Search in sources :

Example 6 with Link

use of life.genny.qwanda.Link in project rulesservice by genny-project.

the class QRules method getChildren.

	 * Get children of the source code with the linkcode and linkValue
public BaseEntity getChildren(final String sourceCode, final String linkCode, final String linkValue) {
    try {
        String beJson = QwandaUtils.apiGet(getQwandaServiceUrl() + "/qwanda/entityentitys/" + sourceCode + "/linkcodes/" + linkCode + "/children/" + linkValue, getToken());
        Link[] linkArray = RulesUtils.fromJson(beJson, Link[].class);
        if (linkArray.length > 0) {
            ArrayList<Link> arrayList = new ArrayList<Link>(Arrays.asList(linkArray));
            Link first = arrayList.get(0);
            RulesUtils.println("The Child BaseEnity code is   ::  " + first.getTargetCode());
            return RulesUtils.getBaseEntityByCode(getQwandaServiceUrl(), getDecodedTokenMap(), getToken(), first.getTargetCode(), false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Link(life.genny.qwanda.Link) ClientProtocolException(org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException) IOException( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) UnsupportedEncodingException( BadDataException(life.genny.qwanda.exception.BadDataException) ParseException(org.json.simple.parser.ParseException)

Example 7 with Link

use of life.genny.qwanda.Link in project rulesservice by genny-project.

the class QRules method triggerEmailForJobUpdate.

public void triggerEmailForJobUpdate(String jobCode) {
    println("Job is already submitted, so the job is getting edited");
    List<Link> links = getLinks(jobCode, "LNK_BEG");
    List<String> offerList = new ArrayList<String>();
    String ownerCode = null;
    if (links != null) {
        for (Link link : links) {
            String linkValue = link.getLinkValue();
            if (linkValue != null && linkValue.equals("OFFER")) {
            if (linkValue != null && linkValue.equals("OWNER")) {
                ownerCode = link.getTargetCode();
    String[] recipientArr = new String[offerList.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (String offer : offerList) {
        BaseEntity offerBe = getBaseEntityByCode(offer);
        String quoterCode = offerBe.getValue("PRI_QUOTER_CODE", null);
        recipientArr[i] = quoterCode;
    println("recipient array for edit job details email :" + Arrays.toString(recipientArr));
    println("owner code ::" + ownerCode);
    HashMap<String, String> contextMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    contextMap.put("JOB", jobCode);
    contextMap.put("OWNER", ownerCode);
    sendMessage("", recipientArr, contextMap, "MSG_CH40_JOB_EDITED", "EMAIL");
Also used : LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BaseEntity(life.genny.qwanda.entity.BaseEntity) Link(life.genny.qwanda.Link)

Example 8 with Link

use of life.genny.qwanda.Link in project rulesservice by genny-project.

the class RuleTest method bucket_view_drag_drop_test.

// @Test
public void bucket_view_drag_drop_test() {
    final Map<String, String> keyValue = new HashMap<String, String>();
    // final Keycloak kc = KeycloakBuilder.builder()
    // .serverUrl("")
    // .realm("genny")
    // .username("user1")
    // .password("password1")
    // .clientId("curl")
    // .resteasyClient(new ResteasyClientBuilder().connectionPoolSize(10).build())
    // .build();
    // String token = kc.tokenManager().getAccessToken().getToken();
    // String token1 = kc.tokenManager().getAccessTokenString();
    // System.out.println("The token is: "+token);
    // System.out.println("The token is: "+token1);
    Link link = new Link("GRP_QUOTES", "GRP_COMPLETED", "BEG_0000002", "LNK_CORE", null);
    QEventLinkChangeMessage evtMsg = new QEventLinkChangeMessage(link, null, "TEST");
    keyValue.put("token", "DUMB TOKEN");
Also used : QEventLinkChangeMessage(life.genny.qwanda.message.QEventLinkChangeMessage) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Link(life.genny.qwanda.Link)

Example 9 with Link

use of life.genny.qwanda.Link in project rulesservice by genny-project.

the class QRules method createLink.

public Link createLink(String groupCode, String targetCode, String linkCode, String linkValue, Double weight) {"CREATING LINK between " + groupCode + "and" + targetCode + "with LINK VALUE = " + linkValue);
    Link link = new Link(groupCode, targetCode, linkCode, linkValue);
    try {
        QwandaUtils.apiPostEntity(qwandaServiceUrl + "/qwanda/entityentitys", RulesUtils.toJson(link), getToken());
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return link;
Also used : IOException( Link(life.genny.qwanda.Link)

Example 10 with Link

use of life.genny.qwanda.Link in project rulesservice by genny-project.

the class QRules method saveJob.

public void saveJob(BaseEntity job) {
    String jobCode = job.getCode();
		 * We create a new attribute "PRI_TOTAL_DISTANCE" for this BEG. TODO: should be
		 * triggered in another rule
    Double pickupLatitude = job.getValue("PRI_PICKUP_ADDRESS_LATITUDE", 0.0);
    Double pickupLongitude = job.getValue("PRI_PICKUP_ADDRESS_LONGITUDE", 0.0);
    Double deliveryLatitude = job.getValue("PRI_DROPOFF_ADDRESS_LATITUDE", 0.0);
    Double deliveryLongitude = job.getValue("PRI_DROPOFF_ADDRESS_LONGITUDE", 0.0);
    /* Add author to the load */
    List<Answer> answers = new ArrayList<Answer>();
    answers.add(new Answer(getUser().getCode(), jobCode, "PRI_POSITION_LATITUDE", pickupLatitude + ""));
    answers.add(new Answer(getUser().getCode(), jobCode, "PRI_POSITION_LONGITUDE", pickupLongitude + ""));
    Double totalDistance = GPSUtils.getDistance(pickupLatitude, pickupLongitude, deliveryLatitude, deliveryLongitude);
    if (totalDistance > 0) {
        Answer totalDistanceAnswer = new Answer(jobCode, jobCode, "PRI_TOTAL_DISTANCE_M", totalDistance + "");
    /* Adding Offer Count to 0 */
    Answer offerCountAns = new Answer(getUser().getCode(), jobCode, "PRI_OFFER_COUNT", "0");
    /* Publish Answer */
    /* set Status of the job */
    answers.add(new Answer(getUser().getCode(), jobCode, "STA_STATUS", Status.NEEDS_NO_ACTION.value()));
    // Setting color to green for new jobs for both driver and owner
		 * answers.add(new Answer(getUser().getCode(), jobCode, "STA_" +
		 * getUser().getCode(), Status.NEEDS_NO_ACTION.value()));
    BaseEntity updatedJob = this.getBaseEntityByCode(job.getCode());
    Long jobId = updatedJob.getId();
    answers.add(new Answer(getUser().getCode(), jobCode, "PRI_JOB_ID", jobId + ""));
    /* Determine the recipient code */
    String[] recipientCodes = VertxUtils.getSubscribers(realm(), "GRP_NEW_ITEMS");
    println("Recipients for Job/Load " + Arrays.toString(recipientCodes));
		 * Send newly created job with its attributes to all drivers so that it exists
		 * before link change
    BaseEntity newJobDetails = getBaseEntityByCode(jobCode);
    println("The newly submitted Job details     ::     " + newJobDetails.toString());
    publishData(newJobDetails, recipientCodes);
    /* publishing to Owner */
    /* Moving the BEG */
    Link link = new Link("GRP_DRAFTS", jobCode, "LNK_CORE");
    try {
        String output = QwandaUtils.apiPostEntity(getQwandaServiceUrl() + "/qwanda/baseentitys/move/GRP_NEW_ITEMS", JsonUtils.toJson(link), getToken());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    /* Get the sourceCode(Company code) for this User */
    BaseEntity company = getParent(getUser().getCode(), "LNK_STAFF");
    /* link newly created Job to GRP_LOADS */
    BaseEntity load = getChildren(jobCode, "LNK_BEG", "LOAD");
    String loadCode = load.getCode();
    Link newLoadLinkToLoadList = QwandaUtils.createLink("GRP_LOADS", loadCode, "LNK_LOAD", company.getCode(), (double) 1, getToken());
    println("The load has been added to the GRP_LOADS ");
    /* SEND LOAD BE */
    /* Try sending different types of links to the frontend to get it to display */
    publishBaseEntityByCode(loadCode, jobCode, "LNK_BEG", recipientCodes);
    /* publishing to Owner */
    QEventLinkChangeMessage msgLnkBegLoad = new QEventLinkChangeMessage(new Link(jobCode, load.getCode(), "LNK_BEG"), null, getToken());
    publishData(msgLnkBegLoad, recipientCodes);
    publishBaseEntityByCode(jobCode, "GRP_NEW_ITEMS", "LNK_CORE", recipientCodes);
    /* publishing to Owner */
    if (!newJobDetails.getValue("PRI_JOB_IS_SUBMITTED", false)) {
        /* Sending Messages */
        println("new job");
        HashMap<String, String> contextMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        contextMap.put("JOB", jobCode);
        contextMap.put("OWNER", getUser().getCode());
        println("The String Array is ::" + Arrays.toString(recipientCodes));
        /* Sending toast message to owner frontend */
        sendMessage("", recipientCodes, contextMap, "MSG_CH40_NEW_JOB_POSTED", "TOAST");
        /* Sending message to BEG OWNER */
        sendMessage("", recipientCodes, contextMap, "MSG_CH40_NEW_JOB_POSTED", "EMAIL");
Also used : QEventLinkChangeMessage(life.genny.qwanda.message.QEventLinkChangeMessage) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BaseEntity(life.genny.qwanda.entity.BaseEntity) IOException( Answer(life.genny.qwanda.Answer) Link(life.genny.qwanda.Link)


Link (life.genny.qwanda.Link)12 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 BaseEntity (life.genny.qwanda.entity.BaseEntity)4 UnsupportedEncodingException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)3 BadDataException (life.genny.qwanda.exception.BadDataException)3 ClientProtocolException (org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException)3 ParseException (org.json.simple.parser.ParseException)3 JsonObject (io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)2 QEventLinkChangeMessage (life.genny.qwanda.message.QEventLinkChangeMessage)2 List (java.util.List)1 Answer (life.genny.qwanda.Answer)1 EntityEntity (life.genny.qwanda.entity.EntityEntity)1 JSONObject (org.json.simple.JSONObject)1