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Example 11 with FasterList

use of jcog.list.FasterList in project narchy by automenta.

the class AutoSurface method start.

public void start(@Nullable SurfaceBase parent) {
    synchronized (this) {
        ons = new Ons();
        List<Surface> l = new FasterList();
        collect(obj, l, 0);
Also used : Ons(jcog.event.Ons) FasterList(jcog.list.FasterList) Surface(spacegraph.space2d.Surface)

Example 12 with FasterList

use of jcog.list.FasterList in project narchy by automenta.

the class ShapeHull method buildHull.

public boolean buildHull(float margin) {
    v3 norm = new v3();
    int numSampleDirections = NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS;
    int numPDA = shape.getNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
    if (numPDA != 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numPDA; i++) {
            shape.getPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, norm);
            // return array[index];
    FasterList<v3> supportPoints = new FasterList<>();
    MiscUtil.resize(supportPoints, NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2, v3.class);
    for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++) {
        // return array[index];
        // return array[index];
        shape.localGetSupportingVertex(unitSpherePoints.get(i), supportPoints.get(i));
    HullDesc hd = new HullDesc();
    hd.flags = HullFlags.TRIANGLES;
    hd.vcount = numSampleDirections;
    // hd.mVertices = &supportPoints[0];
    // hd.mVertexStride = sizeof(btVector3);
    // #else
    hd.vertices = supportPoints;
    // hd.vertexStride = 3 * 4;
    // #endif
    HullLibrary hl = new HullLibrary();
    HullResult hr = new HullResult();
    if (!hl.createConvexHull(hd, hr)) {
        return false;
    MiscUtil.resize(vertices, hr.numOutputVertices, v3.class);
    for (int i = 0; i < hr.numOutputVertices; i++) {
        // return array[index];
        // return array[index];
    numIndices = hr.numIndices;
    MiscUtil.resize(indices, numIndices, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; i++) {
        indices.set(i, hr.indices.get(i));
    // free temporary hull result that we just copied
    return true;
Also used : HullDesc(spacegraph.space3d.phys.math.convexhull.HullDesc) FasterList(jcog.list.FasterList) HullResult(spacegraph.space3d.phys.math.convexhull.HullResult) spacegraph.util.math.v3(spacegraph.util.math.v3) HullLibrary(spacegraph.space3d.phys.math.convexhull.HullLibrary)

Example 13 with FasterList

use of jcog.list.FasterList in project narchy by automenta.

the class OsmSpace method compile.

protected Consumer<GL2> compile() {
    List<Consumer<GL2>> draw = new FasterList();
    Osm osm = id;
    for (OsmWay way : osm.ways) {
        Map<String, String> tags = way.tags;
        String building, building_part, landuse, natural, route, highway;
        if (!tags.isEmpty()) {
            building = tags.get("building");
            building_part = tags.get("building:part");
            landuse = tags.get("landuse");
            natural = tags.get("natural");
            route = tags.get("route");
            highway = tags.get("highway");
        } else {
            building = building_part = landuse = natural = route = highway = null;
        boolean isPolygon = false;
        boolean isClosed = way.isClosed();
        float r, g, b, a;
        float lw;
        short ls;
        if (building != null || building_part != null) {
            r = 0f;
            g = 1f;
            b = 1f;
            a = 1f;
            lw = 1f;
            ls = (short) 0xFFFF;
            isPolygon = !wireframe && isClosed;
        } else if ("forest".equals(landuse) || "grass".equals(landuse) || "wood".equals(natural)) {
            r = 0f;
            g = 1f;
            b = 0f;
            a = 1f;
            lw = 1f;
            ls = (short) 0xFFFF;
            isPolygon = !wireframe && isClosed;
        } else if ("water".equals(natural)) {
            r = 0f;
            g = 0f;
            b = 1f;
            a = 1f;
            lw = 1f;
            ls = (short) 0xFFFF;
            isPolygon = !wireframe && isClosed;
        } else if ("pedestrian".equals(highway)) {
            r = 0f;
            g = 0.5f;
            b = 0f;
            a = 1f;
            lw = 2f;
            ls = (short) 0xFFFF;
        } else if ("motorway".equals(highway)) {
            r = 1f;
            g = 0.5f;
            b = 0f;
            a = 1f;
            lw = 5f;
            ls = (short) 0xFFFF;
        } else if (highway != null) {
            r = 1f;
            g = 1f;
            b = 1f;
            a = 1f;
            lw = 3f;
            ls = (short) 0xFFFF;
        } else if ("road".equals(route)) {
            r = 1f;
            g = 1f;
            b = 1f;
            a = 1f;
            lw = 1f;
            ls = (short) 0xFFFF;
        } else if ("train".equals(route)) {
            r = 1f;
            g = 1f;
            b = 1f;
            a = 1f;
            lw = 5f;
            ls = (short) 0xF0F0;
        } else {
            r = 0.5f;
            g = 0f;
            b = 0.5f;
            a = 1f;
            lw = 1f;
            ls = (short) 0xFFFF;
        if (isPolygon) {
            List<OsmNode> nn = way.getOsmNodes();
            double[][] coord = new double[nn.size()][7];
            for (int i = 0, nnSize = nn.size(); i < nnSize; i++) {
                OsmNode node = nn.get(i);
                double[] ci = coord[i];
                project(node.geoCoordinate, ci);
                ci[3] = r;
                ci[4] = g;
                ci[5] = b;
                ci[6] = a;
            draw.add((gl) -> {
                gl.glColor4f(r * 0.5f, g * .5f, b * 0.5f, a);
                gl.glLineStipple(1, ls);
                GLU.gluTessBeginPolygon(tobj, null);
                for (int i = 0, nnSize = nn.size(); i < nnSize; i++) {
                    double[] ci = coord[i];
                    GLU.gluTessVertex(tobj, ci, 0, ci);
        } else {
            List<OsmNode> ways = way.getOsmNodes();
            int ws = ways.size();
            double[] c3 = new double[3 * ws];
            for (int i = 0, waysSize = ws; i < waysSize; i++) {
                project(ways.get(i).geoCoordinate, c3, i * 3);
            draw.add((gl) -> {
                gl.glColor4f(r, g, b, a);
                gl.glLineStipple(1, ls);
                for (int i = 0; i < c3.length / 3; i++) {
                    gl.glVertex3dv(c3, i * 3);
    for (OsmNode node : osm.nodes) {
        Map<String, String> tags = node.tags;
        if (tags.isEmpty())
        String highway = tags.get("highway");
        String natural = tags.get("natural");
        float pointSize;
        float r, g, b, a;
        if ("bus_stop".equals(highway)) {
            pointSize = 3;
            r = g = b = 1f;
            a = 0.7f;
        } else if ("traffic_signals".equals(highway)) {
            pointSize = 3;
            r = g = 1f;
            b = 0f;
            a = 0.7f;
        } else if ("tree".equals(natural)) {
            pointSize = 3;
            g = 1f;
            r = b = 0f;
            a = 0.7f;
        } else {
            pointSize = 3;
            r = 1f;
            g = b = 0f;
            a = 0.7f;
        double[] c3 = new double[3];
        project(node.geoCoordinate, c3);
        draw.add((gl) -> {
            gl.glColor4f(r, g, b, a);
            gl.glVertex3d(c3[0], c3[1], c3[2]);
    return (v) -> draw.forEach(d -> d.accept(v));
Also used : GL2(com.jogamp.opengl.GL2) GLUtessellatorCallback(com.jogamp.opengl.glu.GLUtessellatorCallback) GeoCoordinate(spacegraph.util.geo.osm.GeoCoordinate) AbstractSpatial(spacegraph.space3d.AbstractSpatial) GLU(com.jogamp.opengl.glu.GLU) OsmWay(spacegraph.util.geo.osm.OsmWay) FasterList(jcog.list.FasterList) GLUtessellator(com.jogamp.opengl.glu.GLUtessellator) GL_LINE_STRIP(com.jogamp.opengl.GL.GL_LINE_STRIP) Draw( Osm(spacegraph.util.geo.osm.Osm) Consumer(java.util.function.Consumer) List(java.util.List) OsmNode(spacegraph.util.geo.osm.OsmNode) Map(java.util.Map) ECEF(spacegraph.util.geo.ECEF) GL_POINTS(com.jogamp.opengl.GL.GL_POINTS) Collidable(spacegraph.space3d.phys.Collidable) OsmNode(spacegraph.util.geo.osm.OsmNode) FasterList(jcog.list.FasterList) Osm(spacegraph.util.geo.osm.Osm) OsmWay(spacegraph.util.geo.osm.OsmWay) Consumer(java.util.function.Consumer)

Example 14 with FasterList

use of jcog.list.FasterList in project narchy by automenta.

the class Simplify2D method douglasPeuckerSimplify.

// / <summary>
// / Ramer-Douglas-Peucker polygon simplification algorithm. This is the
// general recursive version that does not use the
// / speed-up technique by using the Melkman convex hull.
// /
// / If you pass in 0, it will remove all collinear points
// / </summary>
// / <returns>The simplified polygon</returns>
public static FasterList<v2> douglasPeuckerSimplify(FasterList<v2> vertices, float distanceTolerance) {
    // _distanceTolerance = distanceTolerance;
    int n = vertices.size();
    MetalBitSet usePt = MetalBitSet.bits(n);
    simplifySection(usePt, distanceTolerance, vertices, 0, n - 1);
    FasterList<v2> result = new FasterList<v2>();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (usePt.get(i))
    return result;
Also used : FasterList(jcog.list.FasterList) MetalBitSet(

Example 15 with FasterList

use of jcog.list.FasterList in project narchy by automenta.

the class VerletTest method init.

public void init(Dynamics2D w) {
    // physics.addBehavior(new GravityBehavior2D(new Vec2D(0,0.1)));
    // physics.setWorldBounds(new Rect(0,0,width,height));
    List<Body2D> particles = new FasterList();
    for (int y = 0, idx = 0; y < DIM; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < DIM; x++) {
            Body2D p = w.addBody(new BodyDef(BodyType.DYNAMIC), new FixtureDef(new CircleShape(REST_LENGTH / 4f), 0.1f, 0f));
            p.setTransform(new v2(x * REST_LENGTH, y * REST_LENGTH), 0);
            if (x > 0) {
                spring(w, p, particles.get(idx - 1), STRENGTH, REST_LENGTH);
            if (y > 0) {
                spring(w, p, particles.get(idx - DIM), STRENGTH, REST_LENGTH);
    spring(w, particles.get(0), particles.get(particles.size() - 1), INNER_STRENGTH, (float) sqrt(sqr(REST_LENGTH * (DIM - 1)) * 2));
    spring(w, particles.get(DIM - 1), particles.get(particles.size() - DIM), INNER_STRENGTH, (float) sqrt(sqr(REST_LENGTH * (DIM - 1)) * 2));
// head=physics.particles.get((DIM-1)/2);
// head.lock();
Also used : CircleShape(spacegraph.space2d.phys.collision.shapes.CircleShape) FasterList(jcog.list.FasterList) spacegraph.util.math.v2(spacegraph.util.math.v2) RopeJoint(spacegraph.space2d.phys.dynamics.joints.RopeJoint)


FasterList (jcog.list.FasterList)48 Term (nars.term.Term)17 List (java.util.List)7 Truth (nars.truth.Truth)5 Pair (org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Pair)5 Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)5 Map (java.util.Map)4 Predicate (java.util.function.Predicate)4 NAR (nars.NAR)4 Task (nars.Task)4 LongObjectPair (org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.primitive.LongObjectPair)4 java.util (java.util)3 Supplier (java.util.function.Supplier)3 Util (jcog.Util)3 MapNodeGraph ( NALTask (nars.task.NALTask)3 Bool (nars.term.atom.Bool)3 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)3 RoaringBitmap (org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap)3 MultimapBuilder (