Search in sources :

Example 16 with CoreMetadata

use of loci.formats.CoreMetadata in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class NDPIReader method initStandardMetadata.

// -- Internal BaseTiffReader API methods --
/* @see loci.formats.BaseTiffReader#initStandardMetadata() */
protected void initStandardMetadata() throws FormatException, IOException {
    ifds = tiffParser.getIFDs();
    // fix the offsets for > 4 GB files
    RandomAccessInputStream stream = new RandomAccessInputStream(currentId);
    for (int i = 0; i < ifds.size(); i++) {
        IFD ifd = ifds.get(i);
        long[] stripOffsets = ifd.getStripOffsets();
        boolean neededAdjustment = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < stripOffsets.length; j++) {
            long prevOffset = i == 0 ? 0 : ifds.get(i - 1).getStripOffsets()[0];
            long prevByteCount = i == 0 ? 0 : ifds.get(i - 1).getStripByteCounts()[0];
            long currentOffset = (int) stripOffsets[j];
            while (currentOffset < prevOffset || currentOffset < prevOffset + prevByteCount) {
                long newOffset = currentOffset + 0x100000000L;
                if (newOffset < stream.length() && ((j > 0 && (currentOffset < stripOffsets[j - 1])) || (i > 0 && currentOffset < prevOffset + prevByteCount))) {
                    stripOffsets[j] = newOffset;
                    currentOffset = stripOffsets[j];
                    neededAdjustment = true;
        if (neededAdjustment) {
            ifd.putIFDValue(IFD.STRIP_OFFSETS, stripOffsets);
        neededAdjustment = false;
        long[] stripByteCounts = ifd.getStripByteCounts();
        for (int j = 0; j < stripByteCounts.length; j++) {
            long currentCount = (int) stripByteCounts[j];
            long newByteCount = currentCount + 0x100000000L;
            if (currentCount < 0 || neededAdjustment || newByteCount + stripOffsets[j] < in.length()) {
                if (newByteCount < ifd.getImageWidth() * ifd.getImageLength()) {
                    stripByteCounts[j] = newByteCount;
                    neededAdjustment = true;
        if (neededAdjustment) {
            ifd.putIFDValue(IFD.STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS, stripByteCounts);
    for (int i = 1; i < ifds.size(); i++) {
        IFD ifd = ifds.get(i);
        if (ifd.getImageWidth() == ifds.get(0).getImageWidth() && ifd.getImageLength() == ifds.get(0).getImageLength()) {
        } else if (sizeZ == 1) {
            boolean isPyramid;
            Object source_lens_value = ifd.getIFDValue(SOURCE_LENS);
            if (source_lens_value != null) {
                float source_lens = (Float) source_lens_value;
                // A value of -1 correspond to the macro image and a value of -2
                // correspond to the map image
                isPyramid = (source_lens != -1 && source_lens != -2);
            } else {
                // Assume the last IFD is the macro image
                isPyramid = i < ifds.size() - 1;
            if (isPyramid)
    // repopulate core metadata
    int seriesCount = pyramidHeight + (ifds.size() - pyramidHeight * sizeZ);
    for (int i = 0; i < ifds.size(); i++) {
        IFD ifd = ifds.get(i);
        ifds.set(i, ifd);
        TiffIFDEntry markerTag = (TiffIFDEntry) ifd.get(MARKER_TAG);
        if (markerTag != null) {
            if (markerTag.getValueOffset() > in.length()) {
                // can't rely upon the MARKER_TAG to be detected correctly
            } else {
                Object value = tiffParser.getIFDValue(markerTag);
                ifds.get(i).putIFDValue(MARKER_TAG, value);
        int[] bpp = ifds.get(i).getBitsPerSample();
        for (int q = 0; q < bpp.length; q++) {
            if (bpp[q] < 8) {
                bpp[q] = 8;
        ifds.get(i).putIFDValue(IFD.BITS_PER_SAMPLE, bpp);
    for (int s = 0; s < seriesCount; s++) {
        CoreMetadata ms = new CoreMetadata();
        if (s == 0) {
            ms.resolutionCount = pyramidHeight;
    for (int s = 0; s < core.size(); s++) {
        IFD ifd = ifds.get(getIFDIndex(s, 0));
        PhotoInterp p = ifd.getPhotometricInterpretation();
        int samples = ifd.getSamplesPerPixel();
        CoreMetadata ms = core.get(s);
        ms.rgb = samples > 1 || p == PhotoInterp.RGB;
        ms.sizeX = (int) ifd.getImageWidth();
        ms.sizeY = (int) ifd.getImageLength();
        ms.sizeZ = s < pyramidHeight ? sizeZ : 1;
        ms.sizeT = 1;
        ms.sizeC = ms.rgb ? samples : 1;
        ms.littleEndian = ifd.isLittleEndian();
        ms.indexed = p == PhotoInterp.RGB_PALETTE && (get8BitLookupTable() != null || get16BitLookupTable() != null);
        ms.imageCount = ms.sizeZ * ms.sizeT;
        ms.pixelType = ifd.getPixelType();
        ms.metadataComplete = true;
        ms.interleaved = ms.sizeX > MAX_SIZE && ms.sizeY > MAX_SIZE;
        ms.falseColor = false;
        ms.dimensionOrder = "XYCZT";
        ms.thumbnail = s != 0;
    String metadataTag = ifds.get(0).getIFDStringValue(METADATA_TAG);
    if (metadataTag != null) {
        String[] entries = metadataTag.split("\n");
        for (String entry : entries) {
            int eq = entry.indexOf('=');
            if (eq < 0) {
            String key = entry.substring(0, eq).trim();
            String value = entry.substring(eq + 1).trim();
            addGlobalMeta(key, value);
            if (key.equals("Objective.Lens.Magnificant")) {
                // not a typo
                magnification = new Double(value);
            } else if (key.equals("NDP.S/N")) {
                serialNumber = value;
            } else if (key.equals("Product")) {
                instrumentModel = value;
Also used : IFD(loci.formats.tiff.IFD) PhotoInterp(loci.formats.tiff.PhotoInterp) CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata) TiffIFDEntry(loci.formats.tiff.TiffIFDEntry) RandomAccessInputStream(loci.common.RandomAccessInputStream)

Example 17 with CoreMetadata

use of loci.formats.CoreMetadata in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class NiftiReader method populatePixelType.

// -- Helper methods --
private void populatePixelType(int dataType) throws FormatException {
    CoreMetadata m = core.get(0);
    switch(dataType) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.UINT8;
        case 4:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.INT16;
        case 8:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.INT32;
        case 16:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.FLOAT;
        case 64:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.DOUBLE;
        case 128:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.UINT8;
            m.sizeC = 3;
        case 256:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.INT8;
        case 512:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.UINT16;
        case 768:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.UINT32;
        case 2304:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.UINT8;
            m.sizeC = 4;
            throw new FormatException("Unsupported data type: " + dataType);
Also used : CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata) FormatException(loci.formats.FormatException)

Example 18 with CoreMetadata

use of loci.formats.CoreMetadata in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class NikonReader method initFile.

// -- Internal FormatReader API methods --
/* @see loci.formats.FormatReader#initFile(String) */
protected void initFile(String id) throws FormatException, IOException {
    original = ifds.get(0);
    if (cfaPattern != null) {
        original.putIFDValue(IFD.COLOR_MAP, (int[]) cfaPattern);
    ifds.set(0, original);
    CoreMetadata m = core.get(0);
    m.imageCount = 1;
    m.sizeT = 1;
    if (ifds.get(0).getSamplesPerPixel() == 1) {
        m.interleaved = true;
    MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata();
    MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this);
Also used : MetadataStore(loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore) CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata)

Example 19 with CoreMetadata

use of loci.formats.CoreMetadata in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class NikonReader method initStandardMetadata.

// -- Internal BaseTiffReader API methods --
/* @see BaseTiffReader#initStandardMetadata() */
protected void initStandardMetadata() throws FormatException, IOException {
    // reset image dimensions
    // the actual image data is stored in IFDs referenced by the SubIFD tag
    // in the 'real' IFD
    CoreMetadata m = core.get(0);
    m.imageCount = ifds.size();
    IFD firstIFD = ifds.get(0);
    PhotoInterp photo = firstIFD.getPhotometricInterpretation();
    int samples = firstIFD.getSamplesPerPixel();
    m.rgb = samples > 1 || photo == PhotoInterp.RGB || photo == PhotoInterp.CFA_ARRAY;
    if (photo == PhotoInterp.CFA_ARRAY)
        samples = 3;
    m.sizeX = (int) firstIFD.getImageWidth();
    m.sizeY = (int) firstIFD.getImageLength();
    m.sizeZ = 1;
    m.sizeC = isRGB() ? samples : 1;
    m.sizeT = ifds.size();
    m.pixelType = firstIFD.getPixelType();
    m.indexed = false;
    // now look for the EXIF IFD pointer
    IFDList exifIFDs = tiffParser.getExifIFDs();
    if (exifIFDs.size() > 0) {
        IFD exifIFD = exifIFDs.get(0);
        for (Integer key : exifIFD.keySet()) {
            int tag = key.intValue();
            String name = IFD.getIFDTagName(tag);
            if (tag == IFD.CFA_PATTERN) {
                byte[] cfa = (byte[]) exifIFD.get(key);
                int[] colorMap = new int[cfa.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < cfa.length; i++) colorMap[i] = (int) cfa[i];
                addGlobalMeta(name, colorMap);
                cfaPattern = colorMap;
            } else {
                addGlobalMeta(name, exifIFD.get(key));
                if (name.equals("MAKER_NOTE")) {
                    byte[] b = (byte[]) exifIFD.get(key);
                    int extra = new String(b, 0, 10, Constants.ENCODING).startsWith("Nikon") ? 10 : 0;
                    byte[] buf = new byte[b.length];
                    System.arraycopy(b, extra, buf, 0, buf.length - extra);
                    RandomAccessInputStream makerNote = new RandomAccessInputStream(buf);
                    TiffParser tp = new TiffParser(makerNote);
                    IFD note = null;
                    try {
                        note = tp.getFirstIFD();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LOGGER.debug("Failed to parse first IFD", e);
                    if (note != null) {
                        for (Integer nextKey : note.keySet()) {
                            int nextTag = nextKey.intValue();
                            addGlobalMeta(name, note.get(nextKey));
                            if (nextTag == 150) {
                                b = (byte[]) note.get(nextKey);
                                RandomAccessInputStream s = new RandomAccessInputStream(b);
                                byte check1 = s.readByte();
                                byte check2 = s.readByte();
                                lossyCompression = check1 != 0x46;
                                vPredictor = new int[4];
                                for (int q = 0; q < vPredictor.length; q++) {
                                    vPredictor[q] = s.readShort();
                                curve = new int[16385];
                                int bps = ifds.get(0).getBitsPerSample()[0];
                                int max = 1 << bps & 0x7fff;
                                int step = 0;
                                int csize = s.readShort();
                                if (csize > 1) {
                                    step = max / (csize - 1);
                                if (check1 == 0x44 && check2 == 0x20 && step > 0) {
                                    for (int i = 0; i < csize; i++) {
                                        curve[i * step] = s.readShort();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
                                        int n = i % step;
                                        curve[i] = (curve[i - n] * (step - n) + curve[i - n + step] * n) / step;
                                    split = s.readShort();
                                } else {
                                    int maxValue = (int) Math.pow(2, bps) - 1;
                                    Arrays.fill(curve, maxValue);
                                    int nElements = (int) (s.length() - s.getFilePointer()) / 2;
                                    if (nElements < 100) {
                                        for (int i = 0; i < curve.length; i++) {
                                            curve[i] = (short) i;
                                    } else {
                                        for (int q = 0; q < nElements; q++) {
                                            curve[q] = s.readShort();
                            } else if (nextTag == WHITE_BALANCE_RGB_COEFFS) {
                                whiteBalance = (TiffRational[]) note.get(nextKey);
Also used : IFD(loci.formats.tiff.IFD) PhotoInterp(loci.formats.tiff.PhotoInterp) CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata) FormatException(loci.formats.FormatException) IOException( IFDList(loci.formats.tiff.IFDList) TiffParser(loci.formats.tiff.TiffParser) RandomAccessInputStream(loci.common.RandomAccessInputStream)

Example 20 with CoreMetadata

use of loci.formats.CoreMetadata in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class OIRReader method parseImageProperties.

private void parseImageProperties(Element root) throws FormatException {
    CoreMetadata m = core.get(0);
    Element general = getFirstChild(root, "commonimage:general");
    if (general != null) {
        Element creationDate = getFirstChild(general, "base:creationDateTime");
        if (creationDate != null) {
            String date = creationDate.getTextContent();
            acquisitionDate = new Timestamp(date);
    Element lsm = getFirstChild(root, "commonimage:lsm");
    if (lsm != null) {
        NodeList laserNodes = lsm.getElementsByTagName("commonimage:laser");
        for (int i = 0; i < laserNodes.getLength(); i++) {
            Element laser = (Element) laserNodes.item(i);
            Element idNode = getFirstChild(laser, "commonimage:id");
            Element nameNode = getFirstChild(laser, "commonimage:name");
            Laser l = new Laser();
            if (idNode != null) {
       = idNode.getTextContent();
            if (nameNode != null) {
       = nameNode.getTextContent();
    Element imageInfo = getFirstChild(root, "commonimage:imageInfo");
    if (imageInfo != null) {
        Element width = getFirstChild(imageInfo, "commonimage:width");
        Element height = getFirstChild(imageInfo, "commonimage:height");
        if (width != null && getSizeX() == 0) {
            m.sizeX = Integer.parseInt(width.getTextContent());
        if (height != null && getSizeY() == 0) {
            m.sizeY = Integer.parseInt(height.getTextContent());
        NodeList axisNodes = imageInfo.getElementsByTagName("commonimage:axis");
        if (axisNodes != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < axisNodes.getLength(); i++) {
                parseAxis((Element) axisNodes.item(i));
        NodeList channelNodes = imageInfo.getElementsByTagName("commonphase:channel");
        for (int i = 0; i < channelNodes.getLength(); i++) {
            Channel c = new Channel();
            Element channelNode = (Element) channelNodes.item(i);
   = channelNode.getAttribute("id");
            int index = Integer.parseInt(channelNode.getAttribute("order")) - 1;
            Element name = getFirstChild(channelNode, "commonphase:name");
            if (name != null) {
       = name.getTextContent();
            Element pinhole = getFirstChild(channelNode, "fvCommonphase:pinholeDiameter");
            if (pinhole != null) {
                Double pinholeSize = DataTools.parseDouble(pinhole.getTextContent());
                if (pinholeSize != null) {
                    c.pinhole = new Length(pinholeSize, UNITS.MICROMETER);
            Element startWavelength = getFirstChild(channelNode, "opticalelement:startWavelength");
            Element endWavelength = getFirstChild(channelNode, "opticalelement:endWavelength");
            if (startWavelength != null) {
                Double wave = DataTools.parseDouble(startWavelength.getTextContent());
                if (wave != null) {
                    c.excitation = FormatTools.getExcitationWavelength(wave);
            if (endWavelength != null) {
                Double wave = DataTools.parseDouble(endWavelength.getTextContent());
                if (wave != null) {
                    c.emission = FormatTools.getEmissionWavelength(wave);
            Element imageDefinition = getFirstChild(channelNode, "commonphase:imageDefinition");
            if (imageDefinition != null) {
                Element depth = getFirstChild(imageDefinition, "commonphase:depth");
                Element bitCount = getFirstChild(imageDefinition, "commonphase:bitCounts");
                if (depth != null) {
                    int bytes = Integer.parseInt(depth.getTextContent());
                    m.pixelType = FormatTools.pixelTypeFromBytes(bytes, false, false);
                if (bitCount != null) {
                    m.bitsPerPixel = Integer.parseInt(bitCount.getTextContent());
            Element length = getFirstChild(channelNode, "commonphase:length");
            Element pixelUnit = getFirstChild(channelNode, "commonphase:pixelUnit");
            if (length != null) {
                Element xLength = getFirstChild(length, "commonparam:x");
                Element xUnit = getFirstChild(pixelUnit, "commonphase:x");
                if (xLength != null) {
                    Double x = DataTools.parseDouble(xLength.getTextContent());
                    String unit = null;
                    if (xUnit != null) {
                        unit = xUnit.getTextContent();
                    physicalSizeX = FormatTools.getPhysicalSize(x, unit);
                Element yLength = getFirstChild(length, "commonparam:y");
                Element yUnit = getFirstChild(pixelUnit, "commonphase:y");
                if (yLength != null) {
                    Double y = DataTools.parseDouble(yLength.getTextContent());
                    String unit = null;
                    if (yUnit != null) {
                        unit = yUnit.getTextContent();
                    physicalSizeY = FormatTools.getPhysicalSize(y, unit);
                Element zLength = getFirstChild(length, "commonparam:z");
                Element zUnit = getFirstChild(pixelUnit, "commonphase:z");
                if (zLength != null) {
                    Double z = DataTools.parseDouble(zLength.getTextContent());
                    String unit = null;
                    if (zUnit != null) {
                        unit = zUnit.getTextContent();
                    physicalSizeZ = FormatTools.getPhysicalSize(z, unit);
            while (index > channels.size()) {
            if (index == channels.size()) {
            } else {
                channels.set(index, c);
    for (int i = 0; i < channels.size(); i++) {
        if (channels.get(i) == null) {
    Element acquisition = getFirstChild(root, "commonimage:acquisition");
    if (acquisition == null) {
        acquisition = getFirstChild(root, "lsmimage:acquisition");
    if (acquisition != null) {
        Element microscopeConfiguration = getFirstChild(acquisition, "commonimage:microscopeConfiguration");
        if (microscopeConfiguration != null) {
            NodeList objectiveLenses = microscopeConfiguration.getElementsByTagName("commonimage:objectiveLens");
            if (objectiveLenses != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < objectiveLenses.getLength(); i++) {
                    Element lens = (Element) objectiveLenses.item(i);
                    Objective objective = new Objective();
                    Element lensName = getFirstChild(lens, "opticalelement:displayName");
                    Element magnification = getFirstChild(lens, "opticalelement:magnification");
                    Element na = getFirstChild(lens, "opticalelement:naValue");
                    Element wd = getFirstChild(lens, "opticalelement:wdValue");
                    Element refraction = getFirstChild(lens, "opticalelement:refraction");
                    Element immersion = getFirstChild(lens, "opticalelement:immersion");
                    if (lensName != null) {
               = lensName.getTextContent();
                    if (magnification != null) {
                        objective.magnification = DataTools.parseDouble(magnification.getTextContent());
                    if (na != null) {
               = DataTools.parseDouble(na.getTextContent());
                    if (wd != null) {
                        objective.wd = DataTools.parseDouble(wd.getTextContent());
                    if (refraction != null) {
                        objective.ri = DataTools.parseDouble(refraction.getTextContent());
                    if (immersion != null) {
                        objective.immersion = getImmersion(immersion.getTextContent());
        Element imagingParam = getFirstChild(acquisition, "commonimage:imagingParam");
        if (imagingParam == null) {
            imagingParam = getFirstChild(acquisition, "lsmimage:imagingParam");
        if (imagingParam != null) {
            NodeList axes = imagingParam.getElementsByTagName("commonparam:axis");
            if (axes != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < axes.getLength(); i++) {
                    Element dimensionAxis = (Element) axes.item(i);
                    if (dimensionAxis.hasAttribute("enable") && dimensionAxis.getAttribute("enable").equals("true") && (!dimensionAxis.hasAttribute("paramEnable") || dimensionAxis.getAttribute("paramEnable").equals("true"))) {
            NodeList pmts = imagingParam.getElementsByTagName("lsmparam:pmt");
            if (pmts != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < pmts.getLength(); i++) {
                    Element pmt = (Element) pmts.item(i);
                    Detector detector = new Detector();
           = pmt.getAttribute("detectorId");
                    detector.channelId = pmt.getAttribute("channelId");
                    Element voltage = getFirstChild(pmt, "lsmparam:voltage");
                    Element offset = getFirstChild(pmt, "lsmparam:offset");
                    Element gain = getFirstChild(pmt, "lsmparam:gain");
                    if (voltage != null) {
                        detector.voltage = DataTools.parseDouble(voltage.getTextContent());
                    if (offset != null) {
                        detector.offset = DataTools.parseDouble(offset.getTextContent());
                    if (gain != null) {
                        detector.gain = DataTools.parseDouble(gain.getTextContent());
            NodeList mainLasers = imagingParam.getElementsByTagName("lsmparam:mainLaser");
            if (mainLasers != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < mainLasers.getLength(); i++) {
                    Element mainLaser = (Element) mainLasers.item(i);
                    String id = mainLaser.getAttribute("laserDataId");
                    Laser currentLaser = null;
                    for (int laser = 0; laser < lasers.size(); laser++) {
                        if (id.startsWith(lasers.get(laser).id)) {
                            currentLaser = lasers.get(laser);
                    if (currentLaser == null) {
                    currentLaser.dataId = id;
                    Element power = getFirstChild(mainLaser, "commonparam:power");
                    Element transmissivity = getFirstChild(mainLaser, "commonparam:transmissivity");
                    if (power != null) {
                        currentLaser.power = DataTools.parseDouble(power.getTextContent());
                    if (transmissivity != null) {
                        currentLaser.transmissivity = DataTools.parseDouble(transmissivity.getTextContent());
            Element resolution = getFirstChild(imagingParam, "commonparam:pixelResolution");
            if (resolution != null) {
                Element x = getFirstChild(resolution, "commonparam:x");
                Element y = getFirstChild(resolution, "commonparam:y");
                Element z = getFirstChild(resolution, "commonparam:z");
                if (x != null && physicalSizeX == null) {
                    Double xValue = DataTools.parseDouble(x.getTextContent());
                    physicalSizeX = FormatTools.getPhysicalSize(xValue, null);
                if (y != null && physicalSizeY == null) {
                    Double yValue = DataTools.parseDouble(y.getTextContent());
                    physicalSizeY = FormatTools.getPhysicalSize(yValue, null);
                if (z != null && physicalSizeZ == null) {
                    Double zValue = DataTools.parseDouble(z.getTextContent());
                    physicalSizeZ = FormatTools.getPhysicalSize(zValue, null);
        NodeList imagingMainLasers = acquisition.getElementsByTagName("lsmimage:imagingMainLaser");
        if (imagingMainLasers != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < imagingMainLasers.getLength(); i++) {
                Element mainLaser = (Element) imagingMainLasers.item(i);
                String id = mainLaser.getAttribute("id");
                String enable = mainLaser.getAttribute("enable");
                if ("true".equals(enable)) {
                    Element wavelength = getFirstChild(mainLaser, "commonimage:wavelength");
                    if (wavelength != null) {
                        for (Laser l : lasers) {
                            if (id.equals(l.dataId)) {
                                l.wavelength = DataTools.parseDouble(wavelength.getTextContent());
        NodeList channelLinkages = acquisition.getElementsByTagName("commonphase:channel");
        // if not, clear and re-populate the channel list
        for (int c = 0; c < channels.size(); c++) {
            String id = channels.get(c).id;
            boolean hasUID = false;
            for (String uid : pixelBlocks.keySet()) {
                if (uid.indexOf(id) >= 0) {
                    hasUID = true;
            if (!hasUID) {
        boolean appendChannels = channels.size() == 0;
        if (channelLinkages != null && channelLinkages.getLength() > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < channelLinkages.getLength(); i++) {
                Element channel = (Element) channelLinkages.item(i);
                parseChannel(channel, appendChannels);
        } else {
            // so far seems to only be needed for the oldest (software version 1.2.x) files
            channelLinkages = acquisition.getElementsByTagName("lsmimage:channel");
            for (int i = 0; i < channelLinkages.getLength(); i++) {
                Element channel = (Element) channelLinkages.item(i);
                parseChannel(channel, appendChannels);
Also used : Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata) Timestamp(ome.xml.model.primitives.Timestamp) Length(ome.units.quantity.Length)


CoreMetadata (loci.formats.CoreMetadata)211 MetadataStore (loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore)130 RandomAccessInputStream (loci.common.RandomAccessInputStream)108 FormatException (loci.formats.FormatException)87 Length (ome.units.quantity.Length)74 Location (loci.common.Location)55 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)50 Timestamp (ome.xml.model.primitives.Timestamp)44 IFD (loci.formats.tiff.IFD)33 Time (ome.units.quantity.Time)30 IOException ( TiffParser (loci.formats.tiff.TiffParser)19 PhotoInterp (loci.formats.tiff.PhotoInterp)17 NonNegativeInteger (ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeInteger)16 IFDList (loci.formats.tiff.IFDList)15 DependencyException ( ServiceFactory ( PositiveInteger (ome.xml.model.primitives.PositiveInteger)13 IniList (loci.common.IniList)9 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)8