use of liquibase.database.Database in project liquibase by liquibase.
the class DiffToChangeLog method getOrderedOutputTypes.
protected List<Class<? extends DatabaseObject>> getOrderedOutputTypes(Class<? extends ChangeGenerator> generatorType) {
Database comparisonDatabase = diffResult.getComparisonSnapshot().getDatabase();
DependencyGraph graph = new DependencyGraph();
for (Class<? extends DatabaseObject> type : diffResult.getReferenceSnapshot().getSnapshotControl().getTypesToInclude()) {
List<Class<? extends DatabaseObject>> types = graph.sort(comparisonDatabase, generatorType);
if (!loggedOrderFor.contains(generatorType)) {
String log = generatorType.getSimpleName() + " type order: ";
for (Class<? extends DatabaseObject> type : types) {
log += " " + type.getName();
return types;
use of liquibase.database.Database in project liquibase by liquibase.
the class DiffGeneratorFactory method compare.
public DiffResult compare(DatabaseSnapshot referenceSnapshot, DatabaseSnapshot comparisonSnapshot, CompareControl compareControl) throws DatabaseException {
Database referenceDatabase = referenceSnapshot.getDatabase();
Database comparisonDatabase;
if (comparisonSnapshot == null) {
comparisonDatabase = referenceSnapshot.getDatabase();
try {
comparisonSnapshot = new EmptyDatabaseSnapshot(referenceDatabase, referenceSnapshot.getSnapshotControl());
} catch (InvalidExampleException e) {
throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException(e);
} else {
comparisonDatabase = comparisonSnapshot.getDatabase();
return getGenerator(referenceDatabase, comparisonDatabase).compare(referenceSnapshot, comparisonSnapshot, compareControl);
use of liquibase.database.Database in project liquibase by liquibase.
the class DiffResult method getChangedObject.
public ObjectDifferences getChangedObject(DatabaseObject example, CompareControl.SchemaComparison[] schemaComparisons) {
Database accordingTo = this.getComparisonSnapshot().getDatabase();
DatabaseObjectComparatorFactory comparator = DatabaseObjectComparatorFactory.getInstance();
for (Map.Entry<? extends DatabaseObject, ObjectDifferences> entry : getChangedObjects(example.getClass()).entrySet()) {
if (comparator.isSameObject(entry.getKey(), example, schemaComparisons, accordingTo)) {
return entry.getValue();
return null;
use of liquibase.database.Database in project liquibase by liquibase.
the class ColumnSnapshotGenerator method addTo.
protected void addTo(DatabaseObject foundObject, DatabaseSnapshot snapshot) throws DatabaseException, InvalidExampleException {
if (!snapshot.getSnapshotControl().shouldInclude(Column.class)) {
if (foundObject instanceof Relation) {
Database database = snapshot.getDatabase();
Relation relation = (Relation) foundObject;
List<CachedRow> allColumnsMetadataRs = null;
try {
JdbcDatabaseSnapshot.CachingDatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData = ((JdbcDatabaseSnapshot) snapshot).getMetaData();
Schema schema;
schema = relation.getSchema();
allColumnsMetadataRs = databaseMetaData.getColumns(((AbstractJdbcDatabase) database).getJdbcCatalogName(schema), ((AbstractJdbcDatabase) database).getJdbcSchemaName(schema), relation.getName(), null);
for (CachedRow row : allColumnsMetadataRs) {
Column column = readColumn(row, relation, database);
setAutoIncrementDetails(column, database, snapshot);
column.setAttribute(LIQUIBASE_COMPLETE, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
use of liquibase.database.Database in project liquibase by liquibase.
the class IndexSnapshotGenerator method addTo.
// public Boolean has(DatabaseObject example, DatabaseSnapshot snapshot, SnapshotGeneratorChain chain) throws DatabaseException {
// Database database = snapshot.getDatabase();
// if (!(example instanceof Index)) {
// return chain.has(example, snapshot);
// }
// String tableName = ((Index) example).getTable().getName();
// Schema schema = example.getSchema();
// String indexName = example.getName();
// String columnNames = ((Index) example).getColumnNames();
// try {
// if (tableName == null) {
// Index newExample = new Index();
// newExample.setName(indexName);
// if (columnNames != null) {
// for (String column : columnNames.split("\\s*,\\s*")) {
// newExample.getColumns().add(column);
// }
// }
// ResultSet rs = getMetaData(database).getTables(database.getJdbcCatalogName(schema), database.getJdbcSchemaName(schema), null, new String[]{"TABLE"});
// try {
// while ( {
// String foundTable = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME");
// newExample.setTable((Table) new Table().setName(foundTable).setSchema(schema));
// if (has(newExample, snapshot, chain)) {
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
// } finally {
// rs.close();
// }
// }
// Index index = new Index();
// index.setTable((Table) new Table().setName(tableName).setSchema(schema));
// index.setName(indexName);
// if (columnNames != null) {
// for (String column : columnNames.split("\\s*,\\s*")) {
// index.getColumns().add(column);
// }
// }
// if (columnNames != null) {
// Map<String, TreeMap<Short, String>> columnsByIndexName = new HashMap<String, TreeMap<Short, String>>();
// ResultSet rs = getMetaData(database).getIndexInfo(database.getJdbcCatalogName(schema), database.getJdbcSchemaName(schema), database.correctObjectName(tableName, Table.class), false, true);
// try {
// while ( {
// String foundIndexName = rs.getString("INDEX_NAME");
// if (indexName != null && indexName.equalsIgnoreCase(foundIndexName)) { //ok to use equalsIgnoreCase because we will check case later
// continue;
// }
// short ordinalPosition = rs.getShort("ORDINAL_POSITION");
// if (!columnsByIndexName.containsKey(foundIndexName)) {
// columnsByIndexName.put(foundIndexName, new TreeMap<Short, String>());
// }
// String columnName = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
// Map<Short, String> columns = columnsByIndexName.get(foundIndexName);
// columns.put(ordinalPosition, columnName);
// }
// for (Map.Entry<String, TreeMap<Short, String>> foundIndexData : columnsByIndexName.entrySet()) {
// Index foundIndex = new Index()
// .setName(foundIndexData.getKey())
// .setTable(((Table) new Table().setName(tableName).setSchema(schema)));
// foundIndex.getColumns().addAll(foundIndexData.getValue().values());
// if (foundIndex.equals(index, database)) {
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
// return false;
// } finally {
// rs.close();
// }
// } else if (indexName != null) {
// ResultSet rs = getMetaData(database).getIndexInfo(database.getJdbcCatalogName(schema), database.getJdbcSchemaName(schema), database.correctObjectName(tableName, Table.class), false, true);
// try {
// while ( {
// Index foundIndex = new Index()
// .setName(rs.getString("INDEX_NAME"))
// .setTable(((Table) new Table().setName(tableName).setSchema(schema)));
// if (foundIndex.getName() == null) {
// continue;
// }
// if (foundIndex.equals(index, database)) {
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
// } finally {
// try {
// rs.close();
// } catch (SQLException ignore) {
// }
// }
// } else {
// throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException("Either indexName or columnNames must be set");
// }
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// throw new DatabaseException(e);
// }
// }
protected void addTo(DatabaseObject foundObject, DatabaseSnapshot snapshot) throws DatabaseException, InvalidExampleException {
if (!snapshot.getSnapshotControl().shouldInclude(Index.class)) {
if (foundObject instanceof Table) {
Table table = (Table) foundObject;
Database database = snapshot.getDatabase();
Schema schema;
schema = table.getSchema();
List<CachedRow> rs = null;
JdbcDatabaseSnapshot.CachingDatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData = null;
try {
databaseMetaData = ((JdbcDatabaseSnapshot) snapshot).getMetaData();
rs = databaseMetaData.getIndexInfo(((AbstractJdbcDatabase) database).getJdbcCatalogName(schema), ((AbstractJdbcDatabase) database).getJdbcSchemaName(schema), table.getName(), null);
Map<String, Index> foundIndexes = new HashMap<String, Index>();
for (CachedRow row : rs) {
String indexName = row.getString("INDEX_NAME");
if (indexName == null) {
if (database instanceof DB2Database && "SYSIBM".equals(row.getString("INDEX_QUALIFIER"))) {
Index index = foundIndexes.get(indexName);
if (index == null) {
index = new Index();
short type = row.getShort("TYPE");
if (type == DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexClustered) {
} else if (database instanceof MSSQLDatabase) {
foundIndexes.put(indexName, index);
String ascOrDesc = row.getString("ASC_OR_DESC");
Boolean descending = "D".equals(ascOrDesc) ? Boolean.TRUE : "A".equals(ascOrDesc) ? Boolean.FALSE : null;
index.addColumn(new Column(row.getString("COLUMN_NAME")).setComputed(false).setDescending(descending).setRelation(index.getTable()));
//add clustered indexes first, than all others in case there is a clustered and non-clustered version of the same index. Prefer the clustered version
List<Index> stillToAdd = new ArrayList<Index>();
for (Index exampleIndex : foundIndexes.values()) {
if (exampleIndex.getClustered() != null && exampleIndex.getClustered()) {
} else {
for (Index exampleIndex : stillToAdd) {
boolean alreadyAddedSimilar = false;
for (Index index : table.getIndexes()) {
if (DatabaseObjectComparatorFactory.getInstance().isSameObject(index, exampleIndex, null, database)) {
alreadyAddedSimilar = true;
if (!alreadyAddedSimilar) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
// }
if (foundObject instanceof UniqueConstraint && ((UniqueConstraint) foundObject).getBackingIndex() == null && !(snapshot.getDatabase() instanceof DB2Database) && !(snapshot.getDatabase() instanceof DerbyDatabase)) {
Index exampleIndex = new Index().setTable(((UniqueConstraint) foundObject).getTable());
exampleIndex.getColumns().addAll(((UniqueConstraint) foundObject).getColumns());
((UniqueConstraint) foundObject).setBackingIndex(exampleIndex);