use of kafka.message.MessageAndOffset in project storm by apache.
the class TridentKafkaEmitter method reEmitPartitionBatch.
* re-emit the batch described by the meta data provided
* @param attempt
* @param collector
* @param partition
* @param meta
private void reEmitPartitionBatch(TransactionAttempt attempt, TridentCollector collector, Partition partition, Map meta) {"re-emitting batch, attempt " + attempt);
String instanceId = (String) meta.get("instanceId");
if (!_config.ignoreZkOffsets || instanceId.equals(_topologyInstanceId)) {
SimpleConsumer consumer = _connections.register(partition);
long offset = (Long) meta.get("offset");
long nextOffset = (Long) meta.get("nextOffset");
ByteBufferMessageSet msgs = null;
msgs = fetchMessages(consumer, partition, offset);
if (msgs != null) {
for (MessageAndOffset msg : msgs) {
if (offset == nextOffset) {
if (offset > nextOffset) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error when re-emitting batch. overshot the end offset");
emit(collector, msg.message(), partition, msg.offset(), attempt);
offset = msg.nextOffset();
use of kafka.message.MessageAndOffset in project storm by apache.
the class TridentKafkaEmitter method doEmitNewPartitionBatch.
private Map doEmitNewPartitionBatch(SimpleConsumer consumer, Partition partition, TridentCollector collector, Map lastMeta, TransactionAttempt attempt) {
LOG.debug("Emitting new partition batch - [transaction = {}], [lastMeta = {}]", attempt, lastMeta);
long offset;
if (lastMeta != null) {
String lastInstanceId = null;
Map lastTopoMeta = (Map) lastMeta.get("topology");
if (lastTopoMeta != null) {
lastInstanceId = (String) lastTopoMeta.get("id");
if (_config.ignoreZkOffsets && !_topologyInstanceId.equals(lastInstanceId)) {
offset = KafkaUtils.getOffset(consumer, partition.topic, partition.partition, _config.startOffsetTime);
} else {
offset = (Long) lastMeta.get("nextOffset");
} else {
offset = KafkaUtils.getOffset(consumer, partition.topic, partition.partition, _config);
LOG.debug("[transaction = {}], [OFFSET = {}]", attempt, offset);
ByteBufferMessageSet msgs = null;
try {
msgs = fetchMessages(consumer, partition, offset);
} catch (TopicOffsetOutOfRangeException e) {
long newOffset = KafkaUtils.getOffset(consumer, partition.topic, partition.partition, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime());
LOG.warn("OffsetOutOfRange: Updating offset from offset = " + offset + " to offset = " + newOffset);
offset = newOffset;
msgs = KafkaUtils.fetchMessages(_config, consumer, partition, offset);
long endoffset = offset;
for (MessageAndOffset msg : msgs) {
emit(collector, msg.message(), partition, msg.offset(), attempt);
endoffset = msg.nextOffset();
Map newMeta = new HashMap();
newMeta.put("offset", offset);
newMeta.put("nextOffset", endoffset);
newMeta.put("instanceId", _topologyInstanceId);
newMeta.put("partition", partition.partition);
newMeta.put("broker", ImmutableMap.of("host",, "port",;
newMeta.put("topic", partition.topic);
newMeta.put("topology", ImmutableMap.of("name", _topologyName, "id", _topologyInstanceId));
LOG.debug("[transaction = {}], [newMeta = {}]", attempt, newMeta);
return newMeta;
use of kafka.message.MessageAndOffset in project storm by apache.
the class KafkaUtilsTest method generateTuplesWithValueAndStringMultiSchemeWithTopic.
public void generateTuplesWithValueAndStringMultiSchemeWithTopic() {
config.scheme = new StringMultiSchemeWithTopic();
String value = "value";
ByteBufferMessageSet messageAndOffsets = getLastMessage();
for (MessageAndOffset msg : messageAndOffsets) {
Iterable<List<Object>> lists = KafkaUtils.generateTuples(config, msg.message(), config.topic);
List<Object> list = lists.iterator().next();
assertEquals(value, list.get(0));
assertEquals(config.topic, list.get(1));
use of kafka.message.MessageAndOffset in project storm by apache.
the class KafkaUtilsTest method generateTuplesWithValueSchemeAndKeyValueMessage.
public void generateTuplesWithValueSchemeAndKeyValueMessage() {
config.scheme = new SchemeAsMultiScheme(new StringScheme());
String value = "value";
String key = "key";
createTopicAndSendMessage(key, value);
ByteBufferMessageSet messageAndOffsets = getLastMessage();
for (MessageAndOffset msg : messageAndOffsets) {
Iterable<List<Object>> lists = KafkaUtils.generateTuples(config, msg.message(), config.topic);
assertEquals(value, lists.iterator().next().get(0));
use of kafka.message.MessageAndOffset in project storm by apache.
the class KafkaUtilsTest method generateTuplesWithMessageAndMetadataScheme.
public void generateTuplesWithMessageAndMetadataScheme() {
String value = "value";
Partition mockPartition = Mockito.mock(Partition.class);
mockPartition.partition = 0;
long offset = 0L;
MessageMetadataSchemeAsMultiScheme scheme = new MessageMetadataSchemeAsMultiScheme(new StringMessageAndMetadataScheme());
createTopicAndSendMessage(null, value);
ByteBufferMessageSet messageAndOffsets = getLastMessage();
for (MessageAndOffset msg : messageAndOffsets) {
Iterable<List<Object>> lists = KafkaUtils.generateTuples(scheme, msg.message(), mockPartition, offset);
List<Object> values = lists.iterator().next();
assertEquals("Message is incorrect", value, values.get(0));
assertEquals("Partition is incorrect", mockPartition.partition, values.get(1));
assertEquals("Offset is incorrect", offset, values.get(2));