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Example 16 with ServiceNameEditor

use of jp.ossc.nimbus.beans.ServiceNameEditor in project nimbus by nimbus-org.

the class KeyMappingScheduleFactoryService method startService.

 * サービスの開始処理を行う。<p>
 * @exception Exception サービスの開始処理に失敗した場合
public void startService() throws Exception {
    if (keyAndScheduleFactoryServiceName != null) {
        ServiceNameEditor editor = new ServiceNameEditor();
        for (int i = 0; i < keyAndScheduleFactoryServiceName.length; i++) {
            String tmp = keyAndScheduleFactoryServiceName[i];
            int index = tmp.indexOf('=');
            if (index == -1 || index == tmp.length() - 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("keyAndScheduleFactoryServiceName is \"key=ScheduleFactoryServiceName\"." + tmp);
            final String key = tmp.substring(0, index);
            final String nameStr = tmp.substring(index + 1);
            ServiceName name = (ServiceName) editor.getValue();
            ScheduleFactory factory = (ScheduleFactory) ServiceManagerFactory.getServiceObject(name);
            keyAndScheduleFactory.put(createKey(key), factory);
    if (attrKeyAndScheduleFactory != null) {
        final Iterator keys = attrKeyAndScheduleFactory.keySet().iterator();
        while (keys.hasNext()) {
            final Object key =;
            ScheduleFactory factory = (ScheduleFactory) attrKeyAndScheduleFactory.get(key);
            keyAndScheduleFactory.put(createKey(key), factory);
    if (defaultScheduleFactoryServiceName != null) {
        defaultScheduleFactory = (ScheduleFactory) ServiceManagerFactory.getServiceObject(defaultScheduleFactoryServiceName);
Also used : ServiceNameEditor(jp.ossc.nimbus.beans.ServiceNameEditor)

Example 17 with ServiceNameEditor

use of jp.ossc.nimbus.beans.ServiceNameEditor in project nimbus by nimbus-org.

the class RestServlet method getRestServerServiceName.

 * 初期化パラメータ{@link #INIT_PARAM_NAME_REST_SERVER_SERVICE_NAME}で指定された{@link RestServer}サービスのサービス名を取得する。<p>
 * @return RestServerサービスのサービス名
protected ServiceName getRestServerServiceName() {
    final ServletConfig config = getServletConfig();
    final String serviceNameStr = config.getInitParameter(INIT_PARAM_NAME_REST_SERVER_SERVICE_NAME);
    if (serviceNameStr == null) {
        return null;
    final ServiceNameEditor editor = new ServiceNameEditor();
    return (ServiceName) editor.getValue();
Also used : ServiceNameEditor(jp.ossc.nimbus.beans.ServiceNameEditor) ServiceName(jp.ossc.nimbus.core.ServiceName)

Example 18 with ServiceNameEditor

use of jp.ossc.nimbus.beans.ServiceNameEditor in project nimbus by nimbus-org.

the class ScheduleManagerServlet method getScheduleManagerServiceName.

private ServiceName getScheduleManagerServiceName() {
    final ServletConfig config = getServletConfig();
    final String serviceNameStr = config.getInitParameter(INIT_PARAM_NAME_SCHEDULE_MANAGER_SERVICE_NAME);
    if (serviceNameStr == null) {
        return null;
    final ServiceNameEditor editor = new ServiceNameEditor();
    return (ServiceName) editor.getValue();
Also used : ServiceNameEditor(jp.ossc.nimbus.beans.ServiceNameEditor) ServiceName(jp.ossc.nimbus.core.ServiceName) ServletConfig(javax.servlet.ServletConfig)

Example 19 with ServiceNameEditor

use of jp.ossc.nimbus.beans.ServiceNameEditor in project nimbus by nimbus-org.

the class ScheduleManagerServlet method getJSONConverterServiceName.

private ServiceName getJSONConverterServiceName() {
    final ServletConfig config = getServletConfig();
    final String serviceNameStr = config.getInitParameter(INIT_PARAM_NAME_JSON_CONVERTER_SERVICE_NAME);
    if (serviceNameStr == null) {
        return null;
    final ServiceNameEditor editor = new ServiceNameEditor();
    return (ServiceName) editor.getValue();
Also used : ServiceNameEditor(jp.ossc.nimbus.beans.ServiceNameEditor) ServiceName(jp.ossc.nimbus.core.ServiceName) ServletConfig(javax.servlet.ServletConfig)

Example 20 with ServiceNameEditor

use of jp.ossc.nimbus.beans.ServiceNameEditor in project nimbus by nimbus-org.

the class ServiceCallActionService method execute.

 * ローカルのサービスを呼び出して、戻り値を返す。<p>
 * リソースのフォーマットは、以下。<br>
 * <pre>
 * serviceName
 * methodSigniture
 * argumentType
 * argument
 * </pre>
 * serviceNameは、呼び出す対象のサービス名を指定する。サービス名のフォーマットは、{@link ServiceNameEditor}の仕様に準じる。<br>
 * methodSignitureは、呼び出すメソッドのシグニチャを指定する。シグニチャのフォーマットは、{@link MethodEditor}の仕様に準じる。<br>
 * argumentTypeは、呼び出すメソッドの引数の指定方法で、"id"、"value"、"chain"、"interpreter"のいずれかを指定する。<br>
 * argumentは、argumentTypeによって、記述方法が異なる。<br>
 * <ul>
 * <li>argumentTypeが"id"の場合<br>TestActionの戻り値を引数として使用するもので、同一テストケース中に、このTestActionより前に、引数オブジェクトを戻すテストアクションが存在する場合は、そのアクションIDを指定する。また、同一シナリオ中に、このTestActionより前に、引数オブジェクトを戻すテストアクションが存在する場合は、テストケースIDとアクションIDをカンマ区切りで指定する。</li>
 * <li>argumentTypeが"value"の場合<br>引数を文字列で指定する。引数が複数存在する場合は、改行する。引数がnullである事を指定する場合は、"null"と指定する。</li>
 * <li>argumentTypeが"chain"の場合<br>{@link ChainTestAction$TestActionProcess TestActionProcess}として呼び出され、前アクションから引数を受け取る事を意味する。この場合argumentの行は指定する必要がない。</li>
 * <li>argumentTypeが"interpreter"の場合<br>引数を生成するスクリプト文字列を記述する。スクリプト文字列は、{@link Interpreter#evaluate(String,java.util.Map)}で評価され、その戻り値が引数として使用される。スクリプト内では、変数"context"で、TestContextが参照できる。スクリプトの終了は、空行。</li>
 * </ul>
 * 引数が複数ある場合は、argumentType、argumentを繰り返す。<br>
 * @param context コンテキスト
 * @param actionId アクションID
 * @param preResult 1つ前のアクションの戻り値
 * @param resource リソース
 * @return サービスを呼び出した戻り値
public Object execute(TestContext context, String actionId, Object preResult, Reader resource) throws Exception {
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(resource);
    ServiceName targetServiceName = null;
    Method method = null;
    Object[] arguments = null;
    try {
        final String serviceNameStr = br.readLine();
        if (serviceNameStr == null || serviceNameStr.length() == 0) {
            throw new Exception("Unexpected EOF on serviceName");
        final ServiceNameEditor serviceNameEditor = new ServiceNameEditor();
        targetServiceName = (ServiceName) serviceNameEditor.getValue();
        final String methodSigniture = br.readLine();
        if (methodSigniture == null || methodSigniture.length() == 0) {
            throw new Exception("Unexpected EOF on methodSigniture");
        final MethodEditor methodEditor = new MethodEditor();
        method = (Method) methodEditor.getValue();
        final Class[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
        if (paramTypes.length != 0) {
            arguments = paramTypes == null || paramTypes.length == 0 ? null : new Object[paramTypes.length];
            String argumentType = null;
            int index = 0;
            while ((argumentType = br.readLine()) != null) {
                if (argumentType.length() == 0) {
                if (index >= paramTypes.length) {
                    throw new Exception("Unmatch argument length. signitureParamLength=" + paramTypes.length + ", argumentLength>" + index);
                if ("chain".equals(argumentType)) {
                    arguments[index] = preResult;
                } else if ("id".equals(argumentType)) {
                    String line = br.readLine();
                    if (line == null) {
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected EOF on argument");
                    if (line != null && line.length() != 0) {
                        if (line.indexOf(",") == -1) {
                            arguments[index] = context.getTestActionResult(line);
                        } else {
                            String[] ids = line.split(",");
                            if (ids.length != 2) {
                                throw new Exception("Illegal argument id format. id=" + line);
                            arguments[index] = context.getTestActionResult(ids[0], ids[1]);
                } else if ("value".equals(argumentType)) {
                    String line = br.readLine();
                    if (line == null) {
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected EOF on argument");
                    PropertyEditor editor = NimbusPropertyEditorManager.findEditor(paramTypes[index]);
                    if (editor == null) {
                        throw new Exception("PropertyEditor not found. type=" + paramTypes[index]);
                    try {
                        arguments[index] = editor.getValue();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception("PropertyEditor can not edit. editor=" + editor + ", value=" + line, e);
                } else if ("interpreter".equals(argumentType)) {
                    if (interpreter == null) {
                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Interpreter is null.");
                    String script = null;
                    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
                    String line = br.readLine();
                    if (line == null) {
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected EOF on argument");
                    try {
                        do {
                        } while ((line = br.readLine()) != null && line.length() != 0);
                        script = sw.toString();
                    } finally {
                    if (paramTypes != null) {
                        final Map params = new HashMap();
                        params.put("context", context);
                        arguments[index] = interpreter.evaluate(script, params);
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("Unknown argumentType : " + argumentType);
    } finally {
        br = null;
    if (invoker == null) {
        return method.invoke(ServiceManagerFactory.getServiceObject(targetServiceName), arguments);
    } else {
        try {
            return invoker.invoke(new DefaultMethodInvocationContext(targetServiceName, method, arguments));
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            if (th instanceof Exception) {
                throw (Exception) th;
            } else {
                throw (Error) th;
Also used : ServiceNameEditor(jp.ossc.nimbus.beans.ServiceNameEditor) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) MethodEditor(jp.ossc.nimbus.beans.MethodEditor) StringWriter( ServiceName(jp.ossc.nimbus.core.ServiceName) BufferedReader( PropertyEditor(java.beans.PropertyEditor) DefaultMethodInvocationContext(jp.ossc.nimbus.service.aop.DefaultMethodInvocationContext) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) PrintWriter(


ServiceNameEditor (jp.ossc.nimbus.beans.ServiceNameEditor)20 ServiceName (jp.ossc.nimbus.core.ServiceName)12 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)4 ServletConfig (javax.servlet.ServletConfig)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 List (java.util.List)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 WindowAdapter (java.awt.event.WindowAdapter)1 WindowEvent (java.awt.event.WindowEvent)1 PropertyEditor (java.beans.PropertyEditor)1 BufferedReader ( File ( FileReader ( InputStreamReader ( PrintWriter ( Reader ( StringReader ( StringWriter ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)1