message(javax.wsdl.Message) XmlSchemaElement( Operation(javax.wsdl.Operation) BindingOperation(javax.wsdl.BindingOperation) OperationType(org.apache.cxf.binding.corba.wsdl.OperationType)

Example 20 with Message

use of javax.wsdl.Message in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.

the class WsdlOperation method loadParameters.

 * Create the parameter list for this operations parameter set.
 * @param op
 *          Operation.
 * @throws KettleStepException
private void loadParameters(Operation op) throws KettleStepException {
    Input input = op.getInput();
    if (input != null) {
        Message in = input.getMessage();
        List<Object> paramOrdering = op.getParameterOrdering();
        List<Part> inParts = in.getOrderedParts(paramOrdering);
        for (Part part : inParts) {
            _params.add(part, true);
    Output output = op.getOutput();
    if (output != null) {
        Message out = output.getMessage();
        List<Part> outParts = out.getOrderedParts(null);
        for (Part part : outParts) {
            _oneway = false;
            _params.add(part, false);
Also used : Input(javax.wsdl.Input) Message(javax.wsdl.Message) Part(javax.wsdl.Part) Output(javax.wsdl.Output)


Message (javax.wsdl.Message)45 Part (javax.wsdl.Part)26 QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)25 Operation (javax.wsdl.Operation)22 Input (javax.wsdl.Input)20 BindingOperation (javax.wsdl.BindingOperation)18 Output (javax.wsdl.Output)16 XmlSchemaElement ( Map (java.util.Map)8 Binding (javax.wsdl.Binding)8 PortType (javax.wsdl.PortType)8 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 BindingInput (javax.wsdl.BindingInput)7 Fault (javax.wsdl.Fault)7 SOAPOperation (javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPOperation)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 SOAP12Operation (javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12.SOAP12Operation)6 BindingOutput (javax.wsdl.BindingOutput)5 Test (org.junit.Test)5 XmlSchemaComplexType (