use of javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult in project camel by apache.
the class XmlConverter method toDOMNodeFromSAX.
public Node toDOMNodeFromSAX(SAXSource source) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException, TransformerException {
DOMResult result = new DOMResult();
toResult(source, result);
return result.getNode();
use of javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult in project qi4j-sdk by Qi4j.
the class StaxValueDeserializer method readObjectTree.
protected Node readObjectTree(XMLEventReader input) throws Exception {
XMLEvent peek = input.peek();
if (peek.isStartElement() && "null".equals(peek.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart())) {
// <null>
// </null>
return null;
String elementBody = readElementBody(input);
Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
DOMResult domResult = new DOMResult();
transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(elementBody)), domResult);
return ((Document) domResult.getNode()).getDocumentElement();
use of javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult in project robovm by robovm.
the class TransformerImpl method createSerializationHandler.
* Create a ContentHandler from a Result object and an OutputProperties.
* @param outputTarget Where the transform result should go,
* should not be null.
* @param format The OutputProperties object that will contain
* instructions on how to serialize the output.
* @return A valid ContentHandler that will create the
* result tree when it is fed SAX events.
* @throws TransformerException
public SerializationHandler createSerializationHandler(Result outputTarget, OutputProperties format) throws TransformerException {
SerializationHandler xoh;
// If the Result object contains a Node, then create
// a ContentHandler that will add nodes to the input node.
org.w3c.dom.Node outputNode = null;
if (outputTarget instanceof DOMResult) {
outputNode = ((DOMResult) outputTarget).getNode();
org.w3c.dom.Node nextSibling = ((DOMResult) outputTarget).getNextSibling();
org.w3c.dom.Document doc;
short type;
if (null != outputNode) {
type = outputNode.getNodeType();
doc = (org.w3c.dom.Node.DOCUMENT_NODE == type) ? (org.w3c.dom.Document) outputNode : outputNode.getOwnerDocument();
} else {
boolean isSecureProcessing = m_stylesheetRoot.isSecureProcessing();
doc = org.apache.xml.utils.DOMHelper.createDocument(isSecureProcessing);
outputNode = doc;
type = outputNode.getNodeType();
((DOMResult) outputTarget).setNode(outputNode);
DOMBuilder handler = (org.w3c.dom.Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE == type) ? new DOMBuilder(doc, (org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment) outputNode) : new DOMBuilder(doc, outputNode);
if (nextSibling != null)
String encoding = format.getProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING);
xoh = new ToXMLSAXHandler(handler, (LexicalHandler) handler, encoding);
} else if (outputTarget instanceof SAXResult) {
ContentHandler handler = ((SAXResult) outputTarget).getHandler();
if (null == handler)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("handler can not be null for a SAXResult");
LexicalHandler lexHandler;
if (handler instanceof LexicalHandler)
lexHandler = (LexicalHandler) handler;
lexHandler = null;
String encoding = format.getProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING);
String method = format.getProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD);
ToXMLSAXHandler toXMLSAXHandler = new ToXMLSAXHandler(handler, lexHandler, encoding);
xoh = toXMLSAXHandler;
String publicID = format.getProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC);
String systemID = format.getProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM);
if (systemID != null)
if (publicID != null)
if (handler instanceof TransformerClient) {
XalanTransformState state = new XalanTransformState();
((TransformerClient) handler).setTransformState(state);
((ToSAXHandler) xoh).setTransformState(state);
} else // result tree to either a stream or a writer.
if (outputTarget instanceof StreamResult) {
StreamResult sresult = (StreamResult) outputTarget;
try {
SerializationHandler serializer = (SerializationHandler) SerializerFactory.getSerializer(format.getProperties());
if (null != sresult.getWriter())
else if (null != sresult.getOutputStream())
else if (null != sresult.getSystemId()) {
String fileURL = sresult.getSystemId();
if (fileURL.startsWith("file:///")) {
if (fileURL.substring(8).indexOf(":") > 0)
fileURL = fileURL.substring(8);
fileURL = fileURL.substring(7);
} else if (fileURL.startsWith("file:/")) {
if (fileURL.substring(6).indexOf(":") > 0)
fileURL = fileURL.substring(6);
fileURL = fileURL.substring(5);
m_outputStream = new;
xoh = serializer;
} else
//"No output specified!");
throw new TransformerException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_NO_OUTPUT_SPECIFIED, null));
// handler = serializer.asContentHandler();
// this.setSerializer(serializer);
xoh = serializer;
}// }
catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new TransformerException(ioe);
} else {
//"Can't transform to a Result of type "
throw new TransformerException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_CANNOT_TRANSFORM_TO_RESULT_TYPE, new Object[] { outputTarget.getClass().getName() }));
//+ outputTarget.getClass().getName()
//+ "!");
// before we forget, lets make the created handler hold a reference
// to the current TransformImpl object
SourceLocator srcLocator = getStylesheet();
return xoh;
use of javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult in project dbeaver by serge-rider.
the class DBDDocumentXML method updateDocument.
public void updateDocument(@NotNull DBRProgressMonitor monitor, @NotNull InputStream stream, String encoding) throws DBException {
try {
Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
DOMResult output = new DOMResult();
transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new InputStreamReader(stream, encoding)), output);
document = (Document) output.getNode();
modified = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DBException("Error transforming XML document", e);
use of javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult in project nokogiri by sparklemotion.
the class XsltStylesheet method transform.
@JRubyMethod(rest = true, required = 1, optional = 2)
public IRubyObject transform(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
argumentTypeCheck(runtime, args[0]);
NokogiriXsltErrorListener elistener = new NokogiriXsltErrorListener();
DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(((XmlDocument) args[0]).getDocument());
final DOMResult result;
String stringResult = null;
try {
// DOMResult
result = tryXsltTransformation(context, args, domSource, elistener);
if (result.getNode().getFirstChild() == null) {
// StreamResult
stringResult = retryXsltTransformation(context, args, domSource, elistener);
} catch (TransformerConfigurationException ex) {
throw runtime.newRuntimeError(ex.getMessage());
} catch (TransformerException ex) {
throw runtime.newRuntimeError(ex.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw runtime.newRuntimeError(ex.getMessage());
switch(elistener.getErrorType()) {
case ERROR:
case FATAL:
throw runtime.newRuntimeError(elistener.getErrorMessage());
if (stringResult == null) {
return createDocumentFromDomResult(context, runtime, result);
} else {
return createDocumentFromString(context, runtime, stringResult);