use of keywhiz.api.model.Secret in project keywhiz by square.
the class SecretDetailResponseV2Test method formsCorrectlyFromSecret.
public void formsCorrectlyFromSecret() throws Exception {
Secret secret = new Secret(1, "secret-name", "secret-description", () -> "", "checksum", ApiDate.parse("2013-03-28T21:23:04.159Z"), "creator-user", ApiDate.parse("2013-03-28T21:23:04.159Z"), "creator-user", ImmutableMap.of("owner", "root"), "text/plain", null, 1136214245, null);
SecretDetailResponseV2 secretDetailResponse = SecretDetailResponseV2.builder().secret(secret).content("YXNkZGFz").version(1).build();
use of keywhiz.api.model.Secret in project keywhiz by square.
the class SecretsResource method sanitizedSecretFromName.
private SanitizedSecret sanitizedSecretFromName(String name) {
Optional<Secret> optionalSecret = secretController.getSecretByName(name);
if (optionalSecret.isEmpty()) {
throw new NotFoundException("Secret not found.");
Secret secret = optionalSecret.get();
return SanitizedSecret.fromSecret(secret);
use of keywhiz.api.model.Secret in project keywhiz by square.
the class SecretsResource method deleteSecret.
* Delete Secret by ID
* @param user the admin user performing this operation
* @param secretId the ID of the Secret to be deleted
* @return 200 if secret deleted, 404 if not found
* <p>
* description Deletes a single Secret if found. Used by Keywhiz CLI and the web ui.
* <p>
* responseMessage 200 Found and deleted Secret with given ID
* <p>
* responseMessage 404 Secret with given ID not Found
public Response deleteSecret(@Auth User user, @PathParam("secretId") LongParam secretId) {
Optional<Secret> secret = secretController.getSecretById(secretId.get());
if (!secret.isPresent()) {"User '{}' tried deleting a secret which was not found (id={})", user, secretId.get());
throw new NotFoundException("Secret not found.");
}"User '{}' deleting secret id={}, name='{}'", user, secretId, secret.get().getName());
// Get the groups for this secret, so they can be restored manually if necessary
Set<String> groups = aclDAOReadOnly.getGroupsFor(secret.get()).stream().map(Group::getName).collect(toSet());
// Record the deletion
Map<String, String> extraInfo = new HashMap<>();
extraInfo.put("groups", groups.toString());
extraInfo.put("current version", secret.get().getVersion().toString());
auditLog.recordEvent(new Event(, EventTag.SECRET_DELETE, user.getName(), secret.get().getName(), extraInfo));
return Response.noContent().build();
use of keywhiz.api.model.Secret in project keywhiz by square.
the class SecretsResource method renameSecret.
* Rename Secret by ID to the given name
* @param user the admin user performing this operation
* @param secretId the ID of the Secret to be deleted
* @return 200 if secret deleted, 404 if not found
* <p>
* description Renames a single Secret to secertName if the given secretId is found.
* Used by Keywhiz CLI and the web ui.
* <p>
* responseMessage 200 Found and renamed Secret with given ID
* <p>
* responseMessage 404 Secret with given ID not Found
public Response renameSecret(@Auth User user, @PathParam("secretId") LongParam secretId, @PathParam("secretName") String secretName) {
Optional<Secret> secret = secretController.getSecretByName(secretName);
if (secret.isPresent()) {"User '{}' tried renaming a secret, but another secret with that name " + "already exists (name={})", user, secretId.get());
throw new ConflictException("That name is already taken by another secret");
}"User '{}' renamed secret id={} to name='{}'", user, secretId, secretName);
secretDAOReadWrite.renameSecretById(secretId.get(), secretName, user.getName());
// Record the rename
Map<String, String> extraInfo = new HashMap<>();
auditLog.recordEvent(new Event(, EventTag.SECRET_RENAME, user.getName(), secretName, extraInfo));
return Response.noContent().build();
use of keywhiz.api.model.Secret in project keywhiz by square.
the class SecretTransformer method transform.
* Transform DB content to a Secret model.
* @param seriesAndContent a secret series and secret contents as stored in the database
* @return the same information restructured as a Secret
public Secret transform(SecretSeriesAndContent seriesAndContent) {
SecretSeries series = seriesAndContent.series();
SecretContent content = seriesAndContent.content();
return new Secret(,, series.owner(), series.description(), () -> cryptographer.decrypt(content.encryptedContent()), content.hmac(), series.createdAt(), series.createdBy(), series.updatedAt(), series.updatedBy(), content.metadata(), series.type().orElse(null), series.generationOptions(), content.expiry(), series.currentVersion().orElse(null), content.createdAt(), content.createdBy());