use of loci.common.IniParser in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class MetaSupportAutogen method main.
// -- Main method --
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length == 0) {
System.out.println("Usage: java MetaSupportAutogen ome-xml-version");
System.out.println(" E.g.: java MetaSupportAutogen 2012-06");
String version = args[0];
// create needed directories
File doc = new File("doc");
if (!doc.exists()) {
boolean success = doc.mkdir();
if (!success) {
throw new IOException("Could not create " + doc.getAbsolutePath());
File docMeta = new File(doc, "meta");
if (!docMeta.exists()) {
boolean success = docMeta.mkdir();
if (!success) {
throw new IOException("Could not create " + docMeta.getAbsolutePath());
// initialize Velocity
VelocityEngine ve = VelocityTools.createEngine();
VelocityContext context = VelocityTools.createContext();
// parse supported properties list
MetaSupportList supportList = new MetaSupportList(version);
context.put("q", supportList);
// retrieve the table of format page names
IniParser parser = new IniParser();
IniList data = parser.parseINI(FORMAT_PAGES, MetaSupportAutogen.class);
for (String handler : supportList.handlers()) {
supportList.setPageName("metadata/" + handler);
// generate master table of metadata properties
VelocityTools.processTemplate(ve, context, "doc/meta-summary.vm", "../../docs/sphinx/metadata-summary.rst");
// generate metadata property support documentation for each handler
for (String handler : supportList.handlers()) {
String pagename = supportList.getPageName();
if (pagename != null) {
VelocityTools.processTemplate(ve, context, "doc/MetadataSupport.vm", "../../docs/sphinx/" + pagename + ".rst");
use of loci.common.IniParser in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class FakeReader method initFile.
protected void initFile(String id) throws FormatException, IOException {
if (!checkSuffix(id, "fake")) {
if (checkSuffix(id, "fake.ini")) {
id = id.substring(0, id.lastIndexOf("."));
Location file = new Location(id).getAbsoluteFile();
if (!file.exists()) {
Location dir = file.getParentFile();
String[] list = dir.list(true);
String name = file.getName();
name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("."));
for (String f : list) {
if (checkSuffix(f, "fake") && f.startsWith(name)) {
id = new Location(dir, f).getAbsolutePath();
// Logic copied from deltavision. This should probably be refactored into
// a helper method "replaceBySuffix" or something.
String path = id;
Location location = new Location(id);
String[] tokens = null;
if (location.exists()) {
path = location.getAbsoluteFile().getName();
if (path.startsWith("Field")) {
Location root = location.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
if (root != null) {
root = root.getParentFile();
if (root != null) {
root = root.getParentFile();
if (root != null) {
root = root.getParentFile();
if (isSPWStructure(root.getAbsolutePath())) {
tokens = extractTokensFromFakeSeries(root.getAbsolutePath());
// makes sure that getSeriesUsedFiles returns correctly
currentId = root.getAbsolutePath();
if (location.isDirectory() && isSPWStructure(location.getAbsolutePath())) {
tokens = extractTokensFromFakeSeries(location.getAbsolutePath());
} else if (tokens == null) {
String noExt = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("."));
tokens = noExt.split(TOKEN_SEPARATOR);
String name = null;
// default
int thumbSizeX = 0;
// default
int thumbSizeY = 0;
int pixelType = DEFAULT_PIXEL_TYPE;
// default
int bitsPerPixel = 0;
boolean orderCertain = true;
boolean little = true;
boolean interleaved = false;
boolean indexed = false;
boolean falseColor = false;
boolean metadataComplete = true;
boolean thumbnail = false;
boolean withMicrobeam = false;
int seriesCount = 1;
int lutLength = 3;
String acquisitionDate = null;
int screens = 0;
int plates = 0;
int plateRows = 0;
int plateCols = 0;
int fields = 0;
int plateAcqs = 0;
Integer defaultColor = null;
ArrayList<Integer> color = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<IniTable> seriesTables = new ArrayList<IniTable>();
// add properties file values to list of tokens.
if (iniFile != null) {
IniParser parser = new IniParser();
IniList list = parser.parseINI(new File(iniFile));
List<String> newTokens = new ArrayList<String>();
// Unclear what to do with other headers...
IniTable table = list.getTable(IniTable.DEFAULT_HEADER);
if (table != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : table.entrySet()) {
newTokens.add(entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue());
table = list.getTable("GlobalMetadata");
if (table != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : table.entrySet()) {
addGlobalMeta(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
String[] newTokArr = newTokens.toArray(new String[0]);
String[] oldTokArr = tokens;
tokens = new String[newTokArr.length + oldTokArr.length];
System.arraycopy(oldTokArr, 0, tokens, 0, oldTokArr.length);
System.arraycopy(newTokArr, 0, tokens, oldTokArr.length, newTokArr.length);
// Properties overrides file name values
int seriesIndex = 0;
while (list.getTable("series_" + seriesIndex) != null) {
seriesTables.add(list.getTable("series_" + seriesIndex));
// parse tokens from filename
for (String token : tokens) {
if (name == null) {
// first token is the image name
name = token;
int equals = token.indexOf('=');
if (equals < 0) {
LOGGER.warn("ignoring token: {}", token);
String key = token.substring(0, equals);
String value = token.substring(equals + 1);
boolean boolValue = value.equals("true");
double doubleValue;
try {
doubleValue = Double.parseDouble(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
doubleValue = Double.NaN;
int intValue = Double.isNaN(doubleValue) ? -1 : (int) doubleValue;
if (key.equals("sizeX"))
sizeX = intValue;
else if (key.equals("sizeY"))
sizeY = intValue;
else if (key.equals("sizeZ"))
sizeZ = intValue;
else if (key.equals("sizeC"))
sizeC = intValue;
else if (key.equals("sizeT"))
sizeT = intValue;
else if (key.equals("thumbSizeX"))
thumbSizeX = intValue;
else if (key.equals("thumbSizeY"))
thumbSizeY = intValue;
else if (key.equals("pixelType")) {
pixelType = FormatTools.pixelTypeFromString(value);
} else if (key.equals("bitsPerPixel"))
bitsPerPixel = intValue;
else if (key.equals("rgb"))
rgb = intValue;
else if (key.equals("dimOrder"))
dimOrder = value.toUpperCase();
else if (key.equals("orderCertain"))
orderCertain = boolValue;
else if (key.equals("little"))
little = boolValue;
else if (key.equals("interleaved"))
interleaved = boolValue;
else if (key.equals("indexed"))
indexed = boolValue;
else if (key.equals("falseColor"))
falseColor = boolValue;
else if (key.equals("metadataComplete"))
metadataComplete = boolValue;
else if (key.equals("thumbnail"))
thumbnail = boolValue;
else if (key.equals("series"))
seriesCount = intValue;
else if (key.equals("lutLength"))
lutLength = intValue;
else if (key.equals("scaleFactor"))
scaleFactor = doubleValue;
else if (key.equals("exposureTime"))
exposureTime = new Time((float) doubleValue, UNITS.SECOND);
else if (key.equals("acquisitionDate"))
acquisitionDate = value;
else if (key.equals("screens"))
screens = intValue;
else if (key.equals("plates"))
plates = intValue;
else if (key.equals("plateRows"))
plateRows = intValue;
else if (key.equals("plateCols"))
plateCols = intValue;
else if (key.equals("fields"))
fields = intValue;
else if (key.equals("plateAcqs"))
plateAcqs = intValue;
else if (key.equals("withMicrobeam"))
withMicrobeam = boolValue;
else if (key.equals("annLong"))
annLong = intValue;
else if (key.equals("annDouble"))
annDouble = intValue;
else if (key.equals("annMap"))
annMap = intValue;
else if (key.equals("annComment"))
annComment = intValue;
else if (key.equals("annBool"))
annBool = intValue;
else if (key.equals("annTime"))
annTime = intValue;
else if (key.equals("annTag"))
annTag = intValue;
else if (key.equals("annTerm"))
annTerm = intValue;
else if (key.equals("annXml"))
annXml = intValue;
else if (key.equals("ellipses"))
ellipses = intValue;
else if (key.equals("labels"))
labels = intValue;
else if (key.equals("lines"))
lines = intValue;
else if (key.equals("masks"))
masks = intValue;
else if (key.equals("points"))
points = intValue;
else if (key.equals("polygons"))
polygons = intValue;
else if (key.equals("polylines"))
polylines = intValue;
else if (key.equals("rectangles"))
rectangles = intValue;
else if (key.equals("physicalSizeX"))
physicalSizeX = parseLength(value, getPhysicalSizeXUnitXsdDefault());
else if (key.equals("physicalSizeY"))
physicalSizeY = parseLength(value, getPhysicalSizeYUnitXsdDefault());
else if (key.equals("physicalSizeZ"))
physicalSizeZ = parseLength(value, getPhysicalSizeZUnitXsdDefault());
else if (key.equals("color")) {
defaultColor = parseColor(value);
} else if (key.startsWith("color_")) {
// 'color' and 'color_x' can be used together, but 'color_x' takes
// precedence. 'color' will in that case be used for any missing
// or invalid 'color_x' values.
int index = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(key.indexOf('_') + 1));
while (index >= color.size()) {
color.set(index, parseColor(value));
// do some sanity checks
if (sizeX < 1)
throw new FormatException("Invalid sizeX: " + sizeX);
if (sizeY < 1)
throw new FormatException("Invalid sizeY: " + sizeY);
if (sizeZ < 1)
throw new FormatException("Invalid sizeZ: " + sizeZ);
if (sizeC < 1)
throw new FormatException("Invalid sizeC: " + sizeC);
if (sizeT < 1)
throw new FormatException("Invalid sizeT: " + sizeT);
if (thumbSizeX < 0) {
throw new FormatException("Invalid thumbSizeX: " + thumbSizeX);
if (thumbSizeY < 0) {
throw new FormatException("Invalid thumbSizeY: " + thumbSizeY);
if (rgb < 1 || rgb > sizeC || sizeC % rgb != 0) {
throw new FormatException("Invalid sizeC/rgb combination: " + sizeC + "/" + rgb);
if (falseColor && !indexed) {
throw new FormatException("False color images must be indexed");
if (seriesCount < 1) {
throw new FormatException("Invalid seriesCount: " + seriesCount);
if (lutLength < 1) {
throw new FormatException("Invalid lutLength: " + lutLength);
// populate SPW metadata
MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata();
boolean hasSPW = screens > 0 || plates > 0 || plateRows > 0 || plateCols > 0 || fields > 0 || plateAcqs > 0;
if (hasSPW) {
if (screens < 0)
screens = 0;
if (plates <= 0)
plates = 1;
if (plateRows <= 0)
plateRows = 1;
if (plateCols <= 0)
plateCols = 1;
if (fields <= 0)
fields = 1;
if (plateAcqs <= 0)
plateAcqs = 1;
// generate SPW metadata and override series count to match
int imageCount = populateSPW(store, screens, plates, plateRows, plateCols, fields, plateAcqs, withMicrobeam);
if (imageCount > 0)
seriesCount = imageCount;
// failed to generate SPW metadata
hasSPW = false;
// populate core metadata
int effSizeC = sizeC / rgb;
for (int s = 0; s < seriesCount; s++) {
CoreMetadata ms = new CoreMetadata();
ms.sizeX = sizeX;
ms.sizeY = sizeY;
ms.sizeZ = sizeZ;
ms.sizeC = sizeC;
ms.sizeT = sizeT;
ms.thumbSizeX = thumbSizeX;
ms.thumbSizeY = thumbSizeY;
ms.pixelType = pixelType;
ms.bitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel;
ms.imageCount = sizeZ * effSizeC * sizeT;
ms.rgb = rgb > 1;
ms.dimensionOrder = dimOrder;
ms.orderCertain = orderCertain;
ms.littleEndian = little;
ms.interleaved = interleaved;
ms.indexed = indexed;
ms.falseColor = falseColor;
ms.metadataComplete = metadataComplete;
ms.thumbnail = thumbnail;
// populate OME metadata
boolean planeInfo = (exposureTime != null) || seriesTables.size() > 0;
MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this, planeInfo);
for (int currentImageIndex = 0; currentImageIndex < seriesCount; currentImageIndex++) {
if (currentImageIndex < seriesTables.size()) {
parseSeriesTable(seriesTables.get(currentImageIndex), store, currentImageIndex);
String imageName = currentImageIndex > 0 ? name + " " + (currentImageIndex + 1) : name;
store.setImageName(imageName, currentImageIndex);
fillAcquisitionDate(store, acquisitionDate, currentImageIndex);
for (int c = 0; c < getEffectiveSizeC(); c++) {
Color channel = defaultColor == null ? null : new Color(defaultColor);
if (c < color.size() && color.get(c) != null) {
channel = new Color(color.get(c));
if (channel != null) {
store.setChannelColor(channel, currentImageIndex, c);
fillAnnotations(store, currentImageIndex);
fillRegions(store, currentImageIndex);
// for indexed color images, create lookup tables
if (indexed) {
if (pixelType == FormatTools.UINT8) {
// create 8-bit LUTs
final int num = 256;
lut8 = new byte[sizeC][lutLength][num];
// linear ramp
for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) {
for (int i = 0; i < lutLength; i++) {
for (int index = 0; index < num; index++) {
lut8[c][i][index] = (byte) indexToValue[c][index];
} else if (pixelType == FormatTools.UINT16) {
// create 16-bit LUTs
final int num = 65536;
lut16 = new short[sizeC][lutLength][num];
// linear ramp
for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) {
for (int i = 0; i < lutLength; i++) {
for (int index = 0; index < num; index++) {
lut16[c][i][index] = (short) indexToValue[c][index];
// NB: Other pixel types will have null LUTs.
use of loci.common.IniParser in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class SISReader method initStandardMetadata.
// -- Internal BaseTiffReader API methods --
/* @see BaseTiffReader#initStandardMetadata() */
protected void initStandardMetadata() throws FormatException, IOException {
IFD ifd = ifds.get(0);
CoreMetadata m = core.get(0);
String iniMetadata = ifd.getIFDTextValue(SIS_INI_TAG);
if (iniMetadata != null) {
IniParser parser = new IniParser();
IniList ini = parser.parseINI(new BufferedReader(new StringReader(iniMetadata)));
IniTable dimensions = ini.getTable("Dimension");
int z = Integer.parseInt(dimensions.get("Z"));
int c = Integer.parseInt(dimensions.get("Band"));
int t = Integer.parseInt(dimensions.get("Time"));
if (z * c * t == ifds.size()) {
m.sizeZ = z;
m.sizeT = t;
m.sizeC *= c;
// TODO : parse more metadata from the INI tables
if (!ifd.containsKey(SIS_TAG)) {
// TODO: parse this metadata more thoroughly, 0));
while (!in.readString(2).equals("IS")) { - 1);
in.skipBytes(28); - 84);
physicalSizeX = in.readDouble() * 1000;
physicalSizeY = in.readDouble() * 1000;
long metadataPointer = ifd.getIFDLongValue(SIS_TAG, 0);;
int minute = in.readShort();
int hour = in.readShort();
int day = in.readShort();
int month = in.readShort() + 1;
int year = 1900 + in.readShort();
acquisitionDate = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minute;
acquisitionDate = DateTools.formatDate(acquisitionDate, "yyyy-M-d H:m");
imageName = in.readCString();
if ((in.getFilePointer() % 2) == 1) {
short check = in.readShort();
while (check != 7 && check != 8) {
check = in.readShort();
if (check == 0x700 || check == 0x800 || check == 0xa00) {
long pos = in.readInt() & 0xffffffffL;
if (pos >= in.length()) {
physicalSizeX = in.readDouble();
physicalSizeY = in.readDouble();
if (Math.abs(physicalSizeX - physicalSizeY) > Constants.EPSILON) {
// ??
physicalSizeX = physicalSizeY;
physicalSizeY = in.readDouble();
magnification = in.readDouble();
int cameraNameLength = in.readShort();
channelName = in.readCString();
if (channelName.length() > 128) {
channelName = "";
int length = (int) Math.min(cameraNameLength, channelName.length());
if (length > 0) {
cameraName = channelName.substring(0, length);
// these are no longer valid
addGlobalMeta("Nanometers per pixel (X)", physicalSizeX);
addGlobalMeta("Nanometers per pixel (Y)", physicalSizeY);
addGlobalMeta("Magnification", magnification);
addGlobalMeta("Channel name", channelName);
addGlobalMeta("Camera name", cameraName);
addGlobalMeta("Image name", imageName);
addGlobalMeta("Acquisition date", acquisitionDate);