use of kodkod.instance.Instance in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class BugTests method testEmina_01232006.
public final void testEmina_01232006() {
final List<String> atoms = new ArrayList<String>(5);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) atoms.add("a" + i);
final Universe u = new Universe(atoms);
final TupleFactory tf = u.factory();
final Relation r1 = Relation.unary("r1"), r2 = Relation.binary("r2"), r3 = Relation.ternary("r3");
final Bounds b = new Bounds(u);
final TupleSet r2Bound = tf.noneOf(2);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) r2Bound.add(tf.tuple(atoms.get(i), atoms.get(i)));
r2Bound.add(tf.tuple("a4", "a1"));
r2Bound.add(tf.tuple("a4", "a2"));
b.bound(r2, r2Bound);
b.bound(r1, tf.setOf("a0", "a3"), tf.setOf("a0", "a3", "a4"));
b.bound(r3, tf.setOf(tf.tuple("a0", "a0", "a0"), tf.tuple("a3", "a3", "a3")));
final Formula f = r1.product(r2).in(r3);
final Instance instance = solver.solve(f, b).instance();
assertTrue((new Evaluator(instance)).evaluate(f));
// System.out.println(instance);
// System.out.println((new Evaluator(instance)).evaluate(f ));
use of kodkod.instance.Instance in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class BugTests method testVincent_02172006.
public final void testVincent_02172006() {
// set ups universe of atoms [1..257]
final List<Integer> atoms = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// change this to 256, and the program works
for (int i = 0; i < 257; i++) {
atoms.add(i + 1);
final Universe universe = new Universe(atoms);
final Bounds bounds = new Bounds(universe);
final TupleFactory factory = universe.factory();
final Relation oneRel = Relation.unary("oneRel");
final Relation pCourses = Relation.binary("pCourses");
final Relation prev = Relation.binary("prev");
final Relation sCourses = Relation.binary("sCourses");
final Relation prereqs = Relation.binary("prereqs");
final Relation rel = Relation.unary("rel");
bounds.bound(oneRel, factory.setOf(factory.tuple(atoms.get(0))), factory.setOf(factory.tuple(atoms.get(0))));
bounds.bound(rel, factory.allOf(1));
// list1 and list2 are temp lists for creating bounds for binary
// relations below
// list1 = [1, 2]
// list2 = [3, 2]
// ts = [ [1, 2], [2, 2], [3, 2] ]
List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> list2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
TupleSet ts = factory.area(factory.tuple(list1), factory.tuple(list2));
bounds.bound(pCourses, ts);
bounds.bound(prev, ts);
bounds.bound(sCourses, ts);
bounds.bound(prereqs, ts);
// all s: futureSemesters | all c: | no c.prereqs or some p:
// c.prereqs | in s.prev^.courses
final Variable s = Variable.unary("s"), c = Variable.unary("c"), p = Variable.unary("p");
Formula formula = (p.join(pCourses).in(s.join(prev.closure()).join(sCourses)).forAll(p.oneOf(c.join(prereqs)))).forAll(c.oneOf(s.join(sCourses))).forAll(s.oneOf(rel));
// System.out.println(formula);
// solve
final Instance instance = solver.solve(formula, bounds).instance();
use of kodkod.instance.Instance in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class InstanceCreator method getInstance.
* Fills the instance with the relations specified in this.document; if an error
* occurs during processing, the instance remains null
private Instance getInstance() {
final Universe u = new Universe(atoms);
final TupleFactory f = u.factory();
final Instance instance = new Instance(u);
for (Map.Entry<Relation, Set<List<String>>> entry : relations.entrySet()) {
Relation r = entry.getKey();
TupleSet s = f.noneOf(r.arity());
for (List<?> atoms : entry.getValue()) {
instance.add(r, s);
return instance;
use of kodkod.instance.Instance in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class SkolemizationTest method testNoSkolems.
private final void testNoSkolems(Decls d, Formula f) {
Instance inst = solve(f.not());
assertEquals(bounds.relations(), inst.relations());
inst = solve(f.or(;
assertEquals(bounds.relations(), inst.relations());
inst = solve(f.iff(;
assertEquals(bounds.relations(), inst.relations());
inst = solve(;
assertEquals(bounds.relations(), inst.relations());
use of kodkod.instance.Instance in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class SkolemizationTest method testSkolems.
private final void testSkolems(Multiplicity mult) {
final Variable va = Variable.unary("va");
final Variable vb = Variable.unary("vb");
final Set<String> skolems = new HashSet<String>(4);
Decl da = va.declare(mult, r1a);
Decl db = vb.declare(mult, r1b);
skolems.add("$" +;
Instance inst = solve(;
assertSkolems(bounds, inst, skolems);
inst = solve((r2b.some().implies(;
assertSkolems(bounds, inst, skolems);
inst = solve(;
assertSkolems(bounds, inst, skolems);
inst = solve( == Multiplicity.ONE ? da : va.oneOf(r1a))));
assertSkolems(bounds, inst, skolems);
final Expression e0 = va.join(r2a);
final Formula f0 = e0.some().forSome(va.oneOf(r1a));
final Formula f1 =;
inst = solve(f0.and(f1));
assertSkolems(bounds, inst, skolems);
skolems.add("$" +;
inst = solve(;
assertSkolems(bounds, inst, skolems);
inst = solve((;
assertSkolems(bounds, inst, skolems);
inst = solve(;
assertSkolems(bounds, inst, skolems);
inst = solve(;
assertSkolems(bounds, inst, skolems);
inst = solve(;
assertSkolems(bounds, inst, skolems);