use of liquibase.Liquibase in project dropwizard by dropwizard.
the class DbLocksCommandTest method testFailsWhenBothListAndRelease.
void testFailsWhenBothListAndRelease() {
final Liquibase liquibase = Mockito.mock(Liquibase.class);
assertThatIllegalArgumentException().isThrownBy(() -> Namespace(Maps.of("list", true, "release", true)), liquibase)).withMessage("Must specify either --list or --force-release");
use of liquibase.Liquibase in project liquibase by liquibase.
the class ChangeLogSyncTask method executeWithLiquibaseClassloader.
public void executeWithLiquibaseClassloader() throws BuildException {
Liquibase liquibase = getLiquibase();
OutputStreamWriter writer = null;
try {
FileResource outputFile = getOutputFile();
if (outputFile != null) {
writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputFile.getOutputStream(), getOutputEncoding());
liquibase.changeLogSync(toTag, new Contexts(getContexts()), getLabels(), writer);
} else {
liquibase.changeLogSync(toTag, new Contexts(getContexts()), getLabels());
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to generate sync SQL. Encoding [" + getOutputEncoding() + "] is not supported.", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to generate sync SQL. Error creating output writer.", e);
} catch (LiquibaseException e) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to sync change log: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
use of liquibase.Liquibase in project liquibase by liquibase.
the class DropAllTask method executeWithLiquibaseClassloader.
public void executeWithLiquibaseClassloader() throws BuildException {
Liquibase liquibase = getLiquibase();
try {
if (StringUtil.trimToNull(schemas) != null) {
List<String> schemaNames = StringUtil.splitAndTrim(this.schemas, ",");
List<CatalogAndSchema> schemas = new ArrayList<>();
for (String name : schemaNames) {
schemas.add(new CatalogAndSchema(catalog, name));
liquibase.dropAll(schemas.toArray(new CatalogAndSchema[schemas.size()]));
} else {
} catch (LiquibaseException e) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to drop all objects from database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
use of liquibase.Liquibase in project liquibase by liquibase.
the class MarkNextChangeSetRanTask method executeWithLiquibaseClassloader.
public void executeWithLiquibaseClassloader() throws BuildException {
Liquibase liquibase = getLiquibase();
Writer writer = null;
try {
FileResource outputFile = getOutputFile();
if (outputFile != null) {
writer = getOutputFileWriter();
liquibase.markNextChangeSetRan(new Contexts(getContexts()), getLabels(), writer);
} else {
liquibase.markNextChangeSetRan(new Contexts(getContexts()), getLabels());
} catch (LiquibaseException e) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to mark next changeset as ran: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to mark next changeset as ran. Error creating output writer.", e);
} finally {
use of liquibase.Liquibase in project liquibase by liquibase.
the class GenerateChangeLogTask method executeWithLiquibaseClassloader.
public void executeWithLiquibaseClassloader() throws BuildException {
Liquibase liquibase = getLiquibase();
Database database = liquibase.getDatabase();
CatalogAndSchema catalogAndSchema = buildCatalogAndSchema(database);
DiffOutputControl diffOutputControl = getDiffOutputControl();
DiffToChangeLog diffToChangeLog = new DiffToChangeLog(diffOutputControl);
for (ChangeLogOutputFile changeLogOutputFile : changeLogOutputFiles) {
String encoding = getOutputEncoding(changeLogOutputFile);
PrintStream printStream = null;
try {
FileResource outputFile = changeLogOutputFile.getOutputFile();
ChangeLogSerializer changeLogSerializer = changeLogOutputFile.getChangeLogSerializer();
log("Writing change log file " + outputFile.toString(), Project.MSG_INFO);
printStream = new PrintStream(outputFile.getOutputStream(), true, encoding);
liquibase.generateChangeLog(catalogAndSchema, diffToChangeLog, printStream, changeLogSerializer);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to generate a change log. Encoding [" + encoding + "] is not supported.", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to generate a change log. Error creating output stream.", e);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to generate a change log. Error configuring parser.", e);
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to generate a change log: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {