use of jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules.Schedule in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class OperationsCarRouterTest method testRoutingWithSchedulesMatchMode.
* Using the setup from the previous tests, use trains and schedules to move
* cars. This test creates 1 schedule in match mode with multiple items.
* Test uses car loads to activate schedule.
public void testRoutingWithSchedulesMatchMode() {
TrainManager tmanager = TrainManager.instance();
CarManager cmanager = CarManager.instance();
LocationManager lmanager = LocationManager.instance();
List<Train> trains = tmanager.getTrainsByNameList();
Assert.assertEquals("confirm number of trains", 7, trains.size());
Car c3 = cmanager.getByRoadAndNumber("BA", "3");
Car c4 = cmanager.getByRoadAndNumber("BB", "4");
Car c5 = cmanager.getByRoadAndNumber("BC", "5");
Car c6 = cmanager.getByRoadAndNumber("BD", "6");
Car c7 = cmanager.getByRoadAndNumber("BA", "7");
Car c8 = cmanager.getByRoadAndNumber("BB", "8");
Car c9 = cmanager.getByRoadAndNumber("BC", "9");
Location Acton = lmanager.getLocationByName("Acton MA");
Location Clinton = lmanager.getLocationByName("Clinton MA");
Location Danbury = lmanager.getLocationByName("Danbury MA");
Location Essex = lmanager.getLocationByName("Essex MA");
Track AS1 = Acton.getTrackByName("Acton Siding 1", Track.SPUR);
Track CS1 = Clinton.getTrackByName("Clinton Siding 1", Track.SPUR);
Track DS1 = Danbury.getTrackByName("Danbury Siding 1", Track.SPUR);
Track DS2 = Danbury.getTrackByName("Danbury Siding 2", Track.SPUR);
Track ES1 = Essex.getTrackByName("Essex Siding 1", Track.SPUR);
Track ES2 = Essex.getTrackByName("Essex Siding 2", Track.SPUR);
// set the depart track Acton to service by local train only
// create schedules
ScheduleManager scheduleManager = ScheduleManager.instance();
Schedule schA = scheduleManager.newSchedule("Schedule AAA");
ScheduleItem schAItem1 = schA.addItem("Boxcar");
ScheduleItem schAItem2 = schA.addItem("Flat");
ScheduleItem schAItem3 = schA.addItem("Boxcar");
ScheduleItem schAItem4 = schA.addItem("Boxcar");
ScheduleItem schAItem5 = schA.addItem("Boxcar");
// Add schedule to tracks
// set schedule into match mode
// c3 (BA 3) is a Boxcar
// c4 (BB 4) is a Flat
// c5 (BC 5) is a Boxcar
// c6 (BD 6) is a Boxcar
// place cars
Assert.assertEquals("Place car", Track.OKAY, c3.setLocation(Acton, AS1));
Assert.assertEquals("Place car", Track.OKAY, c4.setLocation(Acton, AS1));
Assert.assertEquals("Place car", Track.OKAY, c5.setLocation(Acton, AS1));
Assert.assertEquals("Place car", Track.OKAY, c6.setLocation(Acton, AS1));
Assert.assertEquals("Place car", Track.OKAY, c7.setLocation(Acton, AS1));
Assert.assertEquals("Place car", Track.OKAY, c8.setLocation(Acton, AS1));
Assert.assertEquals("Place car", Track.OKAY, c9.setLocation(Acton, AS1));
// build train
Train ActonTrain = tmanager.getTrainByName("Acton Local");;
Assert.assertTrue("Acton train built", ActonTrain.isBuilt());
// check car destinations
Assert.assertEquals("Car BA 3 destination", "Acton MA", c3.getDestinationName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BA 3 destination track", "Acton Interchange", c3.getDestinationTrackName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BA 3 final destination", "Essex MA", c3.getFinalDestinationName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BA 3 final destination track", "Essex Siding 1", c3.getFinalDestinationTrackName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BB 4 destination", "Acton MA", c4.getDestinationName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BB 4 destination track", "Acton Interchange", c4.getDestinationTrackName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BB 4 final destination", "Essex MA", c4.getFinalDestinationName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BB 4 final destination track", "Essex Siding 1", c4.getFinalDestinationTrackName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BC 5 destination", "Acton MA", c5.getDestinationName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BC 5 destination track", "Acton Interchange", c5.getDestinationTrackName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BC 5 final destination", "Essex MA", c5.getFinalDestinationName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BC 5 final destination track", "Essex Siding 1", c5.getFinalDestinationTrackName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BD 6 destination", "Acton MA", c6.getDestinationName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BD 6 destination track", "Acton Interchange", c6.getDestinationTrackName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BD 6 final destination", "Essex MA", c6.getFinalDestinationName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BD 6 final destination track", "Essex Siding 1", c6.getFinalDestinationTrackName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BD 7 destination", "Acton MA", c7.getDestinationName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BD 7 destination track", "Acton Interchange", c7.getDestinationTrackName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BD 7 final destination", "Essex MA", c7.getFinalDestinationName());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BD 7 final destination track", "Essex Siding 1", c7.getFinalDestinationTrackName());
// check car schedule ids
Assert.assertEquals("Car BA 3 schedule id", schAItem3.getId(), c3.getScheduleItemId());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BB 4 schedule id", schAItem2.getId(), c4.getScheduleItemId());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BC 5 schedule id", schAItem3.getId(), c5.getScheduleItemId());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BD 6 schedule id", schAItem4.getId(), c6.getScheduleItemId());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BA 7 schedule id", schAItem5.getId(), c7.getScheduleItemId());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BB 8 schedule id", schAItem1.getId(), c8.getScheduleItemId());
Assert.assertEquals("Car BC 9 schedule id", schAItem5.getId(), c9.getScheduleItemId());
use of jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules.Schedule in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class ScheduleManagerTest method testScheduleManager.
public void testScheduleManager() {
LocationManager lm = LocationManager.instance();
Location l = lm.newLocation("new test location");
Track t = l.addTrack("track 1", Track.SPUR);
ScheduleManager sm = ScheduleManager.instance();
// clear out any previous schedules
sm = ScheduleManager.instance();
Schedule s1 = sm.newSchedule("new schedule");
Schedule s2 = sm.newSchedule("newer schedule");
ScheduleItem i1 = s1.addItem("BoxCar");
i1.setRoadName("new road");
i1.setReceiveLoadName("new load");
i1.setShipLoadName("new ship load");
ScheduleItem i2 = s1.addItem("Caboose");
i2.setShipLoadName("ship load");
Assert.assertEquals("1 First schedule name", "new schedule", s1.getName());
Assert.assertEquals("1 First schedule name", "newer schedule", s2.getName());
List<Schedule> names = sm.getSchedulesByNameList();
Assert.assertEquals("There should be 2 schedules", 2, names.size());
Schedule sch1 = names.get(0);
Schedule sch2 = names.get(1);
Assert.assertEquals("2 First schedule name", "new schedule", sch1.getName());
Assert.assertEquals("2 First schedule name", "newer schedule", sch2.getName());
Assert.assertEquals("Schedule 1", sch1, sm.getScheduleByName("new schedule"));
Assert.assertEquals("Schedule 2", sch2, sm.getScheduleByName("newer schedule"));
// Remove references to swing
// JComboBox box = sm.getComboBox();
// Assert.assertEquals("3 First schedule name", "", box.getItemAt(0));
// Assert.assertEquals("3 First schedule name", sch1, box.getItemAt(1));
// Assert.assertEquals("3 First schedule name", sch2, box.getItemAt(2));
// JComboBox box2 = sm.getSidingsByScheduleComboBox(s1);
// Assert.assertEquals("First siding name", null, box2.getItemAt(0));
// now add a schedule to siding
// JComboBox box3 = sm.getSidingsByScheduleComboBox(s1);
// LocationTrackPair ltp = (LocationTrackPair)box3.getItemAt(0);
// Assert.assertEquals("Location track pair location", l, ltp.getLocation());
// Assert.assertEquals("Location track pair track", t, ltp.getTrack());
Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 1 type", "BoxCar", i1.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 1 road", "new road", i1.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 1 load", "new load", i1.getReceiveLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 1 ship", "new ship load", i1.getShipLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 2 type", "Caboose", i2.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 2 road", "road", i2.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 2 load", "load", i2.getReceiveLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("1 Schedule Item 2 ship", "ship load", i2.getShipLoadName());
sm.replaceRoad("new road", "replaced road");
Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 1 type", "BoxCar", i1.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 1 road", "replaced road", i1.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 1 load", "new load", i1.getReceiveLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 1 ship", "new ship load", i1.getShipLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 2 type", "Caboose", i2.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 2 road", "road", i2.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 2 load", "load", i2.getReceiveLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("2 Schedule Item 2 ship", "ship load", i2.getShipLoadName());
sm.replaceType("BoxCar", "replaced car type");
Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 1 type", "replaced car type", i1.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 1 road", "replaced road", i1.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 1 load", "new load", i1.getReceiveLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 1 ship", "new ship load", i1.getShipLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 2 type", "Caboose", i2.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 2 road", "road", i2.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 2 load", "load", i2.getReceiveLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("3 Schedule Item 2 ship", "ship load", i2.getShipLoadName());
sm.replaceType("Caboose", "BoxCar");
Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 1 type", "replaced car type", i1.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 1 road", "replaced road", i1.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 1 load", "new load", i1.getReceiveLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 1 ship", "new ship load", i1.getShipLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 2 type", "BoxCar", i2.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 2 road", "road", i2.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 2 load", "load", i2.getReceiveLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("4 Schedule Item 2 ship", "ship load", i2.getShipLoadName());
sm.replaceLoad("BoxCar", "load", "new load");
Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 1 type", "replaced car type", i1.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 1 road", "replaced road", i1.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 1 load", "new load", i1.getReceiveLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 1 ship", "new ship load", i1.getShipLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 2 type", "BoxCar", i2.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 2 road", "road", i2.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 2 load", "new load", i2.getReceiveLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("5 Schedule Item 2 ship", "ship load", i2.getShipLoadName());
sm.replaceLoad("BoxCar", "new load", "next load");
Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 1 type", "replaced car type", i1.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 1 road", "replaced road", i1.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 1 load", "new load", i1.getReceiveLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 1 ship", "new ship load", i1.getShipLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 2 type", "BoxCar", i2.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 2 road", "road", i2.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 2 load", "next load", i2.getReceiveLoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("6 Schedule Item 2 ship", "ship load", i2.getShipLoadName());
// remove all schedules
names = sm.getSchedulesByNameList();
Assert.assertEquals("There should be no schedules", 0, names.size());
use of jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules.Schedule in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class LocationTest method testRoadNameSupport.
public void testRoadNameSupport() {
// use LocationManager to allow replace car road to work properly
Location l = LocationManager.instance().newLocation("Test Name 2");
Assert.assertEquals("Location Name", "Test Name 2", l.getName());
Track t = l.addTrack("new track", Track.SPUR);
Assert.assertEquals("Location", l, t.getLocation());
t.addRoadName("Test Road Name");
t.addRoadName("Test Road Name 2");
ScheduleManager sm = ScheduleManager.instance();
Schedule s = sm.newSchedule("test schedule");
ScheduleItem i1 = s.addItem("BoxCar");
ScheduleItem i2 = s.addItem("BoxCar");
i1.setRoadName("Test Road Name");
i2.setRoadName("Test Road Name 2");
Assert.assertTrue("track should accept road Test Road Name", t.acceptsRoadName("Test Road Name"));
Assert.assertTrue("track should accept road Test Road Name 2", t.acceptsRoadName("Test Road Name 2"));
Assert.assertFalse("track should Not accept road New Test Road Name", t.acceptsRoadName("New Test Road Name"));
Assert.assertEquals("ScheudleItem i1 Road Test Road Name", "Test Road Name", i1.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("ScheudleItem i2 Road Test Road Name", "Test Road Name 2", i2.getRoadName());
CarRoads cr = CarRoads.instance();
cr.replaceName("Test Road Name", "New Test Road Name");
Assert.assertFalse("track should Not accept road Test Road Name", t.acceptsRoadName("Test Road Name"));
Assert.assertTrue("track should accept road Test Road Name 2", t.acceptsRoadName("Test Road Name 2"));
Assert.assertTrue("track should accept road New Test Road Name", t.acceptsRoadName("New Test Road Name"));
Assert.assertEquals("ScheudleItem i1 Road Test Road Name", "New Test Road Name", i1.getRoadName());
Assert.assertEquals("Check ScheudleItem i2 Road Test Road Name", "Test Road Name 2", i2.getRoadName());
// remove all schedules
use of jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules.Schedule in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class SpurEditFrame method editAddSchedule.
private void editAddSchedule() {
log.debug("Edit/add schedule");
if (sef != null) {
Schedule schedule = (Schedule) comboBoxSchedules.getSelectedItem();
sef = new ScheduleEditFrame(schedule, _track);
use of jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules.Schedule in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class PrintLocationsAction method printSchedulesSelected.
private void printSchedulesSelected() throws IOException {
List<Location> locations = manager.getLocationsByNameList();
String s = padOutString(Bundle.getMessage("Schedules"), MAX_NAME_LENGTH) + " " + Bundle.getMessage("Location") + " - " + Bundle.getMessage("SpurName") + NEW_LINE;
List<Schedule> schedules = ScheduleManager.instance().getSchedulesByNameList();
for (Schedule schedule : schedules) {
for (Location location : locations) {
if (_location != null && location != _location) {
List<Track> spurs = location.getTrackByNameList(Track.SPUR);
for (Track spur : spurs) {
if (spur.getScheduleId().equals(schedule.getId())) {
// pad out schedule name
s = padOutString(schedule.getName(), MAX_NAME_LENGTH) + " " + location.getName() + " - " + spur.getName();
String status = spur.checkScheduleValid();
if (!status.equals(Track.SCHEDULE_OKAY)) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(s);
for (int m = s.length(); m < 63; m++) {
buf.append(" ");
s = buf.toString();
if (s.length() > 63) {
s = s.substring(0, 63);
s = s + TAB + status;
s = s + NEW_LINE;
// show the schedule's mode
String mode = Bundle.getMessage("Sequential");
if (spur.getScheduleMode() == Track.MATCH) {
mode = Bundle.getMessage("Match");
s = padOutString("", MAX_NAME_LENGTH) + SPACE + Bundle.getMessage("ScheduleMode") + ": " + mode + NEW_LINE;
// show alternate track if there's one
if (spur.getAlternateTrack() != null) {
s = padOutString("", MAX_NAME_LENGTH) + SPACE + MessageFormat.format(Bundle.getMessage("AlternateTrackName"), new Object[] { spur.getAlternateTrack().getName() }) + NEW_LINE;
// show custom loads from staging if not 100%
if (spur.getReservationFactor() != 100) {
s = padOutString("", MAX_NAME_LENGTH) + SPACE + MessageFormat.format(Bundle.getMessage("PercentageStaging"), new Object[] { spur.getReservationFactor() }) + NEW_LINE;
if (printComments.isSelected() || printDetails.isSelected() || printAnalysis.isSelected()) {