use of in project databus by linkedin.
the class StaxBuilderTest method processXml.
public void processXml() throws Exception {
try {
//wrap the stream with fake root
String xmlStartTag = "<?xml version=\"" + DbusConstants.XML_VERSION + "\" encoding=\"" + DbusConstants.ISO_8859_1 + "\"?><root>";
String xmlEndTag = "</root>";
List xmlTagsList = Arrays.asList(new InputStream[] { new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlStartTag.getBytes(DbusConstants.ISO_8859_1)), _fileInputStream, new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlEndTag.getBytes(DbusConstants.ISO_8859_1)) });
Enumeration<InputStream> streams = Collections.enumeration(xmlTagsList);
SequenceInputStream seqStream = new SequenceInputStream(streams);
XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_COALESCING, Boolean.TRUE);
XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(seqStream);
//TODO replace _tableToNamespace this by physical sources config
XmlParser parser = new XmlParser(xmlStreamReader, _schemaRegistry, _tableToNamespace, _tableToSourceId, _transactionSuccessCallBack, true, _staticReplicationConfig, seqStream);
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to parse the given xml stream", e);
use of in project databus by linkedin.
the class XmlFormatTrailParser method createXmlInputFactory.
private XMLInputFactory createXmlInputFactory(boolean validating) throws FactoryConfigurationError {
XMLInputFactory result = null;
Throwable createError = null;
try {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<XMLInputFactory> woodstoxFactory = (Class<XMLInputFactory>) Class.forName("com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxInputFactory");
result = woodstoxFactory.newInstance();
if (validating) {"found woodstox library: DTD validation will be enabled");
result.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_VALIDATING, validating);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
createError = e;
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
createError = e;
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
createError = e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
createError = e;
if (null != createError) {"unable to find woodstox library, defaulting to Java: " + createError);
if (validating) {
_log.warn("default implementation does not support DTD validation");
result = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
return result;
use of in project modrun by nanosai.
the class ModuleDependencyReader method readDependencies.
public static List<Dependency> readDependencies(Reader pomReader) {
List<Dependency> dependencies = new ArrayList<>();
XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
try {
XMLStreamReader streamReader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(pomReader);
while (streamReader.hasNext()) {;
if (streamReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) {
String elementName = streamReader.getLocalName();
if (elementName.equals("dependency")) {
Dependency dependency = parseDependency(streamReader);
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
return dependencies;
use of in project openhab1-addons by openhab.
the class DenonConnector method getDocument.
private <T> T getDocument(String uri, Class<T> response) {
try {
String result = doHttpRequest("GET", uri, null);
logger.trace("result of getDocument for uri '{}':\r\n{}", uri, result);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(result)) {
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(response);
XMLInputFactory xif = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
XMLStreamReader xsr = xif.createXMLStreamReader(IOUtils.toInputStream(result));
xsr = new PropertyRenamerDelegate(xsr);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T obj = (T) jc.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(xsr);
return obj;
} catch (UnmarshalException e) {
logger.debug("Failed to unmarshal xml document: {}", e.getMessage());
} catch (JAXBException e) {
logger.debug("Unexpected error occurred during unmarshalling of document: {}", e.getMessage());
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
logger.debug("Communication error: {}", e.getMessage());
return null;
use of in project orientdb by orientechnologies.
the class OGraphMLReader method inputGraph.
* Input the GraphML stream data into the graph. More control over how data is streamed is provided by this method.
* @param inputGraph
* the graph to populate with the GraphML data
* @param graphMLInputStream
* an InputStream of GraphML data
* @param bufferSize
* the amount of elements to hold in memory before committing a transactions (only valid for TransactionalGraphs)
* @param vertexIdKey
* if the id of a vertex is a <data/> property, fetch it from the data property.
* @param edgeIdKey
* if the id of an edge is a <data/> property, fetch it from the data property.
* @param edgeLabelKey
* if the label of an edge is a <data/> property, fetch it from the data property.
* @throws IOException
* thrown when the GraphML data is not correctly formatted
public OGraphMLReader inputGraph(final Graph inputGraph, final InputStream graphMLInputStream, int bufferSize, String vertexIdKey, String edgeIdKey, String edgeLabelKey) throws IOException {
XMLInputFactory inputFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
try {
XMLStreamReader reader = inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(graphMLInputStream);
final OrientBaseGraph graph = (OrientBaseGraph) inputGraph;
if (storeVertexIds)
Map<String, String> keyIdMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
Map<String, String> keyTypesMaps = new HashMap<String, String>();
// <Mapped ID String, ID Object>
// <Default ID String, Mapped ID String>
Map<String, ORID> vertexMappedIdMap = new HashMap<String, ORID>();
// Buffered Vertex Data
String vertexId = null;
Map<String, Object> vertexProps = null;
boolean inVertex = false;
// Buffered Edge Data
String edgeId = null;
String edgeLabel = null;
String vertexLabel = null;
// [0] = outVertex , [1] = inVertex
Vertex[] edgeEndVertices = null;
Map<String, Object> edgeProps = null;
boolean inEdge = false;
int bufferCounter = 0;
long importedVertices = 0;
long importedEdges = 0;
while (reader.hasNext()) {
Integer eventType =;
if (eventType.equals(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT)) {
String elementName = reader.getName().getLocalPart();
if (elementName.equals(GraphMLTokens.KEY)) {
String id = reader.getAttributeValue(null, GraphMLTokens.ID);
String attributeName = reader.getAttributeValue(null, GraphMLTokens.ATTR_NAME);
String attributeType = reader.getAttributeValue(null, GraphMLTokens.ATTR_TYPE);
keyIdMap.put(id, attributeName);
keyTypesMaps.put(id, attributeType);
} else if (elementName.equals(GraphMLTokens.NODE)) {
vertexId = reader.getAttributeValue(null, GraphMLTokens.ID);
vertexLabel = reader.getAttributeValue(null, LABELS);
if (vertexLabel != null) {
if (vertexLabel.startsWith(":"))
vertexLabel = vertexLabel.substring(1);
final String[] vertexLabels = vertexLabel.split(":");
vertexLabel = vertexId + ",class:" + vertexLabels[vertexLabelIndex];
} else
vertexLabel = vertexId;
inVertex = true;
vertexProps = new HashMap<String, Object>();
} else if (elementName.equals(GraphMLTokens.EDGE)) {
edgeId = reader.getAttributeValue(null, GraphMLTokens.ID);
edgeLabel = reader.getAttributeValue(null, GraphMLTokens.LABEL);
edgeLabel = edgeLabel == null ? GraphMLTokens._DEFAULT : edgeLabel;
String[] vertexIds = new String[2];
vertexIds[0] = reader.getAttributeValue(null, GraphMLTokens.SOURCE);
vertexIds[1] = reader.getAttributeValue(null, GraphMLTokens.TARGET);
edgeEndVertices = new Vertex[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// i=0 => outVertex, i=1 => inVertex
if (vertexIdKey == null) {
edgeEndVertices[i] = null;
} else {
final Object vId = vertexMappedIdMap.get(vertexIds[i]);
edgeEndVertices[i] = vId != null ? graph.getVertex(vId) : null;
if (null == edgeEndVertices[i]) {
edgeEndVertices[i] = graph.addVertex(vertexLabel);
if (vertexIdKey != null) {
mapId(vertexMappedIdMap, vertexIds[i], (ORID) edgeEndVertices[i].getId());
printStatus(reader, importedVertices, importedEdges);
inEdge = true;
vertexLabel = null;
edgeProps = new HashMap<String, Object>();
} else if (elementName.equals(GraphMLTokens.DATA)) {
String key = reader.getAttributeValue(null, GraphMLTokens.KEY);
String attributeName = keyIdMap.get(key);
if (attributeName == null)
attributeName = key;
String value = reader.getElementText();
if (inVertex) {
if ((vertexIdKey != null) && (key.equals(vertexIdKey))) {
// Should occur at most once per Vertex
vertexId = value;
} else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase(LABELS)) {
} else {
final Object attrValue = typeCastValue(key, value, keyTypesMaps);
final OGraphMLImportStrategy strategy = vertexPropsStrategy.get(attributeName);
if (strategy != null) {
attributeName = strategy.transformAttribute(attributeName, attrValue);
if (attributeName != null)
vertexProps.put(attributeName, attrValue);
} else if (inEdge) {
if ((edgeLabelKey != null) && (key.equals(edgeLabelKey)))
edgeLabel = value;
else if ((edgeIdKey != null) && (key.equals(edgeIdKey)))
edgeId = value;
else {
final Object attrValue = typeCastValue(key, value, keyTypesMaps);
final OGraphMLImportStrategy strategy = edgePropsStrategy.get(attributeName);
if (strategy != null) {
attributeName = strategy.transformAttribute(attributeName, attrValue);
if (attributeName != null)
edgeProps.put(attributeName, attrValue);
} else if (eventType.equals(XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT)) {
String elementName = reader.getName().getLocalPart();
if (elementName.equals(GraphMLTokens.NODE)) {
ORID currentVertex = null;
if (vertexIdKey != null)
currentVertex = vertexMappedIdMap.get(vertexId);
if (currentVertex == null) {
final OrientVertex v = graph.addVertex(vertexLabel, vertexProps);
if (vertexIdKey != null)
mapId(vertexMappedIdMap, vertexId, v.getIdentity());
printStatus(reader, importedVertices, importedEdges);
} else {
final OrientVertex v = graph.getVertex(currentVertex);
vertexId = null;
vertexLabel = null;
vertexProps = null;
inVertex = false;
} else if (elementName.equals(GraphMLTokens.EDGE)) {
Edge currentEdge = ((OrientVertex) edgeEndVertices[0]).addEdge(null, (OrientVertex) edgeEndVertices[1], edgeLabel, null, edgeProps);
printStatus(reader, importedVertices, importedEdges);
edgeId = null;
edgeLabel = null;
edgeEndVertices = null;
edgeProps = null;
inEdge = false;
if (bufferCounter > bufferSize) {
bufferCounter = 0;
} catch (Exception xse) {
throw OException.wrapException(new ODatabaseImportException("Error on importing GraphML"), xse);
return this;