use of kodkod.ast.Node in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class FormulaFlattener method apply.
* Returns the result of applying this visitor to the given annotated formula.
* @return the result of applying this visitor to the given annotated formula.
final AnnotatedNode<Formula> apply(AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated) {
final List<Formula> roots = new ArrayList<Formula>(conjuncts.size());
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Formula, Node>> itr = conjuncts.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
final Map.Entry<Formula, Node> entry =;
final Node source = annotated.sourceOf(entry.getValue());
if (entry.getKey() == source) {
} else {
return AnnotatedNode.annotate(Formula.and(roots), conjuncts);
use of kodkod.ast.Node in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class FormulaFlattener method flatten.
* Flattens the given formula into a set of conjuncts by pushing negations
* through quantifier-free formulas, if breakupQuantifiers is false. Otherwise,
* pushes the negations through all formulas, breaking up universal quantifiers
* whenever possible. The source map of the returned annotated node reflects the
* source relationships from the descendants of the returned formula to the
* sources of the corresponding descendants of annotated.node.
* @return a map that binds each flattened conjuncts to the corresponding
* subformula of annotated.node
public static AnnotatedNode<Formula> flatten(AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, boolean breakupQuantifiers) {
final FormulaFlattener flat = new FormulaFlattener(annotated.sharedNodes(), breakupQuantifiers);
final List<Formula> roots = new ArrayList<Formula>(flat.conjuncts.size());
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Formula, Node>> itr = flat.conjuncts.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
final Map.Entry<Formula, Node> entry =;
final Node source = annotated.sourceOf(entry.getValue());
if (entry.getKey() == source) {
} else {
return AnnotatedNode.annotate(Formula.and(roots), flat.conjuncts);
use of kodkod.ast.Node in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class PrenexNFConverter method toPNF.
public static AnnotatedNode<Formula> toPNF(AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated) {
final PrenexNFConverter pnfConv = new PrenexNFConverter(annotated.sharedNodes());
List<Formula> conj = new ArrayList<Formula>();
for (Formula f : Nodes.allConjuncts(annotated.node(), null)) conj.add(f.accept(pnfConv));
Formula ans = Formula.and(conj);
final List<Formula> roots = new ArrayList<Formula>(pnfConv.annotations.size());
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Formula, Node>> itr = pnfConv.annotations.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
final Map.Entry<Formula, Node> entry =;
final Node source = annotated.sourceOf(entry.getValue());
if (entry.getKey() == source) {
} else {
return AnnotatedNode.annotate(ans, pnfConv.annotations);
use of kodkod.ast.Node in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class Skolemizer method skolemize.
* Skolemizes the given annotated formula using the given bounds and options. If
* Options.logTranslation is set and the formula is skolemizable, the resulting
* annotated formula will contain transitive source information for each of its
* subformulas. Specifically, let f be the returned annotated formula, t be a
* descendant of f.node, and s a descendant of annotated.node from which t was
* derived. Then, f.source[t] = annotated.source[s]. If options.logTranslation
* is false, no source information will be recorded (i.e. f.source[t] = t for
* all descendants t of f).
* @ensures upper bound mappings for skolem constants, if any, are added to the
* bounds
* @return the skolemized version of the given formula
* @throws NullPointerException any of the arguments are null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException some Relation & annotated.node.^children -
* bounds.relations
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException bounds is unmodifiable
public static AnnotatedNode<Formula> skolemize(final AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, Bounds bounds, Options options) {
if (options.logTranslation() > 0) {
final Map<Node, Node> source = new IdentityHashMap<Node, Node>();
final Skolemizer r = new Skolemizer(annotated, bounds, options) {
protected Formula source(Formula f, Node n) {
// System.out.println("logging " + f + " <-- " + n);
final Node nsource = annotated.sourceOf(n);
if (f != nsource)
source.put(f, nsource);
return f;
final Formula f = annotated.node().accept(r);
return f == annotated.node() ? annotated : annotate(f, source);
} else {
final Skolemizer r = new Skolemizer(annotated, bounds, options) {
final Formula f = annotated.node().accept(r);
return f == annotated.node() ? annotated : annotate(f);
use of kodkod.ast.Node in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class ResolutionBasedProof method highLevelCore.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see kodkod.engine.Proof#highLevelCore()
public final Map<Formula, Node> highLevelCore() {
if (coreRoots == null) {
final RecordFilter unitFilter = new RecordFilter() {
final IntSet coreUnits = StrategyUtils.coreUnits(solver.proof());
final Set<Formula> roots = log().roots();
public boolean accept(Node node, Formula translated, int literal, Map<Variable, TupleSet> env) {
return roots.contains(translated) && coreUnits.contains(Math.abs(literal));
coreRoots = new LinkedHashMap<Formula, Node>();
final IntSet seenUnits = new IntTreeSet();
for (Iterator<TranslationRecord> itr = log().replay(unitFilter); itr.hasNext(); ) {
// it is possible that two top-level formulas have identical
// meaning,
// and are represented with the same core unit; in that case, we
// want only
// one of them in the core.
final TranslationRecord rec =;
if (seenUnits.add(rec.literal())) {
coreRoots.put(rec.translated(), rec.node());
coreRoots = Collections.unmodifiableMap(coreRoots);
return coreRoots;