use of liquibase.resource.FileSystemResourceAccessor in project liquibase by liquibase.
the class AbstractLiquibaseMojoTest method loadPropertiesFileIfPresent.
protected void loadPropertiesFileIfPresent(AbstractLiquibaseMojo mojo) throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
File rootDir = new File(getBasedir(), "target/test-classes");
ResourceAccessor fo = new FileSystemResourceAccessor(rootDir.getAbsolutePath());
use of liquibase.resource.FileSystemResourceAccessor in project xipki by xipki.
the class LiquibaseMain method init.
public void init(String logLevel, String logFile) throws Exception {
changeLogLevel(logLevel, logFile);
FileSystemResourceAccessor fsOpener = new FileSystemResourceAccessor();
ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
ResourceAccessor clOpener = new CommandLineResourceAccessor(classLoader);
String defaultSchemaName = dbConf.getSchema();
this.database = // resourceAccessor
CommandLineUtils.createDatabaseObject(// resourceAccessor
clOpener, dbConf.getUrl(), dbConf.getUsername(), dbConf.getPassword(), dbConf.getDriver(), // defaultCatalogName
(String) null, // defaultSchemaName
defaultSchemaName, // outputDefaultCatalog
false, // outputDefaultSchema
false, // databaseClass
(String) null, // driverPropertiesFile
(String) null, // propertyProviderClass
(String) null, // liquibaseCatalogName
(String) null, // liquibaseSchemaName
(String) null, // databaseChangeLogTableName
(String) null, // databaseChangeLogLockTableName
(String) null);
try {
CompositeResourceAccessor fileOpener = new CompositeResourceAccessor(fsOpener, clOpener);
DiffOutputControl diffOutputControl = new // includeCatalog
DiffOutputControl(// includeCatalog
false, // includeSchema
false, // includeTablespace
false, // schemaComparisons
CompareControl.SchemaComparison[] finalSchemaComparisons;
finalSchemaComparisons = new CompareControl.SchemaComparison[] { new CompareControl.SchemaComparison(new CatalogAndSchema(null, defaultSchemaName), new CatalogAndSchema(null, defaultSchemaName)) };
for (CompareControl.SchemaComparison schema : finalSchemaComparisons) {
this.liquibase = new Liquibase(changeLogFile, fileOpener, database);
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex2) {
LogFactory.getInstance().getLog().warning("problem closing connection", ex2);
throw ex;
use of liquibase.resource.FileSystemResourceAccessor in project minijax by minijax.
the class LiquibaseHelperTest method testEndToEnd.
public void testEndToEnd() throws Exception {
final File targetFile = File.createTempFile("target", null);
final File referenceFile = File.createTempFile("reference", null);
final String targetUrl = "jdbc:h2:" + targetFile.getAbsolutePath();
final String referenceUrl = "jdbc:h2:" + referenceFile.getAbsolutePath();
final String masterChangeLogResourceName = "changes-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".xml";
final File migrationsDir = new File(TEST_RESOURCES, "migrations");
final File masterChangeLogFile = new File(migrationsDir, masterChangeLogResourceName);
final Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put(MinijaxProperties.PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME, "testdb");
props.put(MinijaxProperties.DB_DRIVER, "org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource");
props.put(MinijaxProperties.DB_URL, targetUrl);
props.put(MinijaxProperties.DB_REFERENCE_URL, referenceUrl);
props.put(MinijaxProperties.DB_USERNAME, "");
props.put(MinijaxProperties.DB_PASSWORD, "");
// Verify that both databases are empty and that the changelog does not exist
final FileSystemResourceAccessor accessor = new FileSystemResourceAccessor(TEST_RESOURCES.getAbsolutePath()) {
protected void init() {
try {
} catch (final MalformedURLException ex) {
final LiquibaseHelper m = new LiquibaseHelper(props, accessor, TEST_RESOURCES, masterChangeLogResourceName);
// Generate the migration
final File firstGeneratedChangeLog = m.generateMigrations();
// Verify that the "target" database is still empty
// Verify that the "reference" database now has the "WIDGET" table
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("WIDGET"), getTables(referenceUrl));
// Verify that the changelog file now exists
// Run the migration
// Verify that the "target" database now has Liquibase tables and the "WIDGET" table
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("DATABASECHANGELOG", "DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK", "WIDGET"), getTables(targetUrl));
// Generate the migration again (should be no-op)
final File secondGeneratedChangeLog = m.generateMigrations();
// Verify that the "reference" database is still only the "WIDGET" table
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("WIDGET"), getTables(referenceUrl));
// Run the migration again (should be no-op)
// Verify that the "target" database still has only Liquibase tables and the "WIDGET" table
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("DATABASECHANGELOG", "DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK", "WIDGET"), getTables(targetUrl));
// Cleanup
use of liquibase.resource.FileSystemResourceAccessor in project openmrs-core by openmrs.
the class DatabaseUpdater method executeChangelog.
* This code was borrowed from the liquibase jar so that we can call the given callback
* function.
* @param changeLogFile the file to execute
* @param contexts the liquibase changeset context
* @param userInput answers given by the user
* @param callback the function to call after every changeset
* @param cl {@link ClassLoader} to use to find the changeLogFile (or null to use
* {@link OpenmrsClassLoader})
* @return A list of messages or warnings generated by the executed changesets
* @throws Exception
public static List<String> executeChangelog(String changeLogFile, String contexts, Map<String, Object> userInput, ChangeSetExecutorCallback callback, ClassLoader cl) throws Exception {
final class OpenmrsUpdateVisitor extends UpdateVisitor {
private ChangeSetExecutorCallback callback;
private int numChangeSetsToRun;
public OpenmrsUpdateVisitor(Database database, ChangeSetExecutorCallback callback, int numChangeSetsToRun) {
this.callback = callback;
this.numChangeSetsToRun = numChangeSetsToRun;
public void visit(ChangeSet changeSet, DatabaseChangeLog databaseChangeLog, Database database) throws LiquibaseException {
if (callback != null) {
callback.executing(changeSet, numChangeSetsToRun);
super.visit(changeSet, databaseChangeLog, database);
if (cl == null) {
cl = OpenmrsClassLoader.getInstance();
log.debug("Setting up liquibase object to run changelog: " + changeLogFile);
Liquibase liquibase = getLiquibase(changeLogFile, cl);
int numChangeSetsToRun = liquibase.listUnrunChangeSets(contexts).size();
Database database = null;
LockService lockHandler = null;
try {
database = liquibase.getDatabase();
lockHandler = LockService.getInstance(database);
ResourceAccessor openmrsFO = new ClassLoaderFileOpener(cl);
ResourceAccessor fsFO = new FileSystemResourceAccessor();
DatabaseChangeLog changeLog = new XMLChangeLogSAXParser().parse(changeLogFile, new ChangeLogParameters(), new CompositeResourceAccessor(openmrsFO, fsFO));
ChangeLogIterator logIterator = new ChangeLogIterator(changeLog, new ShouldRunChangeSetFilter(database), new ContextChangeSetFilter(contexts), new DbmsChangeSetFilter(database));
database.checkDatabaseChangeLogTable(true, changeLog, new String[] { contexts }); OpenmrsUpdateVisitor(database, callback, numChangeSetsToRun), database);
} catch (LiquibaseException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Could not release lock", e);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// pass
return updateWarnings;
use of liquibase.resource.FileSystemResourceAccessor in project jOOQ by jOOQ.
the class LiquibaseDatabase method export.
protected void export() throws Exception {
String rootPath = getProperties().getProperty("rootPath");
String scripts = getProperties().getProperty("scripts");
includeLiquibaseTables = Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperties().getProperty("includeLiquibaseTables", "false"));
if (isBlank(scripts)) {
scripts = "";
log.warn("No scripts defined", "It is recommended that you provide an explicit script directory to scan");
Database database = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().findCorrectDatabaseImplementation(new JdbcConnection(connection()));
String contexts = "";
// Database.setXyz() configuration setter calls
for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : getProperties().entrySet()) {
String key = "" + entry.getKey();
if (key.startsWith("database.")) {
String property = key.substring("database.".length());
Method setter = SETTERS.get("set" + Character.toUpperCase(property.charAt(0)) + property.substring(1));
try {
if (setter != null)
setter.invoke(database, Convert.convert(entry.getValue(), setter.getParameterTypes()[0]));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Configuration error", e.getMessage(), e);
} else // [#9872] Some changeLogParameters can also be passed along
if (key.startsWith("changeLogParameters.")) {
String property = key.substring("changeLogParameters.".length());
if ("contexts".equals(property))
contexts = "" + entry.getValue();
// Retrieve changeLog table names as they might be overridden by configuration setters
databaseChangeLogTableName = database.getDatabaseChangeLogTableName();
databaseChangeLogLockTableName = database.getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName();
// [#9866] Allow for loading included files from the classpath or using absolute paths.
// [#12872] [#13021] The decision is made based on the presence of the rootPath property
ResourceAccessor ra = StringUtils.isBlank(rootPath) ? new CompositeResourceAccessor(new ClassLoaderResourceAccessor(), new ClassLoaderResourceAccessor(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader())) : new FileSystemResourceAccessor(new File(rootPath));
Liquibase liquibase = new Liquibase(scripts, ra, database);