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Example 81 with Location

use of jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class ScheduleManagerTest method testScheduleManager.

public void testScheduleManager() {
    LocationManager lm = LocationManager.instance();
    Location l = lm.newLocation("new test location");
    Track t = l.addTrack("track 1", Track.SPUR);
    ScheduleManager sm = ScheduleManager.instance();
    // clear out any previous schedules
    sm = ScheduleManager.instance();
    Schedule s1 = sm.newSchedule("new schedule");
    Schedule s2 = sm.newSchedule("newer schedule");
    ScheduleItem i1 = s1.addItem("BoxCar");
    i1.setRoadName("new road");
    i1.setReceiveLoadName("new load");
    i1.setShipLoadName("new ship load");
    ScheduleItem i2 = s1.addItem("Caboose");
    i2.setShipLoadName("ship load");
    Assert.assertEquals("1 First schedule name", "new schedule", s1.getName());
    Assert.assertEquals("1 First schedule name", "newer schedule", s2.getName());
    List<Schedule> names = sm.getSchedulesByNameList();
    Assert.assertEquals("There should be 2 schedules", 2, names.size());
    Schedule sch1 = names.get(0);
    Schedule sch2 = names.get(1);
    Assert.assertEquals("2 First schedule name", "new schedule", sch1.getName());
    Assert.assertEquals("2 First schedule name", "newer schedule", sch2.getName());
    Assert.assertEquals("Schedule 1", sch1, sm.getScheduleByName("new schedule"));
    Assert.assertEquals("Schedule 2", sch2, sm.getScheduleByName("newer schedule"));
    // Remove references to swing
    // JComboBox box = sm.getComboBox();
    // Assert.assertEquals("3 First schedule name", "", box.getItemAt(0));
    // Assert.assertEquals("3 First schedule name", sch1, box.getItemAt(1));
    // Assert.assertEquals("3 First schedule name", sch2, box.getItemAt(2));
    // JComboBox box2 = sm.getSidingsByScheduleComboBox(s1);
    // Assert.assertEquals("First siding name", null, box2.getItemAt(0));
    // now add a schedule to siding
    // JComboBox box3 = sm.getSidingsByScheduleComboBox(s1);
    // LocationTrackPair ltp = (LocationTrackPair)box3.getItemAt(0);
    // Assert.assertEquals("Location track pair location", l, ltp.getLocation());
    // Assert.assertEquals("Location track pair track", t, ltp.getTrack());
    Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 1 type", "BoxCar", i1.getTypeName());
    Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 1 road", "new road", i1.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 1 load", "new load", i1.getReceiveLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 1 ship", "new ship load", i1.getShipLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 2 type", "Caboose", i2.getTypeName());
    Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 2 road", "road", i2.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 2 load", "load", i2.getReceiveLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 2 ship", "ship load", i2.getShipLoadName());
    sm.replaceRoad("new road", "replaced road");
    Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 1 type", "BoxCar", i1.getTypeName());
    Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 1 road", "replaced road", i1.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 1 load", "new load", i1.getReceiveLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 1 ship", "new ship load", i1.getShipLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 2 type", "Caboose", i2.getTypeName());
    Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 2 road", "road", i2.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 2 load", "load", i2.getReceiveLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 2 ship", "ship load", i2.getShipLoadName());
    sm.replaceType("BoxCar", "replaced car type");
    Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 1 type", "replaced car type", i1.getTypeName());
    Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 1 road", "replaced road", i1.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 1 load", "new load", i1.getReceiveLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 1 ship", "new ship load", i1.getShipLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 2 type", "Caboose", i2.getTypeName());
    Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 2 road", "road", i2.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 2 load", "load", i2.getReceiveLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 2 ship", "ship load", i2.getShipLoadName());
    sm.replaceType("Caboose", "BoxCar");
    Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 1 type", "replaced car type", i1.getTypeName());
    Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 1 road", "replaced road", i1.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 1 load", "new load", i1.getReceiveLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 1 ship", "new ship load", i1.getShipLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 2 type", "BoxCar", i2.getTypeName());
    Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 2 road", "road", i2.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 2 load", "load", i2.getReceiveLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 2 ship", "ship load", i2.getShipLoadName());
    sm.replaceLoad("BoxCar", "load", "new load");
    Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 1 type", "replaced car type", i1.getTypeName());
    Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 1 road", "replaced road", i1.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 1 load", "new load", i1.getReceiveLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 1 ship", "new ship load", i1.getShipLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 2 type", "BoxCar", i2.getTypeName());
    Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 2 road", "road", i2.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 2 load", "new load", i2.getReceiveLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 2 ship", "ship load", i2.getShipLoadName());
    sm.replaceLoad("BoxCar", "new load", "next load");
    Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 1 type", "replaced car type", i1.getTypeName());
    Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 1 road", "replaced road", i1.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 1 load", "new load", i1.getReceiveLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 1 ship", "new ship load", i1.getShipLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 2 type", "BoxCar", i2.getTypeName());
    Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 2 road", "road", i2.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 2 load", "next load", i2.getReceiveLoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 2 ship", "ship load", i2.getShipLoadName());
    // remove all schedules
    names = sm.getSchedulesByNameList();
    Assert.assertEquals("There should be no schedules", 0, names.size());
Also used : LocationManager(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.LocationManager) ScheduleManager(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules.ScheduleManager) ScheduleItem(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules.ScheduleItem) Schedule(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules.Schedule) Track(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Track) Location(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location)

Example 82 with Location

use of jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class ScheduleEditFrameGuiTest method testScheduleEditFrame.

public void testScheduleEditFrame() {
    LocationManager lManager = LocationManager.instance();
    Location l2 = lManager.newLocation("Test Loc C");
    Location l = lManager.getLocationByName("Test Loc C");
    Assert.assertNotNull("Location exists", l);
    Track t = l.addTrack("3rd siding track", Track.SPUR);
    Assert.assertNotNull("Track exists", t);
    ScheduleEditFrame f = new ScheduleEditFrame(null, t);
    f.setTitle("Test Schedule Frame");
    f.scheduleNameTextField.setText("Test Schedule A");
    f.commentTextField.setText("Test Comment");
    // was the schedule created?
    ScheduleManager m = ScheduleManager.instance();
    Schedule s = m.getScheduleByName("Test Schedule A");
    Assert.assertNotNull("Test Schedule A exists", s);
    // now add some car types to the schedule
    // put Tank Food at start of list
    f.typeBox.setSelectedItem("Tank Food");
    List<ScheduleItem> list = s.getItemsBySequenceList();
    Assert.assertEquals("number of items", 4, list.size());
    ScheduleItem si = list.get(0);
    Assert.assertEquals("1st type", "Tank Food", si.getTypeName());
    si = list.get(1);
    Assert.assertEquals("2nd type", "Boxcar", si.getTypeName());
    si = list.get(2);
    Assert.assertEquals("3rd type", "Flatcar", si.getTypeName());
    si = list.get(3);
    Assert.assertEquals("3rd type", "Coilcar", si.getTypeName());
    // Yes to pop up
    pressDialogButton(f, Bundle.getMessage("DeleteSchedule?"), "Yes");
    s = m.getScheduleByName("Test Schedule A");
    Assert.assertNull("Test Schedule A exists", s);
Also used : LocationManager(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.LocationManager) Track(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Track) Location(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 83 with Location

use of jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class ScheduleEditFrameGuiTest method loadLocations.

private void loadLocations() {
    // create 5 locations
    LocationManager lManager = LocationManager.instance();
    Location l1 = lManager.newLocation("Test Loc E");
    Location l2 = lManager.newLocation("Test Loc D");
    Location l3 = lManager.newLocation("Test Loc C");
    Location l4 = lManager.newLocation("Test Loc B");
    Location l5 = lManager.newLocation("Test Loc A");
Also used : LocationManager(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.LocationManager) Location(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location)

Example 84 with Location

use of jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class OperationsRollingStockTest method testRollingStockLocation.

// test RollingStock location and track
public void testRollingStockLocation() {
    RollingStock rs1 = new RollingStock("TESTROAD", "TESTNUMBER1");
    /* Rolling Stock needs a valid type */
    /* Type needs to be in CarTypes or EngineTypes */
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock Road", "TESTROAD", rs1.getRoadName());
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock Number", "TESTNUMBER1", rs1.getNumber());
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock Type", "TESTTYPE", rs1.getTypeName());
    /* Rolling Stock not placed on layout yet */
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock null Location Name", "", rs1.getLocationName());
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock null Location Id", "", rs1.getLocationId());
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock null Track Name", "", rs1.getTrackName());
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock null Track Id", "", rs1.getTrackId());
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock car length", "0", rs1.getLength());
    String testresult;
    /* Place Rolling Stock on layout */
    Location testlocation1 = new Location("Loc1", "Test Town");
    Track testtrack1 = testlocation1.addTrack("Testees Office", Track.SPUR);
    testresult = rs1.setLocation(testlocation1, testtrack1);
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock null Set Location", "type (TESTTYPE)", testresult);
    /* type needs to be valid for Track */
    testresult = rs1.setLocation(testlocation1, testtrack1);
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock null Set Location Track type", "type (TESTTYPE)", testresult);
    /* type needs to be valid for Location */
    testresult = rs1.setLocation(testlocation1, testtrack1);
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock null Set Location type", "rolling stock length ()", testresult);
    /* track needs to have a defined length */
    testresult = rs1.setLocation(testlocation1, testtrack1);
    Assert.assertTrue("status message starts with capacity", testresult.startsWith(Track.CAPACITY));
    /* track needs to be long enough */
    testresult = rs1.setLocation(testlocation1, testtrack1);
    Assert.assertTrue("status message starts with capacity", testresult.startsWith(Track.CAPACITY));
    /* track needs to be long enough */
    // rs length + Coupler == 4
    testresult = rs1.setLocation(testlocation1, testtrack1);
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock null Set Length match", "okay", testresult);
    /* track needs to accept road */
    testresult = rs1.setLocation(testlocation1, testtrack1);
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock null Set includeroads", "road (TESTROAD)", testresult);
    /* track needs to accept road */
    testresult = rs1.setLocation(testlocation1, testtrack1);
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock Set includeroads", "okay", testresult);
    /* track needs to accept road */
    testresult = rs1.setLocation(testlocation1, testtrack1);
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock Set excluderoads", "road (TESTROAD)", testresult);
    /* track needs to accept road */
    testresult = rs1.setLocation(testlocation1, testtrack1);
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock Set allroads", "okay", testresult);
    /* track needs to accept road */
    testresult = rs1.setLocation(testlocation1, testtrack1);
    Assert.assertEquals("RollingStock Set null excluderoads", "okay", testresult);
    // Normally logged message
    jmri.util.JUnitAppender.assertErrorMessage("Loco (TESTROAD TESTNUMBER1) length () is not valid");
Also used : Track(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Track) Location(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location)

Example 85 with Location

use of jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class PoolTrackGuiTest method testSelectPoolAndSaveTrack.

public void testSelectPoolAndSaveTrack() throws Exception {
    if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
        // can't use Assume in TestCase subclasses
    // This should change the pool track property of the Track under test.
    Location l = new Location("LOC1", "Location One");
    l.addPool("Pool 1");
    Pool desiredPool = l.addPool("Pool 2");
    l.addPool("Pool 3");
    Assert.assertEquals("Pool count", 3, l.getPoolsByNameList().size());
    Track t = new Track("ID1", "TestTrack1", "Siding", l);
    Assert.assertEquals("Initial Track Pool", null, t.getPool());
    PoolTrackFrame f = new PoolTrackFrame(t);
    f.setTitle("Test Pool Track Select Pool and Save Frame");
    Assert.assertEquals("ComboBox selection", desiredPool, f.comboBoxPools.getSelectedItem());
    // Now click the Save button and the Track should be updated with the selected Pool
    Assert.assertEquals("Updated Track Pool", desiredPool, t.getPool());
    // close window
Also used : Pool(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Pool) Track(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Track) Location(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location) Test(org.junit.Test)


Location (jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location)186 Track (jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Track)108 RouteLocation (jmri.jmrit.operations.routes.RouteLocation)82 Route (jmri.jmrit.operations.routes.Route)51 LocationManager (jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.LocationManager)43 Car ( Engine (jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines.Engine)29 RouteManager (jmri.jmrit.operations.routes.RouteManager)21 CarManager ( Consist (jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines.Consist)19 Test (org.junit.Test)18 JCheckBox (javax.swing.JCheckBox)13 EngineManager (jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines.EngineManager)13 Train (jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.Train)13 CarTypes ( Schedule (jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules.Schedule)11 EngineTypes (jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines.EngineTypes)10 File ( ScheduleItem (jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules.ScheduleItem)9 TrainManager (jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.TrainManager)8