use of liquibase.resource.ClassLoaderResourceAccessor in project cals-api by ca-cwds.
the class DatabaseHelper method runScript.
public void runScript(String script) throws LiquibaseException {
try {
Liquibase liquibase = new Liquibase(script, new ClassLoaderResourceAccessor(), getDatabase());
liquibase.update((String) null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new LiquibaseException(e);
use of liquibase.resource.ClassLoaderResourceAccessor in project api-core by ca-cwds.
the class DatabaseHelper method runScript.
public void runScript(String script, Map<String, Object> parameters, String schema) throws LiquibaseException {
try {
String defaultSchema = getDatabase().getDefaultSchemaName();
Liquibase liquibase = new Liquibase(script, new ClassLoaderResourceAccessor(), getDatabase());
liquibase.update((String) null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new LiquibaseException(e);
use of liquibase.resource.ClassLoaderResourceAccessor in project stdlib by petergeneric.
the class LiquibaseCore method executeAction.
* Executes the Liquibase update.
private static void executeAction(InitialContext jndi, GuiceApplicationValueContainer config, Map<String, String> parameters, LiquibaseAction action) throws NamingException, SQLException, LiquibaseException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException {
// N.B. liquibase may create a databasechangeloglock / databasechangelog table if one does not already exist
if (action.isWriteAction() && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("true", config.getValue(HIBERNATE_IS_READONLY))) {"Changing liquibase action from " + action + " to ASSERT_UPDATED because hibernate is set to read only mode");
action = LiquibaseAction.ASSERT_UPDATED;
// Fail if hbm2ddl is enabled (Hibernate should not be involved in schema management)
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getValue(HIBERNATE_SCHEMA_MANAGEMENT)) && action != LiquibaseAction.GENERATE_CHANGELOG) {
throw new RuntimeException("Liquibase is enabled but so is " + HIBERNATE_SCHEMA_MANAGEMENT + ". Only one of these schema management methods may be used at a time.");
final String dataSourceName = config.getDataSource();
final String changeLogFile = config.getValue(GuiceProperties.LIQUIBASE_CHANGELOG);
final String contexts = config.getValue(GuiceProperties.LIQUIBASE_CONTEXTS);
final String labels = config.getValue(GuiceProperties.LIQUIBASE_LABELS);
final String defaultSchema = config.getDefaultSchema();
final String jdbcUrl = config.getValue(AvailableSettings.URL);
final String jdbcUsername = config.getValue(AvailableSettings.USER);
final String jdbcPassword = config.getValue(AvailableSettings.PASS);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dataSourceName) && StringUtils.isEmpty(jdbcUrl))
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot run Liquibase: no JNDI datasource or JDBC URL set");
else if (changeLogFile == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot run Liquibase: " + GuiceProperties.LIQUIBASE_CHANGELOG + " is not set");
int storedTransactionIsolation = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Connection connection = null;
Database database = null;
try {
// Set up the resource accessor
final ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor;
final CompositeResourceAccessor composite;
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
ResourceAccessor threadClFO = new ClassLoaderResourceAccessor(contextClassLoader);
ResourceAccessor clFO = new ClassLoaderResourceAccessor();
ResourceAccessor fsFO = new FileSystemResourceAccessor();
composite = new CompositeResourceAccessor(clFO, fsFO, threadClFO);
// If loading a resource with an absolute path fails, re-try it as a path relative to /
// This is for unit tests where /liquibase/changelog.xml needs to be accessed as liquibase/changelog.xml
final ResourceAccessor fallback = new RetryAbsoluteAsRelativeResourceAccessor(composite);
// Wrap the resource accessor in a filter that interprets ./ as the changeLogFile folder
resourceAccessor = new RelativePathFilteringResourceAccessor(fallback, changeLogFile);
// Set up the database
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dataSourceName)) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Look up datasource for liquibase: " + dataSourceName);
final DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) jndi.lookup(dataSourceName);
connection = dataSource.getConnection();
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Create JDBC Connection directly: " + jdbcUrl);
// N.B. do we need to call Class.forName on the JDBC Driver URL?
// JDBC drivers should expose themselves using the service provider interface nowadays so this shouldn't be necessary
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, jdbcUsername, jdbcPassword);
// Allow changing the transaction isolation away from the default for liquibase
// This is a hack inserted for SQL Server where the SNAPSHOT isolation is being used
// because in this mode it refuses to execute certain DDL statements because of metadata not being versioned
storedTransactionIsolation = connection.getTransactionIsolation();
// In this case we change to READ UNCOMMITTED for the duration of the liquibase run
if (storedTransactionIsolation == 4096) {
database = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().findCorrectDatabaseImplementation(new JdbcConnection(connection));
Liquibase liquibase = new Liquibase(changeLogFile, resourceAccessor, database);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : parameters.entrySet()) {
liquibase.setChangeLogParameter(param.getKey(), param.getValue());
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Execute liquibase action: " + action);
switch(action) {
// Figure out which changesets need to be run
List<ChangeSet> unrun = liquibase.listUnrunChangeSets(new Contexts(contexts), new LabelExpression(labels));
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Pending changesets: " + unrun);
// If any need to be run, fail
if (unrun.size() > 0)
throw new LiquibaseChangesetsPending(unrun);
case UPDATE:
// Perform a schema update
liquibase.update(new Contexts(contexts), new LabelExpression(labels));
// Mark all pending changesets as run
liquibase.changeLogSync(new Contexts(contexts), new LabelExpression(labels));
CatalogAndSchema catalogueAndSchema = CatalogAndSchema.DEFAULT;
DiffToChangeLog writer = new DiffToChangeLog(new DiffOutputControl(false, false, false, new CompareControl.SchemaComparison[0]));
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream pw = new PrintStream(bos);
liquibase.generateChangeLog(catalogueAndSchema, writer, pw);
System.out.println("********** GENERATED CHANGELOG START **********");
System.out.println(new String(bos.toByteArray()));
System.out.println("********** GENERATED CHANGELOG END **********");
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown liquibase action: " + action);
} finally {
// N.B. we don't return to isolations < 0 (isolation at db defaults)
if (connection != null && connection.getTransactionIsolation() != storedTransactionIsolation && storedTransactionIsolation >= 0) {
if (database != null)
else if (connection != null)
use of liquibase.resource.ClassLoaderResourceAccessor in project api-core by ca-cwds.
the class BasePersistenceTest method runLiquibaseScript.
private void runLiquibaseScript(String script) throws LiquibaseException {
try {
Liquibase liquibase = new Liquibase(script, new ClassLoaderResourceAccessor(), getDatabase());
liquibase.update((String) null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new LiquibaseException(e);
use of liquibase.resource.ClassLoaderResourceAccessor in project liquibase by liquibase.
the class LiquibaseServletListener method executeUpdate.
* Executes the Liquibase update.
private void executeUpdate(ServletContext servletContext, InitialContext ic) throws NamingException, SQLException, LiquibaseException {
final LiquibaseConfiguration liquibaseConfiguration = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(LiquibaseConfiguration.class);
setDataSource((String) liquibaseConfiguration.getCurrentConfiguredValue(null, null, LIQUIBASE_DATASOURCE).getValue());
if (getDataSource() == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot run Liquibase, " + LIQUIBASE_DATASOURCE + " is not set");
setChangeLogFile((String) liquibaseConfiguration.getCurrentConfiguredValue(null, null, LIQUIBASE_CHANGELOG).getValue());
if (getChangeLogFile() == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot run Liquibase, " + LIQUIBASE_CHANGELOG + " is not set");
setContexts((String) liquibaseConfiguration.getCurrentConfiguredValue(null, null, LIQUIBASE_CONTEXTS).getValue());
setLabels((String) liquibaseConfiguration.getCurrentConfiguredValue(null, null, LIQUIBASE_LABELS).getValue());
this.defaultSchema = StringUtil.trimToNull((String) liquibaseConfiguration.getCurrentConfiguredValue(null, null, LIQUIBASE_SCHEMA_DEFAULT).getValue());
Connection connection = null;
Database database = null;
Liquibase liquibase = null;
try {
DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) ic.lookup(this.dataSourceName);
connection = dataSource.getConnection();
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = currentThread.getContextClassLoader();
ResourceAccessor threadClFO = new ClassLoaderResourceAccessor(contextClassLoader);
ResourceAccessor clFO = new ClassLoaderResourceAccessor();
ResourceAccessor fsFO = new FileSystemResourceAccessor();
database = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().findCorrectDatabaseImplementation(new JdbcConnection(connection));
liquibase = new Liquibase(getChangeLogFile(), new CompositeResourceAccessor(clFO, fsFO, threadClFO), database);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<String> initParameters = servletContext.getInitParameterNames();
while (initParameters.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = initParameters.nextElement().trim();
if (name.startsWith(LIQUIBASE_PARAMETER + ".")) {
liquibase.setChangeLogParameter(name.substring(LIQUIBASE_PARAMETER.length() + 1), liquibaseConfiguration.getCurrentConfiguredValue(null, null, name));
liquibase.update(new Contexts(getContexts()), new LabelExpression(getLabels()));
if (database instanceof DerbyDatabase) {
((DerbyDatabase) database).setShutdownEmbeddedDerby(false);
} finally {
if (liquibase != null) {
} else if (connection != null) {