use of in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class Diesel3Sound method setXml.
public void setXml(Element e, VSDFile vf) {
Element el;
String fn;
D3Notch sb;
// Handle the common stuff.
super.setXml(e, vf);
//log.debug("Diesel EngineSound: " + e.getAttribute("name").getValue());
_soundName = this.getName() + ":LoopSound";
log.debug("Diesel3: name: " + this.getName() + " soundName " + _soundName);
notch_sounds = new HashMap<Integer, D3Notch>();
String in = e.getChildText("idle-notch");
Integer idle_notch = null;
if (in != null) {
idle_notch = Integer.parseInt(in);
} else {
// leave idle_notch null for now. We'll use it at the end to trigger a "grandfathering" action
log.warn("No Idle Notch Specified!");
// Get the notch sounds
Iterator<Element> itr = (e.getChildren("notch-sound")).iterator();
int i = 0;
while (itr.hasNext()) {
el =;
sb = new D3Notch();
int nn = Integer.parseInt(el.getChildText("notch"));
if ((idle_notch != null) && (nn == idle_notch)) {
log.debug("This Notch (" + nn + ") is Idle.");
List<Element> elist = el.getChildren("file");
int j = 0;
for (Element fe : elist) {
fn = fe.getText();
//AudioBuffer b = D3Notch.getBuffer(vf, fn, "Engine_n" + i + "_" + j, "Engine_" + i + "_" + j);
//log.debug("Buffer created: " + b + " name: " + b.getSystemName());
List<AudioBuffer> l = D3Notch.getBufferList(vf, fn, "Engine_n" + i + "_" + j, "Engine_" + i + "_" + j);
log.debug("Buffers Created: ");
for (AudioBuffer b : l) {
log.debug("\tSubBuffer: " + b.getSystemName());
//log.debug("Notch: " + nn + " File: " + fn);
// Gain is broken, for the moment. Buffers don't have gain. Sources do.
if (el.getChildText("accel-file") != null) {
sb.setAccelBuffer(D3Notch.getBuffer(vf, el.getChildText("accel-file"), "Engine_na" + i, "Engine_na" + i));
} else {
if (el.getChildText("decel-file") != null) {
sb.setDecelBuffer(D3Notch.getBuffer(vf, el.getChildText("decel-file"), "Engine_nd" + i, "Engine_nd" + i));
} else {
// Store in the list.
notch_sounds.put(nn, sb);
// Get the start and stop sounds
el = e.getChild("start-sound");
if (el != null) {
fn = el.getChild("file").getValue();
//log.debug("Start sound: " + fn);
start_buffer = D3Notch.getBuffer(vf, fn, "Engine_start", "Engine_Start");
el = e.getChild("shutdown-sound");
if (el != null) {
fn = el.getChild("file").getValue();
//log.debug("Shutdown sound: " + fn);
stop_buffer = D3Notch.getBuffer(vf, fn, "Engine_shutdown", "Engine_Shutdown");
// all have unique notch numbers.
if (idle_notch == null) {
D3Notch min_notch = null;
// No, this is not a terribly efficient "min" operation. But that's OK.
for (D3Notch n : notch_sounds.values()) {
if ((min_notch == null) || (n.getNotch() < min_notch.getNotch())) {
min_notch = n;
log.debug("No Idle Notch Specified. Choosing Notch (" + (min_notch != null ? min_notch.getNotch() : "min_notch not set") + ") to be the Idle Notch.");
if (min_notch != null) {
} else {
log.warn("Could not set idle notch because min_notch was still null");
// Kick-start the loop thread.
use of in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class Steam1Sound method setXml.
public void setXml(Element e, VSDFile vf) {
Element el;
String fn, n;
S1Notch sb;
// Handle the common stuff.
super.setXml(e, vf);
//log.debug("Steam EngineSound: {}", e.getAttribute("name").getValue());
_soundName = this.getName();
log.debug("Steam1: name: {}, soundName: {}", this.getName(), _soundName);
// Required values
top_speed = Integer.parseInt(e.getChildText("top-speed"));
log.debug("top speed forward: {} MPH", top_speed);
driver_diameter_float = Float.parseFloat(e.getChildText("driver-diameter-float"));
log.debug("driver diameter: {} inches", driver_diameter_float);
num_cylinders = Integer.parseInt(e.getChildText("cylinders"));
log.debug("Number of cylinders defined: {}", num_cylinders);
// Optional value
// Allows to adjust speed.
// Optional value.
n = e.getChildText("exponent");
if (n != null) {
exponent = Float.parseFloat(n);
} else {
// default
exponent = 1.0f;
log.debug("exponent: {}", exponent);
// Optional value
// Defines how many rpms in 0.5 seconds will trigger decel actions like braking.
n = e.getChildText("decel-trigger-rpms");
if (n != null) {
decel_trigger_rpms = Integer.parseInt(n);
} else {
// Default (need a value)
decel_trigger_rpms = 999;
log.debug("number of rpms to trigger decelerating actions: {}", decel_trigger_rpms);
// Get the sounds.
// Note: each sound must have equal attributes, e.g. 16-bit, 44100 Hz
// Get the files and create a buffer and byteBuffer for each file.
// For each notch there must be <num_cylinders * 2> chuff files.
notch_sounds = new HashMap<>();
// notch number (index)
int i = 0;
// chuff or coast number (index)
int j = 0;
// Sound sample format
int fmt = 0;
// notch number (visual)
int nn = 1;
// Get the notch-sounds.
Iterator<Element> itr = (e.getChildren("s1notch-sound")).iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
el =;
sb = new S1Notch();
// Get the chuff sounds.
List<Element> elist = el.getChildren("notch-file");
j = 0;
for (Element fe : elist) {
fn = fe.getText();
log.debug("notch: {}, file: {}", nn, fn);
AudioBuffer b = S1Notch.getBuffer(vf, fn, _soundName + "_NOTCH_" + i + "_" + j + "_", _soundName + "_NOTCH_" + i + "_" + j + "_");
log.debug("buffer created: {}, name: {}, format: {}", b, b.getSystemName(), b.getFormat());
if (fmt == 0) {
// Get the format of the (first) WAV file.
// Since all WAV files of the notches MUST have the same format,
// I asume this format for all WAV files for now.
fmt = AudioUtil.getWavFormat(S1Notch.getWavStream(vf, fn));
log.debug("fmt: {}", fmt);
ByteBuffer data = AudioUtil.getWavData(S1Notch.getWavStream(vf, fn));
log.debug("Number of chuff sounds for notch {} defined: {}", nn, j);
// Create a filler Buffer for queueing and a ByteBuffer for length modification.
fn = el.getChildText("notchfiller-file");
if (fn != null) {
log.debug("notch filler file: {}", fn);
AudioBuffer bnf = S1Notch.getBuffer(vf, el.getChildText("notchfiller-file"), _soundName + "_NOTCHFILLER_" + i + "_", _soundName + "_NOTCHFILLER_" + i + "_");
log.debug("buffer created: {}, name: {}, format: {}", bnf, bnf.getSystemName(), bnf.getFormat());
sb.setNotchFillerData(AudioUtil.getWavData(S1Notch.getWavStream(vf, fn)));
} else {
log.debug("no notchfiller available.");
// VSDFile validation makes sure that there is at least one notch.
if (nn == 1) {
// Get the coasting sounds.
j = 0;
List<Element> elistc = el.getChildren("coast-file");
for (Element fe : elistc) {
fn = fe.getText();
log.debug("coasting file: {}", fn);
AudioBuffer bc = S1Notch.getBuffer(vf, fn, _soundName + "_COAST_" + j + "_", _soundName + "_COAST_" + j + "_");
log.debug("buffer created: {}, name: {}, format: {}", bc, bc.getSystemName(), bc.getFormat());
// WAV in Buffer for queueing.
ByteBuffer datac = AudioUtil.getWavData(S1Notch.getWavStream(vf, fn));
// WAV data in ByteBuffer for length modification.
log.debug("Number of coasting sounds for notch {} defined: {}", nn, j);
// Create a filler Buffer for queueing and a ByteBuffer for length modification.
fn = el.getChildText("coastfiller-file");
if (fn != null) {
log.debug("coasting filler file: {}", fn);
AudioBuffer bcf = S1Notch.getBuffer(vf, fn, _soundName + "_COASTFILLER_", _soundName + "_COASTFILLER_");
log.debug("buffer created: {}, name: {}, format: {}", bcf, bcf.getSystemName(), bcf.getFormat());
sb.setCoastFillerData(AudioUtil.getWavData(S1Notch.getWavStream(vf, fn)));
} else {
log.debug("no coastfiller available.");
// serve well for that purpose. These buffers are bound to notch 1.
for (int jk = 0; jk < 10; jk++) {
AudioBuffer bh = S1Notch.getBufferHelper(_soundName + "_BUFFERHELPER_" + jk, _soundName + "_BUFFERHELPER_" + jk);
log.debug("buffer helper created: {}, name: {}", bh, bh.getSystemName());
log.debug("sample format for notch {}: {}", nn, fmt);
// Store in the list.
notch_sounds.put(nn, sb);
log.debug("Number of notches defined: {}", notch_sounds.size());
// Get the trigger sounds.
// Note: other than notch sounds, trigger sounds can have different attributes.
trigger_sounds = new HashMap<>();
// Get the idle sound.
el = e.getChild("idle-sound");
if (el != null) {
fn = el.getChild("sound-file").getValue();
log.debug("idle sound: {}", fn);
idle_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, _soundName + "Idle", _soundName + "Idle");
// Handle gain
log.debug("idle sound gain: {}", idle_sound.getGain());
idle_sound.setFadeTimes(500, 500);
trigger_sounds.put("idle", idle_sound);
log.debug("trigger sound idle: {}", trigger_sounds.get("idle"));
// Get the brake sound.
el = e.getChild("brake-sound");
if (el != null) {
fn = el.getChild("sound-file").getValue();
log.debug("brake sound: {}", fn);
brake_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, _soundName + "Brake", _soundName + "Brake");
log.debug("brake sound gain: {}", brake_sound.getGain());
brake_sound.setFadeTimes(500, 500);
trigger_sounds.put("brake", brake_sound);
log.debug("trigger sound brake: {}", trigger_sounds.get("brake"));
// Get the pre-arrival sound
el = e.getChild("pre-arrival-sound");
if (el != null) {
fn = el.getChild("sound-file").getValue();
log.debug("pre-arrival sound: {}", fn);
pre_arrival_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, _soundName + "Pre-arrival", _soundName + "Pre-arrival");
log.debug("pre-arrival sound gain: {}", pre_arrival_sound.getGain());
pre_arrival_sound.setFadeTimes(500, 500);
log.debug("getGain pre-arrival-sound: {}", pre_arrival_sound.getGain());
trigger_sounds.put("pre_arrival", pre_arrival_sound);
log.debug("trigger sound pre_arrival: {}", trigger_sounds.get("pre_arrival"));
// Kick-start the loop thread.