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Example 96 with TestCase

use of junit.framework.TestCase in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class TestCaseCollector method addSingleTestMethod.

protected void addSingleTestMethod(Class<?> clazz, String method) {
    if (!(mFilter.accept(clazz))) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test class must be derived from UiAutomatorTestCase");
    try {
        TestCase testCase = (TestCase) clazz.newInstance();
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        mTestCases.add(error(clazz, "InstantiationException: could not instantiate " + "test class. Class: " + clazz.getName()));
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        mTestCases.add(error(clazz, "IllegalAccessException: could not instantiate " + "test class. Class: " + clazz.getName()));
Also used : TestCase(junit.framework.TestCase)

Example 97 with TestCase

use of junit.framework.TestCase in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class TestRunnerUtil method createMethodSuite.

private static Test createMethodSuite(JUnit3IdeaTestRunner runner, Class testClass, String methodName) {
    try {
        Constructor constructor = testClass.getConstructor(new Class[] { String.class });
        return (Test) constructor.newInstance(new Object[] { methodName });
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        try {
            Constructor constructor = testClass.getConstructor(new Class[0]);
            TestCase test = (TestCase) constructor.newInstance(new Object[0]);
            return test;
        } catch (ClassCastException e1) {
            boolean methodExists;
            try {
                //noinspection SSBasedInspection
                testClass.getMethod(methodName, new Class[0]);
                methodExists = true;
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e2) {
                methodExists = false;
            if (!methodExists) {
                String error = MessageFormat.format(ourBundle.getString("junit.method.not.found"), new Object[] { methodName });
                String message = MessageFormat.format(ourBundle.getString("junit.cannot.instantiate.tests"), new Object[] { error });
                return new FailedTestCase(testClass, methodName, message, null);
            runner.runFailed(MessageFormat.format(ourBundle.getString("junit.class.not.derived"), new Object[] { testClass.getName() }));
            return null;
        } catch (Exception e1) {
            String message = MessageFormat.format(ourBundle.getString("junit.cannot.instantiate.tests"), new Object[] { e1.toString() });
            return new FailedTestCase(testClass, methodName, message, e1);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        String message = MessageFormat.format(ourBundle.getString("junit.cannot.instantiate.tests"), new Object[] { e.toString() });
        return new FailedTestCase(testClass, methodName, message, e);
Also used : Test(junit.framework.Test) TestCase(junit.framework.TestCase) Constructor(java.lang.reflect.Constructor) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)

Example 98 with TestCase

use of junit.framework.TestCase in project kotlin by JetBrains.

the class JsUnitTestReporter method createTestSuiteAndFlush.

public TestSuite createTestSuiteAndFlush() {
    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("!");
    Collection<String> newFinishedTests = getNewFinishedTests();
    for (String test : newFinishedTests) {
        //NOTE: well, it is a test
        //noinspection JUnitTestCaseWithNoTests
        suite.addTest(new TestCase(test) {

            protected void runTest() throws Throwable {
                Boolean result = getResult(getName());
                if (!result) {
                    Collection<String> errorMessages = getErrors(getName());
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    for (String error : errorMessages) {
    return suite;
Also used : TestSuite(junit.framework.TestSuite) TestCase(junit.framework.TestCase) Collection(java.util.Collection) NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)

Example 99 with TestCase

use of junit.framework.TestCase in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class TestMethod method instantiateTest.

private TestCase instantiateTest(Class testCaseClass, String testName) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
    Constructor[] constructors = testCaseClass.getConstructors();
    if (constructors.length == 0) {
        return instantiateTest(testCaseClass.getSuperclass(), testName);
    } else {
        for (Constructor constructor : constructors) {
            Class[] params = constructor.getParameterTypes();
            if (noargsConstructor(params)) {
                TestCase test = ((Constructor<? extends TestCase>) constructor).newInstance();
                // JUnit will run just the one test if you call
                // {@link TestCase#setName(String)}
                return test;
            } else if (singleStringConstructor(params)) {
                return ((Constructor<? extends TestCase>) constructor).newInstance(testName);
    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to locate a constructor for " + testCaseClass.getName());
Also used : TestCase(junit.framework.TestCase) Constructor(java.lang.reflect.Constructor)

Example 100 with TestCase

use of junit.framework.TestCase in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class TestSuiteBuilder method build.

     * Call this method once you've configured your builder as desired.
     * @return The suite containing the requested tests.
public final TestSuite build() {
    rootSuite = new TestSuite(getSuiteName());
    // Keep track of current class so we know when to create a new sub-suite.
    currentClassname = null;
    try {
        for (TestMethod test : testGrouping.getTests()) {
            if (satisfiesAllPredicates(test)) {
        if (testCases.size() > 0) {
            for (TestCase testCase : testCases) {
                if (satisfiesAllPredicates(new TestMethod(testCase))) {
    } catch (Exception exception) {
        Log.i("TestSuiteBuilder", "Failed to create test.", exception);
        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(getSuiteName());
        suite.addTest(new FailedToCreateTests(exception));
        return suite;
    return rootSuite;
Also used : TestSuite(junit.framework.TestSuite) TestCase(junit.framework.TestCase)


TestCase (junit.framework.TestCase)129 TestSuite (junit.framework.TestSuite)36 Test (junit.framework.Test)22 TestListener (junit.framework.TestListener)17 TestResult (junit.framework.TestResult)13 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)10 AssertionFailedError (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError)10 Constructor (java.lang.reflect.Constructor)8 Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)6 Context (android.content.Context)5 PackageManager ( ResolveInfo ( Bundle (android.os.Bundle)5 HandlerThread (android.os.HandlerThread)5 ShellUiAutomatorBridge ( Tracer ( UiAutomationShellWrapper ( Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)5 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)5