use of kodkod.instance.TupleFactory in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class LAT258 method bounds.
* Returns the bounds for the given scope.
* @return the bounds for the given scope.
public final Bounds bounds(int n) {
assert n > 0;
final List<String> atoms = new ArrayList<String>(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) atoms.add("n" + i);
final Universe univ = new Universe(atoms);
final TupleFactory f = univ.factory();
final Bounds b = new Bounds(univ);
b.bound(goal, f.setOf("n0"));
final TupleSet all1 = f.allOf(1);
b.bound(p, all1);
b.bound(t, all1);
b.bound(v, all1);
b.bound(w, all1);
b.bound(u, all1);
b.bound(x, all1);
b.bound(y, all1);
b.bound(z, all1);
b.bound(lessThan, f.allOf(2));
final TupleSet all3 = f.allOf(3);
b.bound(join, all3);
b.bound(meet, all3);
return b;
use of kodkod.instance.TupleFactory in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class DiffEg method bounds.
* Returns the bounds for the given alloy scope.
* @return bounds for the given alloy scope
public final Bounds bounds(int scope) {
assert scope > 0;
final List<String> atoms = new ArrayList<String>(4 * scope + 1);
// Subject, Resource, Action, Conflicted
for (int i = 0; i < scope; i++) atoms.add("Subject" + i);
for (int i = 0; i < scope; i++) atoms.add("Resource" + i);
for (int i = 0; i < scope; i++) atoms.add("Action" + i);
for (int i = 0; i < scope; i++) atoms.add("Conflicted" + i);
for (int i = 0; i < scope; i++) atoms.add("Request" + i);
final Universe u = new Universe(atoms);
final TupleFactory f = u.factory();
final Bounds b = new Bounds(u);
final int max = scope - 1;
b.bound(Subject, f.range(f.tuple("Subject0"), f.tuple("Subject" + max)));
b.bound(Resource, f.range(f.tuple("Resource0"), f.tuple("Resource" + max)));
b.bound(Action, f.range(f.tuple("Action0"), f.tuple("Action" + max)));
b.bound(Conflicted, f.range(f.tuple("Conflicted0"), f.tuple("Conflicted" + max)));
b.bound(Request, f.range(f.tuple("Request0"), f.tuple("Request" + max)));
// sRequest, rRequest, action, sConflicted, rConflicted;
b.bound(sRequest, b.upperBound(Request).product(b.upperBound(Subject)));
b.bound(rRequest, b.upperBound(Request).product(b.upperBound(Resource)));
b.bound(action, b.upperBound(Request).product(b.upperBound(Action)));
b.bound(sConflicted, b.upperBound(Conflicted).product(b.upperBound(Subject)));
b.bound(rConflicted, b.upperBound(Conflicted).product(b.upperBound(Resource)));
return b;
use of kodkod.instance.TupleFactory in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class Hotel method bounds.
* Returns bounds for the given number of times, events, rooms, cards, keys and
* guests.
* @return bounds for the given scopes.
public Bounds bounds(int t, int e, int r, int c, int k, int g) {
final Relation[] tops = { Time, Event, Room, Card, Key, Guest };
final int[] scopes = { t, e, r, c, k, g };
final List<String> atoms = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < tops.length; i++) {
Relation top = tops[i];
for (int j = 0, scope = scopes[i]; j < scope; j++) atoms.add( + j);
final Universe u = new Universe(atoms);
final TupleFactory f = u.factory();
final Bounds b = new Bounds(u);
for (int i = 0; i < tops.length; i++) {
Relation top = tops[i];
b.bound(top, f.range(f.tuple( + 0), f.tuple( + (scopes[i] - 1))));
b.bound(first, b.upperBound(Time));
b.bound(last, b.upperBound(Time));
b.bound(next, b.upperBound(Time).product(b.upperBound(Time)));
b.bound(pre, b.upperBound(Event).product(b.upperBound(Time)));
b.bound(post, b.upperBound(Event).product(b.upperBound(Time)));
b.bound(HotelEvent, b.upperBound(Event));
b.bound(RoomCardEvent, b.upperBound(Event));
b.bound(Enter, b.upperBound(Event));
b.bound(NormalEnter, b.upperBound(Event));
b.bound(RecodeEnter, b.upperBound(Event));
b.bound(Checkin, b.upperBound(Event));
b.bound(Checkout, b.upperBound(Event));
b.bound(k1, b.upperBound(Card).product(b.upperBound(Key)));
b.bound(k2, b.upperBound(Card).product(b.upperBound(Key)));
b.bound(key, b.upperBound(Room).product(b.upperBound(Key)).product(b.upperBound(Time)));
b.bound(prev, b.upperBound(Room).product(b.upperBound(Key)).product(b.upperBound(Time)));
b.bound(occ, b.upperBound(Room).product(b.upperBound(Guest)).product(b.upperBound(Time)));
b.bound(holds, b.upperBound(Guest).product(b.upperBound(Card)).product(b.upperBound(Time)));
b.bound(guest, b.upperBound(HotelEvent).product(b.upperBound(Guest)));
b.bound(room, b.upperBound(RoomCardEvent).product(b.upperBound(Room)));
b.bound(card, b.upperBound(RoomCardEvent).product(b.upperBound(Card)));
return b;
use of kodkod.instance.TupleFactory in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class ToyLists method bounds.
* Returns the bounds for the toy lists problem with the given number of lists
* and things.
* @return bounds for the toy lists problem with the given number of lists and
* things.
public Bounds bounds(int lists, int things) {
final List<String> atoms = new ArrayList<String>(lists + things);
for (int i = 0; i < lists; i++) {
atoms.add("list" + i);
for (int i = 0; i < things; i++) {
atoms.add("thing" + i);
final Universe univ = new Universe(atoms);
final TupleFactory f = univ.factory();
final Bounds b = new Bounds(univ);
b.bound(list, f.range(f.tuple("list0"), f.tuple("list" + (lists - 1))));
b.bound(nonEmptyList, b.upperBound(list));
b.bound(emptyList, b.upperBound(list));
b.bound(thing, f.range(f.tuple("thing0"), f.tuple("thing" + (things - 1))));
b.bound(car, b.upperBound(nonEmptyList).product(b.upperBound(thing)));
b.bound(cdr, b.upperBound(nonEmptyList).product(b.upperBound(list)));
b.bound(equivTo, b.upperBound(list).product(b.upperBound(list)));
b.bound(prefixes, b.upperBound(list).product(b.upperBound(list)));
return b;
use of kodkod.instance.TupleFactory in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.
the class ConfigAssure method display.
* Displays an instance obtained with the given options.
* @requires inst != null and opt != null
private final void display(Instance inst, Options opt) {
final Universe univ = inst.universe();
final Evaluator eval = new Evaluator(inst, opt);
final TupleFactory factory = univ.factory();
final List<TupleSet> subnets = new ArrayList<TupleSet>();
System.out.println("address\t\tnetwork id\tmask\tdevice-interface");
for (int i = 0, ports = univ.size() - 32; i < ports; i++) {
final Object atom = univ.atom(i);
final Relation p = Relation.unary(atom.toString());
inst.add(p, factory.setOf(atom));
System.out.print(toQuad(eval.evaluate(addr(p))) + "\t");
System.out.print(toQuad(eval.evaluate(netid(p))) + "\t");
System.out.print(eval.evaluate(implicitMask(p)) + "\t");
final TupleSet members = eval.evaluate(subnet(p));
if (!members.isEmpty())
for (TupleSet sub : subnets) {