Search in sources :

Example 71 with Resource

use of in project Lucee by lucee.

the class ComponentListPackage method _listArchive.

private static String[] _listArchive(PageContext pc, String path, Mapping mapping) throws IOException {
    String packageName = StringUtil.replace(path, File.separator, ".", false);
    Resource archive = mapping.getArchive();
    if (archive != null) {
        // TODO nor working with pathes with none ascci characters, eith none ascci characters, the java class path is renamed, so make sure you rename the path as well
        String strDir = "zip://" + archive + "!" + File.separator + path;
        Resource dir = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pc, strDir, true, false);
        if (dir.isDirectory()) {
            java.util.List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
            // we use the class files here to get the info, the source files are optional and perhaps not present.
            Resource[] children = dir.listResources(FILTER_CLASS);
            String className, c, sourceName = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                className = children[i].getName();
                className = className.substring(0, className.length() - 6);
                className = packageName + "." + className;
                try {
                    Class<?> clazz = mapping.getArchiveClass(className);
                    sourceName = ASMUtil.getSourceInfo(pc.getConfig(), clazz, true).name;
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sourceName)) {
                    c = IOUtil.toString(children[i], (Charset) null);
                    int loc = c.indexOf("<clinit>");
                    if (loc != -1) {
                        c = c.substring(0, loc);
                        c = ListUtil.last(c, "/\\", true).trim();
                        if (Constants.isComponentExtension(ResourceUtil.getExtension(c, "")))
                } else
            if (list.size() > 0)
                return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
    return null;
Also used : Resource( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Charset(java.nio.charset.Charset)

Example 72 with Resource

use of in project Lucee by lucee.

the class DirectoryCreate method call.

public static String call(PageContext pc, String path, boolean createPath, boolean ignoreExists) throws PageException {
    Resource dir = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pc, path);
    Directory.actionCreate(pc, dir, null, createPath, -1, null, null, ignoreExists ? FileUtil.NAMECONFLICT_SKIP : FileUtil.NAMECONFLICT_ERROR);
    return null;
Also used : Resource(

Example 73 with Resource

use of in project Lucee by lucee.

the class DirectoryList method _call.

public static Object _call(PageContext pc, String path, boolean recurse, int listInfo, Object oFilter, String sort, int type) throws PageException {
    Resource dir = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pc, path);
    ResourceFilter filter = UDFFilter.createResourceAndResourceNameFilter(oFilter);
    return Directory.actionList(pc, dir, null, type, filter, listInfo, recurse, sort);
Also used : ResourceFilter( Resource(

Example 74 with Resource

use of in project Lucee by lucee.

the class FileExists method call.

public static boolean call(PageContext pc, Object obj, Object oAllowRealPath) throws PageException {
    if (oAllowRealPath == null)
        return call(pc, obj);
    Resource res = Caster.toResource(pc, obj, false, Caster.toBooleanValue(oAllowRealPath));
    if (res == null)
        return false;
    return res.isFile();
Also used : Resource(

Example 75 with Resource

use of in project Lucee by lucee.

the class FileGetMimeType method call.

public static String call(PageContext pc, Object oSrc, boolean checkHeader) throws PageException {
    Resource src = Caster.toResource(pc, oSrc, false);
    String mimeType = ResourceUtil.getMimeType(src, null);
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(mimeType, true))
        return "application/octet-stream";
    return mimeType;
Also used : Resource(


Resource ( IOException ( ApplicationException (lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException)54 PageException (lucee.runtime.exp.PageException)40 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)31 Struct (lucee.runtime.type.Struct)28 ByteArrayInputStream ( InputStream ( ExpressionException (lucee.runtime.exp.ExpressionException)19 StructImpl (lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl)18 MalformedURLException ( PageContextImpl (lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl)17 PageSource (lucee.runtime.PageSource)16 FileResource ( SecurityException (lucee.runtime.exp.SecurityException)15 BundleException (org.osgi.framework.BundleException)15 ZipEntry ( ExtensionResourceFilter ( Array (lucee.runtime.type.Array)13 File (