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Example 11 with Attribute

use of lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Attribute in project Lucee by lucee.

the class Output method evaluate.

public void evaluate(Tag tag, TagLibTag libTag, FunctionLib[] flibs) throws EvaluatorException {
    TagOutput output = (TagOutput) tag;
    // check if inside a query tag
    TagOutput parent = output;
    // encodeFor
    Attribute encodeFor = tag.getAttribute("encodefor");
    if (encodeFor != null) {
        Expression encodeForValue = CastString.toExprString(encodeFor.getValue());
        if (encodeForValue instanceof Literal) {
            Literal l = (Literal) encodeForValue;
            short df = (short) -1;
            short encType = ESAPIEncode.toEncodeType(l.getString(), df);
            if (encType != df)
                encodeForValue = encodeForValue.getFactory().createLitInteger(encType);
        addEncodeToChildren(tag.getBody().getStatements().iterator(), encodeForValue, getEncodeForFunction(flibs));
    // query
    boolean hasParentWithGroup = false;
    boolean hasParentWithQuery = false;
    boolean hasQuery = tag.containsAttribute("query");
    while ((parent = getParentTagOutput(parent)) != null) {
        if (!hasParentWithQuery)
            hasParentWithQuery = parent.hasQuery();
        if (!hasParentWithGroup)
            hasParentWithGroup = parent.hasGroup();
        if (hasParentWithQuery && hasParentWithGroup)
    if (hasQuery && hasParentWithQuery)
        throw new EvaluatorException("Nesting of tags cfoutput with attribute query is not allowed");
    if (hasQuery)
    else if (tag.containsAttribute("group") && hasParentWithQuery)
    else if (hasParentWithQuery) {
        if (hasParentWithGroup)
    } else
    // attribute maxrows and endrow not allowd at the same time
    if (tag.containsAttribute("maxrows") && tag.containsAttribute("endrow"))
        throw new EvaluatorException("Wrong Context, you cannot use attribute maxrows and endrow at the same time.");
Also used : TagOutput(lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.TagOutput) Attribute(lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Attribute) Expression(lucee.transformer.expression.Expression) EvaluatorException(lucee.transformer.cfml.evaluator.EvaluatorException) Literal(lucee.transformer.expression.literal.Literal)

Example 12 with Attribute

use of lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Attribute in project Lucee by lucee.

the class Function method addAttribute.

public final void addAttribute(Attribute attr) throws TemplateException {
    String name = attr.getName().toLowerCase();
    // name
    if ("name".equals(name)) {
        throw new TransformerException("name cannot be defined twice", getStart());
    } else if ("returntype".equals(name)) {
        this.returnType = toLitString(name, attr.getValue());
    } else if ("access".equals(name)) {
        LitString ls = toLitString(name, attr.getValue());
        String strAccess = ls.getString();
        int acc = ComponentUtil.toIntAccess(strAccess, -1);
        if (acc == -1)
            throw new TransformerException("invalid access type [" + strAccess + "], access types are remote, public, package, private", getStart());
        access = acc;
    } else if ("output".equals(name))
        this.output = toLitBoolean(name, attr.getValue());
    else if ("bufferoutput".equals(name))
        this.bufferOutput = toLitBoolean(name, attr.getValue());
    else if ("displayname".equals(name))
        this.displayName = toLitString(name, attr.getValue());
    else if ("hint".equals(name))
        this.hint = toLitString(name, attr.getValue());
    else if ("description".equals(name))
        this.description = toLitString(name, attr.getValue());
    else if ("returnformat".equals(name))
        this.returnFormat = toLitString(name, attr.getValue());
    else if ("securejson".equals(name))
        this.secureJson = toLitBoolean(name, attr.getValue());
    else if ("verifyclient".equals(name))
        this.verifyClient = toLitBoolean(name, attr.getValue());
    else if ("localmode".equals(name)) {
        Expression v = attr.getValue();
        if (v != null) {
            String str = ASMUtil.toString(v, null);
            if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(str)) {
                int mode = AppListenerUtil.toLocalMode(str, -1);
                if (mode != -1)
                    this.localMode = v.getFactory().createLitInteger(mode);
                    throw new TransformerException("Attribute localMode of the Tag Function, must be a literal value (modern, classic, true or false)", getStart());
    } else if ("cachedwithin".equals(name)) {
        try {
            // ASMUtil.timeSpanToLong(attr.getValue());
            this.cachedWithin = ASMUtil.cachedWithinValue(attr.getValue());
        } catch (EvaluatorException e) {
            throw new TemplateException(e.getMessage());
    } else if ("modifier".equals(name)) {
        Expression val = attr.getValue();
        if (val instanceof Literal) {
            Literal l = (Literal) val;
            String str = StringUtil.emptyIfNull(l.getString()).trim();
            if ("abstract".equalsIgnoreCase(str))
                modifier = Component.MODIFIER_ABSTRACT;
            else if ("final".equalsIgnoreCase(str))
                modifier = Component.MODIFIER_FINAL;
    } else {
        // needed for testing
        toLitString(name, attr.getValue());
        if (metadata == null)
            metadata = new HashMap<String, Attribute>();
        metadata.put(attr.getName(), attr);
Also used : LitString(lucee.transformer.expression.literal.LitString) Expression(lucee.transformer.expression.Expression) EvaluatorException(lucee.transformer.cfml.evaluator.EvaluatorException) TemplateException(lucee.runtime.exp.TemplateException) Attribute(lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Attribute) Literal(lucee.transformer.expression.literal.Literal) LitString(lucee.transformer.expression.literal.LitString) ExprString(lucee.transformer.expression.ExprString) TransformerException(lucee.transformer.TransformerException)

Example 13 with Attribute

use of lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Attribute in project Lucee by lucee.

the class SourceLastModifiedClassAdapter method writeOutNewInterface.

private void writeOutNewInterface(ConstrBytecodeContext constr, List<LitString> keys, ClassWriter cw, Tag interf, String name) throws TransformerException {
    GeneratorAdapter adapter = new GeneratorAdapter(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC + Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, NEW_INTERFACE_IMPL_INSTANCE, null, new Type[] { Types.PAGE_EXCEPTION }, cw);
    BytecodeContext bc = new BytecodeContext(null, constr, this, keys, cw, name, adapter, NEW_INTERFACE_IMPL_INSTANCE, writeLog(), suppressWSbeforeArg, output, returnValue);
    Label methodBegin = new Label();
    Label methodEnd = new Label();
    adapter.visitLocalVariable("this", "L" + name + ";", null, methodBegin, methodEnd, 0);
    ExpressionUtil.visitLine(bc, interf.getStart());
    // ExpressionUtil.visitLine(adapter, interf.getStartLine());
    int comp = adapter.newLocal(Types.INTERFACE_IMPL);
    // PageContext
    adapter.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 1);
    // Interface Page
    adapter.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0);
    // extened
    Attribute attr = interf.removeAttribute("extends");
    if (attr != null)
        ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(attr.getValue(), bc, Expression.MODE_REF);
    // hint
    attr = interf.removeAttribute("hint");
    if (attr != null)
        ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(attr.getValue(), bc, Expression.MODE_REF);
    // dspName
    attr = interf.removeAttribute("displayname");
    if (attr == null)
        attr = interf.getAttribute("display");
    if (attr != null)
        ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(attr.getValue(), bc, Expression.MODE_REF);
    // callpath
    adapter.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 2);
    // relpath
    adapter.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD, 3);
    // interface udfs
    // adapter.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 3);
    createMetaDataStruct(bc, interf.getAttributes(), interf.getMetaData());
    adapter.invokeConstructor(Types.INTERFACE_IMPL, CONSTR_INTERFACE_IMPL8);
    // initInterface(pc,c);
    adapter.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0);
    // adapter.loadArg(0);
    adapter.invokeVirtual(Types.INTERFACE_PAGE_IMPL, INIT_INTERFACE);
    // return interface;
    // ExpressionUtil.visitLine(adapter, interf.getEndLine());
Also used : Attribute(lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Attribute) Label(org.objectweb.asm.Label) GeneratorAdapter(org.objectweb.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter)

Example 14 with Attribute

use of lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Attribute in project Lucee by lucee.

the class CFMLTransformer method attributes.

 * Liest die Attribute eines Tags ein, dies Abhaengig von der Definition innerhalb der Tag-Lib.
 * Hierbei unterscheiden wir vier verschiedene Arten von Attributen:<br>
 * <ul>
 * <li>FIX: Definierte Attribute Fix, fuer jedes Attribut ist definiert ob es required ist oder nicht (gleich wie JSP). </li>
 * <li>DYNAMIC: Die Attribute des Tag sind frei, keine Namen sind vorgegeben.
 * Es kann aber definiert sein wieviele Attribute maximal und minimal verwendetet werden duerfen.</li>
 * <li>FULLDYNAMIC: Gleich wie DYNAMIC, jedoch kann der Name des Attribut auch ein dynamischer Wert sein (wie bei cfset).</li>
 * <li>NONAME: Ein Tag welches nur ein Attribut besitzt ohne Name, sondern einfach nur mit einem Attribut Wert</li>
 * </ul>
 * <br />
 * EBNF:<br />
 * <code>({spaces attribute} "/>" | {spaces attribute} ">") | attribute-value;(* Welcher Teil der "oder" Bedingung ausgefuehrt wird, ist abhaengig von der Tag Attribute Definition in der Tag Lib. *)</code>
 * @param tag
 * @param parent
 * @throws TemplateException
public static void attributes(TagData data, TagLibTag tag, Tag parent) throws TemplateException {
    int type = tag.getAttributeType();
    int start = data.srcCode.getPos();
    // Tag with attribute names
    if (type != TagLibTag.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_NONAME) {
        try {
            int min = tag.getMin();
            int max = tag.getMax();
            int count = 0;
            ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
            RefBoolean allowDefaultValue = new RefBooleanImpl(tag.getDefaultAttribute() != null);
            while (data.srcCode.isValidIndex()) {
                // if no more attributes break
                if (data.srcCode.isCurrent('/') || data.srcCode.isCurrent('>'))
                parent.addAttribute(attribute(data, tag, args, allowDefaultValue));
            // set default values
            if (tag.hasDefaultValue()) {
                Map<String, TagLibTagAttr> hash = tag.getAttributes();
                Iterator<Entry<String, TagLibTagAttr>> it = hash.entrySet().iterator();
                Entry<String, TagLibTagAttr> e;
                TagLibTagAttr att;
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    e =;
                    att = e.getValue();
                    if (!parent.containsAttribute(att.getName()) && att.hasDefaultValue()) {
                        Attribute attr = new Attribute(tag.getAttributeType() == TagLibTag.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_DYNAMIC, att.getName(), CastOther.toExpression(data.factory.createLitString(Caster.toString(att.getDefaultValue(), null)), att.getType()), att.getType());
            boolean hasAttributeCollection = args.contains("attributecollection");
            // to less attributes
            if (!hasAttributeCollection && min > count)
                throw createTemplateException(data.srcCode, "the tag " + tag.getFullName() + " must have at least " + min + " attributes", tag);
            // too much attributes
            if (!hasAttributeCollection && max > 0 && max < count)
                throw createTemplateException(data.srcCode, "the tag " + tag.getFullName() + " can have a maximum of " + max + " attributes", tag);
            // not defined attributes
            if (type == TagLibTag.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FIXED || type == TagLibTag.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_MIXED) {
                // Map<String, TagLibTagAttr> hash = tag.getAttributes();
                Iterator<TagLibTagAttr> it = tag.getAttributes().values().iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    TagLibTagAttr att =;
                    if (att.isRequired() && !contains(args, att) && att.getDefaultValue() == null) {
                        if (!hasAttributeCollection)
                            throw createTemplateException(data.srcCode, "attribute " + att.getName() + " is required for tag " + tag.getFullName(), tag);
        } catch (TemplateException te) {
            // if the tag supports a non name attribute try this
            TagLibTagAttr sa = tag.getSingleAttr();
            if (sa != null)
                attrNoName(parent, tag, data, sa);
                throw te;
    } else // tag without attributes name
        attrNoName(parent, tag, data, null);
Also used : TagLibTagAttr(lucee.transformer.library.tag.TagLibTagAttr) RefBoolean(lucee.commons.lang.types.RefBoolean) Attribute(lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Attribute) ComponentTemplateException(lucee.transformer.cfml.script.AbstrCFMLScriptTransformer.ComponentTemplateException) TemplateException(lucee.runtime.exp.TemplateException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LitString(lucee.transformer.expression.literal.LitString) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) RefBooleanImpl(lucee.commons.lang.types.RefBooleanImpl)

Example 15 with Attribute

use of lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Attribute in project Lucee by lucee.

the class AbstrCFMLScriptTransformer method _paramStatement.

private Tag _paramStatement(ExprData data, Body parent) throws TemplateException {
    if (!data.srcCode.forwardIfCurrent("param "))
        return null;
    Position line = data.srcCode.getPosition();
    TagLibTag tlt = CFMLTransformer.getTLT(data.srcCode, "param", data.config.getIdentification());
    TagParam param = new TagParam(data.factory, line, null);
    // type
    boolean hasType = false;
    boolean hasName = false;
    int pos = data.srcCode.getPos();
    // first 2 arguments can be type/name directly
    String tmp = variableDec(data, true);
    do {
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(tmp)) {
            TagLibTagAttr attr = tlt.getAttribute(tmp.toLowerCase(), true);
            // name is not a defined attribute
            if (attr == null) {
                // it could be a name followed by default value
                if (data.srcCode.forwardIfCurrent('=')) {
                    Expression v = attributeValue(data, true);
                    param.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "name", data.factory.createLitString(tmp), "string"));
                    param.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "default", v, "string"));
                    hasName = true;
                    // if we had a value this was already name
                // can be type or name
                int pos2 = data.srcCode.getPos();
                // first could be type, followed by name
                String tmp2 = variableDec(data, true);
                if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(tmp2)) {
                    attr = tlt.getAttribute(tmp2.toLowerCase(), true);
                    if (attr == null) {
                        param.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "name", data.factory.createLitString(tmp2), "string"));
                        param.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "type", data.factory.createLitString(tmp), "string"));
                        if (data.srcCode.forwardIfCurrent('=')) {
                            Expression v = attributeValue(data, true);
                            param.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "default", v, "string"));
                        hasName = true;
                        hasType = true;
                param.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "name", data.factory.createLitString(tmp), "string"));
                hasName = true;
            } else
        } else
    } while (false);
    // folgend wird tlt extra nicht uebergeben, sonst findet pruefung statt
    Attribute[] attrs = attributes(param, tlt, data, SEMI, data.factory.NULL(), Boolean.TRUE, "name", true, ',', false);
    checkSemiColonLineFeed(data, true, true, true);
    Attribute attr;
    // first fill all regular attribute -> name="value"
    boolean hasDynamic = false;
    for (int i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        attr = attrs[i];
        if (!attr.getValue().equals(data.factory.NULL())) {
            if (attr.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("name")) {
                hasName = true;
            } else if (attr.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("type")) {
                hasType = true;
            } else if (attr.isDynamicType()) {
                hasName = true;
                if (hasDynamic)
                    throw attrNotSupported(data.srcCode, tlt, attr.getName());
                hasDynamic = true;
                param.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "name", data.factory.createLitString(attr.getName()), "string"));
                param.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "default", attr.getValue(), "any"));
            } else
    // now fill name named attributes -> attr1 attr2
    String first = null, second = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
        attr = attrs[i];
        if (attr.getValue().equals(data.factory.NULL())) {
            // type
            if (first == null && (!hasName || !hasType)) {
                first = attr.getName();
            } else // name
            if (second == null && !hasName && !hasType) {
                second = attr.getName();
            } else // attr with no value
                attr = new Attribute(true, attr.getName(), data.factory.EMPTY(), "string");
    if (first != null) {
        if (second != null) {
            hasName = true;
            hasType = true;
            if (hasDynamic)
                throw attrNotSupported(data.srcCode, tlt, first);
            hasDynamic = true;
            param.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "name", data.factory.createLitString(second), "string"));
            param.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "type", data.factory.createLitString(first), "string"));
        } else {
            param.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, hasName ? "type" : "name", data.factory.createLitString(first), "string"));
            hasName = true;
    if (!hasName)
        throw new TemplateException(data.srcCode, "missing name declaration for param");
    return param;
Also used : TagLibTagAttr(lucee.transformer.library.tag.TagLibTagAttr) TagLibTag(lucee.transformer.library.tag.TagLibTag) TagParam(lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.TagParam) Position(lucee.transformer.Position) FunctionAsExpression(lucee.transformer.bytecode.expression.FunctionAsExpression) Expression(lucee.transformer.expression.Expression) Attribute(lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Attribute) TemplateException(lucee.runtime.exp.TemplateException)


Attribute (lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Attribute)35 Expression (lucee.transformer.expression.Expression)16 LitString (lucee.transformer.expression.literal.LitString)13 TagLibTag (lucee.transformer.library.tag.TagLibTag)11 TemplateException (lucee.runtime.exp.TemplateException)10 EvaluatorException (lucee.transformer.cfml.evaluator.EvaluatorException)9 Tag (lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Tag)8 LitBoolean (lucee.transformer.expression.literal.LitBoolean)8 Body (lucee.transformer.bytecode.Body)7 Literal (lucee.transformer.expression.literal.Literal)6 TagLibTagAttr (lucee.transformer.library.tag.TagLibTagAttr)6 Position (lucee.transformer.Position)5 ExprString (lucee.transformer.expression.ExprString)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 RefBoolean (lucee.commons.lang.types.RefBoolean)4 RefBooleanImpl (lucee.commons.lang.types.RefBooleanImpl)4 BodyBase (lucee.transformer.bytecode.BodyBase)4 FunctionBody (lucee.transformer.bytecode.FunctionBody)4 Page (lucee.transformer.bytecode.Page)4 ScriptBody (lucee.transformer.bytecode.ScriptBody)4