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Example 6 with Decl

use of kodkod.ast.Decl in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class FOL2BoolTranslator method visit.

 * Calls lookup(decls) and returns the cached value, if any. If a translation
 * has not been cached, translates decls into a list of translations of its
 * children, calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
 * @return let t = lookup(decls) | some t => t, cache(decl,
 *         decls.declarations.expression.accept(this))
public final List<BooleanMatrix> visit(Decls decls) {
    List<BooleanMatrix> ret = lookup(decls);
    if (ret != null)
        return ret;
    ret = new ArrayList<BooleanMatrix>(decls.size());
    for (Decl decl : decls) {
    return cache(decls, ret);
Also used : Decl(kodkod.ast.Decl) BooleanMatrix(kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanMatrix)

Example 7 with Decl

use of kodkod.ast.Decl in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class Skolemizer method visit.

 * Skolemizes the given formula, if possible, otherwise returns the result of
 * replacing its free variables according to the current replacement
 * environment.
 * @see kodkod.ast.visitor.AbstractReplacer#visit(kodkod.ast.QuantifiedFormula)
public final Formula visit(QuantifiedFormula qf) {
    Formula ret = lookup(qf);
    if (ret != null)
        return ret;
    final Environment<Expression, Expression> oldRepEnv = repEnv;
    final Quantifier quant = qf.quantifier();
    final Decls decls = qf.decls();
    if (skolemDepth >= 0 && (negated && quant == ALL || !negated && quant == SOME)) {
        // skolemizable
        // formula
        final List<Formula> rangeConstraints = new LinkedList<Formula>();
        final List<Formula> domConstraints = new LinkedList<Formula>();
        for (Decl decl : decls) {
            final Decl skolemDecl = visit(decl);
            Variable skVar = skolemDecl.variable();
            final Relation skolem = Relation.skolem("$" +, nonSkolems.size() + skVar.arity(), skVar, skolemDecl, quant);
            reporter.skolemizing(decl, skolem, nonSkolemsView);
            final Expression skolemExpr = skolemExpr(skolemDecl, skolem);
            final Multiplicity mult = decl.multiplicity();
            rangeConstraints.add(source(, decl));
            if (mult != Multiplicity.SET) {
                rangeConstraints.add(source(skolemExpr.apply(mult), decl));
            if (!nonSkolems.isEmpty())
                domConstraints.add(source(domainConstraint(skolemDecl, skolem), decl));
            repEnv = repEnv.extend(decl.variable(), decl.expression(), skolemExpr);
        ret = source(Formula.and(rangeConstraints), decls).compose(negated ? IMPLIES : AND, qf.formula().accept(this));
        if (!domConstraints.isEmpty())
            topSkolemConstraints.add(source(Formula.and(domConstraints), decls));
    } else {
        // non-skolemizable formula
        final Decls newDecls = visit(qf.decls());
        if (skolemDepth >= nonSkolems.size() + newDecls.size()) {
            // below
            for (Decl d : newDecls) {
                nonSkolems.add(new DeclInfo(d));
            final Formula domain = qf.domain().accept(this);
            final Formula body = qf.body().accept(this);
            ret = ((newDecls == decls && domain == qf.domain() && body == qf.body()) ? qf : body.quantify(quant, newDecls, domain));
            for (int i = newDecls.size(); i > 0; i--) {
                nonSkolems.remove(nonSkolems.size() - 1);
        } else {
            // can't skolemize below
            final int oldDepth = skolemDepth;
            skolemDepth = -1;
            final Formula domain = qf.domain().accept(this);
            final Formula body = qf.body().accept(this);
            ret = ((newDecls == decls && domain == qf.domain() && body == qf.body()) ? qf : body.quantify(quant, newDecls, domain));
            skolemDepth = oldDepth;
    repEnv = oldRepEnv;
    if (repEnv.isEmpty() && !topSkolemConstraints.isEmpty()) {
        ret = source(Formula.and(topSkolemConstraints), qf).compose(negated ? IMPLIES : AND, ret);
    return source(cache(qf, ret), qf);
Also used : Variable(kodkod.ast.Variable) Decls(kodkod.ast.Decls) Decl(kodkod.ast.Decl) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) BinaryFormula(kodkod.ast.BinaryFormula) MultiplicityFormula(kodkod.ast.MultiplicityFormula) QuantifiedFormula(kodkod.ast.QuantifiedFormula) NotFormula(kodkod.ast.NotFormula) ComparisonFormula(kodkod.ast.ComparisonFormula) NaryFormula(kodkod.ast.NaryFormula) Formula(kodkod.ast.Formula) IntComparisonFormula(kodkod.ast.IntComparisonFormula) Relation(kodkod.ast.Relation) SumExpression(kodkod.ast.SumExpression) IntExpression(kodkod.ast.IntExpression) Expression(kodkod.ast.Expression) Multiplicity(kodkod.ast.operator.Multiplicity) Quantifier(kodkod.ast.operator.Quantifier)

Example 8 with Decl

use of kodkod.ast.Decl in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class Skolemizer method visit.

 * Visits the given decl's expression. Note that we must not visit variables in
 * case they are re-used. For example, consider the formula some x: X | all x: Y
 * | F(x). Since x bound by the existential quantifier is going to be
 * skolemized, if we visited the variable in the enclosed declaration, we would
 * get the skolem constant as a return value and a ClassCastException would be
 * thrown.
 * @return { d: Declaration | d.variable = decl.variable && d.multiplicity =
 *         decl.multiplicity && d.expression = decl.expression.accept(this) }
public final Decl visit(Decl decl) {
    Decl ret = lookup(decl);
    if (ret != null)
        return ret;
    final int oldDepth = skolemDepth;
    // can't skolemize inside a decl
    skolemDepth = -1;
    final Expression expression = decl.expression().accept(this);
    skolemDepth = oldDepth;
    ret = (expression == decl.expression()) ? decl : decl.variable().declare(decl.multiplicity(), expression);
    return cache(decl, ret);
Also used : SumExpression(kodkod.ast.SumExpression) IntExpression(kodkod.ast.IntExpression) Expression(kodkod.ast.Expression) Decl(kodkod.ast.Decl)

Example 9 with Decl

use of kodkod.ast.Decl in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class Skolemizer method visit.

 * This method should be accessed only from the context of a non-skolemizable
 * node, because it extends the replacement environment with identity mappings
 * for the variables declared in the given decls. To ensure that the environment
 * is always extended, the method should be called using the visit((Decls)
 * node.declarations()) syntax, since the accept syntax may dynamically dispatch
 * the call to the {@link #visit(Decl)} method, producing UnboundLeafExceptions.
 * @ensures this.repEnv in this.repEnv'.^parent && #(this.repEnv'.*parent -
 *          this.repEnv.*parent) = decls.size() && all v: decls.variable |
 *          this.repEnv'.lookup(v) = v
 * @requires this.skolemDepth < 0
 * @return { d: Decls | d.size = decls.size && all i: [0..d.size) |
 *         d.declarations[i] = decls.declarations[i].accept(this) }
public final Decls visit(Decls decls) {
    Decls ret = lookup(decls);
    if (ret == null) {
        Decls visitedDecls = null;
        boolean allSame = true;
        for (Decl decl : decls) {
            Decls newDecl = visit(decl);
            if (newDecl != decl)
                allSame = false;
            visitedDecls = (visitedDecls == null) ? newDecl : visitedDecls.and(newDecl);
            repEnv = repEnv.extend(decl.variable(), decl.expression(), decl.variable());
        ret = allSame ? decls : visitedDecls;
        return cache(decls, ret);
    } else {
        // just extend the replacement environment
        for (Decl decl : decls) {
            repEnv = repEnv.extend(decl.variable(), decl.expression(), decl.variable());
        return ret;
Also used : Decls(kodkod.ast.Decls) Decl(kodkod.ast.Decl)

Example 10 with Decl

use of kodkod.ast.Decl in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class AbstractCollector method visit.

 * Calls lookup(decls) and returns the cached value, if any. If no cached value
 * exists, visits each child, caches the union of the sets returned by the
 * children and returns it.
 * @return let x = lookup(decls) | x != null => x, cache(decls,
 *         decls.declarations[0].accept(this) +...+
 *         decls.declarations[decls.size-1].accept(this))
public Set<T> visit(Decls decls) {
    Set<T> ret = lookup(decls);
    if (ret != null)
        return ret;
    ret = newSet();
    for (Decl d : decls) {
    return cache(decls, ret);
Also used : Decl(kodkod.ast.Decl)


Decl (kodkod.ast.Decl)32 Formula (kodkod.ast.Formula)12 Variable (kodkod.ast.Variable)12 QuantifiedFormula (kodkod.ast.QuantifiedFormula)9 Decls (kodkod.ast.Decls)7 Expression (kodkod.ast.Expression)6 IntExpression (kodkod.ast.IntExpression)6 Relation (kodkod.ast.Relation)6 SumExpression (kodkod.ast.SumExpression)5 Solution (kodkod.engine.Solution)5 Test (org.junit.Test)5 BinaryFormula (kodkod.ast.BinaryFormula)4 BooleanFactory (kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanFactory)4 BooleanMatrix (kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanMatrix)4 BooleanValue (kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanValue)4 Instance (kodkod.instance.Instance)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 ComparisonFormula (kodkod.ast.ComparisonFormula)3 IntComparisonFormula (kodkod.ast.IntComparisonFormula)3 MultiplicityFormula (kodkod.ast.MultiplicityFormula)3