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Example 36 with FormatException

use of loci.formats.FormatException in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class IvisionReader method openBytes.

 * @see loci.formats.IFormatReader#openBytes(int, byte[], int, int, int, int)
public byte[] openBytes(int no, byte[] buf, int x, int y, int w, int h) throws FormatException, IOException {
    FormatTools.checkPlaneParameters(this, no, buf.length, x, y, w, h);
    int planeSize = getSizeX() * getSizeY() * getSizeC();
    if (color16)
        planeSize = 2 * (planeSize / 3);
    else if (squareRoot)
        planeSize *= 2;
    else if (hasPaddingByte) {
        planeSize += getSizeX() * getSizeY();
    } else
        planeSize *= FormatTools.getBytesPerPixel(getPixelType()); + planeSize * no);
    if (color16) {
        // TODO
        throw new FormatException("16-bit color iVision files are not supported");
    } else if (squareRoot) {
        // TODO
        throw new FormatException("Square-root iVision files are not supported");
    } else if (hasPaddingByte) {
        int next = 0;
        in.skipBytes(y * getSizeX() * getSizeC());
        for (int row = 0; row < h; row++) {
            in.skipBytes(x * getSizeC());
            for (int col = 0; col < w; col++) {
      , next, getSizeC());
                next += getSizeC();
            in.skipBytes(getSizeC() * (getSizeX() - w - x));
    } else
        readPlane(in, x, y, w, h, buf);
    return buf;
Also used : FormatException(loci.formats.FormatException)

Example 37 with FormatException

use of loci.formats.FormatException in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class KhorosReader method initFile.

// -- Internal FormatReader API methods --
/* @see loci.formats.FormatReader#initFile(String) */
protected void initFile(String id) throws FormatException, IOException {
    in = new RandomAccessInputStream(id);
    int dependency = in.readInt();
    addGlobalMeta("Comment", in.readString(512));
    in.order(dependency == 4 || dependency == 8);
    CoreMetadata m = core.get(0);
    m.sizeX = in.readInt();
    m.sizeY = in.readInt();
    m.imageCount = in.readInt();
    if (getImageCount() == 0)
        m.imageCount = 1;
    m.sizeC = in.readInt();
    int type = in.readInt();
    switch(type) {
        case 0:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.INT8;
        case 1:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.UINT8;
        case 2:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.UINT16;
        case 4:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.INT32;
        case 5:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.FLOAT;
        case 9:
            m.pixelType = FormatTools.DOUBLE;
            throw new FormatException("Unsupported pixel type : " + type);
    // read lookup table
    int c = in.readInt();
    if (c > 1) {
        m.sizeC = c;
        int n = in.readInt();
        lut = new byte[c][n];
        for (int i = 0; i < lut.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < lut[0].length; j++) {
                lut[i][j] = in.readByte();
    } else
    offset = in.getFilePointer();
    m.sizeZ = getImageCount();
    m.sizeT = 1;
    m.rgb = getSizeC() > 1;
    m.interleaved = false;
    m.littleEndian = dependency == 4 || dependency == 8;
    m.dimensionOrder = "XYCZT";
    m.indexed = lut != null;
    m.falseColor = false;
    m.metadataComplete = true;
    if (isIndexed()) {
        m.sizeC = 1;
        m.rgb = false;
    MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata();
    MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this);
Also used : MetadataStore(loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore) RandomAccessInputStream(loci.common.RandomAccessInputStream) CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata) FormatException(loci.formats.FormatException)

Example 38 with FormatException

use of loci.formats.FormatException in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class L2DReader method initFile.

// -- Internal FormatReader API methods --
/* @see loci.formats.FormatReader#initFile(String) */
protected void initFile(String id) throws FormatException, IOException {
    if (!checkSuffix(id, "l2d") && isGroupFiles()) {
        // find the corresponding .l2d file
        Location parent = new Location(id).getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
        parent = parent.getParentFile();
        String[] list = parent.list();
        for (String file : list) {
            if (checkSuffix(file, "l2d")) {
                initFile(new Location(parent, file).getAbsolutePath());
        throw new FormatException("Could not find .l2d file");
    } else if (!isGroupFiles()) {
        tiffs = new String[][] { { id } };
        TiffReader r = new TiffReader();
        core = new ArrayList<CoreMetadata>(r.getCoreMetadataList());
        metadataStore = r.getMetadataStore();
        final Map<String, Object> globalMetadata = r.getGlobalMetadata();
        for (final Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : globalMetadata.entrySet()) {
            addGlobalMeta(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        reader = new MinimalTiffReader();
    String[] scans = getScanNames();
    Location parent = new Location(id).getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
    // remove scan names that do not correspond to existing directories
    final List<String> validScans = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String s : scans) {
        Location scanDir = new Location(parent, s);
        if (scanDir.exists() && scanDir.isDirectory())
    scans = validScans.toArray(new String[validScans.size()]);
    // read metadata from each scan
    tiffs = new String[scans.length][];
    metadataFiles = new List[scans.length];
    core = new ArrayList<CoreMetadata>(scans.length);
    String[] comments = new String[scans.length];
    String[] wavelengths = new String[scans.length];
    String[] dates = new String[scans.length];
    String model = null;
    tileWidth = new int[scans.length];
    tileHeight = new int[scans.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < scans.length; i++) {
        CoreMetadata ms = new CoreMetadata();
        metadataFiles[i] = new ArrayList<String>();
        String scanName = scans[i] + ".scn";
        Location scanDir = new Location(parent, scans[i]);
        // read .scn file from each scan
        String scanPath = new Location(scanDir, scanName).getAbsolutePath();
        addDirectory(scanDir.getAbsolutePath(), i);
        String scanData = DataTools.readFile(scanPath);
        String[] lines = scanData.split("\n");
        for (String line : lines) {
            if (!line.startsWith("#")) {
                String key = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('='));
                String value = line.substring(line.indexOf('=') + 1);
                addSeriesMeta(key, value);
                if (key.equals("ExperimentNames")) {
                // TODO : parse experiment metadata - this is typically a list of
                // overlay shapes, or analysis data
                } else if (key.equals("ImageNames")) {
                    tiffs[i] = value.split(",");
                    for (int t = 0; t < tiffs[i].length; t++) {
                        tiffs[i][t] = new Location(scanDir, tiffs[i][t].trim()).getAbsolutePath();
                } else if (key.equals("Comments")) {
                    comments[i] = value;
                } else if (key.equals("ScanDate")) {
                    dates[i] = value;
                } else if (key.equals("ScannerName")) {
                    model = value;
                } else if (key.equals("ScanChannels")) {
                    wavelengths[i] = value;
    reader = new MinimalTiffReader();
    MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata();
    for (int i = 0; i < getSeriesCount(); i++) {
        CoreMetadata ms = core.get(i);
        ms.imageCount = tiffs[i].length;
        ms.sizeC = tiffs[i].length;
        ms.sizeT = 1;
        ms.sizeZ = 1;
        ms.dimensionOrder = "XYCZT";
        ms.sizeX = reader.getSizeX();
        ms.sizeY = reader.getSizeY();
        ms.sizeC *= reader.getSizeC();
        ms.rgb = reader.isRGB();
        ms.indexed = reader.isIndexed();
        ms.littleEndian = reader.isLittleEndian();
        ms.pixelType = reader.getPixelType();
        tileWidth[i] = reader.getOptimalTileWidth();
        tileHeight[i] = reader.getOptimalTileHeight();
    MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this);
    for (int i = 0; i < getSeriesCount(); i++) {
        store.setImageName(scans[i], i);
        if (dates[i] != null) {
            dates[i] = DateTools.formatDate(dates[i], DATE_FORMAT);
            if (dates[i] != null) {
                store.setImageAcquisitionDate(new Timestamp(dates[i]), i);
    if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() != MetadataLevel.MINIMUM) {
        String instrumentID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Instrument", 0);
        store.setInstrumentID(instrumentID, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < getSeriesCount(); i++) {
            store.setImageInstrumentRef(instrumentID, i);
            store.setImageDescription(comments[i], i);
            if (wavelengths[i] != null) {
                String[] waves = wavelengths[i].split("[, ]");
                if (waves.length < getEffectiveSizeC()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Expected {} wavelengths; got {} wavelengths.", getEffectiveSizeC(), waves.length);
                for (int q = 0; q < waves.length; q++) {
                    String laser = MetadataTools.createLSID("LightSource", 0, q);
                    store.setLaserID(laser, 0, q);
                    Double wave = new Double(waves[q].trim());
                    Length wavelength = FormatTools.getWavelength(wave);
                    if (wavelength != null) {
                        store.setLaserWavelength(wavelength, 0, q);
                    store.setLaserType(getLaserType("Other"), 0, q);
                    store.setLaserLaserMedium(getLaserMedium("Other"), 0, q);
                    store.setChannelLightSourceSettingsID(laser, i, q);
        store.setMicroscopeModel(model, 0);
        store.setMicroscopeType(getMicroscopeType("Other"), 0);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata) Timestamp(ome.xml.model.primitives.Timestamp) FormatException(loci.formats.FormatException) MetadataStore(loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore) Length(ome.units.quantity.Length) Map(java.util.Map) Location(loci.common.Location)

Example 39 with FormatException

use of loci.formats.FormatException in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class WrappedCodec method getOptions.

protected static ome.codecs.CodecOptions getOptions(CodecOptions options) throws FormatException {
    if (options == null) {
        return null;
    ome.codecs.CodecOptions newOptions = null;
    Class c = options.getClass();
    if (c.equals(HuffmanCodecOptions.class)) {
        newOptions = new ome.codecs.HuffmanCodecOptions();
        copyOptions(options, newOptions);
        ((ome.codecs.HuffmanCodecOptions) newOptions).table = ((HuffmanCodecOptions) options).table;
    } else if (c.equals(JPEG2000CodecOptions.class)) {
        newOptions = new ome.codecs.JPEG2000CodecOptions();
        copyOptions(options, newOptions);
        ((ome.codecs.JPEG2000CodecOptions) newOptions).codeBlockSize = ((JPEG2000CodecOptions) options).codeBlockSize;
        ((ome.codecs.JPEG2000CodecOptions) newOptions).numDecompositionLevels = ((JPEG2000CodecOptions) options).numDecompositionLevels;
        ((ome.codecs.JPEG2000CodecOptions) newOptions).resolution = ((JPEG2000CodecOptions) options).resolution;
        ((ome.codecs.JPEG2000CodecOptions) newOptions).writeBox = ((JPEG2000CodecOptions) options).writeBox;
    } else if (c.equals(MJPBCodecOptions.class)) {
        newOptions = new ome.codecs.MJPBCodecOptions();
        copyOptions(options, newOptions);
        ((ome.codecs.MJPBCodecOptions) newOptions).interlaced = ((MJPBCodecOptions) options).interlaced;
    } else if (c.equals(CodecOptions.class)) {
        newOptions = new ome.codecs.CodecOptions();
        copyOptions(options, newOptions);
    } else {
        throw new FormatException("Unwrapped codec: " + c.getName());
    return newOptions;
Also used : FormatException(loci.formats.FormatException)

Example 40 with FormatException

use of loci.formats.FormatException in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class WrappedCodec method unwrapCodecException.

static FormatException unwrapCodecException(ome.codecs.CodecException e) {
    FormatException fe;
    if (e.getMessage() != null) {
        fe = new FormatException(e.getMessage());
    } else {
        fe = new FormatException();
    if (e.getCause() != null) {
    return fe;
Also used : FormatException(loci.formats.FormatException)


FormatException (loci.formats.FormatException)246 IOException ( CoreMetadata (loci.formats.CoreMetadata)86 RandomAccessInputStream (loci.common.RandomAccessInputStream)73 MetadataStore (loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore)66 Location (loci.common.Location)48 DependencyException ( ServiceException ( Length (ome.units.quantity.Length)39 ServiceFactory ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)33 IFD (loci.formats.tiff.IFD)32 TiffParser (loci.formats.tiff.TiffParser)25 OMEXMLService ( Time (ome.units.quantity.Time)23 Timestamp (ome.xml.model.primitives.Timestamp)23 ImagePlus (ij.ImagePlus)21 ImageReader (loci.formats.ImageReader)20 IMetadata (loci.formats.meta.IMetadata)18 IFormatReader (loci.formats.IFormatReader)14