use of jmri.util.davidflanagan.HardcopyWriter in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class TrainPrintUtilities method printReport.
* Print or preview a train manifest, build report, or switch list.
* @param file File to be printed or previewed
* @param name Title of document
* @param isPreview true if preview
* @param fontName optional font to use when printing document
* @param isBuildReport true if build report
* @param logoURL optional pathname for logo
* @param printerName optional default printer name
* @param orientation Setup.LANDSCAPE, Setup.PORTRAIT, or Setup.HANDHELD
* @param fontSize font size
public static void printReport(File file, String name, boolean isPreview, String fontName, boolean isBuildReport, String logoURL, String printerName, String orientation, int fontSize) {
// obtain a HardcopyWriter to do this
HardcopyWriter writer = null;
Frame mFrame = new Frame();
boolean isLandScape = false;
boolean printHeader = true;
double margin = .5;
// HardcopyWritter provides default page sizes for portrait and landscape
Dimension pagesize = null;
if (orientation.equals(Setup.LANDSCAPE)) {
margin = .65;
isLandScape = true;
if (orientation.equals(Setup.HANDHELD) || orientation.equals(Setup.HALFPAGE)) {
printHeader = false;
// add margins to page size
pagesize = new Dimension(TrainCommon.getPageSize(orientation).width + TrainCommon.PAPER_MARGINS.width, TrainCommon.getPageSize(orientation).height + TrainCommon.PAPER_MARGINS.height);
try {
writer = new HardcopyWriter(mFrame, name, fontSize, margin, margin, .5, .5, isPreview, printerName, isLandScape, printHeader, pagesize);
} catch (HardcopyWriter.PrintCanceledException ex) {
log.debug("Print cancelled");
// set font
if (!fontName.equals("")) {
// now get the build file to print
BufferedReader in = null;
try {
// NOI18N
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
log.error("Build file doesn't exist");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
log.error("Doesn't support UTF-8 encoding");
String line;
if (!isBuildReport && logoURL != null && !logoURL.equals(Setup.NONE)) {
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(logoURL);
if (icon.getIconWidth() == -1) {
log.error("Logo not found: " + logoURL);
} else {
writer.write(icon.getImage(), new JLabel(icon));
Color c = null;
while (true) {
try {
line = in.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
log.debug("Print read failed");
if (line == null) {
if (isPreview) {
try {
// need to do this in case the input file was empty to create preview
writer.write(" ");
} catch (IOException e) {
log.debug("Print write failed for null line");
// check for build report print level
if (isBuildReport) {
// no indent
line = filterBuildReport(line, false);
if (line.equals("")) {
// printing the train manifest
} else {
// determine if there's a line separator
if (line.length() > 0) {
boolean horizontialLineSeparatorFound = true;
for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) {
if (line.charAt(i) != HORIZONTAL_LINE_SEPARATOR) {
horizontialLineSeparatorFound = false;
if (horizontialLineSeparatorFound) {
writer.write(writer.getCurrentLineNumber(), 0, writer.getCurrentLineNumber(), line.length() + 1);
c = null;
for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) {
if (line.charAt(i) == VERTICAL_LINE_SEPARATOR) {
// make a frame (manifest two column format)
if (Setup.isTabEnabled()) {
writer.write(writer.getCurrentLineNumber(), 0, writer.getCurrentLineNumber() + 1, 0);
writer.write(writer.getCurrentLineNumber(), line.length() + 1, writer.getCurrentLineNumber() + 1, line.length() + 1);
writer.write(writer.getCurrentLineNumber(), i + 1, writer.getCurrentLineNumber() + 1, i + 1);
line = line.replace(VERTICAL_LINE_SEPARATOR, SPACE);
// determine if line is a pickup or drop
if ((!Setup.getPickupEnginePrefix().equals("") && line.startsWith(Setup.getPickupEnginePrefix())) || (!Setup.getPickupCarPrefix().equals("") && line.startsWith(Setup.getPickupCarPrefix())) || (!Setup.getSwitchListPickupCarPrefix().equals("") && line.startsWith(Setup.getSwitchListPickupCarPrefix()))) {
// log.debug("found a pickup line");
c = Setup.getPickupColor();
} else if ((!Setup.getDropEnginePrefix().equals("") && line.startsWith(Setup.getDropEnginePrefix())) || (!Setup.getDropCarPrefix().equals("") && line.startsWith(Setup.getDropCarPrefix())) || (!Setup.getSwitchListDropCarPrefix().equals("") && line.startsWith(Setup.getSwitchListDropCarPrefix()))) {
// log.debug("found a drop line");
c = Setup.getDropColor();
} else if ((!Setup.getLocalPrefix().equals("") && line.startsWith(Setup.getLocalPrefix())) || (!Setup.getSwitchListLocalPrefix().equals("") && line.startsWith(Setup.getSwitchListLocalPrefix()))) {
// log.debug("found a drop line");
c = Setup.getLocalColor();
} else if (!line.startsWith(TrainCommon.TAB)) {
c = null;
if (c != null) {
try {
writer.write(c, line + NEW_LINE);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.debug("Print write color failed");
try {
writer.write(line + NEW_LINE);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.debug("Print write failed");
// and force completion of the printing
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.debug("Print close failed");
use of jmri.util.davidflanagan.HardcopyWriter in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class PrintRoutesAction method actionPerformed.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
log.debug("Print all routes");
// obtain a HardcopyWriter to do this
HardcopyWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = new HardcopyWriter(mFrame, MessageFormat.format(Bundle.getMessage("TitleRoutesTable"), new Object[] {}), Control.reportFontSize, .5, .5, .5, .5, isPreview);
} catch (HardcopyWriter.PrintCanceledException ex) {
log.debug("Print cancelled");
try {
// prevents exception when using Preview and no routes
writer.write(" ");
List<Route> routes = RouteManager.instance().getRoutesByNameList();
for (int i = 0; i < routes.size(); i++) {
Route route = routes.get(i);
writer.write(route.getName() + NEW_LINE);
printRoute(writer, route);
if (i != routes.size() - 1) {
} catch (IOException e1) {
log.error("Exception in print routes");
// and force completion of the printing
use of jmri.util.davidflanagan.HardcopyWriter in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class PrintDecoderListAction method actionPerformed.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// obtain a HardcopyWriter to do this
HardcopyWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = new HardcopyWriter(mFrame, "DecoderPro V" + + " Decoder Definitions", 10, .5, .5, .5, .5, isPreview);
} catch (HardcopyWriter.PrintCanceledException ex) {
log.debug("Print cancelled");
// add the image
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(FileUtil.findURL("resources/decoderpro.gif", FileUtil.Location.INSTALLED));
// we use an ImageIcon because it's guaranteed to have been loaded when ctor is complete
writer.write(icon.getImage(), new JLabel(icon));
// Loop through the decoder index, printing as needed
String lastMfg = "";
String lastFamily = "";
DecoderIndexFile f = DecoderIndexFile.instance();
// take all
List<DecoderFile> l = f.matchingDecoderList(null, null, null, null, null, null);
int i = -1;
log.debug("Roster list size: " + l.size());
for (i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
DecoderFile d = l.get(i);
if (!d.getMfg().equals(lastMfg)) {
printMfg(d, writer);
lastMfg = d.getMfg();
lastFamily = "";
if (!d.getFamily().equals(lastFamily)) {
printFamily(d, writer);
lastFamily = d.getFamily();
if (!d.getFamily().equals(d.getModel())) {
printEntry(d, writer);
// and force completion of the printing
use of jmri.util.davidflanagan.HardcopyWriter in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class PrintCarRosterAction method printCars.
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST_OF_RETURN_VALUE", justification = "CarManager only provides Car Objects")
private void printCars() {
boolean landscape = false;
if (manifestOrientationComboBox.getSelectedItem() != null && manifestOrientationComboBox.getSelectedItem() == Setup.LANDSCAPE) {
landscape = true;
int fontSize = (int) fontSizeComboBox.getSelectedItem();
// obtain a HardcopyWriter to do this
HardcopyWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = new HardcopyWriter(mFrame, Bundle.getMessage("TitleCarRoster"), fontSize, .5, .5, .5, .5, isPreview, "", landscape, true, null);
} catch (HardcopyWriter.PrintCanceledException ex) {
log.debug("Print cancelled");
numberCharPerLine = writer.getCharactersPerLine();
// Loop through the Roster, printing as needed
String location = "";
String number;
String road;
String type;
String length = "";
String weight = "";
String color = "";
String owner = "";
String built = "";
String load = "";
String kernel = "";
String train = "";
String destination = "";
String finalDestination = "";
String returnWhenEmpty = "";
String value = "";
String rfid = "";
String last = "";
String wait = "";
String schedule = "";
String comment = "";
try {
String previousLocation = null;
List<RollingStock> cars = panel.carsTableModel.getCarList(sortByComboBox.getSelectedIndex());
for (RollingStock rs : cars) {
Car car = (Car) rs;
if (printCarsWithLocation.isSelected() && car.getLocation() == null) {
// car doesn't have a location skip
location = "";
destination = "";
finalDestination = "";
returnWhenEmpty = "";
if (printCarLocation.isSelected()) {
if (car.getLocation() != null) {
location = car.getLocationName().trim() + " - " + car.getTrackName().trim();
location = padAttribute(location, LocationManager.instance().getMaxLocationAndTrackNameLength() + 3);
// Page break between locations?
if (previousLocation != null && !car.getLocationName().trim().equals(previousLocation) && printPage.isSelected()) {
} else // Add a line between locations?
if (previousLocation != null && !car.getLocationName().trim().equals(previousLocation) && printSpace.isSelected()) {
previousLocation = car.getLocationName().trim();
// car number
number = padAttribute(car.getNumber().trim(), Control.max_len_string_print_road_number);
// car road
road = padAttribute(car.getRoadName().trim(), CarRoads.instance().getMaxNameLength());
// car type
type = padAttribute(car.getTypeName().trim(), CarTypes.instance().getMaxFullNameLength());
if (printCarLength.isSelected()) {
length = padAttribute(car.getLength().trim(), Control.max_len_string_length_name);
if (printCarWeight.isSelected()) {
weight = padAttribute(car.getWeight().trim(), Control.max_len_string_weight_name);
if (printCarColor.isSelected()) {
color = padAttribute(car.getColor().trim(), CarColors.instance().getMaxNameLength());
if (printCarLoad.isSelected()) {
load = padAttribute(car.getLoadName().trim(), CarLoads.instance().getMaxNameLength());
if (printCarKernel.isSelected()) {
kernel = padAttribute(car.getKernelName().trim(), Control.max_len_string_attibute);
if (printCarOwner.isSelected()) {
owner = padAttribute(car.getOwner().trim(), CarOwners.instance().getMaxNameLength());
if (printCarBuilt.isSelected()) {
built = padAttribute(car.getBuilt().trim(), Control.max_len_string_built_name);
if (printCarLast.isSelected()) {
last = padAttribute(car.getLastDate().split(" ")[0], 10);
if (printCarWait.isSelected()) {
wait = padAttribute(Integer.toString(car.getWait()), 4);
if (printCarPickup.isSelected()) {
schedule = padAttribute(car.getPickupScheduleName(), 10);
if (printCarValue.isSelected()) {
value = padAttribute(car.getValue().trim(), Control.max_len_string_attibute);
if (printCarRfid.isSelected()) {
rfid = padAttribute(car.getRfid().trim(), Control.max_len_string_attibute);
if (// pad out train to half of its maximum
printCarTrain.isSelected()) {
train = padAttribute(car.getTrainName().trim(), Control.max_len_string_train_name / 2);
if (printCarDestination.isSelected()) {
if (car.getDestination() != null) {
destination = car.getDestinationName().trim() + " - " + car.getDestinationTrackName();
destination = padAttribute(destination, LocationManager.instance().getMaxLocationAndTrackNameLength() + 3);
if (printCarFinalDestination.isSelected()) {
if (car.getFinalDestination() != null) {
finalDestination = car.getFinalDestinationName().trim() + " - " + car.getFinalDestinationTrackName().trim();
finalDestination = padAttribute(finalDestination, LocationManager.instance().getMaxLocationAndTrackNameLength() + 3);
if (printCarRWE.isSelected()) {
if (car.getReturnWhenEmptyDestination() != null) {
returnWhenEmpty = car.getReturnWhenEmptyDestinationName().trim() + " - " + car.getReturnWhenEmptyDestTrackName().trim();
returnWhenEmpty = padAttribute(returnWhenEmpty, LocationManager.instance().getMaxLocationAndTrackNameLength() + 3);
if (printCarComment.isSelected()) {
comment = car.getComment().trim();
String s = number + road + type + length + weight + color + load + kernel + owner + built + last + wait + schedule + value + rfid + location + train + destination + finalDestination + returnWhenEmpty + comment;
if (s.length() > numberCharPerLine) {
s = s.substring(0, numberCharPerLine);
writer.write(s + NEW_LINE);
// and force completion of the printing
} catch (IOException we) {
log.error("Error printing car roster");
use of jmri.util.davidflanagan.HardcopyWriter in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class PrintEngineRosterAction method actionPerformed.
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST_OF_RETURN_VALUE", justification = "EngineManager only provides Engine Objects")
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// obtain a HardcopyWriter to do this
HardcopyWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = new HardcopyWriter(mFrame, Bundle.getMessage("TitleEngineRoster"), Control.reportFontSize, .5, .5, .5, .5, isPreview);
} catch (HardcopyWriter.PrintCanceledException ex) {
log.debug("Print cancelled");
numberCharPerLine = writer.getCharactersPerLine();
// Loop through the Roster, printing as needed
String number;
String road;
String model;
String type;
String length;
String owner = "";
String consist = "";
String built = "";
String value = "";
String rfid = "";
String location;
List<RollingStock> engines = panel.getSortByList();
try {
// header
String header = padAttribute(Bundle.getMessage("Number"), Control.max_len_string_print_road_number) + padAttribute(Bundle.getMessage("Road"), CarRoads.instance().getMaxNameLength()) + padAttribute(Bundle.getMessage("Model"), EngineModels.instance().getMaxNameLength()) + padAttribute(Bundle.getMessage("Type"), EngineTypes.instance().getMaxNameLength()) + padAttribute(Bundle.getMessage("Len"), Control.max_len_string_length_name) + (panel.sortByConsist.isSelected() ? padAttribute(Bundle.getMessage("Consist"), Control.max_len_string_attibute) : padAttribute(Bundle.getMessage("Owner"), ownerMaxLen)) + (panel.sortByValue.isSelected() ? padAttribute(Setup.getValueLabel(), Control.max_len_string_attibute) : "") + (panel.sortByRfid.isSelected() ? padAttribute(Setup.getRfidLabel(), Control.max_len_string_attibute) : "") + ((!panel.sortByValue.isSelected() && !panel.sortByRfid.isSelected()) ? padAttribute(Bundle.getMessage("Built"), Control.max_len_string_built_name) : "") + Bundle.getMessage("Location") + NEW_LINE;
for (RollingStock rs : engines) {
Engine engine = (Engine) rs;
// loco number
number = padAttribute(engine.getNumber(), Control.max_len_string_print_road_number);
road = padAttribute(engine.getRoadName(), CarRoads.instance().getMaxNameLength());
model = padAttribute(engine.getModel(), EngineModels.instance().getMaxNameLength());
type = padAttribute(engine.getTypeName(), EngineTypes.instance().getMaxNameLength());
length = padAttribute(engine.getLength(), Control.max_len_string_length_name);
if (panel.sortByConsist.isSelected()) {
consist = padAttribute(engine.getConsistName(), Control.max_len_string_attibute);
} else {
owner = padAttribute(engine.getOwner(), ownerMaxLen);
if (panel.sortByValue.isSelected()) {
value = padAttribute(engine.getValue(), Control.max_len_string_attibute);
} else if (panel.sortByRfid.isSelected()) {
rfid = padAttribute(engine.getRfid(), Control.max_len_string_attibute);
} else {
built = padAttribute(engine.getBuilt(), Control.max_len_string_built_name);
location = "";
if (!engine.getLocationName().equals(Engine.NONE)) {
location = engine.getLocationName() + " - " + engine.getTrackName();
String s = number + road + model + type + length + owner + consist + value + rfid + built + location;
if (s.length() > numberCharPerLine) {
s = s.substring(0, numberCharPerLine);
writer.write(s + NEW_LINE);
} catch (IOException we) {
log.error("Error printing ConsistRosterEntry: " + e);
// and force completion of the printing