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Example 96 with MetadataStore

use of loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class CellVoyagerReader method readInfo.

private void readInfo(final Document msDocument, final Document omeDocument) throws FormatException {
     * Magnification.
     * We need it early, because the file format reports only un-magnified
     * sizes. So if we are to put proper metadata, we need to make the
     * conversion to size measured at the sample level ourselves. I feel
     * like this is fragile and most likely to change in a future version of
     * the file format.
    final Element msRoot = msDocument.getDocumentElement();
    final double objectiveMagnification = Double.parseDouble(getChildText(msRoot, new String[] { "ObjectiveLens", "Magnification" }));
    // final double zoomLensMagnification = Double.parseDouble(
    // getChildText( msRoot, new String[] { "ZoomLens", "Magnification",
    // "Value" } ) );
    // *
    final double magnification = objectiveMagnification;
    // zoomLensMagnification;
     * Read the ome.xml file. Since it is malformed, we need to parse all
     * nodes, and add an "ID" attribute to those who do not have it.
    final NodeList nodeList = omeDocument.getElementsByTagName("*");
    for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) {
        final Node node = nodeList.item(i);
        if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            final NamedNodeMap atts = node.getAttributes();
            final Node namedItem = atts.getNamedItem("ID");
            if (namedItem == null) {
                final String name = node.getNodeName();
                final String id = name + ":" + i;
                if (!node.getParentNode().getNodeName().equals("LightSource")) {
                    ((Element) node).setAttribute("ID", id);
     * For single-slice image, the PhysicalSizeZ can be 0, which will make
     * the metadata read fail. Correct that.
    final Element pszEl = getChild(omeDocument.getDocumentElement(), new String[] { "Image", "Pixels" });
    final double physicalSizeZ = Double.parseDouble(pszEl.getAttribute("PhysicalSizeZ"));
    if (physicalSizeZ <= 0) {
        // default to 1 whatever
        pszEl.setAttribute("PhysicalSizeZ", "" + 1);
     * Now that the XML document is properly formed, we can build a metadata
     * object from it.
    OMEXMLService service = null;
    String xml = null;
    try {
        xml = XMLTools.getXML(omeDocument);
    } catch (final TransformerConfigurationException e2) {
        LOGGER.debug("", e2);
    } catch (final TransformerException e2) {
        LOGGER.debug("", e2);
    try {
        service = new ServiceFactory().getInstance(OMEXMLService.class);
    } catch (final DependencyException e1) {
        LOGGER.debug("", e1);
    OMEXMLMetadata omeMD = null;
    try {
        omeMD = service.createOMEXMLMetadata(xml);
    } catch (final ServiceException e) {
        LOGGER.debug("", e);
    } catch (final NullPointerException npe) {
        LOGGER.debug("", npe);
        throw npe;
    // Correct pixel size for magnification
    omeMD.setPixelsPhysicalSizeX(FormatTools.createLength(omeMD.getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(0).value().doubleValue() / magnification, omeMD.getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(0).unit()), 0);
    omeMD.setPixelsPhysicalSizeY(FormatTools.createLength(omeMD.getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(0).value().doubleValue() / magnification, omeMD.getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(0).unit()), 0);
    // Time interval
    if (Double.valueOf(readFrameInterval(msDocument)) != null) {
        omeMD.setPixelsTimeIncrement(new Time(Double.valueOf(readFrameInterval(msDocument)), UNITS.SECOND), 0);
     * Channels
    final Element channelsEl = getChild(msRoot, "Channels");
    final List<Element> channelEls = getChildren(channelsEl, "Channel");
    channelInfos = new ArrayList<ChannelInfo>();
    for (final Element channelEl : channelEls) {
        final boolean isEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(getChildText(channelEl, "IsEnabled"));
        if (!isEnabled) {
        final ChannelInfo ci = readChannel(channelEl);
     * Fix missing IDs.
     * Some IDs are missing in the malformed OME.XML file. We must put them
     * back manually. Some are fixed here
    omeMD.setProjectID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Project", 0), 0);
    omeMD.setScreenID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Screen", 0), 0);
    omeMD.setPlateID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Plate", 0), 0);
    omeMD.setInstrumentID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Instrument", 0), 0);
    // Read pixel sizes from OME metadata.
    final double pixelWidth = omeMD.getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(0).value().doubleValue();
    final double pixelHeight = omeMD.getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(0).value().doubleValue();
     * Read tile size from channel info. This is weird, but it's like that.
     * Since we build a multi-C image, we have to assume that all channels
     * have the same dimension, even if the file format allows for changing
     * the size, binning, etc. from channel to channel. Failure to load
     * datasets that have this exoticity is to be sought here.
    final int tileWidth = channelInfos.get(0).tileWidth;
    final int tileHeight = channelInfos.get(0).tileHeight;
     * Handle multiple wells.
     * The same kind of remark apply: We assume that a channel setting can
     * be applied to ALL wells. So this file reader will fail for dataset
     * that have one well that has a different dimension that of others.
     * First remark: there can be two modes to store Areas in the xml file:
     * Either we define different areas for each well, and in that case, the
     * areas are found as a child element of the well element. Either the
     * definition of areas is common to all wells, and in that case they
     * area defined in a separate element.
    final boolean sameAreaPerWell = Boolean.parseBoolean(getChildText(msRoot, "UsesSameAreaParWell"));
    List<AreaInfo> areas = null;
    if (sameAreaPerWell) {
        final Element areasEl = getChild(msRoot, new String[] { "SameAreaUsingWell", "Areas" });
        final List<Element> areaEls = getChildren(areasEl, "Area");
        int areaIndex = 0;
        areas = new ArrayList<AreaInfo>(areaEls.size());
        int fieldIndex = 1;
        for (final Element areaEl : areaEls) {
            final AreaInfo area = readArea(areaEl, fieldIndex, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight);
            area.index = areaIndex++;
            // Continue incrementing field index across areas.
            fieldIndex = area.fields.get(area.fields.size() - 1).index + 1;
    final Element wellsEl = getChild(msRoot, "Wells");
    final List<Element> wellEls = getChildren(wellsEl, "Well");
    wells = new ArrayList<WellInfo>();
    for (final Element wellEl : wellEls) {
        final boolean isWellEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(getChild(wellEl, "IsEnabled").getTextContent());
        if (isWellEnabled) {
            final WellInfo wi = readWellInfo(wellEl, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight);
            if (sameAreaPerWell) {
                wi.areas = areas;
     * Z range.
     * In this file format, the Z range appears to be general: it applies to
     * all fields of all wells.
    final int nZSlices = Integer.parseInt(getChildText(msRoot, new String[] { "ZStackConditions", "NumberOfSlices" }));
     * Time points. They are general as well. Which just makes sense.
    timePoints = readTimePoints(msDocument);
     * Populate CORE metadata for each area.
     * This reader takes to convention that state that 1 area = 1 series. So
     * if you have 10 wells with 2 areas in each well, and each area is made
     * of 20 fields, you will get 20 series, and each series will be
     * stitched from 20 fields.
    OMEXMLMetadataRoot root = (OMEXMLMetadataRoot) omeMD.getRoot();
    Image firstImage = root.getImage(0);
    for (final WellInfo well : wells) {
        for (final AreaInfo area : well.areas) {
            final CoreMetadata ms = new CoreMetadata();
            if (core.size() > 1) {
            ms.sizeX = area.width;
            ms.sizeY = area.height;
            ms.sizeZ = nZSlices;
            ms.sizeC = channelInfos.size();
            ms.sizeT = timePoints.size();
            ms.dimensionOrder = "XYCZT";
            ms.rgb = false;
            ms.imageCount = nZSlices * channelInfos.size() * timePoints.size();
            // Bit depth.
            switch(omeMD.getPixelsType(0)) {
                case UINT8:
                    ms.pixelType = FormatTools.UINT8;
                    ms.bitsPerPixel = 8;
                case UINT16:
                    ms.pixelType = FormatTools.UINT16;
                    ms.bitsPerPixel = 16;
                case UINT32:
                    ms.pixelType = FormatTools.UINT32;
                    ms.bitsPerPixel = 32;
                    throw new FormatException("Cannot read image with pixel type = " + omeMD.getPixelsType(0));
            // Determined manually on sample data. Check here is the image
            // you get is weird.
            ms.littleEndian = true;
     * Populate the MetadataStore.
    final MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata();
    MetadataConverter.convertMetadata(omeMD, store);
    MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this, true);
     * Pinhole disk
    final double pinholeSize = Double.parseDouble(getChildText(msRoot, new String[] { "PinholeDisk", "PinholeSize_um" }));
     * MicroPlate specific stuff
    final Element containerEl = getChild(msRoot, new String[] { "Attachment", "HolderInfoList", "HolderInfo", "MountedSampleContainer" });
    final String type = containerEl.getAttribute("xsi:type");
    boolean plateMetadata = false;
    if (type.equals("WellPlate")) {
        plateMetadata = true;
        final int nrows = Integer.parseInt(getChildText(containerEl, "RowCount"));
        final int ncols = Integer.parseInt(getChildText(containerEl, "ColumnCount"));
        store.setPlateRows(new PositiveInteger(nrows), 0);
        store.setPlateColumns(new PositiveInteger(ncols), 0);
        final String plateAcqID = MetadataTools.createLSID("PlateAcquisition", 0, 0);
        store.setPlateAcquisitionID(plateAcqID, 0, 0);
        final Element dimInfoEl = getChild(msRoot, "DimensionsInfo");
        final int maxNFields = Integer.parseInt(getChild(dimInfoEl, "F").getAttribute("Max"));
        final PositiveInteger fieldCount = FormatTools.getMaxFieldCount(maxNFields);
        if (fieldCount != null) {
            store.setPlateAcquisitionMaximumFieldCount(fieldCount, 0, 0);
        // Plate acquisition time
        final String beginTime = getChildText(msRoot, "BeginTime");
        final String endTime = getChildText(msRoot, "EndTime");
        store.setPlateAcquisitionStartTime(new Timestamp(beginTime), 0, 0);
        store.setPlateAcquisitionEndTime(new Timestamp(endTime), 0, 0);
        store.setPlateName(beginTime, 0);
    } else if (!type.equals("PreparedSlide")) {
        LOGGER.warn("Unexpected acquisition type: {}", type);
    // Wells position on the plate
    int seriesIndex = -1;
    int wellIndex = -1;
    for (final WellInfo well : wells) {
        final int wellNumber = well.number;
        if (plateMetadata) {
            store.setWellID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Well", 0, wellIndex), 0, wellIndex);
            store.setWellRow(new NonNegativeInteger(well.row), 0, wellIndex);
            store.setWellColumn(new NonNegativeInteger(well.col), 0, wellIndex);
        int areaIndex = -1;
        for (final AreaInfo area : well.areas) {
            String imageID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Image", seriesIndex);
            store.setImageID(imageID, seriesIndex);
            final String imageName = "Well " + wellNumber + " (UID=" + well.UID + ", r=" + well.row + ", c=" + well.col + ") - Area " + areaIndex;
            store.setImageName(imageName, seriesIndex);
            if (plateMetadata) {
                Length posX = new Length(Double.valueOf(well.centerX), UNITS.REFERENCEFRAME);
                Length posY = new Length(Double.valueOf(well.centerY), UNITS.REFERENCEFRAME);
                String wellSample = MetadataTools.createLSID("WellSample", 0, wellIndex, areaIndex);
                store.setWellSampleID(wellSample, 0, wellIndex, areaIndex);
                store.setWellSampleImageRef(imageID, 0, wellIndex, areaIndex);
                store.setWellSampleIndex(new NonNegativeInteger(area.index), 0, wellIndex, areaIndex);
                store.setWellSamplePositionX(posX, 0, wellIndex, areaIndex);
                store.setWellSamplePositionY(posY, 0, wellIndex, areaIndex);
                store.setPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef(wellSample, 0, 0, seriesIndex);
            store.setImageInstrumentRef(MetadataTools.createLSID("Instrument", 0), seriesIndex);
            for (int i = 0; i < channelInfos.size(); i++) {
                store.setChannelPinholeSize(new Length(pinholeSize, UNITS.MICROMETER), seriesIndex, i);
                store.setChannelName(channelInfos.get(i).name, seriesIndex, i);
                store.setChannelColor(channelInfos.get(i).color, seriesIndex, i);
Also used : TransformerConfigurationException(javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException) ServiceFactory( Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) Time(ome.units.quantity.Time) Image(ome.xml.model.Image) Timestamp(ome.xml.model.primitives.Timestamp) OMEXMLService( TransformerException(javax.xml.transform.TransformerException) PositiveInteger(ome.xml.model.primitives.PositiveInteger) NamedNodeMap(org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap) NonNegativeInteger(ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeInteger) NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) DependencyException( CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata) FormatException(loci.formats.FormatException) MetadataStore(loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore) ServiceException( Length(ome.units.quantity.Length) OMEXMLMetadata(loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadata) OMEXMLMetadataRoot(ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataRoot)

Example 97 with MetadataStore

use of loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class CellWorxReader method initFile.

// -- Internal FormatReader API methods --
/* @see loci.formats.FormatReader#initFile(String) */
protected void initFile(String id) throws FormatException, IOException {
    if (!checkSuffix(id, "htd")) {"Searching for .htd file");
        String base = new Location(id).getAbsolutePath();
        base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf("_"));
        id = base + ".HTD";
        if (!new Location(id).exists()) {
            Location parent = new Location(id).getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
            directoryList = parent.list(true);
            for (String f : directoryList) {
                if (checkSuffix(f, "htd")) {
                    id = new Location(parent, f).getAbsolutePath();
          "Found .htd file {}", f);
    try {
        ServiceFactory factory = new ServiceFactory();
        service = factory.getInstance(OMEXMLService.class);
    } catch (DependencyException exc) {
        throw new FormatException("Could not create OME-XML store.", exc);
    String plateData = DataTools.readFile(id);
    String[] lines = plateData.split("\n");
    int xWells = 0, yWells = 0;
    int xFields = 0, yFields = 0;
    String[] wavelengths = null;
    int nTimepoints = 1;
    // determine dataset dimensions
    for (String line : lines) {
        int split = line.indexOf("\",");
        if (split < 1)
        String key = line.substring(1, split).trim();
        String value = line.substring(split + 2).trim();
        if (key.equals("XWells")) {
            xWells = Integer.parseInt(value);
        } else if (key.equals("YWells")) {
            yWells = Integer.parseInt(value);
            wellFiles = new String[yWells][xWells][];
            logFiles = new String[yWells][xWells];
        } else if (key.startsWith("WellsSelection")) {
            int row = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(14)) - 1;
            String[] mapping = value.split(",");
            for (int col = 0; col < xWells; col++) {
                if (new Boolean(mapping[col].trim()).booleanValue()) {
                    wellFiles[row][col] = new String[1];
        } else if (key.equals("XSites")) {
            xFields = Integer.parseInt(value);
        } else if (key.equals("YSites")) {
            yFields = Integer.parseInt(value);
            fieldMap = new boolean[yFields][xFields];
        } else if (key.equals("TimePoints")) {
            nTimepoints = Integer.parseInt(value);
        } else if (key.startsWith("SiteSelection")) {
            int row = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(13)) - 1;
            String[] mapping = value.split(",");
            for (int col = 0; col < xFields; col++) {
                fieldMap[row][col] = new Boolean(mapping[col].trim()).booleanValue();
        } else if (key.equals("Waves")) {
            doChannels = new Boolean(value.toLowerCase());
        } else if (key.equals("NWavelengths")) {
            wavelengths = new String[Integer.parseInt(value)];
        } else if (key.startsWith("WaveName")) {
            int index = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(8)) - 1;
            wavelengths[index] = value.replaceAll("\"", "");
    for (int row = 0; row < fieldMap.length; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < fieldMap[row].length; col++) {
            if (fieldMap[row][col])
    // find pixels files
    String plateName = new Location(id).getAbsolutePath();
    plateName = plateName.substring(0, plateName.lastIndexOf(".")) + "_";
    int wellCount = 0;
    for (int row = 0; row < wellFiles.length; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < wellFiles[row].length; col++) {
            if (wellFiles[row][col] != null) {
                char rowLetter = (char) (row + 'A');
                String base = plateName + rowLetter + String.format("%02d", col + 1);
                wellFiles[row][col][0] = base + ".pnl";
                logFiles[row][col] = base + "_scan.log";
                if (!new Location(wellFiles[row][col][0]).exists()) {
                    // using TIFF files instead
                    wellFiles[row][col] = getTiffFiles(plateName, rowLetter, col, wavelengths.length, nTimepoints);
    plateLogFile = plateName + "scan.log";
    String serialNumber = null;
    if (new Location(plateLogFile).exists()) {
        String[] f = DataTools.readFile(plateLogFile).split("\n");
        for (String line : f) {
            if (line.trim().startsWith("Z Map File")) {
                String file = line.substring(line.indexOf(':') + 1);
                file = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).trim();
                String parent = new Location(id).getAbsoluteFile().getParent();
                zMapFile = new Location(parent, file).getAbsolutePath();
            } else if (line.trim().startsWith("Scanner SN")) {
                serialNumber = line.substring(line.indexOf(':') + 1).trim();
    int seriesCount = fieldCount * wellCount;
    int planeIndex = 0;
    int seriesIndex = 0;
    String file = getFile(seriesIndex, planeIndex);
    while (!new Location(file).exists()) {
        if (planeIndex < nTimepoints * wavelengths.length) {
        } else if (seriesIndex < seriesCount - 1) {
            planeIndex = 0;
        } else {
        file = getFile(seriesIndex, planeIndex);
    IFormatReader pnl = getReader(file, true);
    for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++) {
        CoreMetadata ms = new CoreMetadata();
        ms.littleEndian = pnl.isLittleEndian();
        ms.sizeX = pnl.getSizeX();
        ms.sizeY = pnl.getSizeY();
        ms.pixelType = pnl.getPixelType();
        ms.sizeZ = 1;
        ms.sizeT = nTimepoints;
        ms.sizeC = wavelengths.length;
        ms.imageCount = getSizeZ() * getSizeC() * getSizeT();
        ms.dimensionOrder = "XYCZT";
        ms.rgb = false;
        ms.interleaved = pnl.isInterleaved();
    OMEXMLMetadata readerMetadata = (OMEXMLMetadata) pnl.getMetadataStore();
    OMEXMLMetadataRoot root = (OMEXMLMetadataRoot) readerMetadata.getRoot();
    Instrument instrument = root.getInstrument(0);
    List<Image> images = root.copyImageList();
    OMEXMLMetadataRoot convertRoot = new OMEXMLMetadataRoot();
    for (int i = 0; i < core.size() / images.size(); i++) {
        for (Image img : images) {
    OMEXMLMetadata convertMetadata;
    try {
        convertMetadata = service.createOMEXMLMetadata();
    } catch (ServiceException exc) {
        throw new FormatException("Could not create OME-XML store.", exc);
    MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata();
    MetadataConverter.convertMetadata(convertMetadata, store);
    MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this);
    String plateID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Plate", 0);
    Location plate = new Location(id).getAbsoluteFile();
    store.setPlateID(plateID, 0);
    plateName = plate.getName();
    if (plateName.indexOf('.') > 0) {
        plateName = plateName.substring(0, plateName.lastIndexOf('.'));
    store.setPlateName(plateName, 0);
    store.setPlateRows(new PositiveInteger(wellFiles.length), 0);
    store.setPlateColumns(new PositiveInteger(wellFiles[0].length), 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < core.size(); i++) {
        store.setImageID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Image", i), i);
    String plateAcqID = MetadataTools.createLSID("PlateAcquisition", 0, 0);
    store.setPlateAcquisitionID(plateAcqID, 0, 0);
    PositiveInteger fieldCount = FormatTools.getMaxFieldCount(fieldMap.length * fieldMap[0].length);
    if (fieldCount != null) {
        store.setPlateAcquisitionMaximumFieldCount(fieldCount, 0, 0);
    int nextImage = 0;
    for (int row = 0; row < wellFiles.length; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < wellFiles[row].length; col++) {
            int wellIndex = row * wellFiles[row].length + col;
            String wellID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Well", 0, wellIndex);
            store.setWellID(wellID, 0, wellIndex);
            store.setWellColumn(new NonNegativeInteger(col), 0, wellIndex);
            store.setWellRow(new NonNegativeInteger(row), 0, wellIndex);
            int fieldIndex = 0;
            for (int fieldRow = 0; fieldRow < fieldMap.length; fieldRow++) {
                for (int fieldCol = 0; fieldCol < fieldMap[fieldRow].length; fieldCol++) {
                    if (fieldMap[fieldRow][fieldCol] && wellFiles[row][col] != null) {
                        String wellSampleID = MetadataTools.createLSID("WellSample", 0, wellIndex, fieldIndex);
                        store.setWellSampleID(wellSampleID, 0, wellIndex, fieldIndex);
                        String imageID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Image", nextImage);
                        store.setWellSampleImageRef(imageID, 0, wellIndex, fieldIndex);
                        store.setWellSampleIndex(new NonNegativeInteger(nextImage), 0, wellIndex, fieldIndex);
                        store.setPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef(wellSampleID, 0, 0, nextImage);
                        String well = (char) (row + 'A') + String.format("%02d", col + 1);
                        store.setImageName("Well " + well + " Field #" + (fieldIndex + 1), nextImage);
    if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() != MetadataLevel.MINIMUM) {
        if (serialNumber != null) {
            store.setMicroscopeSerialNumber(serialNumber, 0);
        for (int well = 0; well < wellCount; well++) {
            parseWellLogFile(well, store);
        if (timestamps.size() > 0) {
            store.setPlateAcquisitionStartTime(timestamps.get(0), 0, 0);
            store.setPlateAcquisitionEndTime(timestamps.get(timestamps.size() - 1), 0, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < core.size(); i++) {
            for (int c = 0; c < getSizeC(); c++) {
                if (c < wavelengths.length && wavelengths[c] != null) {
                    store.setChannelName(wavelengths[c], i, c);
Also used : PositiveInteger(ome.xml.model.primitives.PositiveInteger) IFormatReader(loci.formats.IFormatReader) ServiceFactory( NonNegativeInteger(ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeInteger) DependencyException( Image(ome.xml.model.Image) CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata) OMEXMLService( FormatException(loci.formats.FormatException) MetadataStore(loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore) ServiceException( OMEXMLMetadata(loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadata) OMEXMLMetadataRoot(ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataRoot) Instrument(ome.xml.model.Instrument) Location(loci.common.Location)

Example 98 with MetadataStore

use of loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class CellomicsReader method initFile.

// -- Internal FormatReader API methods --
/* @see loci.formats.FormatReader#initFile(String) */
protected void initFile(String id) throws FormatException, IOException {
    // look for files with similar names
    Location baseFile = new Location(id).getAbsoluteFile();
    Location parent = baseFile.getParentFile();
    ArrayList<String> pixelFiles = new ArrayList<String>();
    String plateName = getPlateName(baseFile.getName());
    if (plateName != null && isGroupFiles()) {
        String[] list = parent.list();
        for (String f : list) {
            if (plateName.equals(getPlateName(f)) && (checkSuffix(f, "c01") || checkSuffix(f, "dib"))) {
                Location loc = new Location(parent, f);
                if ((!f.startsWith(".") || !loc.isHidden()) && getChannel(f) >= 0) {
    } else
    files = pixelFiles.toArray(new String[pixelFiles.size()]);
    int wellRows = 0;
    int wellColumns = 0;
    int fields = 0;
    ArrayList<Integer> uniqueRows = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    ArrayList<Integer> uniqueCols = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    ArrayList<Integer> uniqueFields = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    ArrayList<Integer> uniqueChannels = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (String f : files) {
        int wellRow = getWellRow(f);
        int wellCol = getWellColumn(f);
        int field = getField(f);
        int channel = getChannel(f);
        if (!uniqueRows.contains(wellRow))
        if (!uniqueCols.contains(wellCol))
        if (!uniqueFields.contains(field))
        if (!uniqueChannels.contains(channel))
    fields = uniqueFields.size();
    wellRows = uniqueRows.size();
    wellColumns = uniqueCols.size();
    if (fields * wellRows * wellColumns > files.length) {
        files = new String[] { id };
    Arrays.sort(files, new Comparator<String>() {

        public int compare(String f1, String f2) {
            int wellRow1 = getWellRow(f1);
            int wellCol1 = getWellColumn(f1);
            int field1 = getField(f1);
            int channel1 = getChannel(f1);
            int wellRow2 = getWellRow(f2);
            int wellCol2 = getWellColumn(f2);
            int field2 = getField(f2);
            int channel2 = getChannel(f2);
            if (wellRow1 < wellRow2) {
                return -1;
            } else if (wellRow1 > wellRow2) {
                return 1;
            if (wellCol1 < wellCol2) {
                return -1;
            } else if (wellCol1 > wellCol2) {
                return 1;
            if (field1 < field2) {
                return -1;
            } else if (field1 > field2) {
                return 1;
            return channel1 - channel2;
    int seriesCount = files.length;
    if (uniqueChannels.size() > 0) {
        seriesCount /= uniqueChannels.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++) {
        core.add(new CoreMetadata());
    in = getDecompressedStream(id);"Reading header data");
    int x = in.readInt();
    int y = in.readInt();
    int nPlanes = in.readShort();
    int nBits = in.readShort();
    int compression = in.readInt();
    if (x * y * nPlanes * (nBits / 8) + 52 > in.length()) {
        throw new UnsupportedCompressionException("Compressed pixel data is not yet supported.");
    int pixelWidth = 0, pixelHeight = 0;
    if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() != MetadataLevel.MINIMUM) {
        pixelWidth = in.readInt();
        pixelHeight = in.readInt();
        int colorUsed = in.readInt();
        int colorImportant = in.readInt();"Populating metadata hashtable");
        addGlobalMeta("Image width", x);
        addGlobalMeta("Image height", y);
        addGlobalMeta("Number of planes", nPlanes);
        addGlobalMeta("Bits per pixel", nBits);
        addGlobalMeta("Compression", compression);
        addGlobalMeta("Pixels per meter (X)", pixelWidth);
        addGlobalMeta("Pixels per meter (Y)", pixelHeight);
        addGlobalMeta("Color used", colorUsed);
        addGlobalMeta("Color important", colorImportant);
    }"Populating core metadata");
    for (int i = 0; i < getSeriesCount(); i++) {
        CoreMetadata ms = core.get(i);
        ms.sizeX = x;
        ms.sizeY = y;
        ms.sizeZ = nPlanes;
        ms.sizeT = 1;
        ms.sizeC = uniqueChannels.size();
        ms.imageCount = getSizeZ() * getSizeT() * getSizeC();
        ms.littleEndian = true;
        ms.dimensionOrder = "XYCZT";
        ms.pixelType = FormatTools.pixelTypeFromBytes(nBits / 8, false, false);
    }"Populating metadata store");
    MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata();
    MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this);
    store.setPlateID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Plate", 0), 0);
    store.setPlateName(plateName, 0);
    store.setPlateRowNamingConvention(NamingConvention.LETTER, 0);
    store.setPlateColumnNamingConvention(NamingConvention.NUMBER, 0);
    int realRows = wellRows;
    int realCols = wellColumns;
    if (files.length == 1) {
        realRows = 1;
        realCols = 1;
    } else if (realRows <= 8 && realCols <= 12) {
        realRows = 8;
        realCols = 12;
    } else {
        realRows = 16;
        realCols = 24;
    int fieldCntr = 0;
    int wellCntr = 0;
    int wellIndexPrev = 0;
    int wellIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < getSeriesCount(); i++) {
        String file = files[i * getSizeC()];
        int fieldIndex = getField(file);
        int row = getWellRow(file);
        int col = getWellColumn(file);
        store.setImageName(String.format("Well %s%02d, Field #%02d", new String(Character.toChars(row + 'A')), col, fieldIndex), i);
        if (files.length == 1) {
            row = 0;
            col = 0;
        if (i > 0 && files.length != 1) {
            String prevFile = files[(i - 1) * getSizeC()];
            int prevRow = getWellRow(prevFile);
            int prevCol = getWellColumn(prevFile);
            if (prevRow < realRows && prevCol < realCols) {
                wellIndexPrev = prevRow * realCols + prevCol;
        String imageID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Image", i);
        store.setImageID(imageID, i);
        if (row < realRows && col < realCols) {
            wellIndex = row * realCols + col;
            if ((wellIndexPrev != wellIndex) || i == 0) {
                if (i > 0) {
                    fieldCntr = 0;
                } else {
                    wellIndexPrev = wellIndex;
                store.setWellID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Well", 0, wellIndex), 0, wellCntr);
                store.setWellRow(new NonNegativeInteger(row), 0, wellCntr);
                store.setWellColumn(new NonNegativeInteger(col), 0, wellCntr);
            if (files.length == 1) {
                fieldIndex = 0;
            if (fieldIndex == 0) {
                fieldCntr = 0;
            String wellSampleID = MetadataTools.createLSID("WellSample", 0, wellIndex, fieldIndex);
            store.setWellSampleID(wellSampleID, 0, wellCntr, fieldCntr);
            store.setWellSampleIndex(new NonNegativeInteger(i), 0, wellCntr, fieldCntr);
            store.setWellSampleImageRef(imageID, 0, wellCntr, fieldCntr);
    if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() != MetadataLevel.MINIMUM) {
        // physical dimensions are stored as pixels per meter - we want them
        // in microns per pixel
        double width = pixelWidth == 0 ? 0.0 : 1000000.0 / pixelWidth;
        double height = pixelHeight == 0 ? 0.0 : 1000000.0 / pixelHeight;
        Length sizeX = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeX(width);
        Length sizeY = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeY(height);
        for (int i = 0; i < getSeriesCount(); i++) {
            if (sizeX != null) {
                store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeX(sizeX, 0);
            if (sizeY != null) {
                store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeY(sizeY, 0);
Also used : NonNegativeInteger(ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeInteger) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UnsupportedCompressionException(loci.formats.UnsupportedCompressionException) CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata) NonNegativeInteger(ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeInteger) MetadataStore(loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore) Length(ome.units.quantity.Length) Location(loci.common.Location)

Example 99 with MetadataStore

use of loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class DeltavisionReader method initPixels.

protected void initPixels() throws FormatException, IOException {"Reading header");
    MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata();;
    boolean little = in.readShort() == LITTLE_ENDIAN;
    int sizeX = in.readInt();
    int sizeY = in.readInt();
    int imageCount = in.readInt();
    int filePixelType = in.readInt();;
    int rawSizeT = in.readUnsignedShort();
    int sizeT = rawSizeT == 0 ? 1 : rawSizeT;
    int sequence = in.readShort();;
    extSize = in.readInt();;
    int rawSizeC = in.readShort();
    int sizeC = rawSizeC == 0 ? 1 : rawSizeC;
    // --- compute some secondary values ---
    String imageSequence = getImageSequence(sequence);
    int sizeZ = imageCount / (sizeC * sizeT);
    // --- populate core metadata ---"Populating core metadata");
    CoreMetadata m = core.get(0);
    m.littleEndian = little;
    m.sizeX = sizeX;
    m.sizeY = sizeY;
    m.imageCount = imageCount;
    String pixel = getPixelString(filePixelType);
    m.pixelType = getPixelType(filePixelType);
    m.dimensionOrder = "XY" + imageSequence.replaceAll("W", "C");
    int planeSize = getSizeX() * getSizeY() * FormatTools.getBytesPerPixel(getPixelType());
    int realPlaneCount = (int) ((in.length() - HEADER_LENGTH - extSize) / planeSize);
    if (realPlaneCount < getImageCount() && !truncatedFileFlag) {
        LOGGER.debug("Truncated file");
        m.imageCount = realPlaneCount;
        if (sizeZ == 1) {
            sizeT = realPlaneCount / sizeC;
        } else if (sizeT == 1) {
            sizeZ = realPlaneCount / sizeC;
            if ((realPlaneCount % sizeC) != 0) {
                m.imageCount = sizeZ * sizeC;
        } else if (getDimensionOrder().indexOf('Z') < getDimensionOrder().indexOf('T')) {
            sizeZ = realPlaneCount / (sizeC * sizeT);
            if (sizeZ == 0) {
                sizeT = 1;
                sizeZ = realPlaneCount / sizeC;
                if ((realPlaneCount % sizeC) != 0) {
                    m.imageCount = sizeZ * sizeC;
            if (getImageCount() > (sizeZ * sizeC * sizeT)) {
                m.imageCount = imageCount;
                sizeC = rawSizeC == 0 ? 1 : rawSizeC;
                sizeT = rawSizeT == 0 ? 1 : rawSizeT;
                sizeZ = getImageCount() / (sizeC * sizeT);
        } else {
            sizeT = realPlaneCount / (sizeC * sizeZ);
    m.sizeT = sizeT;
    m.sizeC = sizeC;
    m.sizeZ = sizeZ;
    m.rgb = false;
    m.interleaved = false;
    m.metadataComplete = true;
    m.indexed = false;
    m.falseColor = false;
    // --- parse extended header ---;
    numIntsPerSection = in.readShort();
    numFloatsPerSection = in.readShort();"Reading extended header");
    setOffsetInfo(sequence, getSizeZ(), getSizeC(), getSizeT());
    extHdrFields = new DVExtHdrFields[getSizeZ()][getSizeC()][getSizeT()];
    ndFilters = new Double[getSizeC()];
    final List<Length> uniqueTileX = new ArrayList<Length>();
    final List<Length> uniqueTileY = new ArrayList<Length>();
    // Run through every image and fill in the
    // Extended Header information array for that image
    int offset = HEADER_LENGTH + numIntsPerSection * 4;
    boolean hasZeroX = false;
    boolean hasZeroY = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < getImageCount(); i++) {
        int[] coords = getZCTCoords(i);
        int z = coords[0];
        int w = coords[1];
        int t = coords[2];
        // -- read in the extended header data -- + getTotalOffset(z, w, t));
        DVExtHdrFields hdr = new DVExtHdrFields(in);
        extHdrFields[z][w][t] = hdr;
        if (!uniqueTileX.contains(hdr.stageXCoord) && hdr.stageXCoord.value().floatValue() != 0) {
        } else if (hdr.stageXCoord.value().floatValue() == 0) {
            hasZeroX = true;
        if (!uniqueTileY.contains(hdr.stageYCoord) && hdr.stageYCoord.value().floatValue() != 0) {
        } else if (hdr.stageYCoord.value().floatValue() == 0) {
            hasZeroY = true;
    xTiles = uniqueTileX.size();
    yTiles = uniqueTileY.size();
    if (xTiles > 1 || yTiles > 1) {
        if (hasZeroX) {
        if (hasZeroY) {
    if (yTiles > 1) {
        // TODO: use compareTo once Length implements Comparable
        final Number y0 = uniqueTileY.get(0).value(UNITS.REFERENCEFRAME);
        final Number y1 = uniqueTileY.get(1).value(UNITS.REFERENCEFRAME);
        if (y1.floatValue() < y0.floatValue()) {
            backwardsStage = true;
    int nStagePositions = xTiles * yTiles;
    if (nStagePositions > 0 && nStagePositions <= getSizeT()) {
        int t = getSizeT();
        m.sizeT /= nStagePositions;
        if (getSizeT() * nStagePositions != t) {
            m.sizeT = t;
            nStagePositions = 1;
        } else {
            m.imageCount /= nStagePositions;
        if (nStagePositions > 1) {
            CoreMetadata originalCore = core.get(0);
            for (int i = 0; i < nStagePositions; i++) {
    lengths = new int[4];
    int lengthIndex = 0;
    int dimIndex = 0;
    while (lengthIndex < lengths.length) {
        char dim = imageSequence.charAt(dimIndex++);
        switch(dim) {
            case 'Z':
                lengths[lengthIndex++] = getSizeZ();
            case 'W':
                lengths[lengthIndex++] = getSizeC();
            case 'T':
                lengths[lengthIndex++] = getSeriesCount();
                lengths[lengthIndex++] = getSizeT();
    // --- populate original metadata ---"Populating original metadata");
    addGlobalMeta("ImageWidth", sizeX);
    addGlobalMeta("ImageHeight", sizeY);
    addGlobalMeta("NumberOfImages", imageCount);
    addGlobalMeta("PixelType", pixel);
    addGlobalMeta("Number of timepoints", rawSizeT);
    addGlobalMeta("Image sequence", imageSequence);
    addGlobalMeta("Number of wavelengths", rawSizeC);
    addGlobalMeta("Number of focal planes", sizeZ);
    for (int series = 0; series < getSeriesCount(); series++) {
        for (int plane = 0; plane < getImageCount(); plane++) {
            int[] coords = getZCTCoords(plane);
            int tIndex = getSeriesCount() * coords[2] + series;
            DVExtHdrFields hdr = extHdrFields[coords[0]][coords[1]][tIndex];
            // -- record original metadata --
            String prefix = "Extended header Z" + coords[0] + " W" + coords[1] + " T" + coords[2];
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : hdr.asMap().entrySet()) {
                addSeriesMeta(prefix + ":" + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            addGlobalMetaList("X position for position", hdr.stageXCoord);
            addGlobalMetaList("Y position for position", hdr.stageYCoord);
            addGlobalMetaList("Z position for position", hdr.stageZCoord);
    // --- populate OME metadata ---"Populating OME metadata");
    MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this, true);
    // link Instrument and Image
    String instrumentID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Instrument", 0);
    store.setInstrumentID(instrumentID, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < getSeriesCount(); i++) {
        store.setImageInstrumentRef(instrumentID, i);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata) MetadataStore(loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore) Length(ome.units.quantity.Length) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 100 with MetadataStore

use of loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class DeltavisionReader method initExtraMetadata.

protected void initExtraMetadata() throws FormatException, IOException {
    MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata();
    // --- read in the image header data ---"Reading header");;
    int subImageStartX = in.readInt();
    int subImageStartY = in.readInt();
    int subImageStartZ = in.readInt();
    int pixelSamplingX = in.readInt();
    int pixelSamplingY = in.readInt();
    int pixelSamplingZ = in.readInt();
    float pixX = in.readFloat();
    float pixY = in.readFloat();
    float pixZ = in.readFloat();
    float xAxisAngle = in.readFloat();
    float yAxisAngle = in.readFloat();
    float zAxisAngle = in.readFloat();
    int xAxisSeq = in.readInt();
    int yAxisSeq = in.readInt();
    int zAxisSeq = in.readInt();
    float[] minWave = new float[5];
    float[] maxWave = new float[5];
    minWave[0] = in.readFloat();
    maxWave[0] = in.readFloat();
    float meanIntensity = in.readFloat();
    int spaceGroupNumber = in.readInt();;
    short numSubResSets = in.readShort();
    short zAxisReductionQuotient = in.readShort();
    for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
        minWave[i] = in.readFloat();
        maxWave[i] = in.readFloat();
    int type = in.readShort();
    int lensID = in.readShort();;
    minWave[4] = in.readFloat();
    maxWave[4] = in.readFloat();;
    float xTiltAngle = in.readFloat();
    float yTiltAngle = in.readFloat();
    float zTiltAngle = in.readFloat();
    short[] waves = new short[5];
    for (int i = 0; i < waves.length; i++) {
        waves[i] = in.readShort();
    float xOrigin = in.readFloat();
    float yOrigin = in.readFloat();
    float zOrigin = in.readFloat();
    String[] title = new String[10];
    for (int i = 0; i < title.length; i++) {
        // Make sure that "null" characters are stripped out
        title[i] = in.readByteToString(80).replaceAll("\0", "");
    // --- compute some secondary values ---
    String imageType = type < IMAGE_TYPES.length ? IMAGE_TYPES[type] : "unknown";
    String imageDesc = title[0];
    if (imageDesc != null && imageDesc.length() == 0)
        imageDesc = null;
    // --- populate original metadata ---"Populating original metadata");
    addGlobalMeta("Sub-image starting point (X)", subImageStartX);
    addGlobalMeta("Sub-image starting point (Y)", subImageStartY);
    addGlobalMeta("Sub-image starting point (Z)", subImageStartZ);
    addGlobalMeta("Pixel sampling size (X)", pixelSamplingX);
    addGlobalMeta("Pixel sampling size (Y)", pixelSamplingY);
    addGlobalMeta("Pixel sampling size (Z)", pixelSamplingZ);
    addGlobalMeta("X element length (in um)", pixX);
    addGlobalMeta("Y element length (in um)", pixY);
    addGlobalMeta("Z element length (in um)", pixZ);
    addGlobalMeta("X axis angle", xAxisAngle);
    addGlobalMeta("Y axis angle", yAxisAngle);
    addGlobalMeta("Z axis angle", zAxisAngle);
    addGlobalMeta("Column axis sequence", xAxisSeq);
    addGlobalMeta("Row axis sequence", yAxisSeq);
    addGlobalMeta("Section axis sequence", zAxisSeq);
    addGlobalMeta("Image Type", imageType);
    addGlobalMeta("Lens ID Number", lensID);
    addGlobalMeta("X axis tilt angle", xTiltAngle);
    addGlobalMeta("Y axis tilt angle", yTiltAngle);
    addGlobalMeta("Z axis tilt angle", zTiltAngle);
    for (int i = 0; i < waves.length; i++) {
        addGlobalMeta("Wavelength " + (i + 1) + " (in nm)", waves[i]);
    addGlobalMeta("X origin (in um)", xOrigin);
    addGlobalMeta("Y origin (in um)", yOrigin);
    addGlobalMeta("Z origin (in um)", zOrigin);
    for (String t : title) {
        addGlobalMetaList("Title", t);
    for (int i = 0; i < minWave.length; i++) {
        addGlobalMeta("Wavelength " + (i + 1) + " min. intensity", minWave[i]);
        addGlobalMeta("Wavelength " + (i + 1) + " max. intensity", maxWave[i]);
    addGlobalMeta("Wavelength 1 mean intensity", meanIntensity);
    addGlobalMeta("Space group number", spaceGroupNumber);
    addGlobalMeta("Number of Sub-resolution sets", numSubResSets);
    addGlobalMeta("Z axis reduction quotient", zAxisReductionQuotient);
    // --- populate OME metadata ---"Populating OME metadata");
    for (int series = 0; series < getSeriesCount(); series++) {
        if (store instanceof IMinMaxStore) {
            IMinMaxStore minMaxStore = (IMinMaxStore) store;
            for (int i = 0; i < minWave.length; i++) {
                if (i < getEffectiveSizeC()) {
                    minMaxStore.setChannelGlobalMinMax(i, minWave[i], maxWave[i], series);
        Double x = new Double(pixX);
        Length sizeX = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeX(x);
        if (sizeX != null) {
            store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeX(sizeX, series);
        Double y = new Double(pixY);
        Length sizeY = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeY(y);
        if (sizeY != null) {
            store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeY(sizeY, series);
        Double z = new Double(pixZ);
        Length sizeZ = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeZ(z);
        if (sizeZ != null) {
            store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(sizeZ, series);
        store.setImageDescription(imageDesc, series);
    populateObjective(store, lensID);
    // if matching log file exists, extract key/value pairs from it
    boolean logFound = isGroupFiles() ? parseLogFile(store) : false;
    if (isGroupFiles())
    if (getSeriesCount() == 1) {
        xTiles = 1;
        yTiles = 1;
        backwardsStage = false;
    for (int series = 0; series < getSeriesCount(); series++) {
        int seriesIndex = series;
        if (backwardsStage) {
            int x = series % xTiles;
            int y = series / xTiles;
            seriesIndex = (yTiles - y - 1) * xTiles + (xTiles - x - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < getImageCount(); i++) {
            int[] coords = getZCTCoords(i);
            int tIndex = getSeriesCount() * coords[2] + seriesIndex;
            DVExtHdrFields hdr = extHdrFields[coords[0]][coords[1]][tIndex];
            // plane timing
            store.setPlaneDeltaT(new Time(new Double(hdr.timeStampSeconds), UNITS.SECOND), series, i);
            store.setPlaneExposureTime(new Time(new Double(extHdrFields[0][coords[1]][0].expTime), UNITS.SECOND), series, i);
            // stage position
            if (!logFound || getSeriesCount() > 1) {
                store.setPlanePositionX(hdr.stageXCoord, series, i);
                store.setPlanePositionY(hdr.stageYCoord, series, i);
                store.setPlanePositionZ(hdr.stageZCoord, series, i);
        for (int w = 0; w < getSizeC(); w++) {
            DVExtHdrFields hdrC = extHdrFields[0][w][series];
            Length emission = FormatTools.getEmissionWavelength(new Double(waves[w]));
            Length excitation = FormatTools.getExcitationWavelength(new Double(hdrC.exWavelen));
            if (emission != null) {
                store.setChannelEmissionWavelength(emission, series, w);
            if (excitation != null) {
                store.setChannelExcitationWavelength(excitation, series, w);
            if (ndFilters[w] == null)
                ndFilters[w] = new Double(hdrC.ndFilter);
            store.setChannelNDFilter(ndFilters[w], series, w);
Also used : Time(ome.units.quantity.Time) MetadataStore(loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore) Length(ome.units.quantity.Length) IMinMaxStore(loci.formats.meta.IMinMaxStore)


MetadataStore (loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore)180 CoreMetadata (loci.formats.CoreMetadata)130 RandomAccessInputStream (loci.common.RandomAccessInputStream)97 Length (ome.units.quantity.Length)82 FormatException (loci.formats.FormatException)66 Timestamp (ome.xml.model.primitives.Timestamp)54 Location (loci.common.Location)51 Time (ome.units.quantity.Time)41 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)34 IFD (loci.formats.tiff.IFD)21 DependencyException ( IOException ( TiffParser (loci.formats.tiff.TiffParser)15 NonNegativeInteger (ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeInteger)15 ServiceFactory ( PositiveInteger (ome.xml.model.primitives.PositiveInteger)13 IFDList (loci.formats.tiff.IFDList)12 MetadataRetrieve (loci.formats.meta.MetadataRetrieve)11 ServiceException ( Map (java.util.Map)9